953 resultados para Pontifical Canadian College in Rome


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Across the boreal forest of North America, lynx populations undergo 10-year cycles. Analysis of 21 time series from 1821 to the present demonstrates that these fluctuations are generated by nonlinear processes with regulatory delays. Trophic interactions between lynx and hares cause delayed density-dependent regulation of lynx population growth. The nonlinearity, in contrast, appears to arise from phase dependencies in hunting success by lynx through the cycle. Using a combined approach of empirical, statistical, and mathematical modeling, we highlight how shifts in trophic interactions between the lynx and the hare generate the nonlinear process primarily by shifting functional response curves during the increase and the decrease phases.


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ABSTRACT The higher education systems throughout the continent of Africa are undergoing unprecedented challenges and are considered in crisis. African countries, including Ghana, all have in common ties to their colonial legacy whereby they are confronted with weak policies put in place by their colonizers. Having gained their independence, Africans should now take responsibility for the task of reforming their higher education system. To date, nothing substantial has been accomplished, with serious implications for weakening and damaging the structures of the foundation of their educational systems. This qualitative, single case study utilized a postcolonial theory-critical pedagogy framework, providing guidance for coming to grips with the mindset posed by Ghana's colonial heritage in the postcolonial era, especially in terms of its damaging effects on Ghana's higher education system. The study explores alternative pathways for secondary school students to transition to tertiary education--a problematic transition that currently hinders open access to all and equality in educational opportunity, resulting in a tremendous pool of discontinued students. This transitional problem is directly related to Ghana's crisis in higher education with far reaching consequences. The alternative pathway considered in this study is an adaptation of the U.S. community college model or an integration of its applicable aspects into the current structures of the higher education system already in place. In-depth interviews were conducted with 5 Ghanaian professors teaching at community colleges in the United States, 5 Ghanaian professors teaching at universities in Ghana, and 2 educational consultants from the Ghanaian Ministry of Education. Based on their perspectives of the current state of Ghanaian higher education, analyzed in terms of pedagogy, structure/infrastructure, and curriculum, the participants provided their perceptions of salient aspects of the U.S. community college model that would be applicable to Ghana's situation, along with other recommendations. Access to all, including equality of educational opportunity, was considered essential, followed by adaptability, affordability, practicality, and quality of curriculum content and delivery. Canada's successful adaptation of the U.S. model was also discussed. Findings can help guide consideration of alternative pathways to higher education in Ghana and Africa as a whole.


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This study explores the relationship between conformity to traditional feminine gender norms and meaning and purpose in life among female college students. Based on previous research findings that show a negative correlation between specific traditional feminine gender norm conformity factors and psychological well-being, we posited that participants with higher levels of traditional gender norm conformity will experience a lower sense of meaning and purpose in life. Self-report data was obtained from 338 female undergraduate college students using the Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI) and the Purpose in Life Test (PIL). A standard multiple regression assessed the accuracy of eight feminine norms in predicting purpose and meaning in life. Results partially supported the hypothesis, with Modesty as the most significant contributor to meaning and purpose. Inconsistent with our hypothesis, participants who endorsed high scores on Nice in Relationships, Involvement with Children, Sexual Fidelity, and Domestic, scored higher on the PIL.


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College students with Asperger's Disorder (AD) are likely to face significant challenges as they encounter the unpredictable and socially demanding environment of their university setting. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can be a valuable approach to addressing many of these struggles. This paper will explore the application of ACT to problems that are commonly associated with individuals diagnosed with AD. Utilizing ACT and the Hexaflex Model as a guide for working with AD students can assist in establishing a greater understanding and acceptance of their unique internal experience, as well as their interaction with the external world. ACT can offer these students the ability to be more present in the moment, to recognize efforts to avoid negative experiences, and to move in directions in life that are personally meaningful.


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This study explored the connection between social support and self-advocacy in college students with disabilities. The College Students with Disabilities Campus Climate Survey (Lombardi, Gerdes, & Murray, 2011) was used to gather data from undergraduate students at a midsize western private university. Social support was found to be a significant predictor of self-advocacy in college students with disabilities. Peer support, family support, and faculty teaching practices made up the construct of social support. Peer support and faculty teaching practices were found to be significant predictors of student self-advocacy. Family support was not found to be significant. The data was examined for group differences between genders, disability types, and disability status (high incidence disabilities versus low incidence disabilities). No significant group differences were found. These findings suggest helping students build social support will increase their level of self-advocacy, which in turn may increase academic success.


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Since the last decades, academic research has paid much attention to the phenomenon of revitalizing indigenous cultures and, more precisely, the use of traditional indigenous healing methods both to deal with individuals' mental health problems and with broader cultural issues. The re-evaluation of traditional indigenous healing practices as a mode of psychotherapeutic treatment has been perhaps one of the most interesting sociocultural processes in the postmodern era. In this regard, incorporating indigenous forms of healing in a contemporary framework of indigenous mental health treatment should be interpreted not simply as an alternative therapeutic response to the clinical context of Western psychiatry, but also constitutes a political response on the part of ethno-cultural groups that have been stereotyped as socially inferior and culturally backward. As a result, a postmodern form of "traditional healing" developed with various forms of knowledge, rites and the social uses of medicinal plants, has been set in motion on many Canadian indigenous reserves over the last two decades.


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This folder contains six leaves with undated book and shelf lists.


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Written in defense of the students’ actions, this publication sought to clear the students in the eyes of the public. They argued against the stern disciplinary stance of the Corporation, warning that "it is possible to kill the spirt by too rigorous an adherence to the letter of the law." According to the students, the cause of the upheaval was the "black, nauseous and intolerable" food served in Commons. Although they admitted that there were some students who "delight in mischief, anarchy, and confusion," they argued against the whole student body being charged for the crimes. Instead, they held that their offense, "retiring peaceably from the hall," should be punished, as usual, only by the "small fine of fifty or one hundred cents."


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This original draft was probably written by Eliphalet Pearson (1752-1826) as a member of the committee charged with the task of establishing the rules, directions, and statutes for the Boylston Professorship by the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers. This draft is heavily edited and contains many cross outs through the text.


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Two octavo-sized leaves with four half-page columns containing a handwritten copy, made by President Leverett, of an October 17, 1721 a paper composed by Nicholas Sever and William Welsteed to Judge Samuel Sewall.