949 resultados para Ottimizzazione, turbine idrauliche, piccoli stramazzi


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Diversas formas de geração de energia vêm sendo desenvolvidas com o objetivo de oferecer alternativas ecologicamente corretas. Neste contexto, a energia eólica vem se destacando na região Nordeste do Brasil, devido ao grande potencial dos ventos da região. As torres, que representam parcela significativa do custo total do sistema, tendem a crescer buscando ventos mais fortes e permitindo assim a utilização de aerogeradores com maior capacidade de geração de energia. Este trabalho tem como objetivo formular um modelo de otimização de torres tubulares de aço, para aerogeradores eólicos. Busca-se minimizar o volume total (custo, indiretamente), tendo como variáveis de projeto as espessuras da parede da torre. São impostas restrições relativas à frequência natural e ao comportamento estrutural (tensão e deslocamento máximo de acordo com recomendações da norma Europeia). A estrutura da torre é modelada com base no Método dos Elementos Finitos e o carregamento atuante na estrutura inclui os pesos da torre, do conjunto de equipamentos instalados no topo (aerogerador), e o efeito estático da ação do vento sobre a torre. Para verificação das tensões, deslocamentos e frequências naturais, foram utilizados elementos finitos de casca disponíveis na biblioteca do programa de análise ANSYS. Os modelos de otimização foram também implementados no modulo de otimização do programa ANSYS (design optimization), que utiliza técnicas matemáticas em um processo iterativo computadorizado até que um projeto considerado ótimo seja alcançado. Nas aplicações foram usados os métodos de aproximação por subproblemas e o método de primeira ordem. Os resultados obtidos revelam que torres para aerogeradores merecem atenção especial, em relação à concepção do projeto estrutural, sendo que seu desempenho deve ser verificado através de metodologias completas que englobem além das análises clássicas (estáticas e dinâmicas), incluam também as análises de otimização.


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A generalized acoustic equation is used to identify the mechanisms driving combustion instability. The relationship between the unsteady rate of heat release and the flow is found to influence significantly the frequency of oscillation. A kinematic flame model is reviewed and used to describe the unsteady combustion in a premixed ducted flame and in a typical lean premixed industrial gas turbine. Comparison is made between theory and experiment. | A generalized acoustic equation is used to identify the mechanisms driving combustion instability. The relationship between the unsteady rate of heat release and the flow is found to influence significantly the frequency of oscillation. A kinematic flame model is reviewed and used to describe the unsteady combustion in a premixed ducted flame and in a typical lean premixed industrial gas turbine. Comparison is made between theory and experiment.


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An overview of the physics of the interaction between sound and flames is presented. The flame dynamics are investigated through experiment and computer modelling. The complementary rôles of wave analysis, low-order models for unsteady combustion, Computational Fluid Dynamics and experiment are illustrated by examples of oscillations in gas turbine combustors and in generic premixed ducted flames. The potential for 'antisound' and passive acoustic absorbers to eliminate the instability is also discussed.


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This paper reviews the development of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) specifically for turbomachinery simulations and with a particular focus on application to problems with complex geometry. The review is structured by considering this development as a series of paradigm shifts, followed by asymptotes. The original S1-S2 blade-blade-throughflow model is briefly described, followed by the development of two-dimensional then three-dimensional blade-blade analysis. This in turn evolved from inviscid to viscous analysis and then from steady to unsteady flow simulations. This development trajectory led over a surprisingly small number of years to an accepted approach-a 'CFD orthodoxy'. A very important current area of intense interest and activity in turbomachinery simulation is in accounting for real geometry effects, not just in the secondary air and turbine cooling systems but also associated with the primary path. The requirements here are threefold: capturing and representing these geometries in a computer model; making rapid design changes to these complex geometries; and managing the very large associated computational models on PC clusters. Accordingly, the challenges in the application of the current CFD orthodoxy to complex geometries are described in some detail. The main aim of this paper is to argue that the current CFD orthodoxy is on a new asymptote and is not in fact suited for application to complex geometries and that a paradigm shift must be sought. In particular, the new paradigm must be geometry centric and inherently parallel without serial bottlenecks. The main contribution of this paper is to describe such a potential paradigm shift, inspired by the animation industry, based on a fundamental shift in perspective from explicit to implicit geometry and then illustrate this with a number of applications to turbomachinery.


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The purpose of this project is to model seabird flock size data to provide recommendations to the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management for offshore wind turbine placement. Our hypothesis is that ecological characteristics influence which statistical distribution will provide the best fit to seabird flock size data. To test this, seabird species can be grouped based on shared ecological traits, such as foraging mechanism or diet.


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A description is presented of a time-marking calculation of the unsteady flow generated by the interaction of upstream wakes with a moving blade row. The inviscid equations of motion are solved using a finite volume technique. Wake dissipation is modeled using an artificial viscosity. Predictions are presented for the rotor mid-span section of an axial turbine. Reasonable agreement is found between the predicted and measured unsteady blade surface static pressures and velocities. These and other results confirm that simple theories can be used to explain the phenomena of rotor-stator wake interactions.


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In turbomachinery, a considerable proportion of the blade surface area can be covered by transitional boundary layers. This means that accurate prediction of the profile loss and boundary layer behavior in general depends on the accurate modeling of the transitional boundary layers, especially at low Reynolds numbers. This paper presents a model for determining the intermittency resulting from the unsteady transition caused by the passage of wakes over a blade surface. The model is founded on work by Emmons (1951) who showed that the intermittency could be calculated from a knowledge of the behavior of randomly formed turbulent spots. The model is used to calculate the development of the boundary layer on the rotor of a low Reynolds number single-stage turbine. The predictions are compared with experimental results obtained using surface-mounted hot-film anemometers and hot-wire traverses of the rotor midspan boundary layer at two different rotor-stator gaps. The validity and limitations of the model are discussed.


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Turbulent wedges induced by a 3D surface roughness placed in a laminar boundary layer over a flat plate were visualised for the first time using both shear-sensitive and temperature-sensitive liquid crystals. The experiments were carried out at three different levels of favourable pressure gradients. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the spreading angles of the turbulent wedges indicated by their associated surface shear stresses and heat transfer characteristics and hence obtain further insight about the difference in the behaviour of transitional momentum and thermal boundary layers when a streamwise pressure gradient exists. It was shown that under a zero pressure gradient the spreading angles indicated by the two types of liquid crystals are the same, but the difference increases as the level of favourable pressure gradient increases. The result from the present study could have an important implication to the transition modelling of thermal boundary layers over gas turbine blades.


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This paper describes the effect of the state of the inlet boundary layer (laminar or turbulent) on the structure of the endwall flow on two different profiles of low-pressure (LP) turbine blades (solid thin and hollow thick). At present the state of the endwall boundary layer at the inlet of a real LP turbine is not known. The intention of this paper is to show that, for different designs of LP turbine, the state of the inlet boundary layer affects the performance of the blade in very different ways. The testing was completed at low speed in a linear cascade using area traversing, flow visualization and static pressure measurements. The paper shows that, for a laminar inlet boundary layer, the two profiles have a similar loss distribution and structure of endwall flow. However, for a turbulent inlet boundary layer the two profiles are shown to differ significantly in both the total loss and endwall flow structure. The pressure side separation bubble on the solid thin profile is shown to interact with the passage vortex, causing a higher endwall loss than that measured on the hollow thick profile.


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An intermittency transport model is proposed for modeling separated-flow transition. The model is based on earlier work on prediction of attached flow bypass transition and is applied for the first time to model transition in a separation bubble at various degrees of free-stream turbulence. The model has been developed so that it takes into account the entrainment of the surrounding fluid. Experimental investigations suggest that it is this phenomena which ultimately determines the extent of the separation bubble. Transition onset is determined via a boundary layer correlation based on momentum thickness at the point of separation. The intermittent flow characteristic of the transition process is modeled via an intermittency transport equation. This accounts for both normal and streamwise variation of intermittency and hence models the entrainment of surrounding flow in a more accurate manner than alternative prescribed intermittency models. The model has been validated against the well established T3L semicircular leading edge flat plate test case for three different degrees of free-stream turbulence characteristic of turbomachinery blade applications.


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Transient test facilities offer the potential for the simultaneous study of turbine aerodynamic performance, unsteady flow phenomena and the heat transfer characteristics of a turbine stage. This paper describes the development of aerodynamic performance measurement techniques in the Oxford Rotor Facility (ORF). The solutions to the technological issues involved with transient testing presented in this paper are expected to achieve levels of precision uncertainty comparable with traditional steady flow test rigs. The theoretical background to the measurement of aerodynamic performance is presented together with a comprehensive pre-test uncertainty analysis. The instrumentation scheme for the measurement of stage mass flow rate is discussed in detail, the measurements of shaft power, total inlet enthalpy, and stage pressure ratio are also outlined. The current working section features a 62% scale, 1-1/2 stage, high-pressure shroudless transonic turbine. The required inlet flow conditions are provided by an Isentropic Light Piston Tunnel (ILPT) with a quasi-steady state run time of approximately 70ms. The testing is conducted at engine representative specific speed, pressure ratio, gas-to-wall temperature ratio, Mach number and Reynolds number.


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This paper presents a study of the three-dimensional flow field within the blade rows of a high-pressure axial flow steam turbine stage. Half-delta wings were fixed to a rotating hub to simulate an upstream rotor passage vortex. The flow field is investigated in a Low-Speed Research Turbine using pneumatic and hot-wire probes downstream of the blade row. The paper examines the impact of the delta wing vortex transport on the performance of the downstream blade row. Steady and unsteady numerical simulations were performed using structured 3D Navier-Stokes solver to further understand the flow field. The loss measurements at the exit of the stator blade showed an increase in stagnation pressure loss due to the delta wing vortex transport. The increase in loss was 21% of the datum stator loss, demonstrating the importance of this vortex interaction. The transport of the stator viscous flow through the rotor blade row is also described. The rotor exit flow was affected by the interaction between the enhanced stator passage vortex and the rotor blade row. Flow underturning near the hub and overturning towards the mid-span was observed, contrary to the classical model of overturning near the hub and underturning towards the mid-span. The unsteady numerical simulation results were further analysed to identify the entropy producing regions in the unsteady flow field.


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This paper describes the development of an automated design optimization system that makes use of a high fidelity Reynolds-Averaged CFD analysis procedure to minimize the fan forcing and fan BOGV (bypass outlet guide vane) losses simultaneously taking into the account the down-stream pylon and RDF (radial drive fairing) distortions. The design space consists of the OGV's stagger angle, trailing-edge recambering, axial and circumferential positions leading to a variable pitch optimum design. An advanced optimization system called SOFT (Smart Optimisation for Turbomachinery) was used to integrate a number of pre-processor, simulation and in-house grid generation codes and postprocessor programs. A number of multi-objective, multi-point optimiztion were carried out by SOFT on a cluster of workstations and are reported herein.


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The advantages of timber in wind turbine blade construction are discussed, and its properties emphasized. The use of timber/epoxy construction enables a high technical specification to be achieved. Tables are given for specific compressive strengths, fatigue strengths and flexural modulus for wind epoxy and glass reinforced polyester composites. Cost ratios are also discussed for the two materials and the cost advantage for wood is emphasized. (A.J.)


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Describes progress in the last 12 months which has established bag designs and fabrication techniques, giving greater confidence in the life and cost of these components. A quarter scale bag is under construction. Extensive tank testing has also established life time bending moment and mooring load envelopes, enabling hull and mooring design to proceed. A computer simulation programme has been used to check tank model results and to establish turbine and generator operating conditions. This has allowed generation and transmission component design to proceed, and suggests a high operating efficiency can be maintained with a simple control regime. Simple solutions in minor areas such as valve design and damage stability control add to the picture of steady progress in establishing the Lancaster Flexible Bag 's feasibility.