940 resultados para Pig perfilométrico. Pigs instrumentados. Engenharia de dutos. Inspeção de dutos
Technology is growing interest in the use of composites, due to the requirement of lighter materials and more resistant, factors essential to meet the project specifications and reduce the operational cost. In the production of high performance structural composites, considering the aerospace criteria, the domestic industry has shown interest in the process of resin transfer molding (RTM) for reproducibility and low cost. This process is suitable for producing components of polymeric composites with relatively simple geometries, consistent thicknesses, high quality finish with no size limitations. The objective of this work was machined carbon steel to make a matched-die tooling for RTM and produce two composite plates of epoxy resin and carbon fiber fabric with and without induced discontinuities, which were compared towards their impregnation with ultrasound, their properties via tensile tests and thermal analysis. In ultrasonic inspection, it was found good impregnation of the preform of both composites. In the thermal analysis it was possible to check the degradation temperature of the composites, the glass transition temperature and it was found that the composites showed no effective cure cycles, but presented good performance in the tensile test when compared with aluminum alloy 7050 T7451 . The results showed that the injection strategy was appropriate since the laminate exhibited a good quality for the proposed application
The welding process in industrial piping is still the most effective way to ensure the durability and quality of the wide range of industrial process, although because of the high demand for energy and quality of the produced products, the piping has been constantly tested for high pressure applications and still high temperature. The welding method analyzed is the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding or GTAW (Gas-Shielded Tungsten Arc Welding), which ones have as principal feature the utilization of a not consumable tungsten electrode in the torch extremity , in this process is necessary a protective atmosphere of inert gas. The welding TIG advantage is the obtaining of a welded seam clean and with quality for not has slag after the welding. This work has as objective show the variability in the carbon steel piping welding parameters and by the tests in four proof bodies will be shown the influence of the variation of the welding methods in a welded seam. The tests will vary since the piece to be welded preparation, till penetrating liquid tests, welding macrography, welding x-ray and traction tests. Even been a clean and with quality welding is necessary a final inspection in the seam welded looking for defects almost inevitable resulted of the welded process, the obtained results have the objective of indicate and minimize the defects to ensure quality and durability of the welded seam
The metropolitan region of São Paulo is the most populous of the country, this happens because of its great importance in the national economy and the job opportunities that are offered to the population. These factors result in intense population growth and urban expansion, reaching some non-habitable places of the metropolis, as areas of pipelines, which are very important for the transportation of natural gas, oil and its derivatives. Before the population growth of the region, these sites were unoccupied, do not presenting problems for the population. However, with the disorderly occupation is generated great anthropogenic pressure on the pipeline stitches, causing risks to people who are around them. Therefore it is extremely important to monitor the strip of pipelines through products and techniques of remote sensing and geoprocessing, enabling, through high spatial resolution images, identification of objects or phenomena that occur on Earth's surface that can alter the functioning and safety of pipelines. Therefore, this study aims to monitor a stretch of the area of the pipeline mesh GASPAL/OSVAT and Capuava Refinery (RECAP), located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of São Paulo in the city of Mauá, who suffer great human pressure, proving thus the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) as effective tools for monitoring phenomena occurred in urban areas of great complexity. The monitoring was done by object-based classification applied in orbital images Ikonos II and RapidEye, of high spatial resolution and, image processing, detection of objects, segmentation, classification and editing were developed through the eCognition and ArcGis softwares. To determine the statistical accuracy of the mapping of the land cover of the stretch of pipeline in Maua, the results were analyzed by error matrix... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The current work aims to analyze the contributions of PIBID for initial graduation of the teachers, in view of the undergraduates of Physics Course at UNESP Guaratinguetá . A brief literature survey about the national situation of teacher education was performed, at which the main difficulties and challenges, as well as the solutions stated in place by the government to solve them, have been highlighted. A description of the historical of PIBID at UNESP, from the institutional project to reach the subproject developed by Physics Course of Guaratinguetá, was presented. To characterize the development of the subproject, it was performed a survey on the activities performed by the PIBID’s scholars, since its implementation on campus in 2010 until the end of the year 2013, in order to map the experiences lived by program participants. These data were obtained from the analysis of reports by scholars themselves, video analyzes and record of the weekly meetings held by the group, reading electronic messages exchanged on a specific group of e-mails and written evaluations by members of the program. Completing data collection, eleven scholars undergraduates of the program were interviewed, and the results were classified by topics, defined from recurrence in the interviewees speech. The global analysis of the data was based on theoretical references commonly used in research on graduation of teachers, as Nóvoa (1992), Mizukami (2005, 2006) and Gatti (2008). The results indicate that the licensed ones see in PIBID a differentiated opportunity for initial teaching graduation, for adding practical learning experiences for students of EB within the school context, and especially for creating space for reflection on their experiences with the support of more experienced teachers, committed to the training of all involved ones
It is clear today the ever-accelerating search for new fuels that will eventually replace those that will survive in our society, which are fossil fuels. For this reason, a fuel used since the dawn of humanity and much studied since then, considered the generator of clean, renewable energy, can earn more and more space in the power generation sector, which is biomass. We performed two experiments with two different types of biomass, one from the Amazon rainforest and other pine and eucalyptus as waste from the sawmill UNESP Itapeva. In the first experiment, conducted at the Laboratory of Combustion and Propulsion INPE Cachoeira Paulista were conducted three tests in a chimney with a fan creating forced ventilation, where the biomass was burned and deposited on a support beneath the hood. In the second experiment was conducted to analyze the emission of particulate matter using biomass (waste) from the sawmill on the campus of UNESP experimental Itapeva the burning of it in a burner for heating water for a wood oven. In these experiments we used a particle called DATARAM4 sampler that is capable of sampling both outdoors and inside of pipelines, which is the focus of this work. With this equipment it was possible to measure the concentration of particulate matter in all the firings as above, and compare them to levels acceptable in the current law, always trying to analyze the so-called fine particles, which are those with diameters less than 2.5 μm. Using data obtained from the equipment was also possible to evaluate the diametral distribution of particulate matter in question, and verify which phases of the flares in the concentration and the diameters of the particles are the most critical. In this work we concluded that in all firings conducted concentrations of particulate matter were higher than that allowed by the law, and the diameters were found that are more harmful to human health
Nowadays technological trend is based on finding materials that could support low weight with satisfactory mechanical properties and for this reason composite material became a very attractive topic in research projects all over the world. Due to its heterogenic properties, this type of material shows scatter in mechanical test results, especially in cyclic loading. Therefore it is important to predict its fatigue strength behaviour by statistic analysis, once fatigue causes approximately 90% of the failure in structural components. The present work aimed to investigate the fatigue behaviour of the Twill/Cycom 890 composite, which is carbon fiber reinforced with polymeric resin as matrix and manufactured via RTM process (Resin Transfer Molding). All samples were tested in different tensile level in triplicate in order to associate these values. The statistical analysis was conducted with Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution and then evaluated the fatigue life results for the composite. Weibull graphics were used to determine the scale and shape parameters. The S-N curve for the Twill/Cycom composite was drawn and indicated the number of cycles to occur the first damages in this material. The probability of failure was associated with material reliability, as shown in graphics for the different tensile levels and fatigue life. In addition, the laminate was evaluated by ultrasonic inspection showing a regular impregnation. The fractographic analysis conducted by SEM showed failure mechanisms for polymeric composites associated to cyclic loadings ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This work presents a project of Action Search in a consumption industry of the sector of personal care, health and beauty. Following the implementation steps of Autonomous Maintenance Pillar of TPM methodology, stands for Total Productive Maintenance, this work aims to ensure the advancement of some machines in a production line of the company to the next steps of the methodology implementation, demonstrating the results achieved by the TPM. In the company in question, the TPM has been implemented in the past but lost strength over the years and some of its concepts were abandoned, producing then a drop in the equipments efficiency, increased wastes and breaks in the processes, as well as loss in product quality. Then, the need arose to restart the implementation process from the beginning, to strictly follow all the steps of the methodology, ensuring increased efficiency of equipment and processes. Through training and a changing in the company culture, it was possible a joint effort between Operation and Maintenance in order to enhance the knowledge of the operators on their machines. Initially, it was developed a general cleanliness program of equipments so that it could be possible to find the anomalies in the process. Subsequently, operators and maintainers were trained to detect anomalies, enabling equipments to work under their basic conditions of operation and subsequently building provisional standards of equipment cleaning, lubrication and inspection. Through the improvement presented by some indicators such as OEE, wastes, bankruptcies and unavailability, it was proved the importance and the positive effects of TPM implementation in manufacturing
In recent years a great worldwide interest has arisen for the development of new technologies that enable the use of products with less environmental impact. The replacement of synthetic fiber plants is a possibility very important because this fiber is renewable, biodegradable and few cost and cause less environmental impact. Given the above, this work proposes to develop polymeric composites of epoxy resin and study the behavior of these materials. Both, the epoxy resin used as matrix in the manufacture of sapegrass fiber composite, as tree composites formed by: epoxy/unidirectional sapegrass long fiber, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber, by volume, and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber, by volume, were characterized by bending, and the composites produced with short fibers random were inspected by Optical Microscopy and Acoustics Inspection (C-Scan). For the analysis of the sapegrass fiber morphology, composites 75% epoxy/25% short fiber (sheet chopped) and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber images were obtained by optical microscope and the adhesion between polymer/fiber was visualized. As results, the flexural strength of composites epoxy/unidirectional long fibers, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber were 70.36 MPa, 21.26 MPa, 25.07 MPa, respectively. Being that composite showed that the best results was made up of long fibers, because it had a value of higher flexural strength than other composites analyzed
The expansion of the electrical system is currently a subject of great importance to the development of Brazil. For its realization, large projects are needed, requiring large-scale investment and realization processes of great complexity. Thus, this type of project has a high strategic importance for the performance of companies that conduct. Seeking a way to determine a method to align traditional practices for measuring quality to the corporate strategic needs, this work is the study of the use of the balanced scorecard methodology, applying quality management and operational excellence, with a focus on projects in power systems. We analyzed some cases of successful application of the methodology in business segments in the next study, culminating in a proposed model of the method
The number of piping in an industry is high. Through this piping are conducted several kind of products at several temperature and pressure conditions. In a chemical company, the piping quantity conducting harmful chemical products to human health and to the environment is higher. Nowadays the theme sustainability is often mentioned and harm to environment may cause irreversible damage to the human being, to the fauna, to the flora and to company´s credibility. In this context, controlling over the piping to avoid accidents is mandatory. The objective of this monograph is to create a procedure which enables the chemical companies piping traceability. This monograph analyses the several existent traceability system in the three economy sectors and approaches the technical question of industrial piping in order to create a procedure that achieves its objectives as a technical document and at the same time be economically feasible, with low complexibility level and high practicability. Some possibilities to elaborate this procedure had been studied, as the creation of an alphanumeric code and making with a chisel in the pipeline based on ASTM F2897 and the use of chips to store the information. However, the procedure which best meet the requirement as low cost and high applicability is filling out an electronic plan with information about welding process, welding certification, welding consumables and inspections