966 resultados para Peridinin chlorophyll-a binding protein


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This thesis has been focused on the proteomic characterization of human saliva from donors of different ages, starting from birth up to adult age, and pediatric brain tumor tissues. The first study has been performed in order to compare the acid-insoluble fraction of saliva from preterm with at-term newborns and adults and establish if differences exist. In the second study medulloblastoma and pilocytic astrocytoma pediatric brain tumor extracts have been compared. In both studies 2- DE analysis was coupled with high resolution tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The proteomic characterization of the acid-insoluble fractions of saliva from preterm newborns allowed to integrate data previously obtained on the acid-soluble fraction by HPLC-electrospray ionization (ESI)-mass spectrometry (MS), and to evidence several differences between preterm newborns, at-term newborns and adults. Spots differentially expressed between the three groups, according to image analysis of the gels, were submitted to in-gel tryptic digestion and the peptide mixture analyzed by high performance HPLC-ESI-MS/MS for their characterization. By this strategy, we identified three over-expressed proteins in atterm newborns with respect to preterm newborns and adults (BPI fold-containing family A member 1, two proteoforms of annexin A1, and keratin type 1 cytoskeletal 13), and several over-expressed proteins in adults (fatty acid-binding protein, S100A6, S100A7, two proteoforms of S100A9, several proteoforms of prolactin-inducible protein, Ig kappa chain, two proteoforms of cystatin SN, one proteoform of cystatin S and several proteoforms of α-amylase 1). Moreover, for the first time, it was possible to assign by MS/MS four spots of human saliva 2-DE, already detected by other authors, to different proteoforms of S100A9. The strategy applied used a sequential staining protocol to the 2-DE gels, first with Pro-Q Diamond, that allows specific detection of phosphoproteins, and successively with total protein SYPRO Ruby stain. In the second study, proteomic analysis of two pediatric brain tumor tissues pointed out differences between medulloblastoma, the prevalent malignant tumor in childhood, and pilocytic astrocytoma, the most common, that only rarely shows a malignant progression. Due to the limited availability of bioptic tissue, the study was performed on pooled tumor tissues, and was focused on acid-insoluble fraction to integrate the characterization performed by a group of colleagues in Rome on the acid-soluble fraction by high performance HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. The results indicated that the two tumors exhibit different proteomic profiles and evidenced interesting differential expression of several proteins. Among them, peroxiredoxin- 1, peptidyl-prolyl cis–trans isomerase A, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B1, mitochondrial isoform of malate dehydrogenase, nucleoside diphosphate kinase A, glutathione S-transferase P and fructose bisphosphate aldolase A resulted significantly over-expressed in medulloblastoma while glial fibrillary acidic protein, serotransferrin, α crystallin B chain, ferritin light chain, annexin A5, fatty acid-binding protein (brain), sorcin and apolipoprotein A-I resulted significantly over-expressed in pilocytic astrocytoma. In conclusion, the work done allowed to evidence the usefulness of using an integrated bottom-up/top-down approach, based on 2-DE-MS analysis and high performance MS in order to obtain a complete characterization of the proteome under investigation, revealing and identifying, not only peptides and small proteins, but also proteins with higher MW, that often it is not possible to identify by using exclusively a top-down ESI-MS approach.


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Russell M. Morphew, Hazel A. Wright, E. James LaCourse, Debra J. Woods and Peter M. Brophy (2007). Comparative proteomics of excretory-secretory proteins released by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica in sheep host bile and during in vitro culture ex host. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 6 (6), 963-972. Sponsorship: BBSRC / EU RAE2008


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Our group has demonstrated that inflammatory diseases such as type 2 diabetes (DM), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and periodontal disease (PD) are associated with altered B cell function that may contribute to disease pathogenesis. B cells were found to be highly activated with characteristics of inflammatory cells. Obesity is a pre-disease state for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes and is considered a state of chronic inflammation. Therefore, we sought to better characterize B cell function and phenotype in obese patients. We demonstrate that (Toll-like receptor) TLR4 and CD36 expression by B cells is elevated in obese subjects, suggesting increased sensing of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and other TLR ligands. These ligands may be of microbial, from translocation from a leaky gut, or host origin. To better assess microbial ligand burden and host response in the bloodstream, we measured LPS binding protein (LBP), bacterial/permeability increasing protein (BPI), and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1). Thus far, our data demonstrate an increase in LBP in DM and obesity indicating increased responses to TLR ligands in the blood. Interestingly, B cells responded to certain types of LPS by phosphorylating extracellular-signal-regulated kinases (ERK) 1/2. A better understanding of the immunological state of obesity and the microbial and endogenous TLR ligands that may be activating B cells will help identify novel therapeutics to reduce the risk of more dangerous conditions, such as cardiovascular disease.


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Lactococcus lactis is used extensively world-wide for the production of fermented dairy products. Bacteriophages (phages) infecting L. lactis can result in slow or incomplete fermentations, or may even cause total fermentation failure. Therefore, bacteriophages disrupting L. lactis fermentation are of economic concern. This thesis employed a multifaceted approach to investigate various molecular aspects of phage-host interaction in L. lactis. The genome sequence of an Irish dairy starter strain, the prophage-cured L. lactis subsp. cremoris UC509.9, was studied. The 2,250,427 bp circular chromosome represents the smallest among its sequenced lactococcal equivalents. The genome displays clear genetic adaptation to the dairy niche in the form of extensive reductive evolution. Gene prediction identified 2066 protein-encoding genes, including 104 which showed significant homology to transposase-specifying genes. Over 9 % of the identified genes appear to be inactivated through stop codons or frame shift mutations. Many pseudogenes were found in genes that are assigned to carbohydrate and amino acid transport and metabolism orthologous groups, reflecting L. lactis UC509.9’s adaptation to the lactose and casein-rich dairy environment. Sequence analysis of the eight plasmids of L. lactis revealed extensive adaptation to the dairy environment. Key industrial phenotypes were mapped and novel lactococcal plasmid-associated genes highlighted. In addition to chromosomally-encoded bacteriophage resistance systems, six functional such systems were identified, including two abortive infection systems, AbiB and AbiD1, explaining the observed phage resistance of L. lactis UC509.9 Molecular analysis suggests that the constitutive expression of AbiB is not lethal to cells, suggesting the protein is expressed in an un/inactivated form. Analysis of 936 species phage sk1-escape mutants of AbiB revealed that all such mutants harbour mutations in orf6, which encodes the major capsid protein. Results suggest that the major capsid protein is required for activation of the AbiB system, although this requires furrther investigations. Temporal transcriptomes of L. lactis UC509.9 undergoing lytic infection with either one of two distinct bacteriophages, Tuc2009 and c2, was determined and compared to the transcriptome of uninfected UC509.9 cells. Whole genome microarrays performed at various time-points post-infection demonstrated a rather modest impact on host transcription. Alterations in the UC509.9 transcriptome during lytic infection appear phage-specific, with a relatively small number of differentially transcribed genes shared between infection with either Tuc2009 or c2. Transcriptional profiles of both bacteriophages during lytic infection was shown to generally correlate with previous studies and allowed the confirmation of previously predicted promoter sequences. Bioinformatic analysis of genomic regions encoding the presumed cell wall polysaccharide (CW PS) biosynthesis gene cluster of several strains of L. lactis was performed. Results demonstrate the presence of three dominant genetic types of this gene cluster, termed type A, B and C. These regions were used for the development of a multiplex PCR to identify CW PS genotype of various lactococcal strains. Analysis of 936 species phage receptor binding protein phylogeny (RBP) and CW PS genotype revealed an apparent correlation between RBP phylogeny and CW PS type, thereby providing a partial explanation for the observed narrow host range of 936 phages. Further analysis of the genetic locus encompassing the presumed CW PS biosynthesis operon of eight strains identified as belonging to the CW PS C (geno)type, revealed the presence of a variable region among the examined strains. The obtained comparative analysis allowed for the identification of five subgroups of the C type, named C1 to C5. We purified an acidic polysaccharide from the cell wall of L. lactis 3107 (C2 subtype) and confirmed that it is structurally different from the CW PS of the C1 subtype L. lactis MG1363. Combinations of genes from the variable region of C2 subtype were amplified from L. lactis 3107 and introduced into a mutant of the C1 subtype L. lactis NZ9000 (a direct derivative of MG1363) deficient in CW PS biosynthesis. The resulting recombinant mutant synthesized a CW PS with a composition characteristic for that of the C2 subtype L. lactis 3107 and not the wildtype C1 L. lactis NZ9000. The recombinant mutant exhibited a changed phage resistance/sensitivity profile consistent with that of L. lactis 3107, which unambiguously demonstrated that L. lactis 3107 CW PS is the host cell surface receptor of two bacteriophages belonging to the P335 species as well as phages that are member of the 936 species. The research presented in this thesis has significantly advanced our understanding of L. lactis bacteriophage-host interactions in several ways. Firstly, the examination of plasmidencoded bacteriophage resistance systems has allowed inferences to be made regarding the mode of action of AbiB, thereby providing a platform for further elucidation of the molecular trigger of this system. Secondly, the phage infection transcriptome data presented, in addition to previous work, has made L. lactis a model organism in terms of transcriptomic studies of bacteriophage-host interactions. And finally, the research described in this thesis has for the first time explicitly revealed the nature of a carbohydrate bacteriophage receptor in L. lactis, while also providing a logical explanation for the observed narrow host ranges exhibited by 936 and P335 phages. Future research in discerning the structures of other L. lactis CW PS, combined with the determination of the molecular interplay between receptor binding proteins of these phages and CW PS will allow an in depth understanding of the mechanism by which the most prevalent lactococcal phages identify and adsorb to their specific host.


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After becoming competent for resuming meiosis, fully developed mammalian oocytes are maintained arrested in prophase I until ovulation is triggered by the luteotropin surge. Meiotic pause has been shown to depend critically on maintenance of cAMP level in the oocyte and was recently attributed to the constitutive Gs (the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein that activates adenylyl cyclase) signaling activity of the G protein-coupled receptor GPR3. Here we show that mice deficient for Gpr3 are unexpectedly fertile but display progressive reduction in litter size despite stable age-independent alteration of meiotic pause. Detailed analysis of the phenotype confirms premature resumption of meiosis, in vivo, in about one-third of antral follicles from Gpr3-/- females, independently of their age. In contrast, in aging mice, absence of GPR3 leads to severe reduction of fertility, which manifests by production of an increasing number of nondeveloping early embryos upon spontaneous ovulation and massive amounts of fragmented oocytes after superovulation. Severe worsening of the phenotype in older animals points to an additional role of GPR3 related to protection (or rescue) of oocytes from aging. Gpr3-defective mice may constitute a relevant model of premature ovarian failure due to early oocyte aging.


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The mammalian protein POT1 binds to telomeric single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), protecting chromosome ends from being detected as sites of DNA damage. POT1 is composed of an N-terminal ssDNA-binding domain and a C-terminal protein interaction domain. With regard to the latter, POT1 heterodimerizes with the protein TPP1 to foster binding to telomeric ssDNA in vitro and binds the telomeric double-stranded-DNA-binding protein TRF2. We sought to determine which of these functions-ssDNA, TPP1, or TRF2 binding-was required to protect chromosome ends from being detected as DNA damage. Using separation-of-function POT1 mutants deficient in one of these three activities, we found that binding to TRF2 is dispensable for protecting telomeres but fosters robust loading of POT1 onto telomeric chromatin. Furthermore, we found that the telomeric ssDNA-binding activity and binding to TPP1 are required in cis for POT1 to protect telomeres. Mechanistically, binding of POT1 to telomeric ssDNA and association with TPP1 inhibit the localization of RPA, which can function as a DNA damage sensor, to telomeres.


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Several lines of evidence point strongly toward the importance of highly alpha-helical intermediates in the folding of all globular proteins, regardless of their native structure. However, experimental refolding studies demonstrate no observable alpha-helical intermediate during refolding of some beta-sheet proteins and have dampened enthusiasm for this model of protein folding. In this study, beta-sheet proteins were hypothesized to have potential to form amphiphilic helices at a period of <3.6 residues/turn that matches or exceeds the potential at 3.6 residues/turn. Hypothetically, such potential is the basis for an effective and unidirectional mechanism by which highly alpha-helical intermediates might be rapidly disassembled during folding and potentially accounts for the difficulty in detecting highly alpha-helical intermediates during the folding of some proteins. The presence of this potential was confirmed, indicating that a model entailing ubiquitous formation of alpha-helical intermediates during the folding of globular proteins predicts previously unrecognized features of primary structure. Further, the folding of fatty acid binding protein, a predominantly beta-sheet protein that exhibits no apparent highly alpha-helical intermediate during folding, was dramatically accelerated by 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol, a solvent that stabilizes alpha-helical structure. This observation suggests that formation of an alpha-helix can be a rate-limiting step during folding of a predominantly beta-sheet protein and further supports the role of highly alpha-helical intermediates in the folding of all globular proteins.


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The nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF1) gene is activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which might reflect TLR4-mediated mitigation of cellular inflammatory damage via initiation of mitochondrial biogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we examined NRF1 promoter regulation by NFκB, and identified interspecies-conserved κB-responsive promoter and intronic elements in the NRF1 locus. In mice, activation of Nrf1 and its downstream target, Tfam, by Escherichia coli was contingent on NFκB, and in LPS-treated hepatocytes, NFκB served as an NRF1 enhancer element in conjunction with NFκB promoter binding. Unexpectedly, optimal NRF1 promoter activity after LPS also required binding by the energy-state-dependent transcription factor CREB. EMSA and ChIP assays confirmed p65 and CREB binding to the NRF1 promoter and p65 binding to intron 1. Functionality for both transcription factors was validated by gene-knockdown studies. LPS regulation of NRF1 led to mtDNA-encoded gene expression and expansion of mtDNA copy number. In cells expressing plasmid constructs containing the NRF-1 promoter and GFP, LPS-dependent reporter activity was abolished by cis-acting κB-element mutations, and nuclear accumulation of NFκB and CREB demonstrated dependence on mitochondrial H(2)O(2). These findings indicate that TLR4-dependent NFκB and CREB activation co-regulate the NRF1 promoter with NFκB intronic enhancement and redox-regulated nuclear translocation, leading to downstream target-gene expression, and identify NRF-1 as an early-phase component of the host antibacterial defenses.


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Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMTs) are believed to play a role in invasion and metastasis of many types of tumors. In this issue of the JCI, Chen et al. show that a gene that has been associated with aggressive biology in hepatocellular carcinomas initiates a molecular cascade that results in EMT.


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BACKGROUND: Uterine leiomyomas (fibroids) are benign smooth muscle tumors that often contain an excessive extracellular matrix (ECM). In the present study, we investigated the interactions between human uterine leiomyoma (UtLM) cells and uterine leiomyoma-derived fibroblasts (FB), and their importance in cell growth and ECM protein production using a coculture system. RESULTS: We found enhanced cell proliferation, and elevated levels of ECM collagen type I and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 after coculturing. There was also increased secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor, epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor-2, and platelet derived growth factor A and B in the media of UtLM cells cocultured with FB. Protein arrays revealed increased phosphorylated receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) of the above growth factor ligands, and immunoblots showed elevated levels of the RTK downstream effector, phospho-mitogen activated protein kinase 44/42 in cocultured UtLM cells. There was also increased secretion of transforming growth factor-beta 1 and 3, and immunoprecipitated transforming growth factor-beta receptor I from cocultured UtLM cells showed elevated phosphoserine expression. The downstream effectors phospho-small mothers against decapentaplegic -2 and -3 protein (SMAD) levels were also increased in cocultured UtLM cells. However, none of the above effects were seen in normal myometrial cells cocultured with FB. The soluble factors released by tumor-derived fibroblasts and/or UtLM cells, and activation of the growth factor receptors and their pathways stimulated the proliferation of UtLM cells and enhanced the production of ECM proteins. CONCLUSIONS: These data support the importance of interactions between fibroid tumor cells and ECM fibroblasts in vivo, and the role of growth factors, and ECM proteins in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids.


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BACKGROUND: Isometric muscle contraction, where force is generated without muscle shortening, is a molecular traffic jam in which the number of actin-attached motors is maximized and all states of motor action are trapped with consequently high heterogeneity. This heterogeneity is a major limitation to deciphering myosin conformational changes in situ. METHODOLOGY: We used multivariate data analysis to group repeat segments in electron tomograms of isometrically contracting insect flight muscle, mechanically monitored, rapidly frozen, freeze substituted, and thin sectioned. Improved resolution reveals the helical arrangement of F-actin subunits in the thin filament enabling an atomic model to be built into the thin filament density independent of the myosin. Actin-myosin attachments can now be assigned as weak or strong by their motor domain orientation relative to actin. Myosin attachments were quantified everywhere along the thin filament including troponin. Strong binding myosin attachments are found on only four F-actin subunits, the "target zone", situated exactly midway between successive troponin complexes. They show an axial lever arm range of 77°/12.9 nm. The lever arm azimuthal range of strong binding attachments has a highly skewed, 127° range compared with X-ray crystallographic structures. Two types of weak actin attachments are described. One type, found exclusively in the target zone, appears to represent pre-working-stroke intermediates. The other, which contacts tropomyosin rather than actin, is positioned M-ward of the target zone, i.e. the position toward which thin filaments slide during shortening. CONCLUSION: We present a model for the weak to strong transition in the myosin ATPase cycle that incorporates azimuthal movements of the motor domain on actin. Stress/strain in the S2 domain may explain azimuthal lever arm changes in the strong binding attachments. The results support previous conclusions that the weak attachments preceding force generation are very different from strong binding attachments.


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Dopamine (3-hydroxytyramine) is a well-known catecholamine neurotransmitter involved in multiple physiological functions including movement control. Here we report that the major extracellular metabolite of dopamine, 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), can induce behavioral effects in a dopamine-independent manner and these effects are partially mediated by the trace amine associated receptor 1 (TAAR1). Unbiased in vivo screening of putative trace amine receptor ligands for potential effects on the movement control revealed that 3-MT infused in the brain is able to induce a complex set of abnormal involuntary movements in mice acutely depleted of dopamine. In normal mice, the central administration of 3-MT caused a temporary mild hyperactivity with a concomitant set of abnormal movements. Furthermore, 3-MT induced significant ERK and CREB phosphorylation in the mouse striatum, signaling events generally related to PKA-mediated cAMP accumulation. In mice lacking TAAR1, both behavioral and signaling effects of 3-MT were partially attenuated, consistent with the ability of 3-MT to activate TAAR1 receptors and cause cAMP accumulation as well as ERK and CREB phosphorylation in cellular assays. Thus, 3-MT is not just an inactive metabolite of DA, but a novel neuromodulator that in certain situations may be involved in movement control. Further characterization of the physiological functions mediated by 3-MT may advance understanding of the pathophysiology and pharmacology of brain disorders involving abnormal dopaminergic transmission, such as Parkinson's disease, dyskinesia and schizophrenia.


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Deleterious effects on the heart from chronic stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors (betaARs), members of the 7 transmembrane receptor family, have classically been shown to result from Gs-dependent adenylyl cyclase activation. Here, we identify a new signaling mechanism using both in vitro and in vivo systems whereby beta-arrestins mediate beta1AR signaling to the EGFR. This beta-arrestin-dependent transactivation of the EGFR, which is independent of G protein activation, requires the G protein-coupled receptor kinases 5 and 6. In mice undergoing chronic sympathetic stimulation, this novel signaling pathway is shown to promote activation of cardioprotective pathways that counteract the effects of catecholamine toxicity. These findings suggest that drugs that act as classical antagonists for G protein signaling, but also stimulate signaling via beta-arrestin-mediated cytoprotective pathways, would represent a novel class of agents that could be developed for multiple members of the 7 transmembrane receptor family.


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BACKGROUND: Lower concentrations of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and elevated concentrations of insulin or C-peptide have been associated with an increase in colorectal cancer risk (CRC). However few studies have evaluated IGFBP-1 and C-peptide in relation to adenomatous polyps, the only known precursor for CRC. METHODS: Between November 2001 and December 2002, we examined associations between circulating concentrations of insulin, C-peptide, IGFBP-1 and apoptosis among 190 individuals with one or more adenomatous polyps and 488 with no adenomatous polyps using logistic regression models. RESULTS: Individuals with the highest concentrations of C-peptide were more likely to have adenomas (OR = 2.2, 95% CI 1.4-4.0) than those with the lowest concentrations; associations that appeared to be stronger in men (OR = 4.4, 95% CI 1.7-10.9) than women. Individuals with high insulin concentrations also had a higher risk of adenomas (OR = 3.5, 95% CI 1.7-7.4), whereas higher levels of IGFBP-1 were associated with a reduced risk of adenomas in men only (OR = 0.3, 95% CI 0.1-0.7). Overweight and obese individuals with higher C-peptide levels (>1(st) Q) were at increased risk for lower apoptosis index (OR = 2.5, 95% CI 0.9-7.1), an association that remained strong in overweight and obese men (OR = 6.3, 95% CI 1.0-36.7). Higher levels of IGFBP-1 in overweight and obese individuals were associated with a reduced risk of low apoptosis (OR = 0.3, 95% CI 0.1-1.0). CONCLUSIONS: Associations between these peptides and the apoptosis index in overweight and obese individuals, suggest that the mechanism by which C-peptide could induce adenomas may include its anti-apoptotic properties. This study suggests that hyperinsulinemia and IGF hormones predict adenoma risk, and that outcomes associated with colorectal carcinogenesis maybe modified by gender.


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PURPOSE: Evaluating genetic susceptibility may clarify effects of known environmental factors and also identify individuals at high risk. We evaluated the association of four insulin-related pathway gene polymorphisms in insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I) (CA)( n ) repeat, insulin-like growth factor-2 (IGF-II) (rs680), insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) (rs2854744), and adiponectin (APM1 rs1501299) with colon cancer risk, as well as relationships with circulating IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-3, and C-peptide in a population-based study. METHODS: Participants were African Americans (231 cases and 306 controls) and Whites (297 cases, 530 controls). Consenting subjects provided blood specimens and lifestyle/diet information. Genotyping for all genes except IGF-I was performed by the 5'-exonuclease (Taqman) assay. The IGF-I (CA)(n) repeat was assayed by PCR and fragment analysis. Circulating proteins were measured by enzyme immunoassays. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated by logistic regression. RESULTS: The IGF-I (CA)( 19 ) repeat was higher in White controls (50 %) than African American controls (31 %). Whites homozygous for the IGF-I (CA)(19) repeat had a nearly twofold increase in risk of colon cancer (OR = 1.77; 95 % CI = 1.15-2.73), but not African Americans (OR = 0.73, 95 % CI 0.50-1.51). We observed an inverse association between the IGF-II Apa1 A-variant and colon cancer risk (OR = 0.49, 95 % CI 0.28-0.88) in Whites only. Carrying the IGFBP-3 variant alleles was associated with lower IGFBP-3 protein levels, a difference most pronounced in Whites (p-trend <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results support an association between insulin pathway-related genes and elevated colon cancer risk in Whites but not in African Americans.