969 resultados para Placas ósseas


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Stress is an environmental factor that may predispose individuals to depression. Benzodiazepines have been prescribed as effective drugs in these situations. The purpose of this study was histological evaluate of the effect of chronic stress and benzodiazepine drugs on bone healing. Bone cavities were created in both tibias of 40 male rats were divided into two groups: Control and Treaty. In this, the stressor stimulus was applied 40 days pre-operative and all post-operative days until sacrifice in the morning for 2 hours, by immobilizing restraint. These animals also received diazepam benzodiazepine group, daily, at a concentration of 5mg/Kg/peso body within 15 days of preoperative. In groups of five animals were sacrificed at 7, 14, 30 and 60 days post-surgery. At 7 days postoperatively, while the control group exhibited tissue rich in fibroblasts, the treated group showed newly formed tissue with few fibroblasts and capillaries along with lymphocytes and macrophages. At 14 days postsurgery, the control group showed newly formed trabecular bone while the treated group progressed to thin trabecular bone with numerous osteoblasts on their borders. At 30 days post-operative bone healing is complete in both groups. At 60 days post-operative characteristics observed in the treated and control groups are similar to the previous period, but with more advanced osteogenesis.


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Mandibular fractures are the injury most commonly found in the facial bones. They have varied etiology, such as automobile, motorcycle and cycling accidents, physical abuse and falls. The choice of treatment of mandibular fractures most often employed is the reduction and fixation of bone fragments. Regarding fractures involving the mandibular angle, access headgear is the most widely used, in view of the action of masticatory muscles causing greater displacement of fractured stumps. Therefore, the proposal to introduce a conservative approach and facilitated for the treatment of fractures of the mandibular angle, as well as to demystify the contraindication to intraoral approach cases unfavorable fracture displacement, this work is to report a clinical casesurgical mandibular angle fracture, treated by intraoral approach. The fracture was fixed with two plates, one following the external oblique line system (1.5 mm) and a lower system (2.0 mm), with the help of percutaneous trocar. This approach is very promising for these cases, in order to ease the technical as well as by reducing the technical complications of extraoral approach.


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Are called panfacial fractures when the upper, middle and lower facial thirds present fractures concurrently. In clinical practice, came to imply the involvement of two facial thirds. Panfacial fractures are usually accompanied by other systemic lesions that impair the patient's life and therefore require primary treatment. Almost invariably are associated with damage to soft tissues and severe losses of bone structures which may lead to severe facial deformations and malocclusions. The panfacial fractures treatment is complex because often there isn’t a stable bone structure to guide the reduction of various fractures. Several orders of treatment have been proposed, but they are variations of the two classical approaches "bottom to top and inside-out" and "top to bottom and out-inside". The aim of this paper is to discuss the principles of management and panfacial fractures treatment, emphasizing the sequence of fracture reduction and highlighting its indications, advantages and disadvantages, through literature review and reports of surgical clinic cases. We conclude that the exact sequence of fracture reduction is not as important as developing a treatment plan that allows accurate positioning of the fractured segments.


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Many patients seeking dental care wish to improve facial and smile aesthetics to be accepted in modern day society. In denture wearers, the physiological resorption causes atrophy mainly in the maxilla, being necessary to carry out reconstruction techniques and sometimes orthognathic surgery to improve occlusal stability and facial harmony. The aim of this study is to discuss the features related to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients with indication for reconstruction of the maxilla using bone grafts and orthognathic surgery by means of a clinical case. In the present case, after the prosthetic rehabilitation, the patient was full satisfied with obtained results and dismissed the initially proposed surgical protocol. Therefore, professionals should provide therapeutic options but the patient’s opinion should prevail provided its clinical feasibility.


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The bone repair process is controlled by complex molecular mechanisms that involve systemic and local factors. Fibrin glue is derived from human plasma and mimics the final pathway of coagulation network. Tranexamic acid inhibits fibrinolysis and prevents or decreases the formation of degradation products of fibrin and fibrinogen. The purpose of this study was to evaluate histologically in rats the effect of tranexamic acid associated with the fibrin glue on bone healing. The experiment used 60 (n = 5) male rats in: GI: Control, GII: fibrin glue, GIII tranexamic acid and GIV /fibrin glue/tranexamic acid. Bone defect (2.5mm diameter) was created in right tibia. The animals were euthanized at 7,14 and 30 days postoperatively, and the pieces were processed with hematoxylin and eosin. The results showed at 7 days post-operative surgical cavity filled with dense connective tissue rich in fibroblasts, permeated by delicate neoformed bone trabeculae in percentage of 70-80% for GI, GII and GIII and GIV to 94.8%. At 14 days post-operative newly formed bone was found between 75-85% for GI, GII and GIII and percentage above 95% for GIV. At 30 days postoperative GI and GIV showed 95-100% of mature bone tissue; GII and GIII in percentage close to 80-90%. Based on the results and methodology is concluded that fibrin / tranexamic acid glue association has positive action on bone repair.


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Objective: To verify whether the professionals who make use of advertising in Dentistry by means of billboards respect the ethical aspects determined by the Federal Council of Dentistry Resolution No 71, 2006. Methods: This was an observational study in which 178 billboards of dental clinics in the municipality of São Paulo were assessed. Results: Among the billboards analyzed, 91.4% belonged to private persons and 9.6% to corporate bodies. With regard to the ethical aspects related to the advertisement, only 44.9% of the billboards presented all the mandatory items in accordance with the Federal Council of Dentistry. The item found the least number of times in the advertisements was the registration number in the Regional Council of Dentistry (34.8%). Among the items allowed by the Federal Council of Dentistry, the telephone number (65.2%) was the most commonly found. Among the ethical infractions, 1.7% of the billboards advertised the terms of payment. Conclusion: Professionals are not following the ethical precepts established by the Code of Ethics in Dentistry, and awareness of these professionals needs to be aroused, so that information about their services is communicated and divulged in an ethical manner.


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A morfologia das arcadas dentárias sobre as bases ósseas é conseguida utilizando-se fios ortodônticos, os quais detêm o potencial de correção das irregularidades dentárias. O presente artigo discute conceitos acerca da morfologia das arcadas dentárias, bem como demonstra a utilização do Diagrama Individual Anatômico Objetivo (DIAO). A premissa básica para o contorneamento dos arcos de nivelamento reside na individualização da forma da arcada dentária, que deve considerar as bases ósseas e o relacionamento entre elas, bem como os objetivos terapêuticos. O contorneamento dos arcos de nivelamento baseado no diagrama individualizado torna prática a rotina ortodôntica por favorecer a constância de forma e garantir a simetria da arcada dentária.


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Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo foi investigar os efeitos da nova formulação do Cimento Portland (CPM) comparando-o ao MTA Angelus na viabilidade celular e liberação de IL-1b e IL-6 em fibroblastos de rato. Métodos: tubos de polietileno preenchidos com os materiais estudados foram colocados em placas de cultura celular de 24 poços com fibroblastos de rato. Tubos vazios foram utilizados como controle. Após 24 horas, ensaio MTT foi utilizado para avaliar a viabilidade celular. Para o ensaio de citocinas, fibroblastos de ratos foram incubados em placas de fundo plano de 24 poços com discos dos materiais no fundo, ou sem material, como controle. Após 24 horas, o meio de cultura foi coletado para a avaliação das citocinas pelo ELISA. Resultados: o CPM e MTA Angelus não inibiram a viabilidade celular. Ambos os materiais induziram liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b e a quantidade foi estatisticamente significativa se comparada ao grupo controle. Conclusão: ambos os materiais não foram citotóxicos em cultura de fibroblastos e induziram a liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b.


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A menopausa é uma das mudanças fisiológicas caracterizadas pelo encerramento dos ciclos menstrual e ovulatório, ocorrendo nas mulheres entre a quarta e a quinta década de vida. Com ela, ocorre uma diminuição na produção de estrógeno, um importante hormônio que atua em muitos processos fisiológicos do indivíduo, como a regulação do sistema esquelético. O declínio nos níveis de estrógeno resulta em perda de densidade mineral óssea, aumento do risco de fratura, bem como no aparecimento de doenças ósseas, como a osteoporose, um processo patológico onde há o aumento na reabsorção de cavidades que não são completamente preenchidas por osso neoformado. Além disso, a deficiência de estrógeno pode causar muitas mudanças na saúde bucal do indivíduo. Na presença de uma infecção bacteriana no tecido pulpar, essa deficiência pode agravar a periodontite apical. Vários medicamentos têm sido estudados como potenciais agentes terapêuticos para suprir a deficiência de estrógeno. Essas drogas têm como objetivo reduzir o risco de fraturas e prevenir a perda óssea e distúrbios cardiovasculares e mentais resultantes de deficiência hormonal pós-menopausa. O raloxifeno (RLX), é uma das drogas terapêuticas mais estudadas, demonstrando prevenir a perda óssea. Mesmo com a indicação e benefícios do raloxifeno no metabolismo ósseo e na manutenção da densidade óssea, estudos sobre o seu papel na infecção endodôntica em organismos osteopênicos precisam ser realizados.


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A displasia cemento-óssea é o tipo mais comum dentre as lesões fibro-ósseas, podendo apresentar-se de 3 maneiras: periapical, focal e florida. Paciente parda, de 53 anos, compareceu com queixa de “secreção na gengiva” e histórico de exodontia na região há 8 meses. À inspeção apresentou uma leve tumefação na região vestibular posterior esquerda da mandíbula e uma pequena fístula drenando pus. Realizou-se uma radiografia panorâmica, que revelou uma lesão de radiopacidade mista na região de molares inferiores direitos, medindo 2 cm de diâmetro; outra lesão radiopaca na região de pré-molares esquerdos, de 6mm de diâmetro - ambas bem delimitadas; e outra área radiolúcida com radiopacidade central, com halo radiopaco na região infectada, medindo 1,5 cm de diâmetro. O diagnóstico presuntivo foi de displasia cemento-óssea infectada, cisto periapical infectado associado à displasia e osteomielite. Após antibioticoterapia, realizou-se biópsia e curetagem da área. Microscopicamente apresentou áreas de tecido cemento-ósseo em forma trabecular e no local onde deveria haver tecido fibroso, presença de biofilme bacteriano, conteúdo hemorrágico e restos necróticos. No tecido de granulação removido observou-se intenso infiltrado inflamatório e áreas de calcificação cementóide. As características microscópicas juntamente com os achados clínicos e radiográficos levaram ao diagnóstico de osteomielite aguda supurativa secundária a lesão fibro-óssea, sugestiva de displasia cemento-óssea florida.


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Lichenoid lesions are mucocutaneous disease of chronic inflammatory origin. Can produce side effects to drugs, dental materials, affecting 0.5 to 1% of the world population mainly in women in the fourth decade of life. The history and meticulous clinical servation may clarify the reactive nature, but the clinical diagnosis will only be conclusive when associated with tests such as histopathology. Therefore the objective of the study is to report a case of a woman of 55 years old, complaining of "white spots sore". Reported being allergic to metals, chocolate, acidic foods and certain types of clothes. From accurate intraoral clinical examination, white plaques were found in the dorsum of the tongue, hard palate and buccal mucosa, inaccurate and rough limits, and ulcerations throughout the labial edge and upper palate. Histopathology revealed a lichenoid reaction. Was instituted as pharmacological treatment, the use of systemic corticosteroids. Clinical follow-up of one year showed reduction of clinical symptoms, allowing to conclude that the clinical follow-up of this disease is necessary since its dubious malignant potential and diagnostic difficulty. Thus, early recognition of this disease allows instituting appropriate treatment with relief of anxiety of the patient and their family.


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Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic fungal infection caused by Cryptococcus yeasts, especially C. neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii. The fungus is found in substrates of animal and vegetable origin, and infection occurs through inhalation and seedlings present in the environment. The present study aimed to investigate the existence of microfocus Cryptococcus sp. from the environmental samples of Araçatuba city, São Paulo, featuring new niches, by decoupling the direct relationship between fungus and host in order to minimize the risk of contamination of man and animals, understanding the ecoepidemiology of Cryptococcus. Fifty samples from hollows and tree trunks were harvested (Cassia sp., Ficus sp., Caesalpinea peltophorides) from ten representatives in the urban perimeter. The samples were immediately sent to the Laboratory of Bacteriology and Mycology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Araçatuba - Unesp where they were processed and plated on Petri dishes containing agar seed Niger and Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol, incubated at 30ºC for a period of no less than 5 days. Afterwards they were subimitted to biochemical tests: urease production, thermotolerance at 37°C and quimiotipagem in CGB agar (L- Canavanine-Glycine-Bromothymol blue). The results showed that 17 (34%) cultures were positive for Cryptococcus, 9 (18%) for Cryptococcus gattii and 8 (16%) for Cryptococcus neoformans. Other yeast correlated as Rhodotorula sp. and Candida sp. were isolated. We conclude that the infectious propagules of Cryptococcus are dispersed in nature and constitute an environmental microfocus, not necessarily being bound to a single host.


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Few studies has been done using guided bone regeneration in maxillary sinus defects. AIM: To assess the bone repair process in surgical defects on the alveolar wall of the monkey maxillary sinus, which communicates with the sinus cavity, by using collagen membranes: Gen-derm - Genius Baumer, Pro-tape - Proline and autologous temporal fascia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this prospective and experimental study, orosinusal communications were performed in four tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) and histologic analysis was carried out 180 days after. RESULTS: In the defects without a cover (control), bone proliferation predominated in two animals and fibrous connective tissue predominated in the other two. In defects repaired with a temporal fascia flap, fibrous connective tissue predominated in three animals and bone proliferation predominated in one. In the defects repaired with Gen-derm or Pro-tape collagen membranes there was complete bone proliferation in three animals and fibrous connective tissue in one. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical defect can be repaired with both bone tissue and fibrous connective tissue in all study groups; collagen membranes was more beneficial in the bone repair process than temporal fascia or absence of a barrier.


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Bone reconstructions are traditionally conducted with autogenous grafts harvested from intra- or extra-oral donor sites to reestablish the lost bone volume for further implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. The calvarial bone has been studied as an excellent donor site in large atrophic situations, presenting low resorption rates, as well as complications and minimal morbidity. The hospitalization time is short, with low pain levels, short functional limitations, and invisible scars. The skull microarchitecture is predominantly cortical in the presence of growth factors that demonstrate their osteogenic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive abilities resulting in low resorption rate and high predictability when compared to the iliac crest. Dural lacerations, extra and subdural bleeding, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and brain damage have been minimized due to the development of surgical technique. The delimitation of diploe, preserving the internal skull cortex before osteotomy at the donor made it possible to reduce accidents and complications. The aim of this paper is to show a technical and to discuss aspects of the use of calvarial bone in the reconstruction of severely atrophic maxilla for oral rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants.