975 resultados para Oudrid, 1825-1877.


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Inhalt: 1. Minsky, Hyman P. [Buchholz, Günter (Übersetzung)]: "Die Hypothese der finanziellen Instabilität – eine Keynes–Interpretation und eine Alternative zur Standard-Theorie". Erstmals veröffentlicht in: Arbeitspapier Nr. 95 des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Bergischen Universität – Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Wuppertal 1986, S. 31 ff. 2. Buchholz, Günter: "Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Krise und Kritik". Erstmals veröffentlicht in: Ergebnisse und Interpretationen - Zur Lehre, Forschung und Studienkonzeption im Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Arbeitspapier Nr. 100 des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Bergischen Universität – Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Wuppertal 1989, S. 169 ff. 3. Buchholz, Günter: "Staatsintervention in der Wachstumskrise". Unveröffentlichter Vortrag. Tagung des „Arbeitskreises Politische Ökonomie“ Dezember 1986 4. Buchholz, Günter: "Gesellschaftliche Depression". Unveröffentlichter Vortrag vom 25.6.2005 Zu 1: Ein Aufsatz von Minsky aus dem Jahr 1977 griff seinerzeit kritisch in die Diskussion um das angemessene Verständnis der keynesschen Theorie ein; vgl. hierzu auch sein Buch: „John Maynard Keynes". Der Aufsatz markiert jene Weggabelung der Entwicklung der liberalen Wirtschaftstheorie, in der es - gegen Ende der Keynesschen Dominanz in der Wirtschaftspolitik - darum ging, einerseits die Keynessche Kritik an der Neoklassik zu neutralisieren, andererseits ein eigenständiges postkeynesianisches Paradigma herauszubilden, innerhalb dessen fortentwickelt werden sollte, „was Keynes wirklich meinte“. Zu 2: Im zweiten Beitrag geht es um das Problem der ökonomischen Krise, insbesondere um ihre Geschichte und um die zahlreichen Versuche, sie theoretisch zu verarbeiten („general glut controversy“ nach der Krise von 1825), oder sie als systemexogene Störung darzustellen, oder als bloßes Zufallsereignis, oder sie gleichgewichtstheoretisch gänzlich zu leugnen oder jedenfalls ihre Relevanz für die Theoriebildung zu bagatellisieren und auf bloß empirische Forschung einzuschränken. Zu 3: Karl Marx hatte in seinem Hauptwerk, dem „Kapital“, bekanntlich versucht, einen endogenen Niedergang des Kapitalismus mit dem „Gesetz vom tendenziellen Fall der Profitrate“ als notwendig zu erweisen, und zwar dadurch, dass die Akkumulation des Kapitals zu ihrem eigenen Hindernis wird, aber diese lange umstrittene Argumentation hat sich als nicht schlüssig erwiesen. Joseph A. Schumpeter hatte im Zusammenhang seiner Konjunkturtheorie nicht nur kurze und mittlere, sondern auch lange Zyklen berücksichtigt, die nach ihrem Entdecker, dem russischen Statistiker Kondratieff, benannt worden sind. Damit hatte er die neoklassische Welt des neoklassischen „Allgemeinen Gleichgewichts“ hinter sich gelassen. Der Aufsatz versucht, diese Ansätze zu verknüpfen. Zu 4: Der hier abgedruckte Vortrag aus dem Jahr 2005 nimmt die vielfach wahrgenommene kollektive depressive Verstimmung der Bevölkerung zum Ausgangspunkt und führt sie auf die sie bedingende ökonomische Stagnation zurück.


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Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Desenho), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, História (História e Cultura do Brasil), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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London's air quality has improved over recent decades, but is still the worst in the UK. Road transport emissions play an important part in this pollution. A low emission zone (LEZ) would help to accelerate the introduction of cleaner vehicles, and reduce the number of older, more polluting vehicles operating in London. Survey results indicate that there is some support among goods vehicle operators for a LEZ in London, depending on the precise scheme definition. Operators would generally try to comply with LEZ regulations, with most companies either using technical approaches to ensure that their London vehicle fleet complied with the required emission standard, or redeploying vehicles with the appropriate emission standard from other locations.


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This paper focuses upon the potential for Urban Consolidation Centres (UCCs) to alleviate local environmental and traffic problems within urban areas. An international literature review was undertaken, interviews were held with a range of relevant parties, and an evaluation framework was developed. In previous work a narrow focus has typically been adopted and no examples of thorough scheme evaluation were found. A particular concern discussed in the paper is the identification and subsequent allocation of the costs and benefits of implementing and operating a UCC. Lessons learned from existing and attempted UCCs are then presented, and a number of themes and location types that point to successful implementation are identified. The likelihood of a UCC being successful depends considerably upon the legal and planning frameworks in the locality or country involved.


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Concert program for Die Fledermaus, November 18, 19, 21, and 22, 1977


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The paper provides a review of the light goods vehicle (LGV) fleet and its activity, with specific reference to operations in urban areas, and sustainability issues associated with the ever-growing use of LGVs. Traditionally these vehicles have received little attention but are becoming an ever-more important element of urban freight transport both for goods collection and delivery and for the provision of a wide range of critical services. Relevant literature from the UK and elsewhere pertaining to LGV operations and their impacts has been identified and utilised. The paper identifies the impacts of LGV operations in terms of economic, social and environmental impacts and presents the range of measures being taken by policy makers and companies to address negative impacts.


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The paper is based on work carried out as part of the Green Logistics project1. The paper provides a review of urban freight studies that have taken place in the UK over approximately a thirty year period from the early 1970 s to the present (this is the first attempt at such a review in the UK as far as the authors are aware). Coverage of both goods collection and delivery vehicle activity and service vehicle activity is included. This review covers the survey techniques used, as well as the survey results obtained. Comparisons are made between the results of studies from the 1970 s and those carried out in the last decade in order to gain insight to changes in urban freight transport operations. The data provided in the studies reviewed is extremely important as it provides insight into urban freight operations that is unavailable from any other data source, including national freight surveys conducted by government. However, until now, the results of these studies have not been widely disseminated or compared.


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This paper reviews the options available to policy makers in their efforts to reduce the negative impacts of urban freight transport. After providing a summary of the categories of negative impacts that can be targeted together with the specific policy initiatives available, it reviews the actions taken by policy makers across in cities within four countries (UK, Japan, the Netherlands and France). In the case of the UK and Japan attention is focused on a single city as an exemplar of some of the developments. In the case of the Netherlands and France the discussion is wider.


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The paper presents the ‘Marginal Activity Access Cost’, an accessibility indicator providing estimation in monetary terms of the impacts on mobility and on the environment of locating a single new activity in a specific zone of the urban area. In the first part of this paper, the new indicator is presented and compared to other accessibility indicators proposed in literature. In the second part, the MAAC is validated through an application to the urban area of Rome. The paper concludes with brief remarks on using the proposed accessibility indicator as index of performance for sustainable spatial planning.


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The paper fits into the themes of sustainable accessibility planning in urban areas, that can be defined as the integration of transport and land use planning to achieve sustainable development. In particular the study proposes a tool to support the choices of activities location, which is based on a new aggregate (zone-specific) indicator: the ‘Marginal Activity Access Cost’, providing estimation in monetary terms of the impacts on mobility and on the environment of locating one new activity in a specific zone of the urban area. The proposed indicator is validated through an application to the urban area of Rome.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil