972 resultados para Poesia epica italiana
Mode of access: Internet.
"Approvata dal Consiglio Superiore di Pubblica Istruzione e scelta a libro di testo in parecchi ginnasii del Regno".
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Selections from four courses of lectures delivered at the University of Naples, 1872-76. Originally published, from summaries and shorthand reports made by Torraca and revised by De Sanctis, in the periodicals La Libertà and Il Pungolo, 1872, and after December 1872 continued for three years in the Journal Roma.
I. Dai primordi dell'arte cristiana al tempo di Giustiniano.--II. Dall'arte barbarica alla romanica.--III. L'arte romanica.--IV. La scultura del trecento e le sue origini.--V. La pittura del trecento e le sue origini.--VI. La scultura del quattrocento.--VII. La pittura del quattrocento, parte I-IV.--VIII. L'architettura del quattrocento, parte I- .--IX. La pittura del cinquecento. parte I-IV.
Directors: 1875-19 L. Pigorini (with P. Strobel, 1875-94, G. Chierici, 1875-85)--19 -34, P. Orsi.--1935-1941-42, U. Bellini and others.--1943- R. Paribeni and others.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
L'articolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca comparativa tra bambini di 4 e 5 anni appartenenti a due contesti linguistici diversi circa il fenomeno delle alternanze grafo-foniche. Nell'indagine è stato richiesto a 60 bambini (30 argentini e 30 italiani) di scrivere sotto dettatura dell'adulto uno stesso elenco di parole, prima in forma manoscritta e poi con l'uso del pc; e successivamente di confrontare le due versioni. In questo modo è stato possibile cogliere le diverse modalità di risoluzione dei problemi legati alla scrittura degli stessi segmenti sillabici: dall?utilizzo di modalità più stabili, come l?identità totale, ad altre più instabili, come le alternanze. Come già indagato nella lingua spagnola, nei diversi livelli di concettualizzazione, in entrambe le lingue sono state individuate alternanze grafo-foniche molto simili per frequenza e percentuali. Questo fenomeno ci offre maggiori informazioni sulle conoscenze che i bambini possiedono rispetto al sistema di scrittura, poiché riflette il modo in cui essi esplorano e introducono i valori sonori convenzionali, soprattutto nel livello sillabico di concettualizzazione. I risultati indicano, inoltre, che la presenza e l?uso della tastiera del pc non incide in modo significativo sulla maggiore varietà o quantità (numero) di grafemi utilizzati nella produzione digitale rispetto a quella manuale
Quando se fala de religião, normalmente o que se ouve das instituições eclesiásticas são os dogmas, interpretações da fé que, muitas vezes estão fora da realidade vivida pelas pessoas no cotidiano. Por isso deseja-se observar os versos de Vinícius de Moraes à luz da teologia da cultura, para mostrar que as dimensões religiosas se apresentam também em sua poesia. Esta descreve, dentre outros temas, a beleza da vida, o amor, a alegria, e também, a tristeza e a solidão. Para alcançar tal finalidade, esta pesquisa utiliza-se do Método da Correlação, desenvolvido por Paul Tillich para pensar as conexões entre teologia e cultura, e do método da correspondência, que complementa o método da correlação, no que se refere ao diálogo com a literatura.
This dissertation explored the relationship among poets, cities, and the construction of nation-ness. It was an interpretive reading of Chilean poetry and Chilean-ness as a way of inventing the nation from its very origins, starting with the colonial epic poem La Araucana and the founding of Santiago, its capital city. In this dissertation, poetry not only dealt with cities or "city poets" but also with the very conception, drafting, and systematic invention of cities as a "dream of order". The construct of a "community" of Chileans has maintained family ties with "Melancholy" in the collective imagination. This structure of melancholy reinforced the idea of "an order and a community" passed along by poets through generations. This dissertation also explored the moment when this melancholic family was fractured, divided, and Santiago was darkened by the events of September 11, 1973 and the rise of dictatorship, brutality, and censorship. ^ The methodology employed to examine different aspects of the construction of the city-nation included theoretical approaches such as Benedict Anderson's idea of nations as "imagined communities," Ángel Rama's analysis of Latin American urban rationality in his book The Lettered City , and the idea of the poet as an urban seer or visionary, the "flâneur" studied by Walter Benjamin in Charles Baudelaire's poetry. A central finding was that this "imagined community" have been severely transformed since 1950. In Chilean poetry, two works served as major referents: Pablo Neruda's Canto General, a totalizing idea of collective identity carved from the stones of the ruins of Machu Picchu, and Nicanor Parra's Poemas y Antipoemas (1954), which begun to illustrate the slow "decomposition" of the "The Lettered City." Among such conflicting images of (post-)modernity, poet Enrique Lihn became the central counter-figure who put an end to a long tradition of producing canonical nation-building cultural artifacts. His book El paseo Ahumada (1983) impacted the new generations of Chilean poets. The conclusion brought together the five-century history and diverse poetic experiences of the traditional Lettered City with the latest currents of marginalized urban poetry (1987-2003), the so-called "barbarians," flâneurs who were (re)inventing Chilean-ness in the globalized, and anti-Utopian city of "Sanhattan." ^
The poor performance of students in reading and writing activities, prompted the search for actions that would minimize this problem, noticeable mainly in public education. The lack of interest in reading of poetic texts seen in students from the 7th year in a public school in RN, has led us to question the reasons for the rejection of poetry. Thus, the idea to organize and develop new reading possibilities mediated by digital technologies, considering the preference of teenagers by virtual environments. Therefore, it was essential to observe how students used web resources in order to plan actions that aimed to improve their reading performance. We present to justify the need for reflection on the educational problems starting from our reality, in order to establish appropriate procedures to minimize them. To this end, we draw is to investigate how students appropriated the Facebook social network in order to elaborate reading strategies using this platform. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: language concepts and language: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Bronckart (2012 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); reading strategies: Leffa (1996) Solé (1998), Antunes (2009), Kleiman (2013); genre: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); didactic sequence: Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2013 [2004]); technologies: Moran (2008 [2000]), Kenski (2007), Bento (2012), Behrens (2013); literary literacy: Cosson (2007); other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), PDE (2008), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The methodology followed action research guidelines, a qualitative approach perspective. The research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observations and field notes. The results pointed to the interest of students in this social network, which favored the development of a didactic sequence whose activities converged on the didactic use of Facebook as a support for the presentation of textual poetry genre, drawing the attention of students for reading. Thus, we reiterate the need to include the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies educational activities to better meet the expectations of the generation of "digital natives", offering them a significant Portuguese-speaking school that fits your interests.