951 resultados para Periodontal Debridement


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Instruments are used in odontology to measure the Quality of Life Related to Oral Health (OHRQoL) to scale how the oral condition interferes with functional areas, of the people s psychological and social life. This cross-sectional study, held in Natal/RN, with 215 students from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) has investigated the association between the performance of daily activities and oral health status of school adolescents from 15 to 19 years of age, through the normative index DMFT (permanent teeth decayed, missing and filled), CPI (Community Periodontal Index) and DAI (dental Aesthetic Index) and subjective questionnaire assessment of quality of life related oral health OIDP index (oral impacts on daily performance). It was also carried out the socioeconomic characteristics of students through IFRN own data. Concerning the analysis of data was performed a descriptive analysis of the variables by their absolute and relative frequencies and measures of central tendency. The chi-square test was used to assess the association between the dependent variable and the independent categorical variables and the Student t test for quantitative. It was also conducted a further multiple analysis out using Poisson regression with robust variance between the outcome "presence of impact" and the independent variables that showed p <0.20. It was used for all the statistical tests a significance level of 5%. Among the adolescents surveyed, 51.16% reported that at least one activity assessed by OIDP had hampered its implementation due to some dental problem. The difficulties were more pronounced in the activities of eating (31.6%), oral hygiene (25.6%) and smile (25.1%).The tooth position, followed by toothache, were the causes of the impacts reported by most teenagers. There was a significant association between the presence and impact of the presence of one or more decayed teeth (p = 0.012), the presence of gum bleeding (p = 0.012) and for orthodontic treatment (p = 0.003), independently of other variables. There was no significant association between oral health status and socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the adolescents. The survey results showed that there is an association between oral health status of the population studied and reports of difficulties in carrying out daily activities evaluated. The worse the oral health status, the greater the impact of this condition on the adolescents quality of life


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It has been shown that the development of peri-implant mucositis is associated with biofilm accumulation. It is believed that the therapeutic approaches used in periodontal disease may have a positive effect in the cases of peri-implant disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of non-surgical treatment of peri-implant mucositis, with or without the use of chlorhexidine 0,12% in subjects rehabilitated with osseointegrated implants. Thus, patients were randomly divided into test group (chlorhexidine surgical therapy) and control (non-surgical treatment). This therapy consisted of an adaptation of the (Full Mouth scalling and Root Planing) nonoperative protocol FMSRP, but without the use of ultrasound. The visible plaque index (VPI), gingival bleeding index (GBI), probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP) and keratinized mucosa clinical parameters were evaluated at baseline and at different times after treatment. The data were not normally distributed and the implant was considered the sampling unit. Data were analyzed using Fri edman and Wilcoxon chi-square (=5%), tests using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences 17.0 (SPSS). Thus, 119 implants were evaluated, 61 in the test group and 58 in the control group. The results showed statistically significant differences for the variables: average BTI implants in both groups (p<0,001), mean ISG implants both in the test group (p<0,001), and control (p= 0,006) of implants; PS for the test group (p< 0,001) and control (p = 0,015) and SS (p<0,001) in the two treatment groups. However, there was no statistically significant difference when the groups were compared. The PS and SS variables showed no statistically significant difference in any of independent interest to the study (age, sex, smoking, treatment group, keratinized mucosa at different times, peri-implant biotype, average VPI implants and GBI). Thus, it can be concluded that both the mechanical treatment isolated as its association with chlorhexidine mouthwash 0.12% can be used for the treatment of peri-implant mucositis. Moreover, the condition of oral h ygiene has improved between baseline and six months and the depth and bleeding on probing decreased after three and six months


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Dentre os vários aspectos da saúde do idoso, a saúde bucal merece atenção especial pelo fato de que, historicamente, nos serviços odontológicos, não se considera esse grupo populacional como prioridade de atenção. Por isso, se faz necessária a produção de um indicador multidimensional capaz de mensurar todas as alterações bucais encontradas em um idoso, facilitando a categorização da saúde bucal como um todo. Tal indicador representará um importante instrumento capaz de elencar prioridades de atenção voltadas à população idosa. Portanto, o estudo em questão propõe a produção e validação de um indicador de saúde bucal a partir dos dados secundários coletados pelo projeto SB Brasil 2010 referente ao grupo etário de 65 a 74 anos. A amostra foi representada pelos 7619 indivíduos do grupo etário de 65 a 74 anos que participaram da pesquisa nas 5 (cinco) regiões do Brasil. Tais indivíduos foram submetidos à avaliação epidemiológica das condições de saúde bucal, a partir dos índices CPO-d, CPI e PIP. Além disso, verificou-se o uso e necessidade de prótese, bem como características sociais, econômicas e demográficas. Uma análise fatorial identificou um número relativamente pequeno de fatores comuns, através da análise de componentes principais. Após a nomenclatura dos fatores, foi realizada a soma dos escores fatoriais por indivíduo. Por último, a dicotomização dessa soma nos forneceu o indicador de saúde bucal proposto. Para esse estudo foram incluídas na análise fatorial 12 variáveis de saúde bucal oriundas do banco de dados do SB Brasil 2010 e, também 3 variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas. Com base no critério de Kaiser, observa-se que foram retidos cinco fatores que explicaram 70,28% da variância total das variáveis incluídas no modelo. O fator 1 (um) explica sozinho 32,02% dessa variância, o fator 2 (dois) 14,78%, enquanto que os fatores 3 (três), 4 (quatro) e 5 (cinco) explicam 8,90%, 7,89% e 6,68%, respectivamente. Por meio das cargas fatoriais, o fator um foi denominado dente hígido e pouco uso de prótese , o dois doença periodontal presente , o três necessidade de reabilitação , já o quarto e quinto fator foram denominados de cárie e condição social favorável , respectivamente. Para garantir a representatividade do indicador proposto, realizou-se uma segunda análise fatorial em uma subamostra da população de idosos investigados. Por outro lado, a aplicabilidade do indicador produzido foi testada por meio da associação do mesmo com outras variáveis do estudo. Por fim, Cabe ressaltar que, o indicador aqui produzido foi capaz de agregar diver sas informações a respeito da saúde bucal e das condições sociais desses indivíduos, traduzindo assim, diversos dados em uma informação simples, que facilita o olhar dos gestores de saúde sobre as reais necessidades de intervenções em relação à saúde bucal de determinada população


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A burn is a lesion on an organic tissue resultant from direct or indirect action of heat on the organism. The present study aimed to evaluate the nutritional, immunological and microbiological status of burn patients at the Bauru State Hospital, São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2007. Eight patients, aged more than 18 years and injured up to 24 hours, were evaluated at the moment of hospitalization and seven days later. All victims were males with a mean age of 38 years. on average, 17.5% of their body surfaces were burned and 50% of the patients were eutrophic. There were significant alterations in levels of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total protein and albumin due to increased endothelial permeability, direct destruction of proteins in the heat-affected area and blood loss from lesions or debridement. At a second moment, cytokines IL-6 and TNF-alpha had augmented significantly, with IL-6 presenting elevated levels in relation to controls at the first moment. Microbiological analysis showed that 100% of the samples collected at hospital admission were negative and after one week Staphylococcus aureus was found in all cultures. Therefore, a burn patient may be considered immunosuppressed and these results indicate significant nutritional, immunological and microbiological alterations that can interfere in his recovery.


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Objective: Chlorhexidine digluconate is widely used in dental practice for decreasing plaque control, controlling gingivitis and disinfecting root canals. However, the undesirable effects of chlorhexidine digluconate regarding its genotoxicity are conflicting in the literature. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxicity of chlorhexidine digluconate in rat peripheral blood and oral mucosal cells by the single cell gel (comet) assay and micronucleus assay.Methods: Thirty male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups: negative control; experimental group orally treated with 0.5 ml of 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate, twice daily, during 8 days; and positive control, which received 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide at 0.5 g/l by drinking water.Results: A statistically significant increase of DNA damage was observed in leukocytes and oral mucosal cells of the chlorhexidine digluconate treated group, as assessed by the comet assay. However, no increase of micronucleated cells was detected in reticulocytes from peripheral blood cells.Conclusions: Taken together, the data indicate that chlorhexidine digluconate is able to induce primary DNA damage in leukocytes and in oral mucosal cells, but no chromosome breakage or loss in erythrocytes.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze histologically the influence of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) coagulated with two different activators on bone healing in surgically created critical-size defects (CSD) in rat calvaria.Forty-eight rats were divided into three groups: C, PRP-C and PRP-T. An 8 mm diameter CSD was created in the calvarium of each animal. In group C, the defect was filled by a blood clot only. In groups PRP-C and PRP-T, the defect was filled with PRP activated with either calcium chloride or thromboplastin solution, respectively. Each group was divided into two subgroups (n = 8 per subgroup) and killed at either 4 or 12 weeks postoperatively. Histologic and histometric analyses were performed. The amount of new bone formed was calculated as a percentage of the total area of the original defect. Percentage data were transformed into arccosine for statistical analysis (analysis of variance, Tukey's post hoc test, p < 0.05).No defect completely regenerated with bone. Group PRP-C had a statistically greater amount of bone formation than groups C and PRP-T at both time points of analysis. No statistically significant differences were observed between groups C and PRP-T.It can be concluded that the type of activator used to initiate PRP clot formation influences its biological effect on bone healing in CSD in rat calvaria.


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Endodontic treatment is an important step of tooth replantation protocols, but the ideal moment for definitive obturation of replanted teeth has not yet been established. In this study, a histomorphometric analysis was undertaken to evaluate the repair process on immediate replantation of monkeys teeth after calcium hydroxide (CH) therapy for 1 and 6 months followed by root canal filling with a CH-based sealer (Sealapex (R)). The maxillary and mandibular lateral incisors of five female Cebus apella monkeys were extracted, kept in sterile saline for 15 min, replanted and splinted with stainless steel orthodontic wire and composite resin for 10 days. In Group I (control), definitive root canal filling was performed before tooth extraction. In Groups II and III, CH therapy started after removal of splint, and definitive root canal filling was performed 1 and 6 months later, respectively. The animals were euthanized 9 months after replantation, and specimens were processed for histomorphometric analysis. In all groups, epithelial attachment occurred at the cementoenamel junction or very close to this region; the areas of resorption on root surface had small extension and depth and were repaired by newly formed cementum; and the periodontal ligament was organized. Statistical analysis of the scores obtained for the histomorphometric parameters did not show any statistically significant difference (P = 0.1221) among the groups. The results suggests that when endodontic treatment is initiated 10 days after immediate replantation and an antibiotic regimen is associated, definitive root canal filling can be performed after a short-term CH therapy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although it has already been shown that enamel matrix derivative (Emdogain((R))) promotes periodontal regeneration in the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects, there is little information concerning its regenerative capacity in cases of delayed tooth replantation. To evaluate the alterations in the periodontal healing of replanted teeth after use of Emdogain((R)), the central incisors of 24 Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were extracted and left on the bench for 6 h. Thereafter, the dental papilla and the enamel organ of each tooth were sectioned for pulp removal by a retrograde way and the canal was irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite. The teeth were assigned to two groups:in group I, root surface was treated with 1% sodium hypochlorite for 10 min (changing the solution every 5 min), rinsed with saline for 10 min and immersed in 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride for 10 min; in group II, root surfaces were treated in the same way as described above, except for the application of Emdogain((R)) instead of sodium fluoride. The teeth were filled with calcium hydroxide (in group II right before Emdogain((R)) was applied) and replanted. All animals received antibiotic therapy. The rats were killed by anesthetic overdose 10 and 60 days after replantation. The pieces containing the replanted teeth were removed, fixated, decalcified and paraffin-embedded. Semi-serial 6-mu m-thick sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histologic and histometric analyses. The use of 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride provided more areas of replacement resorption. The use of Emdogain((R)) resulted in more areas of ankylosis and was therefore not able to avoid dentoalveolar ankylosis. It may be concluded that neither 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride nor Emdogain((R)) were able to prevent root resorption in delayed tooth replantation in rats.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the tensile strength of orthodontic wires bonded onto the enamel with cyanoacrylate ester. To obtain the specimens, 120 human premolars (extracted for orthodontic or periodontal reasons) were included in acrylic blocks of rapid polymerization with three teeth each. Four groups were formed with ten specimens each. In the specimens, a dental splint model was made with cyanoacrylate ester and round stainless steel wire. In groups I, II and III, cyanoacrylate ester was used with round steel wires, with variation in diameter: 0.014 inches; 0.016 inches and 0.018 inches, respectively. In group IV, round steel wire 0.018 inches was used with photo polymerizing resin composite with previous acid etching. The adhesive force of the materials was measured in two points under the action of the tensiometer (ETM-USA). The number of loose wires was counted along with those that remained fixed according to the different levels of force applied because of the direction of the tensile force (vertical or horizontal) and the diameter of the wire used. The data obtained were first submitted to a descriptive analysis and then submitted to a statistical analysis (Friedman's Test and Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparison - Epi-info 3.2). Within the limitations of the experimental conditions presented, the cyanoacrylate ester or 'Super Bonder (R)' maintained bonded to enamel and steel wires (0.016 and 0.018 inches) during the tensile strength tests under different levels of applied forces.


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The clinical management of orthodontic patients with dental trauma before or during the treatment is mainly founded on clinical experience, expert opinions, and individual case reports. It is proposed in the literature that teeth sustaining mild trauma with minor damage to the periodontium (e.g. subluxation) should be followed for a period of time before being subjected to orthodontic forces. A minimum period of 3 months has been proposed. In this study, we used an animal model to investigate whether shorter observation periods could be established in case of mild trauma. The periradicular region of rat molars was examined microscopically to determine the biological events of tooth movement started 15 and 30 days after intentional subluxation using an experimental method to induce dentoalveolar trauma. Thirty adult male Wistar rats were assigned to 6 groups (n = 5): Group 1 (control no trauma/orthodontic movement); Group 2: the animals received an orthodontic device and were sacrificed after 7 days; Groups 3 and 4: dentoalveolar trauma (subluxation) was experimentally induced by the application of an axial force of 900 cN on the occlusal surface of the maxillary right first molar, and the animals were sacrificed after 22 and 37 days, respectively; and Groups 5 and 6: 15 and 30 days, respectively, after force application, an orthodontic device was installed and the rats were sacrificed 7 days later. In G5 and G6, the periodontal ligament and pulp tissue were rich in cellular elements and blood vessels, the alveolar bone was preserved, and the root surface presented only very small areas of surface resorption (cementum), maintaining the characteristics of normality. In conclusion, the microscopic alterations in the gingival and periodontal tissues in response to an experimentally induced mild dentoalveolar trauma simulating subluxation were not sufficient to contraindicate starting the orthodontic movement 15 and 30 days after trauma.


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Aim: To describe the orthodontic, periodontal and prosthetic management of a case with a 3 mm root fracture below the crest of the alveolar bone.Methods: The root was extruded and periodontal surgery carried out to improve aesthetics and dental function.Conclusion: A multidisciplinary approach to the management of dental root fractures is necessary for successful treatment. (Aust Orthod J 2010; 26: 90-94)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the histological alterations occurred in the periradicular region of rat molars after intentional subluxation using an experimental method to induce dentoalveolar trauma. Eighteen adult male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were selected for the study. The dentoalveolar trauma was experimentally induced by the application of an occlusogingival force on the occlusal surface of the maxillary right first molar using a tensiometer secured on a fully articulated support with adjustable steel shafts. The animals were assigned to six groups (n = 3), according to the intensity of the force applied to induce trauma: Group I (GI, control) - no force application; Groups II-VI (GII-GVI) - the animals were subjected to 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 cN force, respectively. After experimental induction of trauma, the animals were sacrificed by anesthetic overdose and the right maxillas were removed and processed for histological analysis under light microscopy. In the animals of GII, GIII and GIV, the histological alterations were similar to those described for GI. GVI (1000 cN) presented the most severe alterations, with the occurrence of buccal bone plate fracture, alveolar fracture and root fracture, which are not present in mild traumatic injuries like subluxation. The 900 cN force (GV) was capable to produce clinical and histological alterations in the gingival and periodontal tissues compatible with those observed in subluxation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: Euro-Collins solution was developed for the preservation of organs for transplantation, whose characteristics have raised interest for its use as a storage medium for avulsed teeth before replantation. This study evaluated histologically and morphometrically the healing process of dog teeth replanted after storage in Euro-Collins solution or bovine milk.Materials and Methods: Eighty roots of 4 young adult mongrel clogs were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n = 20) and the root canals were instrumented and obturated with gutta-percha and a calcium hydroxide-based sealer. After 2 weeks, the teeth were extracted and subjected to the following protocols: GI (negative control), replantation immediately after extraction; GII (positive control), bench-drying for 2 hours before replantation; GIII and GIV, immersion in 10 mL of whole bovine milk and Euro-Collins solution at 4 C, respectively, for 8 hours before replantation. The animals were sacrificed 90 days postoperatively. The pieces containing the replanted teeth were subjected to routine processing for histologic and histometric analyses under light microscopy and polarized light microscopy.Results: Root resorption was observed in all groups. GII exhibited the greatest loss of dental structure (P < .01), and inflammatory resorption was predominant in this group. Storage in milk showed poorer results than immediate replantation and storage in Euro-Collins solution (P < .01). The teeth stored in Euro-Collins solution presented similar extension of root resorption and periodontal ligament reorganization to those of immediately replanted teeth.Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the Euro-Collins solution is an adequate storage medium for keeping avulsed teeth for up to 8 hours before replantation.