988 resultados para PÉC


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The propagation of waves in an extended, irregular medium is studied under the "quasi-optics" and the "Markov random process" approximations. Under these assumptions, a Fokker-Planck equation satisfied by the characteristic functional of the random wave field is derived. A complete set of the moment equations with different transverse coordinates and different wavenumbers is then obtained from the characteristic functional. The derivation does not require Gaussian statistics of the random medium and the result can be applied to the time-dependent problem. We then solve the moment equations for the phase correlation function, angular broadening, temporal pulse smearing, intensity correlation function, and the probability distribution of the random waves. The necessary and sufficient conditions for strong scintillation are also given.

We also consider the problem of diffraction of waves by a random, phase-changing screen. The intensity correlation function is solved in the whole Fresnel diffraction region and the temporal pulse broadening function is derived rigorously from the wave equation.

The method of smooth perturbations is applied to interplanetary scintillations. We formulate and calculate the effects of the solar-wind velocity fluctuations on the observed intensity power spectrum and on the ratio of the observed "pattern" velocity and the true velocity of the solar wind in the three-dimensional spherical model. The r.m.s. solar-wind velocity fluctuations are found to be ~200 km/sec in the region about 20 solar radii from the Sun.

We then interpret the observed interstellar scintillation data using the theories derived under the Markov approximation, which are also valid for the strong scintillation. We find that the Kolmogorov power-law spectrum with an outer scale of 10 to 100 pc fits the scintillation data and that the ambient averaged electron density in the interstellar medium is about 0.025 cm-3. It is also found that there exists a region of strong electron density fluctuation with thickness ~10 pc and mean electron density ~7 cm-3 between the PSR 0833-45 pulsar and the earth.


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Neste estudo foram avaliadas amostras de misturas poliméricas de Policarbonato (PC) e Poli--caprolactona (PCL) em diferentes concentrações após enterro em solo preparado, por períodos variando de uma a doze semanas, seguindo a Norma ASTM G 160 - 03. As amostras, após ficarem enterradas, foram retiradas do solo e analisadas por calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), microscopia ótica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e espectrometria de absorção na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR). Foi observado através de avaliação morfológica que houve degradação nas amostras de PCL puro e na mistura PC/PCL (60/40). Para misturas com menores teores de PCL a degradação não foi significativa no tempo de avaliação sugerido pela norma. Após o tempo de 12 semanas em contato com o solo houve uma redução no teor de cristalinidade das amostras tanto de PCL puro quanto da mistura PC/PCL com 40% de PCL. As variações ocorridas devido à biodegradabilidade não foram suficientes para acarretar perda de resistência térmica nas amostras. Verificou-se que para avaliar a biodegradabilidade de misturas contendo o polímero biodegradável PCL, é necessária uma adaptação da Norma utilizada, aumentando o tempo de enterro das amostras