966 resultados para Photoinduced Electron-transfer


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L1, L2 and L3 of Oxysarcodexia paulistanensis (Mattos), L3 of O. confusa Lopes, L2 of Ravinia belforti (Prado & Fonseca) and L2 of Oxyvinia excisa (Lopes) were described and figured using scanning electron microscope.


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With the aid of the cobalt labelling technique, frog spinal cord motor neuron dendrites of the subpial dendritic plexus have been identified in serial electron micrographs. Computer reconstructions of various lengths (2.5-9.8 micron) of dendritic segments showed the contours of these dendrites to be highly irregular, and to present many thorn-like projections 0.4-1.8 micron long. Number, size and distribution of synaptic contacts were also determined. Almost half of the synapses occurred at the origins of the thorns and these synapses had the largest contact areas. Only 8 out of 54 synapses analysed were found on thorns and these were the smallest. For the total length of reconstructed dendrites there was, on average, one synapse per 1.2 micron, while 4.4% of the total dendritic surface was covered with synaptic contacts. The functional significance of these distal dendrites and their capacity to influence the soma membrane potential is discussed.


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We have been able to produce a mouse monoclonal IgE antibody specific to an adult worm antigen extracted from Schistosoma japonicum (Sj). The antibody was able to elicit passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in the rat skin against Sj with the highest titer of 1:256,000 but did not cross-react with S. mansoni antigen. The antibody recognized a 97-kDa molecule expressed on the surface of mechanically transformed schistosoma of S. japonicum. Passive transfer of the antibody into mice in the early stage of challenge infection resulted in a partial but significant reduction of recovery of adult worms. Induction of eosinophilia by an oral administration of embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis prior to challenge infection enhanced the reduction.


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Transmission electon microscopy has been employed for the rapid detection of mycoplasma in sera and cell cultures. High speed centrifugation of sera or low speed centrifugation of cell debris, followed by negative staining of the resuspended pellet, detected mycoplasma contamination more frequently than a culture method followed by direct fluorescence (DAPI), which was used as a control procedure. The appearance of the mycoplasma cell border and content gives some information about particle viability.


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Mothers can improve the quality of their offspring by increasing the level of certain components in their eggs. To examine whether or not mothers increase deposition of such components in eggs as a function of food availability, we food-supplemented black-legged kittiwake females (Rissa tridactyla) before and during egg laying and compared deposition of androgens and antibodies into eggs of first and experimentally induced replacement clutches. Food-supplemented females transferred lower amounts of androgens and antibodies into eggs of induced replacement clutches than did non-food-supplemented mothers, whereas first clutches presented no differences between treatments. Our results suggest that when females are in lower condition, they transfer more androgens and antibodies into eggs to facilitate chick development despite potential long-term costs for juveniles. Females in prime condition may avoid these potential long-term costs because they can provide their chicks with more and higher quality resources.


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The egg and the first instar larva of Dermatobia hominis were described based on observation with a scanning electron microscope.


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Comparision by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of Trypanosoma cruzi flagellates attached to the cuticle of the rectal gland of infected Dipetalogaster maxima nymphs, showed marked differences before amd after feeding. Before feeding numerous metacyclic trypomastigotes were observed among the abundant epimastigotes that formed the carpet of flagellates. On the other hand, in insects that were allowed to urinate for 24 hours after a meal, the metacyclics were scarce,indicating that they had been detached by the urine flow. An asymetric type of cell division, probably originating both an epi-and a trypomastigote, was occasionally observed. The occurrence of swellings at different levels of the flagella of epimastigotes suggests that secondary sites of attachment may be common.


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Nanoparticles (NPs) are being used or explored for the development of biomedical applications in diagnosis and therapy, including imaging and drug delivery. Therefore, reliable tools are needed to study the behavior of NPs in biological environment, in particular the transport of NPs across biological barriers, including the blood-brain tumor barrier (BBTB), a challenging question. Previous studies have addressed the translocation of NPs of various compositions across cell layers, mostly using only one type of cells. Using a coculture model of the human BBTB, consisting in human cerebral endothelial cells preloaded with ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIO NPs) and unloaded human glioblastoma cells grown on each side of newly developed ultrathin permeable silicon nitride supports as a model of the human BBTB, we demonstrate for the first time the transfer of USPIO NPs from human brain-derived endothelial cells to glioblastoma cells. The reduced thickness of the permeable mechanical support compares better than commercially available polymeric supports to the thickness of the basement membrane of the cerebral vascular system. These results are the first report supporting the possibility that USPIO NPs could be directly transferred from endothelial cells to glioblastoma cells across a BBTB. Thus, the use of such ultrathin porous supports provides a new in vitro approach to study the delivery of nanotherapeutics to brain cancers. Our results also suggest a novel possibility for nanoparticles to deliver therapeutics to the brain using endothelial to neural cells transfer.


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Male genitalia of Oxyvinia exicisa (Lopes), Oxysarcodexia thomax (Walker), O. fluminensis Lopes, Sarcodexia lambens (Wiedemann), Peckia chrysostoma (Wiedemann) and Liopygia ruficornis (Fabricius) were studied based on scanning electron microscope photography. Some important details were evidentiated with this method.


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We studied by sanning electron microscopy the number, types, structure and distribution of the antennal sensilla of the medical important ceratopogonid Culicoides paraensis (Goeldi). There are about 174 sense organs on the antenmal flagellum which are classified as sensilla chaetica; sharp-tipped and blunt-tipped (type I and II) sensilla trichodea; sensilla basiconica; sensilla coeloconica; sensilla ampullacea and styloconic-type sensilla. The role of antennal sensory organs are discussed regarding the host preference of the biting midges.


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In this paper we show that the ability of multinational firms to manipulate transfer prices affects the tax sensitivity of foreign direct investment (FDI). We offer a model of international capital allocation where firms are heterogeneous in their ability to manipulate transfer prices. Perhaps paradoxically, we show that the ability to shift profits can make parent companies' investment more sensitive to host-country tax rates, as long as investors expect fisscal authorities to use price and profit detection methods. We then offer a comprehensive empirical study to test our predictions in the case of Japanese FDI. We exploit the finding that the unobservable ability to manipulate transfer prices is correlated with whole ownership of a±liates and R&D expenditure. Based on country, parent firm and sector characteristics, we estimate an investment equation on a sample of 3614 Japanese affiliates in 49 emerging countries. We obtain a greater semi-elasticity of investment to the statutory tax rate in a±liates that are wholly-owned and that have R&D intensive parents. We interpret these results as indirect evidence that abusive transfer pricing is one of the determinants of FDI activity.


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The need for better gene transfer systems towards improved risk=benefit balance for patients remains a major challenge in the clinical translation of gene therapy (GT). We have investigated the improvement of integrating vectors safety in combining (i) new short synthetic genetic insulator elements (GIE) and (ii) directing genetic integration to heterochromatin. We have designed SIN-insulated retrovectors with two candidate GIEs and could identify a specific combination of insulator 2 repeats which translates into best functional activity, high titers and boundary effect in both gammaretro (p20) and lentivectors (DCaro4) (see Duros et al, abstract ibid). Since GIEs are believed to shield the transgenic cassette from inhibitory effects and silencing, DCaro4 has been further tested with chimeric HIV-1 derived integrases which comprise C-ter chromodomains targeting heterochromatin through either histone H3 (ML6chimera) or methylatedCpGislands (ML10). With DCaro4 only and both chimeras, a homogeneous expression is evidenced in over 20% of the cells which is sustained over time. With control lentivectors, less than 2% of cells express GFP as compared to background using a control double-mutant in both catalytic and ledgf binding-sites; in addition, a two-times increase of expression can be induced with histone deacetylase inhibitors. Our approach could significantly reduce integration into open chromatin sensitive sites in stem cells at the time of transduction, a feature which might significantly decrease subsequent genotoxicity, according to X-SCIDs patients data.Work performed with the support of EC-DG research within the FP6-Network of Excellence, CLINIGENE: LSHB-CT-2006-018933


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The male genitalia of nine species of Sarcophagidae (Diptera) - Goniophyto honsuensis Rohdendorf, 1962, Tricharaea brevicornis (Wiedemann, 1830), Chaetoravinia derelicta (Walker, 1852), Austrohartigia spinigena (Rondani, 1864), Chrysagria duodecimpunctata Townsend, 1935, Boettcheria bisetosa Parker, 1914, Lipoptilocnema lanei Townsend, 1934, L. crispina (Lopes, 1938) and Euboettcheria alvarengai Lopes & Tibana, 1982 - were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the main morphological features are descirbed.