988 resultados para Pembroke, Anne Clifford Herbert, Countess of, 1590-1676.


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Dental erosion is a type of wear caused by non bacterial acids or chelation. There is evidence of a significant increase in the prevalence of dental wear in the deciduous and permanent teeth as a consequence of the frequent intake of acidic foods and drinks, or due to gastric acid which may reach the oral cavity following reflux or vomiting episodes. The presence of acids is a prerequisite for dental erosion, but the erosive wear is complex and depends on the interaction of biological, chemical and behavioral factors. Even though erosion may be defined or described as an isolated process, in clinical situations other wear phenomena are expected to occur concomitantly, such as abrasive wear (which occurs, e.g, due to tooth brushing or mastication). In order to control dental loss due to erosive wear it is crucial to take into account its multifactorial nature, which predisposes some individuals to the condition.


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This study investigated the influence of cervical preflaring with different rotary instruments on determination of the initial apical file (IAF) in mesiobuccal roots of mandibular molars. Fifty human mandibular molars whose mesial roots presented two clearly separated apical foramens (mesiobuccal and mesiolingual) were used. After standard access opening and removal of pulp tissue, the working length (WL) was determined at 1 mm short of the root apex. Five groups (n=10) were formed at random, according to the type of instrument used for cervical preflaring. In group 1, the size of the IAF was determined without preflaring of the cervical and middle root canal thirds. In groups 2 to 5, preflaring was performed with Gates-Glidden drills, ProTaper instruments, EndoFlare instruments and LA Axxes burs, respectively. Canals were sized manually with K-files, starting with size 08 K-files, inserted passively up to the WL. File sizes were increased until a binding sensation was felt at the WL and the size of the file was recorded. The instrument corresponding to the IAF was fixed into the canal at the WL with methylcyanoacrylate. The teeth were then sectioned transversally 1 mm short of the apex, with the IAF in position. Cross-sections of the WL region were examined under scanning electron microscopy and the discrepancies between canal diameter and the diameter of IAF were calculated using the tool "rule" (FEG) of the microscope's proprietary software. The measurements (µm) were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at 5% significance level. There were statistically significant differences among the groups (p<0.05). The non-flared group had the greatest discrepancy (125.30 ± 51.54) and differed significantly from all flared groups (p<0.05). Cervical preflaring with LA Axxess burs produced the least discrepancies (55.10 ± 48.31), followed by EndoFlare instruments (68.20 ± 42.44), Gattes Glidden drills (68.90 ± 42.46) and ProTaper files (77.40 ± 73.19). However, no significant differences (p>0.05) were found among the rotary instruments. In conclusion, cervical preflaring improved IAF fitting to the canals at the WL in mesiobuccal roots of maxillary first molars. The rotary instruments evaluated in this study did not differ from each other regarding the discrepancies produced between the IAF size and canal diameter at the WL.


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PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of detachment and repositioning of the medial pterygoid muscle on the growth of the maxilla and mandible of young rats through cephalometry. METHODS: Thirty one-month-old Wistar rats were used, distributed into three groups: experimental, sham-operated and control. In the experimental group, unilateral detachment and repositioning of the medial pterygoid muscle was performed. The sham-operated group only underwent surgical access, and the control group did not undergo any procedure. The animals were sacrificed at the age of three months. Their soft tissues were removed and the mandible was disarticulated. Radiographs of the skull in axial projection and the hemimandibles in lateral projection were obtained, and cephalometry was performed. The values obtained were subjected to statistical analyses among the groups and between the sides in each group. RESULTS: There were significant differences in the length of the mandible relative to the angular process in the experimental group and in the height of the mandibular body in the sham-operated group. CONCLUSION: The experimental detachment and repositioning of the medial pterygoid muscle during the growth period in rats affected the growth of the angle region, resulting in asymmetry of the mandible.


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The dentist can offer athletes improvement in their physical performance through the maintenance of oral health, preventing and treating any and all changes in the stomatognathic system, such as dental malocclusions, that compromise the athletes' performance. The objective of this study is to research the presence of dental malocclusions in athletes of the category between 13 and 20 years of age, from the São Paulo Football Club. 84 athletes participated in this study, dealing with the following topics: molar relation (Angle's classification); presence of overbite; underbite; overcrowding; abnormal spacing; open bite; and anterior, posterior, bilateral and unilateral crossbite; midline deviation and facial type (mesofacial, brachyfacial and dolichofacial). Only one table was made, showing percentages. In regard to Angle's molar relation, 89% are in Class I, 8% in Class II, 3% Class III, 9% of the athletes had overbite, 4% had underbite, 13% had overcrowding and 21% had abnormal spacing. In regard to the bite, 11% presented anterior open bite. In regard to crossbite, 7% presented unilateral crossbite on the right side and 2% on the left side; 5% presented posterior crossbite and 4% anterior crossbite. In regard to midline deviations, 4% presented deviation in the maxilla and 33% in the mandible. In regard to facial type: 39% are dolichofacial, 4% brachyfacial and 57% mesofacial. Based on the results shown, proposals for the implementation of dental, phoniatric, and Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) practices are already being discussed with the multidisciplinary team of the club involved.


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This study analyzed the effects of the unilateral removal and dissection of the masseter muscle on the facial growth of young rats. A total of 30 one-month-old Wistar rats were used. Unilateral complete removal of the masseter muscle was performed in the removal group, and detachment followed by repositioning of the masseter muscle was performed in the dissection group, while only surgical access was performed in the sham-operated group. The animals were sacrificed at three months of age. Axial radiographic projections of the skulls and lateral projections of the hemimandibles were taken. Cephalometric evaluations were made and the values obtained were submitted to statistical analyses. In the removal group, there were contour alterations of the angular process, and a significant homolateral difference in the length of the maxilla and a significant bilateral difference in the height of the mandibular body and the length of the mandible were observed. Comparison among groups revealed significance only in the removal group. It was concluded that the experimental removal of the masseter muscle during the growing period in rats induced atrophic changes in the angular process, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and shortening of the whole mandible.


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Accurate iris reproduction in the fabrication of ocular prosthesis in order to match the remaining eye is a key factor to mask the loss and achieve an esthetic outcome for anophthalmic patients. This study evaluated the stability of acrylic paints used for replicating iris color in ocular prostheses by the analysis of two factors: the temperature of the acrylic resin polymerization cycle during prosthesis fabrication and the incidence of sun light, which is the main photodegrading agent undermining the longevity of ocular prostheses. An accelerated aging assay was used for both analyses. Specimens simulating the prosthetic iris in the colors blue, yellow, black, brown and green were fabricated, and were submitted to a colorimetric reading before and after undergoing the thermal conditions of acrylic resin polymerization. Next, the specimens were submitted to an artificial accelerated aging assay with ultraviolet radiation A and weekly colorimetric readings during a 3-week period. The color change (??*) values for the four specimens painted with the same color paint were averaged and the resulting values were considered for statistical analysis. Levine's test and Student's t-test were used to analyze the influence of the temperature of the polymerization cycle during prosthesis fabrication on the color stability of each acrylic resin paint. Friedman's test for three dependent samples was used for analysis of color photodegradation as function of time. Significance level was set at 0.05 for all analyses. It was observed that, after the action of the temperature of the polymerization cycle, alteration above clinically acceptable level of ??*> 3.3 was observed only for the yellow color. After the accelerated aging assay, there were statistically significant differences (p<0.05) as a function of time in the green, brown, black and blue colors. Changes were clinically acceptable for the brown and black colors; slightly above the clinically acceptable limit for the green color; and significantly high and impracticable from a clinical standpoint for the blue color. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) for the yellow color, which presented color change only a little above the clinically acceptable limit. In conclusion: 1. Only the yellow color presented alterations above the clinically acceptable levels after the polymerization cycle; 2. After accelerated aging, there was no changes in the yellow color above the clinically acceptable levels; 3. For the green color, degradation was significant and slightly above the clinically acceptable levels; 4. The black, brown and blue colors presented significant alterations as function of time; the alterations of the brown and black colors were within acceptable clinical levels, while the blue color presented a more accentuated degradation over time.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the facial symmetry of rats submitted to experimental mandibular condyle fracture and with protein undernutrition (8% of protein) by means of cephalometric measurements. METHODS: Forty-five adult Wistar rats were distributed in three groups: fracture group, submitted to condylar fracture with no changes in diet; undernourished fracture group, submitted to hypoproteic diet and condylar fracture; undernourished group, kept until the end of experiment, without condylar fracture. Displaced fractures of the right condyle were induced under general anesthesia. The specimens were submitted to axial radiographic incidence, and cephalometric mensurations were made using a computer system. The values obtained were subjected to statistical analyses among the groups and between the sides in each group. RESULTS: There was significative decrease of the values of serum proteins and albumin in the undernourished fracture group. There was deviation of the median line of the mandible relative to the median line of the maxilla, significative to undernutrition fracture group, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and mandible, in special in the final period of experiment. CONCLUSION: The mandibular condyle fracture in rats with proteic undernutrition induced an asymmetry of the mandible, also leading to consequences in the maxilla.


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PURPOSE: Maxillary sinus lifting is a technique, in which, a possible complication is sinus membrane perforation. The aim of this study was to compare two techniques using ultrasound surgery to perform autogenous graft for maxillary sinus lifting. METHODS: Ten rabbits were used in the study, one of them did not undergo surgery. The other nine rabbits had their maxillary sinuses filled with autogenous bone grafts collected from the external skull diploe in particulate form on the right side, and shaved on the left side, both with ultrasonic device. Data on bone density in left and right maxillary sinus, obtained by computed tomography in transverse and longitudinal sections, recorded 90 days after the grafts, were statistically compared. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the two techniques that used shaved and particulate bone collected by means of ultrasonic device from rabbit skulls. CONCLUSION: Assessment of operative procedures led to the conclusion that piezoelectric ultrasound was shown to be a safe tool in the surgical approach to the maxillary sinus of rabbits, allowing sinus membrane integrity to be maintained during surgical procedures.


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PURPOSE: This study evaluated the inflammatory reaction caused by the implantation of iodoform and calcium hydroxide in the back of rats. These drugs may be used as intracanal dressings to eliminate residual bacteria of the root canal system. METHODS: Twenty albinic rats (Rattus norvegicus, var Wistar) were divided into four groups: control group 1 (CG1) had normal skin; control group 2 (CG2) had wounded tissue without drugs; in groups 3 and 4, iodoform (IG) and calcium hydroxide (CHG) were inserted into the wounds, respectively. After 3, 5 and 11 days, slices of the implanted areas were macroscopically and microscopically observed regarding to their qualitative and quantitative aspects. RESULTS: In the macroscopical analysis, the CHG showed a large area of necrosis and swelling, which progressively decreased; in the IG the presence of iodoform surrounded by normal tissue was observed. The qualitative and quantitative histological analysis showed that IG promoted a shorter delay in the inflammatory response than the CHG. CONCLUSION: The inflammatory reaction for iodoform had a peak period five days after the drug insertion. By comparison, calcium hydroxide showed a very large area of necrosis that could only be partially eliminated after eleven days.


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This in vivo study evaluated the dissociation quality of maxillary premolar roots combining variations of vertical and horizontal angulations by using X-ray holders (Rinn -XCP), and made a comparison between two types of intraoral radiography systems - conventional film (Kodak Insight, Rochester, USA) and digital radiography (Kodak RVG 6100, Kodak, Rochester, USA). The study sample was comprised of 20 patients with a total of 20 maxillary premolars that were radiographed, using the paralleling angle technique (GP), with a 20º variation of the horizontal angle (GM) and 25º variation of the horizontal angle combined with 15º vertical angle (GMV). Each image was independently analyzed by two experienced examiners. These examiners assigned a score to the diagnostic capability of root dissociation and the measurement of the distance between the apexes. Statistical data was derived using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, Friedman and T test. The means of the measured distances between buccal and lingual root apexes were greater for the GMV, which ranged from 2.3 mm to 3.3 mm. A statistically significant difference was found between GM and GMV when compared to GP with p < 0.01. An established best diagnostic dissociation roots image was found in the GMV. These results support the use of the anterior X-ray holders which offer a better combined deviation (GMV) to dissociate maxillary premolar roots in both radiography systems.


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The aim of this study was to assess qualitatively, by means of SEM images, the cleaning of the dentin walls of root canals after chemical-surgical preparation using Endo-PTC cream with 0.5% and 1% sodium hypochlorite and different final irrigating solutions. Seventy-two single-rooted human teeth were divided into eight groups and prepared using Endo-PTC cream with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at different concentrations, and irrigated with NaOCl at different concentrations. Final irrigation was performed with either EDTA-T or EDTA-C. The best results were obtained with Group 1, followed by Groups 5, 2, 7, 8, 3, 6 and 4. We can conclude that the use of 0.5% NaOCl during instrumentation and final flush of the root canals was more efficient in cleaning than was 1% sodium hypochlorite. EDTA-T was more efficient in removing smear layer than EDTA-C, and the cervical third presented better cleaning of the root canal walls than did the middle third, which showed cleaner dentin walls than the apical third.


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The aim of this study was to compare different treatments for dentin hypersensitivity in a 6-month follow-up. One hundred and one teeth exhibiting non carious cervical lesions were selected. The assessment method used to quantify sensitivity was the cold air syringe, recorded by the visual analogue scale (VAS), prior to treatment (baseline), immediately after topical treatment, after 1 week, 1, 3 and 6 months. Teeth were randomly assigned to five groups (n = 20): G1: Gluma Desensitizer (GD); G2: Seal&Protect (SP); G3: Oxa-gel (OG); G4: Fluoride (F); G5: Low intensity laser-LILT (660 nm/3.8 J/cm²/15 mW). Analysis was based on the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test that demonstrated statistical differences immediately after the treatment (p = 0.0165). To observe the individual effects of each treatment, data was submitted to Friedman test. It was observed that GD and SP showed immediate effect after application. Reduction in the pain level throughout the six-month follow-up was also observed. In contrast, LILT presented a gradual reduction of hypersensitivity. OG and F showed effects as of the first and third month respectively. It can be concluded that, after the 6-month clinical evaluation, all therapies showed lower VAS sensitivity values compared with baseline, independently of their different modes of action.


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Because a greater research effort has been directed to analyzing the adhesive effectiveness of self etch primers to dentin, the aim of this study was to evaluate, by microtensile testing, the bond strength to enamel of a composite resin combined with a conventional adhesive system or with a self-etching primer adhesive, used according to its original prescription or used with previous acid etching. Thirty bovine teeth were divided into 3 groups with 10 teeth each (n= 10). In one of the groups, a self-etching primer (Clearfil SE Bond - Kuraray) was applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and, in the other, it was applied after previous acid etching. In the third group, a conventional adhesive system (Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus - 3M-ESPE) was applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The results obtained by analysis of variance revealed significant differences between the adhesive systems (F = 22.31). The self-etching primer (Clearfil SE Bond) presented lower enamel bond strength values than the conventional adhesive system (Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus) (m = 39.70 ± 7.07 MPa) both when used according to the original prescription (m = 27.81 ± 2.64 MPa) and with previous acid etching (m = 25.08 ± 4.92 MPa).


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Owing to improvements in its mechanical properties and to the availability of shade and translucence resources, resin composite has become one of the most widely used restorative materials in present day Dentistry. The aim of this study was to assess the relation between the surface hardness of seven different commercial brands of resin composites (Charisma, Fill Magic, Master Fill, Natural Look, Opallis, Tetric Ceram, and Z250) and the different degrees of translucence (translucid, enamel and dentin). Vickers microhardness testing revealed significant differences among the groups. Z250 was the commercial brand that showed the best performance in the hardness test. When comparing the three groups assessed within the same brand, only Master Fill and Fill Magic presented statistically significant differences among all of the different translucencies. Natural Look was the only one that showed no significant difference among any of the three groups. Charisma, Opallis, Tetric Ceram and Z250 showed significant differences among some of the tested groups. Based on the results found in this study, it was not possible to establish a relation between translucence and the microhardness of the resin composites assessed. Depending on the material assessed, however, translucence variation did affect the microhardness values of the resin composites.


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This study compared the coronal and apical leakage of AH Plus with gutta-percha to that of Epiphany with Resilon. Twenty-four single rooted teeth were instrumented and divided into 2 groups according to the solutions for smear layer removal and the obturation materials employed: Group A - 17% EDTA-T and AH Plus with gutta-percha; Group B - primer and Epiphany with Resilon. The Group B specimens were light-cured in the coronal area for 20 s. The external root surfaces were covered with a double layer of ethyl cyanoacrylate, except for the apical foramen and the cavity access. The teeth were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue for 48 h. The specimens were rinsed, dried and axially split for dye penetration measurement with the ImageLab 2.3 software. The t-test showed no significant differences for coronal leakage between the groups, but there were significant differences for apical leakage between the groups (P < 0.05). AH Plus with gutta-percha and Epiphany with Resilon provided the same coronal seal, whereas Epiphany with Resilon provided the best apical seal.