946 resultados para Numerical Model
As condições de ambiente térmico e aéreo, no interior de instalações para animais, alteram-se durante o dia, devido à influência do ambiente externo. Para que análises estatísticas e geoestatísticas sejam representativas, uma grande quantidade de pontos distribuídos espacialmente na área da instalação deve ser monitorada. Este trabalho propõe que a variação no tempo das variáveis ambientais de interesse para a produção animal, monitoradas no interior de instalações para animais, pode ser modelada com precisão a partir de registros discretos no tempo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um método numérico para corrigir as variações temporais dessas variáveis ambientais, transformando os dados para que tais observações independam do tempo gasto durante a aferição. O método proposto aproximou os valores registrados com retardos de tempo aos esperados no exato momento de interesse, caso os dados fossem medidos simultaneamente neste momento em todos os pontos distribuídos espacialmente. O modelo de correção numérica para variáveis ambientais foi validado para o parâmetro ambiental temperatura do ar, sendo que os valores corrigidos pelo método não diferiram pelo teste Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade dos valores reais registrados por meio de dataloggers.
A study was taken in a 1566 ha watershed situated in the Capivara River basin, municipality of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. This environment is fragile and can be subjected to different forms of negative impacts, among them soil erosion by water. The main objective of the research was to develop a methodology for the assessment of soil erosion fragility at the various different watershed positions, using the geographic information system ILWIS version 3.3 for Windows. An impact model was created to generate the soil's erosion fragility plan, based on four indicators of fragility to water erosion: land use and cover, slope, percentage of soil fine sand and accumulated water flow. Thematic plans were generated in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. First, all the variables, except land use and cover, were described by continuous numerical plans in a raster structure. The land use and cover plan was also represented by numerical values associated with the weights attributed to each class, starting from a pairwise comparison matrix and using the analytical hierarchy process. A final field check was done to record evidence of erosive processes in the areas indicated as presenting the highest levels of fragility, i.e., sites with steep slopes, high percentage of soil fine sand, tendency to accumulate surface water flow, and sites of pastureland. The methodology used in the environmental problems diagnosis of the study area can be employed at places with similar relief, soil and climatic conditions.
Os modelos de bielas e tirantes são procedimentos de análise apropriados para projetar elementos de concreto armado em casos de regiões onde há alterações geométricas ou concentrações de tensões, denominadas regiões D. Trata-se de bons modelos de representação da estrutura para avaliar melhor o seu comportamento estrutural e seu mecanismo resistente. O presente artigo aplica a técnica da otimização topológica para identificar o fluxo de tensões nas estruturas, definindo a configuração dos membros de bielas e tirantes, e quantifica seus valores para dimensionamento. Utilizam-se o método ESO, e uma variante desse, o SESO (Smoothing ESO) com o método dos elementos finitos em elasticidade plana. A filosofia do SESO baseia-se na observação de que se o elemento não for necessário à estrutura, sua contribuição de rigidez vai diminuindo progressivamente. Isto é, sua remoção é atenuada nos valores da matriz constitutiva, como se este estivesse em processo de danificação. Para validar a presente formulação, apresentam-se alguns exemplos numéricos onde se comparam suas respostas com as advindas de trabalhos científicos pioneiros sobre o assunto.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this paper is the numerical study of the behavior of reinforced concrete beams and columns by non-linear numerical simulations. The numerical analysis is based on the finite element method implemented in CASTEM 2000. This program uses the constitutive elastoplastic perfect model for the steel, the Drucker-Prager model for the concrete and the Newton-Raphson for the solution of non-linear systems. This work concentrates on the determination of equilibrium curves to the beams and force-strain curves to the columns. The numeric responses are confronted with experimental results found in the literature in order to check there liability of the numerical analyses.
This paper presents for the first time how to easily incorporate facts devices in an optimal active power flow model such that an efficient interior-point method may be applied. The optimal active power flow model is based on a network flow approach instead of the traditional nodal formulation that allows the use of an efficiently predictor-corrector interior point method speed up by sparsity exploitation. The mathematical equivalence between the network flow and the nodal models is addressed, as well as the computational advantages of the former considering the solution by interior point methods. The adequacy of the network flow model for representing facts devices is presented and illustrated on a small 5-bus system. The model was implemented using Matlab and its performance was evaluated with the 3,397-bus and 4,075-branch Brazilian power system which show the robustness and efficiency of the formulation proposed. The numerical results also indicate an efficient tool for optimal active power flow that is suitable for incorporating facts devices.
This paper shows the insertion of corona effect in a transmission line model based on lumped elements. The development is performed considering a frequency-dependent line representation by cascade of pi sections and state equations. Hence, the detailed profile of currents and voltages along the line, described from a non-homogeneous system of differential equations, can be obtained directly in time domain applying numerical or analytic solution integration methods. The corona discharge model is also based on lumped elements and is implemented from the well-know Skilling-Umoto Model.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Using the axially-symmetric time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the phase coherence in a repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped by a harmonic and an one-dimensional optical lattice potential to describe the experiment by Cataliotti et al. on atomic Josephson oscillation [Science 293, 843 (2001)]. The phase coherence is maintained after the BEC is set into oscillation by a small displacement of the magnetic trap along the optical lattice. The phase coherence in the presence of oscillating neutral current across an array of Josephson junctions manifests in an interference pattern formed upon free expansion of the BEC. The numerical response of the system to a large displacement of the magnetic trap is a classical transition from a coherent superfluid to an insulator regime and a subsequent destruction of the interference pattern in agreement With the more recent experiment by Cataliotti et al. [New J. Phys. 5, 71 (2003)].
We study the propagation of waves in an elastic tube filled with an inviscid fluid. We consider the case of inhomogeneity whose mechanical and geometrical properties vary in space. We deduce a system of equations of the Boussinesq type as describing the wave propagation in the tube. Numerical simulations of these equations show that inhomogeneities prevent separation of right-going from left-going waves. Then reflected and transmitted coefficients are obtained in the case of localized constriction and localized rigidity. Next we focus on wavetrains incident on various types of anomalous regions. We show that the existence of anomalous regions modifies the wavetrain patterns. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present detailed numerical results for the pion space-like electromagnetic form factor obtained within a recently proposed model of the pion electromagnetic current in a confining light-front QCD-inspired model. The model incorporates the vector meson dominance mechanism at the quark level, where the dressed photon with q(+) > 0 decays in an interacting quark-antiquark pair, which absorbs the initial pion and produces the pion in the final state.
We use a time-dependent dynamical hydrodynamic model to study a collapse in a degenerate fermion-fermion mixture ( DFFM) of different atoms. Due to a strong Pauli-blocking repulsion among identical spin-polarized fermions at short distances, there cannot be a collapse for repulsive interspecies fermion fermion interaction. However, there can be a collapse for a sufficiently attractive interspecies fermion-fermion interaction in a DFFM of different atoms. Using a variational analysis and numerical solution of the hydrodynamic model, we study different aspects of collapse in such a DFFM initiated by a jump in the interspecies fermion-fermion interaction ( scattering length) to a large negative ( attractive) value using a Feshbach resonance. Suggestion for experiments of collapse in a DFFM of distinct atoms is made.
Adopting the framework of the Jaynes-Cummings model with an external quantum field, we obtain exact analytical expressions of the normally ordered moments for any kind of cavity and driving fields. Such analytical results are expressed in the integral form, with their integrands having a commom term that describes the product of the Glauber-Sudarshan quasiprobability distribution functions for each field, and a kernel responsible for the entanglement. Considering a specific initial state of the tripartite system, the normally ordered moments are then applied to investigate not only the squeezing effect and the nonlocal correlation measure based on the total variance of a pair of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen type operators for continuous variable systems, but also the Shchukin-Vogel criterion. This kind of numerical investigation constitutes the first quantitative characterization of the entanglement properties for the driven Jaynes-Cummings model.
We present preliminary results of our numerical study of the critical dynamics of percolation observables for the two-dimensional Ising model. We consider the (Monte-Carlo) short-time evolution of the system obtained with a local heat-bath method and with the global Swendsen-Wang algorithm. In both cases, we find qualitatively different dynamic behaviors for the magnetization and Omega, the order parameter of the percolation transition. This may have implications for the recent attempts to describe the dynamics of the QCD phase transition using cluster observables.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)