BACKGROUND: The addition of ketamine to morphine for patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is supported by previous basic and clinical research, but has been challenged by subsequent negative studies. Important limitations of previous studies are the low number of patients analyzed, the use of morphine-ketamine combinations that may not the optimal, and that not all the relevant outcomes have been analyzed. In this study, we compared the combination of morphine and ketamine with morphine alone for postoperative PCA in large patient groups. We used a morphine-ketamine combination identified by an optimization procedure in our previous study. METHODS: After major elective orthopedic surgery, 352 patients received either PCA with morphine bolus 1.5 mg (Group M, n = 176) or a bolus of morphine plus ketamine 1.5 mg each (Group MK, n = 176) in a randomized, double-blind fashion. Unsatisfactory treatment was defined as the occurrence of either inadequate analgesia or unacceptable side effects. In addition, total consumption of PCA drugs, duration of PCA use, direct medical costs, and number of patients with chronic postoperative pain 3 and 6 mo after operation were recorded. RESULTS: The incidence of unsatisfactory treatment was 33.0% in Group M and 36.9% in Group MK (P = 0.50). No significant differences were found between the groups with respect to secondary end points. CONCLUSIONS: Small-dose ketamine combined with morphine for PCA provides no benefit to patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery and cannot be recommended for routine use.
Fungal endocarditis (FE) is an uncommon disease, and while accounting for only 1.3-6% of all cases of infectious endocarditis, it carries a high mortality risk. Although Candida albicans represents the main etiology of FE, C. parapsilosis is the most common non-albicans species. We report the case of a 32-year-old man with a history of prior intravenous drug (IVD) use hospitalized with endocarditis due to C. parapsilosis and review all 71 additional cases documented in the literature. A retrospective analysis of the 72 C. parapsilosis cases compared to 52 recently reviewed cases of C. albicans endocarditis was conducted to identify organism-specific clinical peculiarities. The most common predisposing factor for C. parapsilosis endocarditis (41/72; 57.4%) involved prosthetic valves followed by IVD use (12/72; 20%). Peripheral embolic and/or hemorrhagic events occurred in 28/64 (43.8%) patients, mostly in cerebral and lower limb territories. Overall mortality was 41.7%. Combined surgical and clinical treatment was associated with a lower mortality. Few patients received the newer antifungal agents, and it would appear that more experience is required for their use in the treatment of C. parapsilosis endocarditis.
We report a case of septic arthritis due to Ralstonia pickettii in an intravenous drug user with unfavorable clinical course under antibiotic therapy with ceftriaxone despite in vitro susceptibility to the drug. The treatment failure may have been due to a discrepancy between in vitro and in vivo susceptibility of R. pickettii, or to resistance development mediated by a recently described inducible beta-lactamase.
Endocarditis is a relatively frequent infection in intravenous drug users. We compared features in the cases of 102 patients with those in intravenous drug users with other causes of fever to identify risk factors predictive of endocarditis. Logistic regression analysis showed cocaine use to be strongly associated with endocarditis. This special risk involving cocaine use has not been reported previously; the explanation for it may provide insight into the pathogenesis of endocarditis.
PURPOSE: To perform a quantitative and qualitative comparison of gadobutrol and gadoterate in three-station contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) of the lower limbs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this prospective randomized controlled trial, 52 patients with leg ischemia were randomly assigned to one of two groups receiving either gadobutrol (1.0 mmol Gd/mL, 15 mL) or gadoterate (0.5 mmol Gd/mL, 30 mL). Three-station 3D CE-MRAs from the pelvis to the ankles were performed with moving-table technique on a 1.5T MR scanner. Injection time was identical in both groups. Signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) were calculated for 816 arteries. Contrast quality in 1196 vessel segments was evaluated separately by two blinded readers on a three-point scale. RESULTS: Mean SNR (61.8 +/- 7.8 for gadobutrol vs. 61.9 +/- 9.1 for gadoterate, P = 0.257), CNR (52.8 +/- 9.1 vs. 52.8 +/- 10.7, P = 0.154), and qualitative ranking (1.41 vs. 1.44, P = 0.21) for all vessels did not differ significantly between the two patient groups. The overall quality was good in 90.4% with gadoterate and 94.2% with gadobutrol (P = 0.462). CONCLUSION: High-concentration gadobutrol allows neither a higher CNR nor any qualitative advantage over the ordinary unspecific Gd agent gadoterate when the same Gd load and injection times are used in multistation CE-MRA of the peripheral arteries.
Bovine papillomaviruses of types 1 and 2 (BPV-1 and -2) chiefly contribute to equine sarcoid pathogenesis. However, the mode of virus transmission and the presence of latent infections are largely unknown. This study established a PCR protocol allowing detection of
OBJECTIVES: To examine differences in risk factor (RF) management between peripheral artery disease (PAD) and coronary artery (CAD) or cerebrovascular disease (CVD), as well as the impact of RF control on major 1-year cardiovascular (CV) event rates. METHODS: The REACH Registry recruited >68000 outpatients aged >/=45 years with established atherothrombotic disease or >/=3 RFs for atherothrombosis. The predictors of RF control that were evaluated included: (1) patient demographics, (2) mode of PAD diagnosis, and (3) concomitant CAD and/or CVD. RESULTS: RF control was less frequent in patients with PAD (n=8322), compared with those with CAD or CVD (but no PAD, n=47492) [blood pressure; glycemia; total cholesterol; smoking cessation (each P<0.001)]. Factors independently associated with optimal RF control in patients with PAD were male gender (OR=1.9); residence in North America (OR=3.5), Japan (OR=2.5) or Latin America (OR=1.5); previous coronary revascularization (OR=1.3); and statin use (OR=1.4); whereas prior leg amputation was a negative predictor (OR=0.7) (P<0.001). Optimal RF control was associated with fewer 1-year CV ischemic symptoms or events. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with PAD do not achieve RF control as frequently as individuals with CAD or CVD. Improved RF control is associated with a positive impact on 1-year CV event rates.
In the era of evidence based medicine, proof of clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness need to be firmly based on transparent comparisons between various therapeutic alternatives. Standards for reports are a prerequisite for comparisons across reports and should reflect the patient's perspective. According standards have been successfully introduced in many fields of modern medicine, but not yet for peripheral endovascular interventions. Given the overwhelmingly increasing importance of endovascular revascularization in patients with chronic lower limb ischemia, this report provides an updated outline of the heterogeneity of current reporting practice and highlights the need for uniform reporting standards.
BACKGROUND: Endovascular therapy is a rapidly expanding option for the treatment of patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), leading to a myriad of published studies reporting on various revascularization strategies. However, these reports are often difficult to interpret and compare because they do not utilize uniform clinical endpoint definitions. Moreover, few of these studies describe clinical outcomes from a patients' perspective. METHODS AND RESULTS: The DEFINE Group is a collaborative effort of an ad-hoc multidisciplinary team from various specialties involved in peripheral arterial disease therapy in Europe and the United States. DEFINE's goal was to arrive at a broad based consensus for baseline and endpoint definitions in peripheral endovascular revascularization trials for chronic lower limb ischemia. In this project, which started in 2006, the individual team members reviewed the existing pertinent literature. Following this, a series of telephone conferences and face-to-face meetings were held to agree upon definitions. Input was also obtained from regulatory (United States Food and Drug Administration) and industry (device manufacturers with an interest in peripheral endovascular revascularization) stakeholders, respectively. The efforts resulted in the current document containing proposed baseline and endpoint definitions in chronic lower limb PAD. Although the consensus has inevitably included certain arbitrary choices and compromises, adherence to these proposed standard definitions would provide consistency across future trials, thereby facilitating evaluation of clinical effectiveness and safety of various endovascular revascularization techniques. CONCLUSION: This current document is based on a broad based consensus involving relevant stakeholders from the medical community, industry and regulatory bodies. It is proposed that the consensus document may have value for study design of future clinical trials in chronic lower limb ischemia as well as for regulatory purposes.
INTRODUCTION: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is associated with systemic impaired flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and increased risk for cardiovascular events. Decreased FMD may be caused by a decrease in arterial shear stress due to claudication and inflammation due to muscle ischemia and reperfusion. We assumed that endovascular revascularization of lower limb arterial obstructions ameliorates FMD and lowers inflammation through improvement of peripheral perfusion. METHODS: The study was a prospective, open, randomized, controlled, single-center follow-up evaluation assessing the effect of endovascular revascularization on brachial artery reactivity (FMD) measured by ultrasound, white blood cell (WBC) count, high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and fibrinogen. We investigated 33 patients (23 men) with chronic and stable PAD (Rutherford 2 to 3) due to femoropopliteal obstruction. Variables were assessed at baseline and after 4 weeks in 17 patients (group A) who underwent endovascular revascularization and best medical treatment, and in 16 patients (group B) who received best medical treatment only. RESULTS: FMD did not differ between group A and B (4.96% +/- 1.86% vs 4.60% +/- 2.95%; P = .87) at baseline. It significantly improved after revascularization in group A (6.44% +/- 2.88%; P = .02) compared with group B at 4 weeks of follow-up (4.53% +/- 3.17%; P = .92), where it remained unchanged. The baseline ankle-brachial index (ABI) was similar for group A and B (0.63 +/- 0.15 vs 0.66 +/- 0.10; P = .36). At 4 weeks of follow-up, ABI was significantly increased in group A (1.05 +/- 0.15; P = .0004) but remained unchanged in group B (0.62 +/- 0.1). WBC counts of the two groups were comparable at baseline (group A: 7.6 +/- 2.26 x 10(6)/mL and group B: 7.8 +/- 2.02 x 10(6)/mL, P = .81). In group A, the leukocyte count significantly decreased after angioplasty from 7.6 +/- 2.26 to 6.89 +/- 1.35 x 10(6)/mL (P = .03). For group B, WBC count did not differ significantly compared with baseline (7.76 +/- 2.64 x 10(6)/mL; P = .94). No effects were observed on hs-CRP or fibrinogen from endovascular therapy. CONCLUSION: Endovascular revascularization with reestablishment of peripheral arterial perfusion improves FMD and reduces WBC count in patients with claudication. Revascularization may therefore have clinical implications beyond relief of symptoms, for example, reducing oxidative stress caused by repeated muscle ischemia or increased shear stress due to improved ambulatory activity.
Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) is a manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis strongly associated with a high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In a considerable proportion of patients with PAOD, revascularization either by endovascular means or by open surgery combined with best possible risk factor modification does not achieve limb salvage or relief of ischaemic rest pain. As a consequence, novel therapeutic strategies have been developed over the last two decades aiming to promote neovascularization and remodelling of collaterals. Gene and stem cell therapy are the main directions for clinical investigation concepts. For both, preclinical studies have shown promising results using a wide variety of genes encoding for growth factors and populations of adult stem cells, respectively. As a consequence, clinical trials have been performed applying gene and stem cell-based concepts. However, it has become apparent that a straightforward translation into humans is not possible. While several trials reported relief of symptoms and functional improvement, other trials did not confirm this early promise of efficacy. Ongoing clinical trials with an improved study design are needed to confirm the potential that gene and cell therapy may have and to prevent the gaps in our scientific knowledge that will jeopardize the establishment of angiogenic therapy as an additional medical treatment of PAOD. This review summarizes the experimental background and presents the current status of clinical applications and future perspectives of the therapeutic use of gene and cell therapy strategies for PAOD.
BACKGROUND: During paravertebral block, the anterolateral limit of the paravertebral space, which consists of the pleura, should preferably not be perforated. Also it is possible that, during the block, the constant superior costotransverse ligament can be missed in the loss-of-resistance technique. We therefore aimed to develop a new technique for an ultrasound-guided puncture of the paravertebral space. METHODS: We performed 20 punctures and catheter placements in 10 human cadavers. A sonographic view showing the pleura and the superior costotransverse ligament was obtained with a slightly oblique scan using a curved array transducer. After inline approach, injection of 10 ml normal saline confirmed the correct position of the needle tip, distended the space, and enabled catheter insertion. The spread of contrast dye injected through the catheters was assessed by CT scans. RESULTS: The superior costotransverse ligament and the paravertebral space were easy to identify. The needle tip reached the paravertebral space without problems under visualization. In contrast, the introduction of the catheter was difficult. The CT scan revealed a correct paravertebral spread of contrast in 11 cases. Out of the remaining, one catheter was found in the pleural space, in six cases there was an epidural, and in two cases there was a prevertebral spread of contrast dye. CONCLUSIONS: We successfully developed a technique for an accurate ultrasound-guided puncture of the paravertebral space. We also showed that when a catheter is introduced through the needle with the tip lying in the paravertebral space, there is a high probability of catheter misplacement into the epidural, mediastinal, or pleural spaces.
PURPOSE: Although critically ill patients usually have various central intravenous (i.v.) lines, numerous drugs have to be infused simultaneously through the same lines. This can result in potentially harmful in-line incompatibility that can cause decreased drug effectiveness or increased microparticle load. To minimize the risk of these medication errors at an anesthesia intensive care unit (ICU), the preparation and administration of continuously infused drugs were standardized and the practicability in daily clinical routine was evaluated. SUMMARY: The concentration and diluent of continuously administered i.v. drugs were standardized. The drugs were grouped according to pH, medical indication, and chemical structure. The ICU staff decided to use multilumen central venous catheters, and each group of drugs was assigned to one lumen. Only drugs that belonged to the same group were infused simultaneously through the same lumen; therefore, intragroup incompatibilities had to be excluded before establishing the new drug administration plan at the ICU. The visual compatibility of 115 clinically reasonable intragroup drug mixtures was investigated. All drug combinations were compatible for six hours except mixtures containing thiopental, which was reassigned to a single-line use. In the following year, the practicability of this drug administration plan was evaluated. No deviations were found in the compliance of the staff prescribing and preparing only standardized concentrations and diluents. Further research to investigate the chemical compatibility of the drugs in these multiple mixtures will follow. CONCLUSION: A project intended to avoid incompatibility among i.v. drugs infused in the intensive care setting included steps to standardize solutions and determine which could be given together.
Chemotherapy-induced anemia is often an important problem for cancer patients, and this complication can be treated with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs). This commentary discusses the findings of a study by Bastit et al., in which 396 patients with nonmyeloid malignancies and chemotherapy-induced anemia were treated with darbepoetin alfa with or without intravenous iron. This phase III trial showed that intravenous iron supplementation increases the hematopoietic response rates to ESAs in cancer patients; however, this study provides no information as to whether all cancer patients with anemia should receive intravenous iron as well as treatment with ESAs. Further data are needed to identify those patients who might benefit from intravenous iron supplementation in addition to ESAs, in order to avoid overtreatment of patients who are unlikely to benefit from the additional iron. As both ESAs and intravenous iron have known short-term and long-term risks, identification of reliable predictors of response that can guide these treatments is necessary before this strategy can be implemented into practice.