988 resultados para PIN diodes


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We successfully used the metal mediated-wafer bonding technique in transferring the as-grown cubic GaN LED structure of Si substrate. The absorbing GaAs substrate was removed by using the chemical solutions of NH4OH : H2O2=1 : 10. SEM and PL results show that wafer bonding technique could transfer the cubic GaN epilayers uniformly to Si without affecting the physical and optical properties of epilayers. XRD result shows that there appeared new peaks related to AgGa2 and Ni4N diffraction, indicating that the metals used as adhesive and protective layers interacted with the p-GaN layer during the long annealing process. It is just the reaction that ensures the reliability of the integration of GaN with metal and minor contact resistance on the interface.


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The effect of the growth temperature on the properties of InAlAs/AlGaAs quantum dots grown on GaAs(100) substrates is investigated. The optical efficiency and structural uniformity are improved by increasing the growth temperature from 530 to 560 degreesC. The improvements of InAlAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot characteristics could be explained by suppressing the incorporation of oxygen and the formation of group-III vacancies. Furthermore, edge-emitting laser diodes with six quantum-dot layers grown at 560 degreesC have been fabricated. Lasing occurs via the ground state at 725 nm, with a room-temperature threshold current density of 3.9 kA/cm(2), significantly better than previously reported values for this quantum-dot systems. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The GaNAs alloys have been grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using dimethylhydrazine (DMHv) as the nitrogen precursor, triethylgallium (TEGa) and trimethylgallium (TMGa) as the gallium precursors, respectively. Both symmetric (004) and asymmetric (1 1 5) high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) were used to determine the nitrogen content in GaNAs layers. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) was used to obtain the impurity content. T e influence of different Ga precursors on GaNAs quality has been investigated. Phase separation is observed in the < 1 1 5 > direction when using TMGa as the Ga precursor but not observed when using TEGa. This phenomenon should originate from the parasitic reaction between the Ga and N precursors. Furthermore. samples grown with TEGa have better quality and less impurity contamination than those with TMGa. Nitrogen content of 5.742% has been achieved using TEGa and no phase separation observed in the sample. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Optical and electrical properties of ZnSe self-organized quantum dots were investigated using photoluminescence, capacitance-voltage, and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy techniques. The temperature dependence of photoluminescence was employed to clarify the mechanism of photoluminescence thermal quenching processes in ZnSe quantum dots. A theoretic fit on considering a two-step quenching processes well explained the experimental data. The apparent carrier concentration profile obtained from capacitance-voltage measurements exhibits an accumulation peak at the depth of about 100nm below the sample surface, which is in good agreement with the location of the quantum dot layer. The electronic ground state of ZnSe quantum dots is determined to be about 0.11 eV below the conduction band of ZnS, which is similar to that obtained by simulating the thermal quenching of ZnSe photoluminescence.


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To heteroepitaxally grow the crystalline cubic-GaN (c-GaN) film on the substrates with large lattice mismatch is basically important for fabricating the blue or ultraviolet laser diodes based on cubic group III nitride materials. We have obtained the crystalline c-GaN film and the heteroepitaxial interface between c-Gan and GaAs (001) substrate by the ECR Plasma-Assisted Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (PA-MOCVD) under low-pressure and low-temperature (similar to600degreesC) on a homemade ECR-plasma Semiconductor Processing Device (ESPD). In order to decrease the growth temperature, the ECR plasma source was adopted as the activated nitrogen source, therefore the working pressure of MOCVD was decreased down to the region less than 1 Pa. To eliminate the damages from energetic ions of current plasma source, a Multi-cusp cavity,coupling ECR Plasma source (MEP) was selected to use in our experiment. To decrease the strain and dislocations induced from the large lattice mismatch between c-GaN and GaAs substrate, the plasma pretreatment procedure i.e., the initial growth technique was investigated The experiment arrangements, the characteristics of plasma and the growth procedure, the characteristics on-GaN film and interface between c-GaN and GaAs(001), and the roles of ECR plasma are described in this contribution.


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SiO2/Si/SiO2 nanometer double barriers (SSSNDB) with Si layers of twenty-seven different thicknesses in a range of 1-5 nm with an interval of 0.2 nm have been deposited on p-Si substrates using two-target alternative magnetron sputtering. Electroluminescence (EL) from the semitransparent Au film/SSSNDB/p-Si diodes and from a control diode without any Si layer have been observed under forward bias. Each EL spectrum of all these diodes can be fitted by two Gaussian bands with peak energies of 1.82 and 2.25 eV, and full widths at half maximum of 0.38 and 0.69 eV, respectively. It is found that the current, EL peak wavelength and intensities of the two Gaussian bands of the Au/SSSNDB/p-Si structure oscillate synchronously with increasing Si layer thickness with a period corresponding to half a de Broglie wavelength of the carriers. The experimental results strongly indicate that the EL originates mainly from two types of luminescence centres with energies of 1.82 and 2.25 eV in the SiO2 barriers, rather than from the nanometer Si well in the SSSNDB. The EL mechanism is discussed in detail.


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We have fabricated self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) capped by 1 nm In0.2Al0.8As and 5 nm In0.2Ga0.8As strain-reducing layer (SRL). The luminescence emission at a long wavelength of 1.33 mum with narrower half width is realized. A wider energy separation between the ground and first excited radiative transitions of up to 102meV was observed at room temperature. Furthermore, the comparative study proves that luminescence properties of InAs/GaAs QDs overgrown with combined InAlAs and InGaAs SRLs are much better than that of one capped with InGaAs or InAlAs SRL. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In our recent report, [Xu , Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 152 (2000)], profile distributions of five elements in the GaN/sapphire system have been obtained using secondary ion-mass spectroscopy. The results suggested that a thin degenerate n(+) layer at the interface is the main source of the n-type conductivity for the whole film. The further studies in this article show that this n(+) conductivity is not only from the contribution of nitride-site oxygen (O-N), but also from the gallium-site silicon (Si-Ga) donors, with activation energies 2 meV (for O-N) and 42 meV (for Si-Ga), respectively. On the other hand, Al incorporated on the Ga sublattice reduces the concentration of compensating Ga-vacancy acceptors. The two-donor two-layer conduction, including Hall carrier concentration and mobility, has been modeled by separating the GaN film into a thin interface layer and a main bulk layer of the GaN film. The bulk layer conductivity is to be found mainly from a near-surface thin layer and is temperature dependent. Si-Ga and O-N should also be shallow donors and V-Ga-O or V-Ga-Al should be compensation sites in the bulk layer. The best fits for the Hall mobility and the Hall concentration in the bulk layer were obtained by taking the acceptor concentration N-A=1.8x10(17) cm(-3), the second donor concentration N-D2=1.0x10(18) cm(-3), and the compensation ratio C=N-A/N-D1=0.6, which is consistent with Rode's theory. Saturation of carriers and the low value of carrier mobility at low temperature can also be well explained. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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High-quality and high-resistivity GaN films were grown on (0001) sapphire face by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy. To measure the surface acoustic wave properties accurately, we deposited metallized interdigital transducers on the GaN surface. The acoustic surface wave velocity and electromechanical coupling coefficient were measured, respectively, to be 5667 m/s and 1.9% by the pulse method.


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We have investigated the photo-excited capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics as well as the photoluminescence spectra under different biases of a wide quantum well (QW) embedded in an n(+)-i-n(+) double-barrier structure. The pronounced peak feature at zero bias in the C-V spectrum observed upon illumination is regarded as a kind of quantum capacitance related to the quantum confined Stark effect, originating from the spatial separation of the photo-generated electron and hole gas in the QW. This fact is further demonstrated through the comparison between the C-V curve with the PL intensity versus applied voltage relationship under the same excitation. The results may provide us with a more direct and sensitive means in the detection of the separation and accumulation of both types of free carriers-electrons and holes-in low-dimensional semiconductor structures, especially in a new type of optical memory cell.


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Temperature-dependent photoluminescence measurements have been carried out in zinc-blende InGaN epilayers grown on GaAs substrates by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy. An anomalous temperature dependence of the peak position of the luminescence band was observed. Considering thermal activation and the transfer of excitons localized at different potential minima, we employed a model to explain the observed behavior. A good agreement between the theory and the experiment is achieved. At high temperatures, the model can be approximated to the band-tail-state emission model proposed by Eliseev et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 569 (1997)]. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The effect of growth temperature on the optical properties of self-assembled In0.65Al0.35As/Al0.35Ga0.65As quantum dots is studied using photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectra. With the growth temperature increasing from 530 to 560 degreesC, the improvement of optical and structural quality has been observed. Furthermore, edge-emitting laser diodes with three stacked InAlAs quantum dot layers grown at different temperature are processed, respectively. For samples with quantum dots grown at 560 degreesC, the continuous wave operation is obtained up to 220 K, which is much higher than that of ones with InAlAs islands grown at 530 degreesC and that of the short-wavelength quantum-dot laser previously reported. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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High-quality GaN epilayers were consistently obtained using a home-made gas-sourer MBE system on sapphire substrates. Room-temperature electron mobility of the grown GaN film is 300 cm(2)/V s with a background electron concentration as low as 2 x 10(17) cm(-3) The full-width at half-maximum of the GaN (0 0 0 2) double-crystal X-ray rocking curve is 6 arcmin. At low temperature (3.5 K), the FWHM of the: near-band-edge photoluminescence emission line is 10 meV. Furthermore, using piezoelectric effect alone with the high-quality films, two-dimensional electron gas was formed in a GaN/AlN/GaN/sapphire structure. Its room-temperature and low-temperature (77 K) electron mobility is 680 cm(2)/V s and 1700 cm(2)/V s, and the corresponding sheet electron density is 3.2 x 10(13) and 2.6 x 10(13) cm(-2), respectively. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science.


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Molecular beam epitaxy-grown self-assembled In(Ga)As/GaAs and InAs/InAlAs/InP quantum dots (QDs) and quantum wires (QWRs) have been studied. By adjusting growth conditions, surprising alignment. preferential elongation, and pronounced sequential coalescence of dots and wires under specific condition are realized. The lateral ordering of QDs and the vertical anti-correlation of QWRs are theoretically discussed. Room-temperature (RT) continuous-wave (CW) lasing at the wavelength of 960 nm with output power of 3.6 W from both uncoated facets is achieved fi-om vertical coupled InAs/GaAs QDs ensemble. The RT threshold current density is 218 A/cm(2). A RT CW output power of 0.6 W/facet ensures at least 3570 h lasing (only drops 0.83 dB). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved.


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The epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO) of cubic GaN by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition has been performed on SiO2-patterned GaN laver. The mechanism of lateral overgrowth is studied It was found that the morphology of ELO GaN stripes strongly depended on the direction of stripe window openings, which was discussed based on the different growth rates of (1 1 1)A and (1 1 1)B. Under the optimized growth condition, single-phase cubic GaN was deposited successfully. The peak position of near-band emission in ELO GaN has a redshift of 13 meV compared with the conventionally grown sample, which may be due to the partial release of stress during the ELO process. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.