993 resultados para Plasmodium, Kinase, FRET, localization


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Myotonic dystrophy 1 (DM1) is caused by a CTG expansion in the 3′-unstranslated region of the DMPK gene, which encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase. One of the common clinical features of DM1 patients is insulin resistance, which has been associated with a pathogenic effect of the repeat expansions. Here we show that DMPK itself is a positive modulator of insulin action. DMPK-deficient (dmpk−/−) mice exhibit impaired insulin signaling in muscle tissues but not in adipocytes and liver, tissues in which DMPK is not expressed. Dmpk−/− mice display metabolic derangements such as abnormal glucose tolerance, reduced glucose uptake and impaired insulin-dependent GLUT4 trafficking in muscle. Using DMPK mutants, we show that DMPK is required for a correct intracellular trafficking of insulin and IGF-1 receptors, providing a mechanism to explain the molecular and metabolic phenotype of dmpk−/− mice. Taken together, these findings indicate that reduced DMPK expression may directly influence the onset of insulin-resistance in DM1 patients and point to dmpk as a new candidate gene for susceptibility to type 2-diabetes.


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Myotonic dystrophy 1 (DM1) is caused by a CTG expansion in the 3′-unstranslated region of the DMPK gene, which encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase. One of the common clinical features of DM1 patients is insulin resistance, which has been associated with a pathogenic effect of the repeat expansions. Here we show that DMPK itself is a positive modulator of insulin action. DMPK-deficient (dmpk−/−) mice exhibit impaired insulin signaling in muscle tissues but not in adipocytes and liver, tissues in which DMPK is not expressed. Dmpk−/− mice display metabolic derangements such as abnormal glucose tolerance, reduced glucose uptake and impaired insulin-dependent GLUT4 trafficking in muscle. Using DMPK mutants, we show that DMPK is required for a correct intracellular trafficking of insulin and IGF-1 receptors, providing a mechanism to explain the molecular and metabolic phenotype of dmpk−/− mice. Taken together, these findings indicate that reduced DMPK expression may directly influence the onset of insulin-resistance in DM1 patients and point to dmpk as a new candidate gene for susceptibility to type 2-diabetes.


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Background: One of the problems in prostate cancer (CaP) treatment is the appearance of the multidrug resistance phenotype, in which ATP-binding cassette transporters such as multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) play a role. Different localizations of the transporter have been reported, some of them related to the chemoresistant phenotype. Aim: This study aimed to compare the localization of MRP1 in three prostate cell lines (normal, androgen-sensitive, and androgen-independent) in order to understand its possible role in CaP chemoresistance. Methods: MRP1 and caveolae protein markers were detected using confocal microscopy, performing colocalization techniques. Lipid raft isolation made it possible to detect these proteins by Western blot analysis. Caveolae and prostasomes were identified by electron microscopy. Results: We show that MRP1 is found in lipid raft fractions of tumor cells and that the number of caveolae increases with malignancy acquisition. MRP1 is found not only in the plasma membrane associated with lipid rafts but also in cytoplasmic accumulations colocalizing with the prostasome markers Caveolin-1 and CD59, suggesting that in CaP cells, MRP1 is localized in prostasomes. Conclusion: We hypothesize that the presence of MRP1 in prostasomes could serve as a reservoir of MRP1; thus, taking advantage of the release of their content, MRP1 could be translocated to the plasma membrane contributing to the chemoresistant phenotype. The presence of MRP1 in prostasomes could serve as a predictor of malignancy in CaP


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Background: One of the problems in prostate cancer (CaP) treatment is the appearance of the multidrug resistance phenotype, in which ATP-binding cassette transporters such as multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) play a role. Different localizations of the transporter have been reported, some of them related to the chemoresistant phenotype. Aim: This study aimed to compare the localization of MRP1 in three prostate cell lines (normal, androgen-sensitive, and androgen-independent) in order to understand its possible role in CaP chemoresistance. Methods: MRP1 and caveolae protein markers were detected using confocal microscopy, performing colocalization techniques. Lipid raft isolation made it possible to detect these proteins by Western blot analysis. Caveolae and prostasomes were identified by electron microscopy. Results: We show that MRP1 is found in lipid raft fractions of tumor cells and that the number of caveolae increases with malignancy acquisition. MRP1 is found not only in the plasma membrane associated with lipid rafts but also in cytoplasmic accumulations colocalizing with the prostasome markers Caveolin-1 and CD59, suggesting that in CaP cells, MRP1 is localized in prostasomes. Conclusion: We hypothesize that the presence of MRP1 in prostasomes could serve as a reservoir of MRP1; thus, taking advantage of the release of their content, MRP1 could be translocated to the plasma membrane contributing to the chemoresistant phenotype. The presence of MRP1 in prostasomes could serve as a predictor of malignancy in CaP


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Background: One of the problems in prostate cancer (CaP) treatment is the appearance of the multidrug resistance phenotype, in which ATP-binding cassette transporters such as multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) play a role. Different localizations of the transporter have been reported, some of them related to the chemoresistant phenotype. Aim: This study aimed to compare the localization of MRP1 in three prostate cell lines (normal, androgen-sensitive, and androgen-independent) in order to understand its possible role in CaP chemoresistance. Methods: MRP1 and caveolae protein markers were detected using confocal microscopy, performing colocalization techniques. Lipid raft isolation made it possible to detect these proteins by Western blot analysis. Caveolae and prostasomes were identified by electron microscopy. Results: We show that MRP1 is found in lipid raft fractions of tumor cells and that the number of caveolae increases with malignancy acquisition. MRP1 is found not only in the plasma membrane associated with lipid rafts but also in cytoplasmic accumulations colocalizing with the prostasome markers Caveolin-1 and CD59, suggesting that in CaP cells, MRP1 is localized in prostasomes. Conclusion: We hypothesize that the presence of MRP1 in prostasomes could serve as a reservoir of MRP1; thus, taking advantage of the release of their content, MRP1 could be translocated to the plasma membrane contributing to the chemoresistant phenotype. The presence of MRP1 in prostasomes could serve as a predictor of malignancy in CaP


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Cellen har ett s.k. cytoskelett som bl.a. ger stadga åt cellen och deltar i dess form- och rörelsefunktioner. Intermediärfilamenten är en viktig del av cytoskelettet och de har länge varit kända för sina väsentliga roller i att upprätthålla den cellulära organisationen och vävnadernas integritet. På senare år har man insett att intermediärfilamenten har en större funktionell mångsidighet än man tidigare tänkts sig, i och med att en rad olika studier har visat betydelsen av intermediärfilamenten vid olika signaleringprocesser. Dessa proteinnätverk samverkar nämligen med kinaser och andra viktiga signalfaktorer och deltar därmed i cellens signaleringmaskineri. Intermediärfilamentproteinet nestin används ofta som en markör för stamceller men dess fysiologiska funktioner är i stort sett okända. Interaktion mellan nestin och ett signalkomplex bestående av cyklin-beroende kinas 5 (eng. Cyclin-dependent kinase, Cdk5) och dess aktivatorprotein p35 upptäcktes i vårt laboratorium före denna avhandling påbörjades. Därför var syftet med min avhandling att undersöka den funktionella betydelsen av nestin i regleringen av Cdk5/p35 komplexet. Cdk5 är ett multifunktionellt kinas som reglerar både utvecklingen och stressreaktioner i nerver och muskler. Vi visade att nestin skyddar neuronala stamceller under oxidativ stress genom dess förmåga att hämma Cdk5s skadliga aktivitet. Genom att förankra Cdk5/p35 komplexet, reglerar nestin den subcellulära lokaliseringen av Cdk5/p35 och minskar klyvningen av p35 till den mer stabila aktivatorn p25. Vi demonstrerade också aktiveringsmekanismen för Cdk5 under differentiering av muskelceller. Proteinkinas C zeta (PKCzeta) avslöjades ha en förmåga att accelera klyvningen av p35 till p25, och därmed öka aktiviteten hos Cdk5. Nestin kunde genom sin förmåga att reglera Cdk5 signalkomplexet styra muskelcellernas differentiering. Denna doktorsavhandling har på ett avgörande vis ökat förståelsen av de reglerande mekanismer som styr Cdk5 aktivering. Avhandling presenterar nestin och PKCzeta som kritiska faktorer i denna reglering. Vidare innehåller avhandlingen ny information om de cellulära funktionerna hos nestin som vi har visat vara en viktig reglerare av cellernas överlevnad och differentiering.


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PURPOSE: To explore the relationship between morphological characteristics and histologic localization of metastasis within sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) and axillary spread in women with breast cancer. METHODS: We selected 119 patients with positive SLN submitted to complete axillary lymph node dissection from July 2002 to March 2007. We retrieved the age of patients and the primary tumor size. In the primary tumor, we evaluated histologic and nuclear grade, and peritumoral vascular invasion (PVI). In SLNs we evaluated the size of metastasis, their localization in the lymph node, number of foci, number of involved lymph nodes, and extranodal extension. RESULTS: Fifty-one (42.8%) patients had confirmed additional metastasis in non-sentinel lymph nodes (NLSN). High histologic grade, PVI, intraparenchymatous metastasis, extranodal neoplastic extension and size of metastasis were associated with positive NLSN. SLN metastasis affecting the capsule were associated to low risk incidence of additional metastasis. After multivariate analysis, PVI and metastasis size in the SLN remained as the most important risk factors for additional metastasis. CONCLUSIONS:The risk of additional involvement of NSLN is higher in patients with PVI and it increases progressively according the histologic localization in the lymph node, from capsule, where the afferent lymphatic channel arrives, to the opposite side of capsule promoting the extranodal extension. Size of metastasis greater than 6.0 mm presents higher risk of additional lymph node metastasis.


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Tämän pro gradu– tutkielman tavoitteena oli testata täytettyjen taukojen (er ja erm) esiintymistiheyttä, sijaintia kieliopillisessa rakenteessa sekä funktioita Kjellmerin (2003) korpus-tutkimuksessa. Materiaalina käytin viiden yhdysvaltalaisen poliitikon puhetta keskusteluohjelmasta Larry King Live. Tutkimuksessani sovelsin Kjellmerin tutkimusmenetelmiä, joita muokkasin huomattavasti suppeampaan materiaaliini sopiviksi. Lähestymistapani oli täten induktiivinen toisin kuin testatussa tutkimuksessa. Materiaalini oli tarkoituksellisesti rajattu, sillä halusin selvittää, kuvaavatko Kjellmerin laajaan materiaaliin perustuvat tutkimustulokset myös täytettyjen taukojen käyttöä suppeammassa materiaalissa. Materiaalini (kokonaisuudessaan 101 minuuttia) transkriboin ortografisesti. Analyysissäni arvioin täytettyjen taukojen esiintymistiheyden puhujakohtaisesti ja koko ryhmälle suhteuttamalla täytettyjen taukojen lukumäärän kokonaissanamäärään. Tämän jälkeen tein perinteisen kielioppianalyysin rakenteista, joita edeltää tai joissa esiintyy täytetty tauko, ja täytettyjen taukojen sijainnin perusteella luokittelin ne sana-, lauseke-, ja lausetasolle. Lopuksi analysoin täytettyjen taukojen käyttöä soveltaen Kjellmerin ehdottamia funktioita (hesitaatio, vuorottelujäsennyksen merkitseminen, huomion herättäminen ja kontaktin luominen, korostus ja korjaus) ja niiden piirteitä omaan materiaaliini. Tutkimukseni perusteella täytetyt tauot esiintyvät tutkitun viiden poliitikon puheessa suhteellisen usein. Puhujakohtaiset eroavaisuudet olivat kuitenkin huomattavat. Kieliopillisen luokitteluni mukaan sana-, lauseke- ja lausetasot eivät täysin kuvaa täytettyjen taukojen sijoittumista, sillä täytetyt tauot edelsivät mm. määre-lauseita, jotka eivät vastaa lausetasoa englannin kielessä. Materiaalini funktioanalyysi osoitti, että täytetyt tauot yleensä vastaavat yhtä tai useampaa Kjellmerin ehdottamaa funktioita. Lisäksi tutkimukseni mukaan täytetyillä tauoilla on ainakin yksi rakenteellinen funktio. Analyysini perusteella Kjellmerin tutkimustulokset ovat siis pääosin sovellettavissa suppeampaan materiaaliin. Puutteiksi hänen tutkimuksessaan osoittautuivat funktioanalyysille tärkeän kontekstuaalisen informaation puute sekä keskittyminen täytettyihin taukoihin, jotka esiintyvät vain tietyissä kielioppirakenteissa. Yleisesti voin tutkimukseni pohjalta todeta, että täytetyt tauot ovat vielä vajaasti tunnettuja ja että kieliopillisen sijoituksen ja funktioiden lisätutkimus on tarpeellista.


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The immunogenicity of an inactivated, experimental vaccine based on a bovine herpesvirus type 5 strain defective in thymidine kinase and glycoprotein E (BoHV-5 gE/TKΔ) was evaluated in cattle and the results were compared with a vaccine containing the parental BoHV-5 strain (SV507/99). To formulate the vaccines, each virus (wildtype SV507/99 and BoHV-5 gE/TK∆) was multiplied in cell culture and inactivated with binary ethyleneimine (BEI). Each vaccine dose contained approximately of 10(7.5) TCID50 of inactivated virus mixed with an oil-based adjuvant (46:54). Forty calves, 6 to 9-months-old, were allocated into two groups of 20 animals each and vaccinated twice (days 0 and 22pv) by the subcutaneous route with either vaccine. Serum samples collected at day 0 and at different intervals after vaccination were tested for virus neutralizing (VN) antibodies against the parental virus and against heterologous BoHV-5 and BoHV-1 isolates. The VN assays demonstrated seroconversion to the respective homologous viruses in all vaccinated animals after the second vaccine dose (mean titers of 17.5 for the wildtype vaccine; 24.1 for the recombinant virus). All animals remained reagents up to day 116 pv, yet showing a gradual reduction in VN titers. Animals from both vaccine groups reacted in similar VN titers to different BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 isolates, yet the magnitude of serological response of both groups was higher against BoHV-5 field isolates. Calves vaccinated with the recombinant virus did not develop antibodies to gE as verified by negative results in a gE-specific ELISA, what would allow serological differentiation from naturally infected animals. Taken together, these results indicate that inactivated antigens of BoHV-5 gE/TK recombinant virus induced an adequate serological response against BoHV-5 and BoHV-1 and thus can be used as an alternative, differential vaccine candidate.


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Bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) is an important pathogen of cattle in South America and efforts have been made to produce safer and more effective vaccines. In addition to afford protection, herpesvirus vaccines should allow serological differentiation of vaccinated from naturally, latently infected animals. We previously reported the construction and characterization in vitro of a double mutant BoHV-5 (BoHV-5gE/TK Δ) lacking the genes encoding thymidine kinase (tk) for attenuation, and glycoprotein E (gE) as the antigenic marker, as a vaccine candidate strain (Brum et al. 2010a). The present article reports an investigation on the attenuation and immunogenicity of this recombinant in calves. In a first experiment, 80 to 90-day-old seronegative calves (n=6) inoculated intranasally with the recombinant (titer of 10(7.5)TCID50) shed virus in low to moderate titers in nasal secretions for up to 6 days, yet did not develop any respiratory, systemic or neurological signs of infection. At day 30 post-infection (pi) all calves had BoHV-5 specific neutralizing (VN) antibodies in titers of 4 to 8 and were negative for anti-gE antibodies in a commercial ELISA test. Administration of dexamethasone (0.1mg/kg/day during 5 days) to four of these calves at day 42 pi did not result in virus shedding or increase in VN titers, indicating lack of viral reactivation. Secondly, a group of 8-month-old calves (n=9) vaccinated intramuscularly (IM) with the recombinant virus (10(7.5)TCID50/animal) did not shed virus in nasal secretions, remained healthy and developed VN titers from 2 to 8 at day 42 post-vaccination (pv), remaining negative for gE antibodies. Lastly, 21 calves (around 10 months old) maintained under field conditions were vaccinated IM with the recombinant virus (titer of 10(7.3)TCID50). All vaccinated animals developed VN titers from 2 to 16 at day 30 pv. A boost vaccination performed at day 240 pv resulted in a rapid and strong anamnestic antibody response, with VN titers reaching from 16 to 256 at day 14 post-booster. Again, serum samples remained negative for gE antibodies. Selected serum samples from vaccinated animals showed a broad VN activity against nine BoHV-5 and eight BoHV-1 field isolates. These results show that the recombinant virus is attenuated, immunogenic for calves and induces an antibody response differentiable from that induced by natural infection. Thus, the recombinant BoHV-5gE/TKΔ is an adequate candidate strain for a modified live vaccine.


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Mutant viral strains deleted in non-essential genes represent useful tools to study the function of specific gene products in the biology of the virus. We herein describe an investigation on the phenotype of a bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) recombinant deleted in the gene encoding the enzyme thymidine kinase (TK) in rabbits, with special emphasis to neuroinvasiveness and the ability to establish and reactivate latent infection. Rabbits inoculated with the parental virus (SV-507/99) (n=18) at a low titer (10(5.5)TCID50) shed virus in nasal secretions in titers up to 10(4.5)TCID50 for up to 12 days (average: 9.8 days [5-12]) and 5/ 16 developed neurological disease and were euthanized in extremis. Rabbits inoculated with the recombinant BoHV-5TKΔ at a high dose (10(7.1)TCID50) also shed virus in nasal secretions, yet to lower titers (maximum: 10(2.3)TCID50) and for a shorter period (average: 6.6 days [2-11]) and remained healthy. PCR examination of brain sections of inoculated rabbits at day 6 post-infection (pi) revealed a widespread distribution of the parental virus, whereas DNA of the recombinant BoHV-5TKΔ-was detected only in the trigeminal ganglia [TG] and olfactory bulbs [OB]. Nevertheless, during latent infection (52pi), DNA of the recombinant virus was detected in the TGs, OBs and also in other areas of the brain, demonstrating the ability of the virus to invade the brain. Dexamethasone (Dx) administration at day 65 pi was followed by virus reactivation and shedding by 5/8 rabbits inoculated with the parental strain (mean duration of 4.2 days [1 - 9]) and by none of seven rabbits inoculated with the recombinant virus. Again, PCR examination at day 30 post-Dx treatment revealed the presence of latent DNA in the TGs, OBs and in other areas of the brain of both groups. Taken together, these results confirm that the recombinant BoHV-5TKΔ is highly attenuated for rabbits. It shows a reduced ability to replicate in the nose but retains the ability to invade the brain and to establish latent infection. Additional studies are underway to determine the biological and molecular mechanisms underlying the inability of BoHV-5TKΔ to reactivate from latency.


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The ability of thymidine kinase (tk)-deleted recombinant bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5tkΔ) to establish and reactivate latent infection was investigated in lambs. During acute infection, the recombinant virus replicated moderately in the nasal mucosa, yet to lower titers than the parental strain. At day 40 post-infection (pi), latent viral DNA was detected in trigeminal ganglia (TG) of all lambs in both groups. However, the amount of recombinant viral DNA in TGs was lower (9.7-fold less) than that of the parental virus as determined by quantitative real time PCR. Thus, tk deletion had no apparent effect on the frequency of latent infection but reduced colonization of TG. Upon dexamethasone (Dx) administration at day 40 pi, lambs inoculated with parental virus shed infectious virus in nasal secretions, contrasting with lack of infectivity in secretions of lambs inoculated with the recombinant virus. Nevertheless, some nasal swabs from the recombinant virus group were positive for viral DNA by PCR, indicating low levels of reactivation. Thus, BoHV-5 TK activity is not required for establishment of latency, but seems critical for efficient virus reactivation upon Dx treatment.


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A thymidine kinase (tk)-deleted bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5tkΔ) was previously shown to establish latent infection and reactivate - even poorly - in a sheep model (Cadore et al. 2013). As TK-negative alphaherpesviruses are unlike to reactivate in neural tissue, this study investigated the sites of latency and reactivation by this recombinant in lambs. For this, groups of lambs were inoculated intranasally with the parental BoHV-5 strain (SV-507/99) or with the recombinant BoHV-5tkΔ. During latent infection (40 days post-inoculation, pi), the distribution of recombinant virus DNA in neural and non-neural tissues was similar to that of the parental virus. Parental and recombinant virus DNA was consistently detected by PCR in trigeminal ganglia (TGs); frequently in palatine and pharyngeal tonsils and, less frequently in the retropharyngeal lymph nodes. In addition, latent DNA of both viruses was detected in several areas of the brain. After dexamethasone (Dx) administration (day 40pi), the recombinant virus was barely detected in nasal secretions contrasting with marked shedding of the parental virus. In tissues of lambs euthanized at day 3 post-Dx treatment (pDx), reverse-transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) for a late viral mRNA (glycoprotein D gene) demonstrated reactivation of parental virus in neural (TGs) and lymphoid tissues (tonsils, lymph node). In contrast, recombinant virus mRNA was detected only in lymphoid tissues. These results demonstrate that BoHV-5 and the recombinant BoHV-5tkΔ do establish latent infection in neural and non-neural sites. Reactivation of the recombinant BoHV-5tkΔ, however, appeared to occur only in non-neural sites. In anyway, the ability of a tk-deleted strain to reactivate latent infection deserves attention in the context of vaccine safety.


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Stressignaler avkänns många gånger av membranbundna proteiner som översätter signalerna till kemisk modifiering av molekyler, ofta proteinkinaser Dessa kinaser överför de avkodade budskapen till specifika transkriptionsfaktorer genom en kaskad av sekventiella fosforyleringshändelser, transkriptionsfaktorerna aktiverar i sin tur de gener som behövs för att reagera på stressen. En av de mest kända måltavlorna för stressignaler är transkriptionsfaktor AP-1 familjemedlemen c-Jun. I denna studie har jag identifierat den nukleolära proteinet AATF som en ny regulator av c-Jun-medierad transkriptionsaktivitet. Jag visar att stresstimuli inducerar omlokalisering av AATF vilket i sin tur leder till aktivering av c-Jun. Den AATF-medierad ökningen av c-Jun-aktiviteten leder till en betydande ökning av programmerad celldöd. Parallellt har jag vidarekarakteriserat Cdk5/p35 signaleringskomplexet som tidigare har identifierats i vårt laboratorium som en viktig faktor för myoblastdifferentiering. Jag identifierade den atypiska PKCξ som en uppströms regulator av Cdk5/p35-komplexet och visar att klyvning och aktivering av Cdk5 regulatorn p35 är av fysiologisk betydelse för differentieringsprocessen och beroende av PKCξ aktivitet. Jag visar att vid induktion av differentiering fosforylerar PKCξ p35 vilket leder till calpain-medierad klyvning av p35 och därmed ökning av Cdk5-aktiviteten. Denna avhandling ökar förståelsen för de regulatoriska mekanismer som styr c-Jun-transkriptionsaktiviteten och c-Jun beroende apoptos genom att identifiera AATF som en viktig faktor. Dessutom ger detta arbete nya insikter om funktionen av Cdk5/p35-komplexet under myoblastdifferentiering och identifierar PKCξ som en uppströms regulator av Cdk5 aktivitet och myoblast differentiering.