956 resultados para PLANT-GROWTH PROMOTION


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Wild-type Arabidopsis plants, the starch-deficient mutant TL46, and the near-starchless mutant TL25 were evaluated by noninvasive in situ methods for their capacity for net CO2 assimilation, true rates of photosynthetic O2 evolution (determined from chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of photosystem II), partitioning of photosynthate into sucrose and starch, and plant growth. Compared with wild-type plants, the starch mutants showed reduced photosynthetic capacity, with the largest reduction occurring in mutant TL25 subjected to high light and increased CO2 partial pressure. The extent of stimulation of CO2 assimilation by increasing CO2 or by reducing O2 partial pressure was significantly less for the starch mutants than for wild-type plants. Under high light and moderate to high levels of CO2, the rates of CO2 assimilation and O2 evolution and the percentage inhibition of photosynthesis by low O2 were higher for the wild type than for the mutants. The relative rates of 14CO2 incorporation into starch under high light and high CO2 followed the patterns of photosynthetic capacity, with TL46 showing 31% to 40% of the starch-labeling rates of the wild type and TL25 showing less than 14% incorporation. Overall, there were significant correlations between the rates of starch synthesis and CO2 assimilation and between the rates of starch synthesis and cumulative leaf area. These results indicate that leaf starch plays an important role as a transient reserve, the synthesis of which can ameliorate any potential reduction in photosynthesis caused by feedback regulation.


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Turgor regulation at reduced water contents was closely associated with changes in the elastic quality of the cell walls of individual needles and shoots of naturally drought-resistant seedlings of white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss.) and of seedlings of intermediate resistance that had been pretreated with paclobutrazol, a stress-protecting, synthetic plant-growth regulator. Paclobutrazol-treated seedlings showed marked increases in drought resistance, and pressure-volume analysis combined with Chardakov measurements confirmed observations that water stress was ameliorated during prolonged drought. Turgor was maintained in the paclobutrazol-treated and in the naturally resistant drought-stressed seedlings despite water contents near or below the turgor-loss volumes of well-watered controls. The maintenance of turgor in these seedlings was in large part a function of the dynamic process of cell wall adjustment, as reflected by marked reductions in both the saturated and turgor-loss volumes and by large increases in the elastic coefficients of the tissues. Shear and Young's moduli, calculated from pressure-volume curves and the radii and wall thicknesses of mesophyll cells, also confirmed observed changes in the elastic qualities of the cell walls. Elastic coefficients of well-watered, paclobutrazol-treated seedlings were consistently larger than those in well-watered controls and several times larger than the values in untreated plants, which succumbed rapidly to drought. In contrast, untreated seedlings that withstood prolonged drought without wilting displayed elastic coefficients similar to those in seedlings that had been treated with paclobutrazol but that had not been exposed to drought.


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Brassinosteroid-insensitive 1 (BRI1) of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a cell surface receptor for brassinosteroids. Mutations in BRI1 severely affect plant growth and development. Activation tagging of a weak bri1 allele (bri1-5) resulted in the identification of a new locus, brs1-1D. BRS1 is predicted to encode a secreted carboxypeptidase. Whereas a brs1 loss-of-function allele has no obvious mutant phenotype, overexpression of BRS1 can suppress bri1 extracellular domain mutants. Genetic analyses showed that brassinosteroids and a functional BRI1 protein kinase domain are required for suppression. In addition, overexpressed BRS1 missense mutants, predicted to abolish BRS1 protease activity, failed to suppress bri1-5. Finally, the effects of BRS1 are selective: overexpression in either wild-type or two other receptor kinase mutants resulted in no phenotypic alterations. These results strongly suggest that BRS1 processes a protein involved in an early event in the BRI1 signaling.


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Long-term exposure of plants to elevated partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2) often depresses photosynthetic capacity. The mechanistic basis for this photosynthetic acclimation may involve accumulation of carbohydrate and may be promoted by nutrient limitation. However, our current knowledge is inadequate for making reliable predictions concerning the onset and extent of acclimation. Many studies have sought to investigate the effects of N supply but the methodologies used generally do not allow separation of the direct effects of limited N availability from those caused by a N dilution effect due to accelerated growth at elevated pCO2. To dissociate these interactions, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown hydroponically and N was added in direct proportion to plant growth. Photosynthesis did not acclimate to elevated pCO2 even when growth was restricted by a low-N relative addition rate. Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity and quantity were maintained, there was no evidence for triose phosphate limitation of photosynthesis, and tissue N content remained within the range recorded for healthy wheat plants. In contrast, wheat grown in sand culture with N supplied at a fixed concentration suffered photosynthetic acclimation at elevated pCO2 in a low-N treatment. This was accompanied by a significant reduction in the quantity of active ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and leaf N content.


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The gibberellins (GAs) are a complex family of diterpenoid compounds, some of which are potent endogenous regulators of plant growth. As part of a feedback control of endogenous GA levels, active GAs negatively regulate the abundance of mRNA transcripts encoding GA biosynthesis enzymes. For example, Arabidopsis GA4 gene transcripts encode GA 3β-hydroxylase, an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of inactive to active GAs. Here we show that active GAs regulate GA4 transcript abundance in a dose-dependent manner, and that down-regulation of GA4 transcript abundance is effected by GA4 (the product of 3β-hydroxylation) but not by its immediate precursor GA9 (the substrate). Comparison of several different GA structures showed that GAs active in promoting hypocotyl elongation were also active in regulating GA4 transcript abundance, suggesting that similar GA:receptor and subsequent signal transduction processes control these two responses. It is interesting that these activities were not restricted to 3β-hydroxylated GAs, being also exhibited by structures that were not 3β-hydroxylated but that had another electronegative group at C-3. We also show that GA-mediated control of GA4 transcript abundance is disrupted in the GA-response mutants gai and spy-5. These observations define a sensitive homeostatic mechanism whereby plants may regulate their endogenous GA levels.


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The interactions between the plant hormones auxin and cytokinin throughout plant development are complex, and genetic investigations of the interdependency of auxin and cytokinin signaling have been limited. We have characterized the cytokinin sensitivity of the auxin-resistant diageotropica (dgt) mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in a range of auxin- and cytokinin-regulated responses. Intact, etiolated dgt seedlings showed cross-resistance to cytokinin with respect to root elongation, but cytokinin effects on hypocotyl growth and ethylene synthesis in these seedlings were not impaired by the dgt mutation. Seven-week-old, green wild-type and dgt plants were also equally sensitive to cytokinin with respect to shoot growth and hypocotyl and internode elongation. The effects of cytokinin and the dgt mutation on these processes appeared additive. In tissue culture organ regeneration from dgt hypocotyl explants showed reduced sensitivity to auxin but normal sensitivity to cytokinin, and the effects of cytokinin and the mutation were again additive. However, although callus induction from dgt hypocotyl explants required auxin and cytokinin, dgt calli did not show the typical concentration-dependent stimulation of growth by either auxin or cytokinin observed in wild-type calli. Cross-resistance of the dgt mutant to cytokinin thus was found to be limited to a small subset of auxin- and cytokinin-regulated growth processes affected by the dgt mutation, indicating that auxin and cytokinin regulate plant growth through both shared and separate signaling pathways.


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The cytokinin group of plant hormones regulates aspects of plant growth and development, including the release of lateral buds from apical dominance and the delay of senescence. In this work the native promoter of a cytokinin synthase gene (ipt) was removed and replaced with a Cu-controllable promoter. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv tabacum) transformed with this Cu-inducible ipt gene (Cu-ipt) was morphologically identical to controls under noninductive conditions in almost all lines produced. However, three lines grew in an altered state, which is indicative of cytokinin overproduction and was confirmed by a full cytokinin analysis of one of these lines. The in vitro treatment of morphologically normal Cu-ipt transformants with Cu2+ resulted in delayed leaf senescence and an increase in cytokinin concentration in the one line analyzed. In vivo, inductive conditions resulted in a significant release of lateral buds from apical dominance. The morphological changes seen during these experiments may reflect the spatial aspect of control exerted by this gene expression system, namely expression from the root tissue only. These results confirmed that endogenous cytokinin concentrations in tobacco transformants can be temporally and spatially controlled by the induction of ipt gene expression through the Cu-controllable gene-expression system.


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Histone H1, a major structural component of chromatin fiber, is believed to act as a general repressor of transcription. To investigate in vivo the role of this protein in transcription regulation during development of a multicellular organism, we made transgenic tobacco plants that overexpress the gene for Arabidopsis histone H1. In all plants that overexpressed H1 the total H1-to-DNA ratio in chromatin increased 2.3-2.8 times compared with the physiological level. This was accompanied by 50-100% decrease of native tobacco H1. The phenotypic changes in H1-overexpressing plants ranged from mild to severe perturbations in morphological appearance and flowering. No correlation was observed between the extent of phenotypic change and the variation in the amount of overexpressed H1 or the presence or absence of the native tobacco H1. However, the severe phenotypic changes were correlated with early occurrence during plant growth of cells with abnormally heterochromatinized nuclei. Such cells occurred considerably later in plants with milder changes. Surprisingly, the ability of cells with highly heterochromatinized nuclei to fulfill basic physiological functions, including differentiation, was not markedly hampered. The results support the suggestion that chromatin structural changes dependent on H1 stoichiometry and on the profile of major H1 variants have limited regulatory effect on the activity of genes that control basal cellular functions. However, the H1-mediated chromatin changes can be of much greater importance for the regulation of genes involved in control of specific developmental programs.


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We have expressed a fusion protein formed between the avian infectious bronchitis virus M protein and the bacterial enzyme beta-glucuronidase in transgenic tobacco cells. Electron microscope images of such cells demonstrate that overexpression of this fusion protein gives rise to a type of endoplasmic reticulum membrane domain in which adjacent membranes become zippered together apparently as a consequence of the oligomerizing action of beta-glucuronidase. These zippered (Z-) membranes lack markers of the endoplasmic reticulum (NADH cytochrome c reductase and ribosomes) and accumulate in the cells in the form of multilayered scroll-like structures (up to 2 micrometers in diameter; 20-50 per cell) without affecting plant growth. The discovery of Z-membranes has broad implications for biology and biotechnology in that they provide a means for accumulating large quantities of recombinant membrane proteins within discrete domains of native membranes.


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Plant lipoxygenases are thought to be involved in the biosynthesis of lipid-derived signaling molecules. The potential involvement of a specific Arabidopsis thaliana lipoxygenase isozyme, LOX2, in the biosynthesis of the plant growth regulators jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid was investigated. Our characterization of LOX2 indicates that the protein is targeted to chloroplasts. The physiological role of this chloroplast lipoxygenase was analyzed in transgenic plants where cosuppression reduced LOX2 accumulation. The reduction in LOX2 levels caused no obvious changes in plant growth or in the accumulation of abscisic acid. However, the wound-induced accumulation of JA observed in control plants was absent in leaves of transgenic plants that lacked LOX2. Thus, LOX2 is required for the wound-induced synthesis of the plant growth regulator JA in leaves. We also examined the expression of a wound- and JA-inducible Arabidopsis gene, vsp, in transgenic and control plants. Leaves of transgenic plants lacking LOX2 accumulated less vsp mRNA than did control leaves in response to wounding. This result suggests that wound-induced JA (or some other LOX2-requiring component of the wound response pathway) is involved in the wound-induced regulation of this gene.


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Many major weeds rely upon vegetative dispersal by rhizomes and seed dispersal by "shattering" of the mature inflorescence. We report molecular analysis of these traits in a cross between cultivated and wild species of Sorghum that are the probable progenitors of the major weed "johnsongrass." By restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping, variation in the number of rhizomes producing above-ground shoots was associated with three quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Variation in regrowth (ratooning) after overwintering was associated with QTLs accounting for additional rhizomatous growth and with QTLs influencing tillering. Vegetative buds that become rhizomes are similar to those that become tillers--one QTL appears to influence the number of such vegetative buds available, and additional independent genes determine whether individual buds differentiate into tillers or rhizomes. DNA markers described herein facilitate cloning of genes associated with weediness, comparative study of rhizomatousness in other Poaceae, and assessment of gene flow between cultivated and weedy sorghums--a risk that constrains improvement of sorghum through biotechnology. Cloning of "weediness" genes may create opportunities for plant growth regulation, in suppressing propagation of weeds and enhancing productivity of major forage, turf, and "ratoon" crops.


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Acid extracts and a resultant fraction from solid-phase extraction (SPE) of Romalea guttata crop and midgut tissues induce sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. Rio) coleoptile growth in 24-h incubations an average of 49% above untreated controls. When combined with plant auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), the SPE fraction shows a synergistic reaction, yielding increases in coleoptile growth that average 295% above untreated controls and 8% above IAA standards. The interaction lowered the point of maximum sensitivity of IAA 3 orders of magnitude, resulting in a new IAA physiological set point at 10(-7) g/ml. This synergism suggests that contents in animal regurgitants making their way into plant tissue during feeding may produce a positive feedback in plant growth and development following herbivory. Such a process, also known as reward feedback, may exert major controls on ecosystem-level relationships in nature.


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The plant growth hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transcriptionally activates expression of several genes in plants. We have previously identified a 164-bp promoter region (-318 to -154) in the PS-IAA4/5 gene that confers IAA inducibility. Linker-scanning mutagenesis across the region has identified two positive domains: domain A (48 bp; -203 to -156) and domain B (44 bp; -299 to -256), responsible for transcriptional activation of PS-IAA4/5 by IAA. Domain A contains the highly conserved sequence 5'-TGTCCCAT-3' found among various IAA-inducible genes and behaves as the major auxin-responsive element. Domain B functions as an enhancer element which may also contain a less efficient auxin-responsive element. The two domains act cooperatively to stimulate transcription; however, tetramerization of domain A or B compensates for the loss of A or B function. The two domains can also mediate IAA-induced transcription from the heterologous cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (-73 to +1). In vivo competition experiments with icosamers of domain A or B show that the domains interact specifically and with different affinities to low abundance, positive transcription factor(s). A model for transcriptional activation of PS-IAA4/5 by IAA is discussed.


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A cana-de-açúcar é uma espécie amplamente cultivada em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Sua propagação é realizada através do plantio de porções caulinares contendo uma média de três gemas. Tal prática requer grande quantidade de material vegetal, o que reduz o ganho dos produtores. Adicionalmente, a utilização de grande quantidade de material vegetal para o plantio dificulta algumas práticas em relação ao manejo da cultura, como transporte e armazenamento. A utilização de mini-toletes, contendo uma única gema, representa uma alternativa ao plantio convencional. Existem limitações impostas à utilização de mini-toletes, relacionadas à baixa disponibilidade de reservas de nutrientes e de água, devido ao reduzido tamanho dos toletes. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o vigor e o desenvolvimento de plantas de cana-de-açúcar provenientes de mini-toletes. No primeiro experimento, comparou-se plantas provenientes de diferentes tipos de propágulos e gemas. Foram avaliados o número de brotações, a porcentagem de brotações, a altura das plantas e as massas de folhas e raízes. No segundo experimento, avaliou-se o efeito da aplicação de biorreguladores em mini-toletes provenientes de gemas apicais e basais. Foram realizadas as determinações do número de brotações, da altura das plantas, da área foliar e das massas secas de folhas e colmos. No terceiro experimento, avaliou-se a aplicação de ureia como fonte de adubação nitrogenada e tiametoxam, um inseticida sistêmico com ação bioativadora, no desenvolvimento de plantas originárias de mini-toletes. Realizaram-se as seguintes determinações: número de brotações, altura das plantas, área foliar e massas secas de colmos, folhas e raízes. No quarto experimento, plantas de cana-de-açúcar originárias de mini-toletes tratados com agroquímicos foram submetidas ao déficit hídrico. Foram avaliadas a altura das plantas, a área foliar e as massas de raiz, folha e caule. Foi possível concluir que plantas provenientes de gemas superiores e de toletes contendo três e duas gemas apresentaram um melhor desenvolvimento. De maneira geral, os resultados indicaram que a cana-de-açúcar não responde de maneira evidente ao uso de reguladores vegetais em mini-toletes. A utilização de ureia aumenta o desenvolvimento de plantas originárias de mini-toletes. Em conjunto com diferentes doses de ureia, a utilização de tiametoxam incrementa aspectos do desenvolvimento da cana-de-açúcar. Adicionalmente, foi possível concluir que a aplicação de agroquímicos em mini-toletes alivia os efeitos negativos do déficit hídrico no desenvolvimento radicular. A partir dos resultados obtidos no presente trabalho, foi possível concluir que a utilização de ureia, tiametoxam e agroquímicos melhora o desenvolvimento de plantas de cana-de-açúcar originárias de mini-toletes.


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As áreas destinadas à cultura de cana-de-açúcar estão concentradas em áreas de Cerrado, que são solos ácidos, com elevada saturação por alumínio e baixa saturação por bases. Para correção destas características, faz-se o uso de corretivos e fertilizantes no momento da implantação da cultura. Embora a toxidez por alumínio seja uma das mais sérias limitações ao crescimento de plantas em solos ácidos, há uma carência de estudos relacionando-a com a cultura de cana-de-açúcar. Com base nisto, o objeto deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de calcário e gesso sobre o estado nutricional de quatro cultivares de cana-de-açúcar, distintas quanto à exigência nutricional, na fase de perfilhamento da cultura. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se experimento em casa de vegetação com vasos contendo 4 kg de amostra de solo, com saturação por alumínio de 29%, como substrato, com os seguintes tratamentos: 1) aplicação de calcário, 2) aplicação de gesso, e 3) controle, sem adição de calcário e gesso. Os cultivares utilizados foram: IACSP95-5000, IACSP94-2094, SP80-3280 e IAC95-3028. Após adição dos tratamentos, as amostras de solo foram incubadas por 45 dias. Para os materiais vegetais, mini-toletes de gema única das cultivares foram pré-brotados, crescidos por 90 dias e transplantados para os vasos, para os respectivos tratamentos. As plantas foram adubadas com macro e micronutrientes e cultivadas por 60 dias. Os tratamentos foram caracterizados quanto aos atributos químicos para avaliação da fertilidade após a incubação e após a coleta das plantas. Nas plantas, foram feitas avaliações de: clorofila, flavonoides, índice de balanço do nitrogênio (NBI), concentração de alumínio e dos nutrientes e produção de matéria seca de folha, colmo e raiz. Enquanto o tratamento gesso não diferiu do controle, o tratamento calcário foi efetivo para correção da reação da amostra de solo, com elevação dos valores de pH e saturação por bases, e redução da saturação por alumínio e acidez total, além do aumento nos teores de Ca e Mg. A adubação NPK+micro foi efetiva para aumentar os teores de P e K dos substratos de todos os tratamentos. Nas plantas, para todos os cultivares, os índices de clorofila, flavonoides e NBI foram mais adequados no tratamento calcário, em relação ao controle e ao gesso. A produção de matéria seca total e das partes das plantas, de modo geral, foi maior para a IACSP95-5000, intermediaria para a IACSP35-3028 e menor para a IACSP94-2094 e SP80-3280. Quanto aos tratamentos, não houve efeito do calcário e gesso sobre a produção de matéria seca de folha, contudo, houve aumento de produção de matéria seca de colmo e raiz pelo calcário, na cultivar IACSP95-5000. Independente do tratamento, as cultivares apresentaram concentração de alumínio superior a 5000 mg kg-1 nas raízes e inferiores a 360 e 160 mg kg-1 nas folhas e colmos, respectivamente, evidenciando que o Al foi acúmulo nas raízes das plantas. De modo geral, as concentrações de macro e micronutrientes variaram com os tratamentos e cultivares, porém sem valores altos e baixos extremos. Concluiu-se que a cultivar IACSP95-5000 tem maior potencial de produção em resposta à aplicação de calcário e que a saturação de alumínio de 29% não apresenta efeito negativo sobre a produção de matéria seca, exceto da cultivar IACSP95-5000, e estado nutricional das cultivares de cana-de-açúcar