996 resultados para Norton, C. D.


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Optical characteristics of stirred curd were simultaneously monitored during syneresis in a 10-L cheese vat using computer vision and colorimetric measurements. Curd syneresis kinetic conditions were varied using 2 levels of milk pH (6.0 and 6.5) and 2 agitation speeds (12.1 and 27.2 rpm). Measured optical parameters were compared with gravimetric measurements of syneresis, taken simultaneously. The results showed that computer vision and colorimeter measurements have potential for monitoring syneresis. The 2 different phases, curd and whey, were distinguished by means of color differences. As syneresis progressed, the backscattered light became increasingly yellow in hue for circa 20 min for the higher stirring speed and circa 30 min for the lower stirring speed. Syneresis-related gravimetric measurements of importance to cheese making (e.g., curd moisture content, total solids in whey, and yield of whey) correlated significantly with computer vision and colorimetric measurements..


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The meltabilities of 14 process cheese samples were determined at 2 and 4 weeks after manufacture using sensory analysis, a computer vision method, and the Olson and Price test. Sensory analysis meltability correlated with both computer vision meltability (R-2 = 0.71, P < 0.001) and Olson and Price meltability (R-2 = 0.69, P < 0.001). There was a marked lack of correlation between the computer vision method and the Olson and Price test. This study showed that the Olson and Price test gave greater repeatability than the computer vision method. Results showed process cheese meltability decreased with increasing inorganic salt content and with lower moisture/fat ratios. There was very little evidence in this study to show that process cheese meltability changed between 2 and 4 weeks after manufacture..


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The potential of near infrared spectroscopy in conjunction with partial least squares regression to predict Miscanthus xgiganteus and short rotation coppice willow quality indices was examined. Moisture, calorific value, ash and carbon content were predicted with a root mean square error of cross validation of 0.90% (R2 = 0.99), 0.13 MJ/kg (R2 = 0.99), 0.42% (R2 = 0.58), and 0.57% (R2 = 0.88), respectively. The moisture and calorific value prediction models had excellent accuracy while the carbon and ash models were fair and poor, respectively. The results indicate that near infrared spectroscopy has the potential to predict quality indices of dedicated energy crops, however the models must be further validated on a wider range of samples prior to implementation. The utilization of such models would assist in the optimal use of the feedstock based on its biomass properties.


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An experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of milk fat level (0%, 2.5% and 5.0% w/w) and gel firmness level at cutting (5, 35 and 65 Pa) on indices of syneresis, while curd was undergoing stirring. The curd moisture content, yield of whey, fat in whey and casein fines in whey were measured at fixed intervals between 5 and 75 min after cutting the gel. The casein level in milk and clotting conditions was kept constant in all trials. The trials were carried out using recombined whole milk in an 11 L cheese vat. The fat level in milk had a large negative effect on the yield of whey. A clear effect of gel firmness on casein fines was observed. The best overall prediction, in terms of coefficient of determination, was for curd moisture content using milk fat concentration, time after gel cutting and set-to-cut time (R2 = 0.95).


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An NIR reflectance sensor, with a large field of view and a fibre-optic connection to a spectrometer for measuring light backscatter at 980 nm, was used to monitor the syneresis process online during cheese-making with the goal of predicting syneresis indices (curd moisture content, yield of whey and fat losses to whey) over a range of curd cutting programmes and stirring speeds. A series of trials were carried out in an 11 L cheese vat using recombined whole milk. A factorial experimental design consisting of three curd stirring speeds and three cutting programmes, was undertaken. Milk was coagulated under constant conditions and the casein gel was cut when the elastic modulus reached 35 Pa. Among the syneresis indices investigated, the most accurate and most parsimonious multivariate model developed was for predicting yield of whey involving three terms, namely light backscatter, milk fat content and cutting intensity (R2 = 0.83, SEy = 6.13 g/100 g), while the best simple model also predicted this syneresis index using the light backscatter alone (R2 = 0.80, SEy = 6.53 g/100 g). In this model the main predictor was the light backscatter response from the NIR light back scatter sensor. The sensor also predicted curd moisture with a similar accuracy.


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Previous studies have reported that cheese curd syneresis kinetics can be monitored by dilution of chemical tracers, such as Blue Dextran, in whey. The objective of this study was to evaluate an improved tracer method to monitor whey volumes expelled over time during syneresis. Two experiments with different ranges of milk fat (0-5% and 2.3-3.5%) were carried out in an 11 L double-O laboratory scale cheese vat. Tracer was added to the curd-whey mixture during the cutting phase of cheese making and samples were taken at 10 min intervals up to 75 min after cutting. The volume of whey expelled was measured gravimetrically and the dilution of tracer in the whey was measured by absorbance at 620 nm. The volumes of whey expelled were significantly reduced at higher milk fat levels. Whey yield was predicted with a SEP ranging from 3.2 to 6.3 g whey/100 mL of milk and a CV ranging from 2.03 to 2.7% at different milk fat levels.


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We describe the HadGEM2 family of climate configurations of the Met Office Unified Model, MetUM. The concept of a model "family" comprises a range of specific model configurations incorporating different levels of complexity but with a common physical framework. The HadGEM2 family of configurations includes atmosphere and ocean components, with and without a vertical extension to include a well-resolved stratosphere, and an Earth-System (ES) component which includes dynamic vegetation, ocean biology and atmospheric chemistry. The HadGEM2 physical model includes improvements designed to address specific systematic errors encountered in the previous climate configuration, HadGEM1, namely Northern Hemisphere continental temperature biases and tropical sea surface temperature biases and poor variability. Targeting these biases was crucial in order that the ES configuration could represent important biogeochemical climate feedbacks. Detailed descriptions and evaluations of particular HadGEM2 family members are included in a number of other publications, and the discussion here is limited to a summary of the overall performance using a set of model metrics which compare the way in which the various configurations simulate present-day climate and its variability.