993 resultados para Nylon-1010


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Hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) são compostos orgânicos originários de fontes naturais e antrópicas e, por apresentarem potencial carcinogênico e mutagênico, são considerados poluentes prioritários por agências ambientais. Desta forma, métodos analíticos para investigação de tais compostos que sejam rápidos e de baixo custo são de relevância considerável para o monitoramento ambiental. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos otimizar um método analítico para HPAs utilizando cromatografia líquida com detecção por arranjo de diodos (HPLC-DAD) e aplicar em testemunho sedimentar de região estuarina. Para otimização e avaliação do método, uma coluna sedimentar de 46 cm de comprimento foi coletada na foz do Rio Tucunduba (Belém, Pará) e seccionada em porções de 2 cm (subamostras). Após secagem, 30 g de cada porção foram extraídos com mistura de diclorometano em acetona (1:1) em ultrassom por 40 min. Os extratos obtidos foram centrifugados, purificados em sílica-gel, adaptação em funil necessária principalmente para reter partículas finas, e em seguida concentrados em rotaevaporador à vácuo e, por fim, filtrados com membrana de nylon 0,22 μm antes da injeção no HPLC. Amostras fortificadas com padrões analíticos de 16 HPAs e brancos também foram processados da mesma maneira. Um conjunto de parâmetros para validação do método foi investigado e observou-se: (1) boa linearidade: as curvas de calibração (analíticas) apresentaram coeficientes de correlação elevadas; (2) precisão adequada: obteve-se desvio padrão relativo dentro do aceitável, sendo o mínimo de 2,1% para acenaftileno e máximo de 19,7% para o fluoranteno; (3) limites de detecção baixos: entre 0,004 a 1,085 ng g g-1, viabilizando análises em concentrações reais in situ; (4) recuperação adequada para traços: sendo a mínima de 40,0% para o acenaftileno e máxima de 103,1% para o benzo(k)fluoranteno. As concentrações de HPAs totais variaram nas seções do testemunho sedimentar entre 60,77 - 783,3 ng g-1 de sedimento seco. O método otimizado mostrou-se vantajoso com relação aos tradicionais que utilizam extrator soxhlet e colunas de adsorventes para purificação de extratos por minimizar o tempo de extração e reduzir custos com uso de volumes menores de solventes para purificação do extrato. A limitação do método, porém, foi a coeluição do criseno e do benzo(a)antraceno e a sobreposição do fluoreno e acenafteno, além da quantificação benzo(g,h,i)perileno. Essa limitação provavelmente está associada à eficiência da coluna cromatográfica disponível para a análise, que é para aplicação geral. O método mostrou-se aplicável a amostras estuarinas complexas e ricas em silte e argila. Razões diagnósticas de HPAs parentais indicam fontes petrogênicas a profundidades de 24 – 26 cm, 28 – 30 cm; e fontes pirolíticas a profundidades de 6 – 8 cm, 10 – 12 cm e 14 – 16 cm respectivamente.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the straw decomposition of the Urochloa and Panicum after intercropped with corn and nitrogen fertilization, as well as, the agronomic performance of soybean in succession. The experiment was conducted in an Oxisol in Cerrado conditions under no-tillage eight years ago. After the corn harvest intercropped with grass and cutting of forage homogenization were applied N rates (0, 50, 100 and 200 kg ha-1 of N - urea source) in coverage. The plots consisted of Urochloa brizantha,Urochloa ruziziensis and Panicum maximum Tanzânia and Mombaça sown at the time of corn sowing and subplots composed by accumulated amounts of nitrogen applied in forage plants prior to the soybean cultivation (0, 250, 500 and 1000 kg ha-1 of N, after five cuts). The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications in a split plot. Soon after the last cut of the forage, proportionate amount of fresh mass of the species of each subplot was wrapped in nylon bags called Litter Bags, these being deposited in direct contact with the soil, to determine the time of decomposition of the dry mass during a period of 150 days. The nitrogen doses, as well as, the corn intercropped with forages (except with Mombaça) interfere similarly in the straw decomposition of forage and in the soybean yield in succession. All the consortiums of corn and nitrogen fertilization predecessors determined that, at 60 days after desiccation and cutting, still remained between 50 and 60% of the initial straw for no-tillage system.


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PURPOSE:To investigate the effects of alloxan diabetes on the abdominal wall healing of rats undergoing laparotomy.METHODS:Ninety-six male Wistar rats weighing between 200 and 300 grams, divided into two groups: non-diabetic group (G1) and another with untreated diabetes (G2). Three months after diabetes induction, the animals underwent a 5cm-long- laparotomy and 5.0 nylon monofilament suture. After the surgery, 12 animals from each group were euthanized on days 4, 14, 21 and 30 corresponding to the moments M1, M2, M3 and M4. In each moment a fragment of the abdominal wall containing the scar was removed for tensile strength measurement, histological and morphometric study. Clinical and biochemical parameters were also analyzed.RESULTS:G2 animals showed parameters compatible with severe diabetes and decreased plasma levels of insulin. The tensile strength in G2 was significantly smaller in M2 and M4, with a tendency to fall in the other two. Through light microscope, diabetic animals showed more difficulty to increase collagen density and contraction. G2 animals showed high cellularity of fibroblasts in later healing moments, with collagen thinning in M2 and M4.CONCLUSION:The abdominal wound healing in untreated diabetic animals was altered and led to a higher incidence of dehiscence and infections.


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The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of adjuvants on the spray drift applications from mixture of 2,4-D + glyphosate. The trial was carried out in field conditions in a completely randomized design. The treatments corresponded to solutions containing mixture of the herbicides 2,4-D + glyphosate (670 and 1068g ha-1, respectively) adding the adjuvants (v v-1): mineral oil (0.5%); anti-drift agent (0.09%); spreader-sticker A (0.1%); liquid fertilizer (0.05%); spreader-sticker B (0.25%); and only herbicides without adjuvantes (control). Nylon strings were used to drift determination outside the application area (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 m away) with 4 replications and six foam cylinders placed on the boom of the sprayer were used to collect the droplets subject to drift. The applications were performed simultaneously, using a specific salt tracer for each spray solution to quantify the deposits by spectrophotometer. It was not possible to verify effect of the adjuvants on drift at different distances of the application area. Based on droplets collected above the boom spray, it was found that susceptibility to drift was lower with the mineral oil and the anti-drift agent. The drift risk was higher with the liquid fertilizer and the spreader-sticker B.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico de cultivares de feijão‑caupi e de milho, em monocultivo e em cultivo consorciado em faixas, na safrinha. Foram realizados experimentos, em Dourados, MS (2009 e 2010), e em Botucatu, SP (2010). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas com feijão‑caupi foram constituídas por três sistemas de cultivo (em faixas com variedade ou híbrido de milho, além do cultivo solteiro) e as subparcelas, por três cultivares de feijão‑caupi (BRS Guariba, BRS Novaera e BRS Xiquexique). As parcelas com milho foram constituídas por duas cultivares de milho (variedade BR 473 e híbrido BRS 1030 ou BRS 1010), e as subparcelas, por quatro sistemas de cultivo (em faixas com as três cultivares de feijão‑caupi e solteiro). O sistema de consórcio em faixas consistiu de quatro fileiras de feijão‑caupi com quatro fileiras de milho. O consórcio proporcionou um uso mais eficiente da terra. As cultivares de feijão‑caupi apresentaram desempenho produtivo semelhante entre si, quando cultivadas em faixas com o milho. O híbrido de milho é mais produtivo que a variedade, tanto no cultivo solteiro quanto no consorciado.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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The proposal of this study was to compare a wound healing between conventional suture and vaporization with CO2 laser in rats skin. ln such case 24 rats were utilized, making two longitudinal incisions in dorsum by scalpel. ln the left side incision the wound was sutured with nylon thread. ln the right side incision the wound were close by approach and vaporized with C02 laser, defocusing, 8 watts in continuous mode. The wound healing was followed by clinical photographic taking at the times: immediately after the procedure, 24 hours, 3, 7, 14, and 21 days. The results showed an early delay of reparation in healing vaporized in comparison with the sutured one, however occurred 21 days both repair tissue showed the same clinical characteristic. This results suggested that the C02 laser can be used by eventual substitute of suture.


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The goal of mentoplasty is to improve chin projection. Traditionally, this is accomplished by either mandibular osteotomy or alloplastic implants. However, these procedures are not free of complications. This report describes gliding mentoplasty, a novel, simple technique for chin projection.The 12 patients in this study underwent gliding mentoplasty. By means of a 2-cm intraoral incision, a subcutaneous dissection was made in the caudal direction. The dissection then proceeded in the subperiosteal plane, leaving a 1-cm cuff of muscle attached to the bone, and advanced toward the lower border of the chin. Subsequently, the dissection was extended laterally, and the whole mental area was dissected from the surrounding tissue. Three 2-0 monofilament nylon sutures were placed in the submandibular periosteum and connected through the remaining muscle cuff to the periosteum. These key sutures allowed the submandibular region to slide forward, project the subcutaneous tissue and mentalis muscle, define the labiomental fold, and improve the pogonion projection.Gliding mentoplasty resulted in a symmetric projection of the chin in all cases. In two patients, a submandibular dimple developed, which spontaneously resolved in 1 month. No revision surgery was performed, and no tissue relapse was noted. The mean follow-up period was 24.7 +/- A 5.17 months (range 19-33 months). All the patients were satisfied with the result.Gliding mentoplasty is a simple, easy-to-perform, rapid surgical technique of chin projection that produces low pain, rapid recovery, and excellent cosmetic results.This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocampatibility of the commercial nylon band used as bone cerclage, comparing with traditional metal cerclage wires. Twenty one rabbits and fifteen rats, healthy and without orthopedics problems were used. A commercial nylon band and a surgical stainless steel wire 0 were used in right (SN) and left (SA) rabbits's hindlimb, respectively. Otherwise, on rats SN was on the left hindlimb, and SA on the right hindlimb. Both experimental species were divided into three groups according to the end of the evaluation period. Clinical, radiographic, macroscopic and histologically evaluation were performed at 30, 60 and 150 days postoperatively. All the animals showed normal limb function differences between groups were not observed at clinical and macroscopic evaluation. On both species, radiographic changes were slightly higher on SN. Histological differences were not observed in both species. Nylon bands do not cause foreign body reaction and other histological changes in rabbits and rats.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study evaluated the decomposition process of leaf litter from the main Brazilian mangrove species Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle. Senescent leaves were collected, dried and placed in nylon bags with different mesh sizes (fine: 2x2mm and coarse: 8x8mm). The bags were distributed over the sediment, and replicates of each species and mesh size were collected periodically over 4months. In the laboratory, the dry weight of the samples was measured, and the decomposition coefficient (k) for each species and mesh size was obtained over time. All species showed a rapid decomposition rate at the beginning of the experiment, followed by a slower but steady rate of decomposition over time. The rate of leaf litter decomposition was highest in A. schaueriana, intermediate in L. racemosa and lowest in R. mangle. The difference was mainly linked to the activity and abundance of detritivores, together with the different litter quality of the species, which determined their palatability and probably influenced the decomposition process.