1000 resultados para Poesia portuguesa História e crítica
The contemporary Brazilian poetic production is marked by a strong diversity in the forms of expression and the thematic contents that it makes circulate; it is found either turned to the critical reading of the Brazilian poetrys most traditional repertoire, or more concerned about the research of new expressive models afforded by language. Such constitutive diversity, which operates on the intermediate gradients between these two tendencies, finds itself underlined by the little orthodox practice of the production divulgation and circulation, that appropriated the internet and the poetic performances to compensate the low paper-based edition. What we have is a type of poetic dialectology which identifies the poetry readers group. Verifying the most regular procedures in the construction of the dialectology, through the work of Eucana Ferraz and Joo Cabral, is the objective of this paper.
Este artigo objetiva, a partir de estudos de Antonio Candido voltados para a poesia lrica, rastrear o pensamento esttico e crtico-terico do autor sobre a matria, bem como avaliar sua prtica analtica do texto potico. Tal prtica, coerente com o postulado na vasta obra do autor, ancora-se em dois eixos principais: o rcade/ romntico (voltado para o perodo formativo da literatura brasileira) e o modernista (que enfatiza a consolidao plena de nossa literatura).
In this project, we tried to analyze, in a very short way, the relations between Brazilian Visual Poetry and a phenomenon in modern literature known as crises of the verse. In sequence, we tried to situate this poetry in a provisory category which the current criticism sees it as the contemporary Brazilian poetry. For sure, the Concretism and its esthetics deployments assured space for the visually in poetry.
This essay aims to contribute to a critical assessment of contemporary Brazilian poetry, investigating the relationship between two tendencies: minimalism that verges on silence of speech in Klber Mantovanis and Tarso de Melos poetry, and the dialogue with the tradition in Armando Freitas Filhos, Fabiano Calixtos and Iacyr Anderson Freitass poetry.
Ps-graduao em História - FCHS
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Based on the relationship between the concept of Historical Consciousness, as Jrn Rsen and Reinhart Koselleck proposed, and the concept of Historical Explanation, proposed by Isabel Barca, the article presents an analytical course that allows you to check levels of explanation in historical narratives produced by students Brazilian and Portuguese from the interpretation of sources related to a historical fact: the transfer of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil (1808).
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Les premires pices de Victor Hugo ont t les responsables d'une vritable rvolution dans l'histoire de las Litterature Franaise, mais elles n'ont pas eu une acceptation immdiate de la part de la critique, qui s'est partage entre les partidaires des romantiques et, par consquent, de nouvelles ides diffuses par le Cnacle et les classiques, les adversaires des jeunes crivains qui ont embrass les concepts hugoliens, Au Brsil, la racrion a t postrieure, mais identique. Qualqu'on ne trouve pas dans les journaux des discussions propos de la nouvelle cole, des nouvelles ides ont t, au dbut, rejetes par les intellectuels brsiliens et, quelque temps plus tard, adoptes par les crivains dsirant crer un thtre national bas sur les prinipes dfendus par Victor Hugo, le porte-parole du mouvement romantique.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Lngua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Ps-graduao em Estudos Literrios - FCLAR
Ps-graduao em Filosofia - FFC