982 resultados para Paige, Lucius R. (Lucius Robinson), 1802-1896.


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The hydrodynamic structure of an axisymmetric supersonic expansion can be regarded as a series of concentric divergent cones, with decreasing particle densities as the cone angle increases. Different groups of molecules therefore contribute to high-resolution absorption line shapes when optically probing the expansion in a direction perpendicular to the jet axis. These groups are distinguished by the cone angle, inducing a specific Doppler shift, and by the particle density, contributing a specific weight to the absorption intensity. As a result different broader line profiles are observed compared to room temperature spectra. This effect is investigated here selecting as the working example the R(0), ν3 absorption line in N2O recorded using a Fourier transform interferometer. Independent impact pressure and quadrupole mass spectrometric measurements are performed leading to two complementary maps of the expansion, allowing the recorded absorption line shape to be quantitatively modeled. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The costs of developing the types of new drugs that have been pursued by traditional pharmaceutical firms have been estimated in a number of studies. However, similar analyses have not been published on the costs of developing the types of molecules on which biotech firms have focused. This study represents a first attempt to get a sense for the magnitude of the R&D costs associated with the discovery and development of new therapeutic biopharmaceuticals (specifically, recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies [mAbs]). We utilize drug-specific data on cash outlays, development times, and success in obtaining regulatory marketing approval to estimate the average pre-tax R&D resource cost for biopharmaceuticals up to the point of initial US marketing approval (in year 2005 dollars). We found average out-of-pocket (cash outlay) cost estimates per approved biopharmaceutical of $198 million, $361 million, and $559 million for the preclinical period, the clinical period, and in total, respectively. Including the time costs associated with biopharmaceutical R&D, we found average capitalized cost estimates per approved biopharmaceutical of $615 million, $626 million, and $1241 million for the preclinical period, the clinical period, and in total, respectively. Adjusting previously published estimates of R&D costs for traditional pharmaceutical firms by using past growth rates for pharmaceutical company costs to correspond to the more recent period to which our biopharmaceutical data apply, we found that total out-of-pocket cost per approved biopharmaceutical was somewhat lower than for the pharmaceutical company data ($559 million vs $672 million). However, estimated total capitalized cost per approved new molecule was nearly the same for biopharmaceuticals as for the adjusted pharmaceutical company data ($1241 million versus $1318 million). The results should be viewed with some caution for now given a limited number of biopharmaceutical molecules with data on cash outlays, different therapeutic class distributions for biopharmaceuticals and for pharmaceutical company drugs, and uncertainty about whether recent growth rates in pharmaceutical company costs are different from immediate past growth rates. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Thermal-optical analysis is a conventional method for classifying carbonaceous aerosols as organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC). This article examines the effects of three different temperature protocols on the measured EC. For analyses of parallel punches from the same ambient sample, the protocol with the highest peak helium-mode temperature (870°C) gives the smallest amount of EC, while the protocol with the lowest peak helium-mode temperature (550°C) gives the largest amount of EC. These differences are observed when either sample transmission or reflectance is used to define the OC/EC split. An important issue is the effect of the peak helium-mode temperature on the relative rate at which different types of carbon with different optical properties evolve from the filter. Analyses of solvent-extracted samples are used to demonstrate that high temperatures (870°C) lead to premature EC evolution in the helium-mode. For samples collected in Pittsburgh, this causes the measured EC to be biased low because the attenuation coefficient of pyrolyzed carbon is consistently higher than that of EC. While this problem can be avoided by lowering the peak helium-mode temperature, analyses of wood smoke dominated ambient samples and levoglucosan-spiked filters indicate that too low helium-mode peak temperatures (550°C) allow non-light absorbing carbon to slip into the oxidizing mode of the analysis. If this carbon evolves after the OC/EC split, it biases the EC measurements high. Given the complexity of ambient aerosols, there is unlikely to be a single peak helium-mode temperature at which both of these biases can be avoided. Copyright © American Association for Aerosol Research.


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This study finds that the mean IRR for 1980-84 U.S. new drug introductions is 11.1%, and the mean NPV is 22 million (1990 dollars). The distribution of returns is highly skewed. The results are robust to plausible changes in the baseline assumptions. Our work is also compared with a 1993 study by the OTA. Despite some important differences in assumptions, both studies imply that returns for the average NCE are within one percentage point of the industry's cost of capital. This is much less than what is typically observed in analyses based on accounting data.


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Recent efforts to endogenize technological change in climate policy models demonstrate the importance of accounting for the opportunity cost of climate R&D investments. Because the social returns to R&D investments are typically higher than the social returns to other types of investment, any new climate mitigation R&D that comes at the expense of other R&D investment may dampen the overall gains from induced technological change. Unfortunately, there has been little empirical work to guide modelers as to the potential magnitude of such crowding out effects. This paper considers both the private and social opportunity costs of climate R&D. Addressing private costs, we ask whether an increase in climate R&D represents new R&D spending, or whether some (or all) of the additional climate R&D comes at the expense of other R&D. Addressing social costs, we use patent citations to compare the social value of alternative energy research to other types of R&D that may be crowded out. Beginning at the industry level, we find no evidence of crowding out across sectors-that is, increases in energy R&D do not draw R&D resources away from sectors that do not perform R&D. Given this, we proceed with a detailed look at alternative energy R&D. Linking patent data and financial data by firm, we ask whether an increase in alternative energy patents leads to a decrease in other types of patenting activity. While we find that increases in alternative energy patents do result in fewer patents of other types, the evidence suggests that this is due to profit-maximizing changes in research effort, rather than financial constraints that limit the total amount of R&D possible. Finally, we use patent citation data to compare the social value of alternative energy patents to other patents by these firms. Alternative energy patents are cited more frequently, and by a wider range of other technologies, than other patents by these firms, suggesting that their social value is higher. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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© 2012 by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.This article reviews the extensive literature on R&D costs and returns. The first section focuses on R&D costs and the various factors that have affected the trends in real R&D costs over time. The second section considers economic studies on the distribution of returns in pharmaceuticals for different cohorts of new drug introductions. It also reviews the use of these studies to analyze the impact of policy actions on R&D costs and returns. The final section concludes and discusses open questions for further research.


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Nolan and Temple Lang argue that “the ability to express statistical computations is an es- sential skill.” A key related capacity is the ability to conduct and present data analysis in a way that another person can understand and replicate. The copy-and-paste workflow that is an artifact of antiquated user-interface design makes reproducibility of statistical analysis more difficult, especially as data become increasingly complex and statistical methods become increasingly sophisticated. R Markdown is a new technology that makes creating fully-reproducible statistical analysis simple and painless. It provides a solution suitable not only for cutting edge research, but also for use in an introductory statistics course. We present experiential and statistical evidence that R Markdown can be used effectively in introductory statistics courses, and discuss its role in the rapidly-changing world of statistical computation.


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Despite a large and multifaceted effort to understand the vast landscape of phenotypic data, their current form inhibits productive data analysis. The lack of a community-wide, consensus-based, human- and machine-interpretable language for describing phenotypes and their genomic and environmental contexts is perhaps the most pressing scientific bottleneck to integration across many key fields in biology, including genomics, systems biology, development, medicine, evolution, ecology, and systematics. Here we survey the current phenomics landscape, including data resources and handling, and the progress that has been made to accurately capture relevant data descriptions for phenotypes. We present an example of the kind of integration across domains that computable phenotypes would enable, and we call upon the broader biology community, publishers, and relevant funding agencies to support efforts to surmount today's data barriers and facilitate analytical reproducibility.


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HIV-1 mucosal transmission begins with virus or virus-infected cells moving through mucus across mucosal epithelium to infect CD4+ T cells. Although broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) are the type of HIV-1 antibodies that are most likely protective, they are not induced with current vaccine candidates. In contrast, antibodies that do not neutralize primary HIV-1 strains in the TZM-bl infection assay are readily induced by current vaccine candidates and have also been implicated as secondary correlates of decreased HIV-1 risk in the RV144 vaccine efficacy trial. Here, we have studied the capacity of anti-Env monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against either the immunodominant region of gp41 (7B2 IgG1), the first constant region of gp120 (A32 IgG1), or the third variable loop (V3) of gp120 (CH22 IgG1) to modulate in vivo rectal mucosal transmission of a high-dose simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV-BaL) in rhesus macaques. 7B2 IgG1 or A32 IgG1, each containing mutations to enhance Fc function, was administered passively to rhesus macaques but afforded no protection against productive clinical infection while the positive control antibody CH22 IgG1 prevented infection in 4 of 6 animals. Enumeration of transmitted/founder (T/F) viruses revealed that passive infusion of each of the three antibodies significantly reduced the number of T/F genomes. Thus, some antibodies that bind HIV-1 Env but fail to neutralize virus in traditional neutralization assays may limit the number of T/F viruses involved in transmission without leading to enhancement of viral infection. For one of these mAbs, gp41 mAb 7B2, we provide the first co-crystal structure in complex with a common cyclical loop motif demonstrated to be critical for infection by other retroviruses.


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Inca Kola es una bebida gasificada del Per y elaborada por la Corporación Lindley, que ha conservado el liderazgo en el mercado peruano desde su creación, a pesar del ingreso de bebidas internacionales y de bebidas que tienen un menor precio. Desde su creación, la corporación se enfocó en vincular la bebida con la identidad peruana; estrategia que ha sido efectiva y se pueden comprobar por el liderazgo que presenta en el mercado. En los noventa, la corporación Lindley tuvo que enfrentar un escenario turbulento debido al ingreso de Coca Cola y Pepsi, sin embargo, estas no desplazaron a Inca Kola a pesar del poder de marketing que cuentan. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar cómo la Corporación Lindley mantiene su bebida "Inca Kola" como una especialidad en el Per, por medio de la metodología de las tres vías propuesto por Joskow. Los resultados indican que existen leyes que salvaguardan la marca Inca Kola, tanto en el ámbito nacional como internacional y que gracias a la alianza entre la corporación Lindley y Coca Cola Company, se puso fin a la competencia, aumentando las barreras de ingreso en el sector de bebidas, y como resultado la corporación pudo enfocar sus esfuerzos en seguir vinculando la bebida con la cultura peruana y modernizar sus diferentes plantas de envasado. Las conclusiones más resaltantes indican que la corporación Lindley se apalancó en el Entorno Institucional informal para captar las preferencia de los peruanos, en otras palabras vinculó una bebida aprovechando las caractersticas que tienen los consumidores peruano, los cuales tienen lazos muy fuertes con productos que asocian con la identidad nacional. En la vía de la Moderna Organización Industrial se observa que la bebida sigue liderando las ventas con un precio mayor que los competidores, indicando que la corporación tiene una estrategia de diferenciación. Respecto a la vía de la estructura de gobernaza, la corporación pudo alinear sus transacciones con los proveedores de insumos y distribuidores para garantizar la calidad, precio y a asegurando su activo especifico más importante, la marca "Inca Kola". Estas caractersticas son propias de las Especialidades.