985 resultados para One-dimensional model


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We investigate higher grading integrable generalizations of the affine Toda systems, where the flat connections defining the models take values in eigensubspaces of an integral gradation of an affine Kac-Moody algebra, with grades varying from l to -l (l > 1). The corresponding target space possesses nontrivial vacua and soliton configurations, which can be interpreted as particles of the theory, on the same footing as those associated to fundamental fields. The models can also be formulated by a hamiltonian reduction procedure from the so-called two-loop WZNW models. We construct the general solution and show the classes corresponding to the solitons. Some of the particles and solitons become massive when the conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken by a mechanism with an intriguing topological character and leading to a very simple mass formula. The massive fields associated to nonzero grade generators obey field equations of the Dirac type and may be regarded as matter fields. A special class of models is remarkable. These theories possess a U(1 ) Noether current, which, after a special gauge fixing of the conformal symmetry, is proportional to a topological current. This leads to the confinement of the matter field inside the solitons, which can be regarded as a one-dimensional bag model for QCD. These models are also relevant to the study of electron self-localization in (quasi-)one-dimensional electron-phonon systems.


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The objective of this paper is to present a generalized analytical-numerical model of the internal flow in heat pipes. The model formulation is based on two-dimensional formulation of the energy and momentum equations in the vapour and liquid regions and also in the metallic tube. The numerical solution of the model is obtained by using the descretization scheme LOAD and the SIMPLE numerical code. The flow fields, as well as the pressure fields, for different geometries were obtained and discussed. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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We have studied the fluctuation effects in proton-proton collisions through the analysis of their observables. To investigate the role of fluctuation 5 in the initial conditions, we have used the interacting gluon model, modified by the inclusion of the impact parameter, and have applied the one-dimensional Landau's Hydrodynamical Model to the fireballs thus generated. The rapidity and pseudorapidity distributions were calculated using two distinct procedures, one taking the fluctuations into account and the other the usual method considering only one fireball with the average initial conditions. The results show indeed the importance of fluctuations.


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A one parameter model of a confined-gluon propagator has been formulated by Frank and Roberts recently, which has a great success explaining π - and p - meson observables. We show, computing few chiral parameters, that a small variation of this model considering an infrared finite gluon propagator with a dynamically generated gluon mass, can also fit data related to the chiral symmetry breaking. This allows a direct interpretation for the unique parameter involved in the model as the gluon mass scale. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Here we present two-phase flow nonlinear parameter estimation for HFC's flow through capillary tube-suction line heat exchangers, commonly used as expansion devices in small refrigeration systems. The simplifying assumptions adopted are: steady state, pure refrigerant, one-dimensional flow, negligible axial heat conduction in the fluid, capillary tube and suction line walls. Additionally, it is considered that the refrigerant is free from oil and both phases are assumed to be at the same pressure, that is, surface tension effects are neglected. Metastable flow effects are also disregarded, and the vapor is assumed to be saturated at the local pressure. The so-called homogeneous model, involving three, first order, ordinary differential equations is applied to analyze the two-phase flow region. Comparison is done with experimental measurements of the mass flow rate and temperature distribution along capillary tubes working with refrigerant HFC-134a in different operating conditions.


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We consider fermions in one-dimensional superlattices (SL's), modeled by site-dependent Hubbard-U couplings arranged in a repeated pattern of repulsive (i.e., U>0) and free (U=0) sites. Density matrix renormalization group diagonalization of finite systems is used to calculate the local moment and the magnetic structure factor in the ground state. We have found four regimes for magnetic behavior: uniform local moments forming a spin-density wave (SDW), floppy local moments with short-ranged correlations, local moments on repulsive sites forming long-period SDW's superimposed with short-ranged correlations, and local moments on repulsive sites solely with long-period SDW's; the boundaries between these regimes depend on the range of electronic densities ρ and on the SL aspect ratio. Above a critical electronic density, ρ↑↓, the SDW period oscillates both with ρ and with the spacer thickness. The former oscillation allows one to reproduce all SDW wave vectors within a small range of electronic densities, unlike the homogeneous system. The latter oscillation is related to the exchange oscillation observed in magnetic multilayers. A crossover between regimes of thin to thick layers has also been observed.


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We study a model for dynamical localization of topology using ideas from non-commutative geometry and topology in quantum mechanics. We consider a collection X of N one-dimensional manifolds and the corresponding set of boundary conditions (self-adjoint extensions) of the Dirac operator D. The set of boundary conditions encodes the topology and is parameterized by unitary matrices g. A particular geometry is described by a spectral triple x(g) = (A X, script H sign X, D(g)). We define a partition function for the sum over all g. In this model topology fluctuates but the dimension is kept fixed. We use the spectral principle to obtain an action for the set of boundary conditions. Together with invariance principles the procedure fixes the partition function for fluctuating topologies. The model has one free-parameter β and it is equivalent to a one plaquette gauge theory. We argue that topology becomes localized at β = ∞ for any value of N. Moreover, the system undergoes a third-order phase transition at β = 1 for large-N. We give a topological interpretation of the phase transition by looking how it affects the topology. © SISSA/ISAS 2004.


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We use a time-dependent dynamical mean-field-hydrodynamic model to study mixing-demixing in a degenerate fermion-fermion mixture (DFFM). It is demonstrated that with the increase of interspecies repulsion and/or trapping frequencies, a mixed state of a DFFM could turn into a fully demixed state in both three-dimensional spherically symmetric as well as quasi-one-dimensional configurations. Such a demixed state of a DFFM could be experimentally realized by varying an external magnetic field near a fermion-fermion Feshbach resonance, which will result in an increase of interspecies fermion-fermion repulsion, and/or by increasing the external trap frequencies. © 2006 The American Physical Society.


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We describe and begin to evaluate a parameterization to include the vertical transport of hot gases and particles emitted from biomass burning in low resolution atmospheric-chemistry transport models. This sub-grid transport mechanism is simulated by embedding a 1-D cloud-resolving model with appropriate lower boundary conditions in each column of the 3-D host model. Through assimilation of remote sensing fire products, we recognize which columns have fires. Using a land use dataset appropriate fire properties are selected. The host model provides the environmental conditions, allowing the plume rise to be simulated explicitly. The derived height of the plume is then used in the source emission field of the host model to determine the effective injection height, releasing the material emitted during the flaming phase at this height. Model results are compared with CO aircraft profiles from an Amazon basin field campaign and with satellite data, showing the huge impact that this mechanism has on model performance. We also show the relative role of each main vertical transport mechanisms, shallow and deep moist convection and the pyro-convection (dry or moist) induced by vegetation fires, on the distribution of biomass burning CO emissions in the troposphere.


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We present results from a study of pp̄→Wγ+X events utilizing data corresponding to 0.7fb-1 of integrated luminosity at s=1.96TeV collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We set limits on anomalous WWγ couplings at the 95% C.L. The one-dimensional 95% C.L. limits are 0.49<κγ<1.51 and -0.12<λγ<0.13. We make the first study of the charge-signed rapidity difference between the lepton and the photon and find it to be indicative of the standard model radiation-amplitude zero in the Wγ system. © 2008 The American Physical Society.


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In this work we study a Hořava-like 5-dimensional model in the context of braneworld theory. The equations of motion of such model are obtained and, within the realm of warped geometry, we show that the model is consistent if and only if λ takes its relativistic value 1. Furthermore, we show that the elimination of problematic terms involving the warp factor second order derivatives are eliminated by imposing detailed balance condition in the bulk. Afterwards, Israel's junction conditions are computed, allowing the attainment of an effective Lagrangian in the visible brane. In particular, we show that the resultant effective Lagrangian in the brane corresponds to a (3 + 1)-dimensional Hořava-like model with an emergent positive cosmological constant but without detailed balance condition. Now, restoration of detailed balance condition, at this time imposed over the brane, plays an interesting role by fitting accordingly the sign of the arbitrary constant β, insuring a positive brane tension and a real energy for the graviton within its dispersion relation. Also, the brane consistency equations are obtained and, as a result, the model admits positive brane tensions in the compactification scheme if, and only if, β is negative and the detailed balance condition is imposed. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and Società Italiana di Fisica.


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In this article, we investigate the geometry of quasi homogeneous corank one finitely determined map germs from (ℂn+1, 0) to (ℂn, 0) with n = 2, 3. We give a complete description, in terms of the weights and degrees, of the invariants that are associated to all stable singularities which appear in the discriminant of such map germs. The first class of invariants which we study are the isolated singularities, called 0-stable singularities because they are the 0-dimensional singularities. First, we give a formula to compute the number of An points which appear in any stable deformation of a quasi homogeneous co-rank one map germ from (ℂn+1, 0) to (ℂn, 0) with n = 2, 3. To get such a formula, we apply the Hilbert's syzygy theorem to determine the graded free resolution given by the syzygy modules of the associated iterated Jacobian ideal. Then we show how to obtain the other 0-stable singularities, these isolated singularities are formed by multiple points and here we use the relation among them and the Fitting ideals of the discriminant. For n = 2, there exists only the germ of double points set and for n = 3 there are the triple points, named points A1,1,1 and the normal crossing between a germ of a cuspidal edge and a germ of a plane, named A2,1. For n = 3, there appear also the one-dimensional singularities, which are of two types: germs of cuspidal edges or germs of double points curves. For these singularities, we show how to compute the polar multiplicities and also the local Euler obstruction at the origin in terms of the weights and degrees. © 2013 Pushpa Publishing House.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)