973 resultados para Non-Ideal energy source
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
Conformally flat spacetimes with an elastic stress energy tensor having diagonal trace-free anisotropic pressure are investigated using 1+3 formalism. The 1+3 Bianchi and Jacobi identities and Einstein field equations are written for a particular case with a conformal factor dependent on only one spatial coordinate. Solutions with non null anisotropic pressure are obtained.
Double-differential three-jet production cross-sections are measured in proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=7TeV using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurements are presented as a function of the three-jet mass (mjjj), in bins of the sum of the absolute rapidity separations between the three leading jets (|Y∗|). Invariant masses extending up to 5 TeV are reached for 8<|Y∗|<10. These measurements use a sample of data recorded using the ATLAS detector in 2011, which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.51fb−1. Jets are identified using the anti-kt algorithm with two different jet radius parameters, R=0.4 and R=0.6. The dominant uncertainty in these measurements comes from the jet energy scale. Next-to-leading-order QCD calculations corrected to account for non-perturbative effects are compared to the measurements. Good agreement is found between the data and the theoretical predictions based on most of the available sets of parton distribution functions, over the full kinematic range, covering almost seven orders of magnitude in the measured cross-section values.
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Urothelial bladder carcinoma (UBC) is an intricate malignancy with a variable natural history and clinical behavior. Despite developments in diagnosis/prognosis refinement and treatment modalities, the recurrence rate is high, and progression from non-muscle to muscle invasive UBC commonly leads to metastasis. Moreover, patients with muscle-invasive or extra-vesical disease often fail the standard chemotherapy treatment, and overall survival rates are poor. Thus, UBC remains a challenge in the oncology field, representing an ideal candidate for research on biomarkers that could identify patients at increased risk of recurrence, progression, and chemo-refractoriness. However, progress toward personalized medicine has been hampered by the unique genetic complexity of UBC. Recent genome-wide expression and sequencing studies have brought new insights into its molecular features, pathogenesis and clinical diversity, revealing a landscape where classical pathology is intersected by the novel and heterogeneous molecular groups. Hence, it seems plausible to postulate that only an integrated signature of prognostic/predictive biomarkers inherent in different cancer hallmarks will reach clinical validation. In this review, we have summarized ours and others' research into novel putative biomarkers of progression and chemoresistance that encompass several hallmarks of cancer: tumor neovascularization, invasion and metastasis, and energy metabolism reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment.
Many extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of charged heavy long-lived particles, such as R-hadrons or charginos. These particles, if produced at the Large Hadron Collider, should be moving non-relativistically and are therefore identifiable through the measurement of an anomalously large specific energy loss in the ATLAS pixel detector. Measuring heavy long-lived particles through their track parameters in the vicinity of the interaction vertex provides sensitivity to metastable particles with lifetimes from 0.6 ns to 30 ns. A search for such particles with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is presented, based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 18.4 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√ = 8 TeV. No significant deviation from the Standard Model background expectation is observed, and lifetime-dependent upper limits on R-hadrons and chargino production are set. Gluino R-hadrons with 10 ns lifetime and masses up to 1185 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level, and so are charginos with 15 ns lifetime and masses up to 482 GeV.
Source point treatment of effluents with a high load of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs), such as hospital wastewater, is a matter of discussion among the scientific community. Fungal treatments have been reported to be successful in degrading this type of pollutants and, therefore, the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor was applied for the removal of PhACs from veterinary hospital wastewater. Sixty-six percent removal was achieved in a non-sterile batch bioreactor inoculated with T. versicolor pellets. On the other hand, the study of microbial communities by means of DGGE and phylogenetic analyses led us to identify some microbial interactions and helped us moving to a continuous process. PhAC removal efficiency achieved in the fungal treatment operated in non-sterile continuous mode was 44 % after adjusting the C/N ratio with respect to the previously calculated one for sterile treatments. Fungal and bacterial communities in the continuous bioreactors were monitored as well.
Publicado em "Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Vol. 8, suppl. s1 (2014)
En este proyecto se desarrollarán algoritmos numéricos para sistemas no lineales hiperbólicos-parabólicos de ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales. Dichos sistemas tienen aplicación en propagación de ondas en ámbitos aeroespaciales y astrofísicos.Objetivos generales: 1)Desarrollo y mejora de algoritmos numéricos con la finalidad de incrementar la calidad en la simulación de propagación e interacción de ondas gasdinámicas y magnetogasdinámicas no lineales. 2)Desarrollo de códigos computacionales con la finalidad de simular flujos gasdinámicos de elevada entalpía incluyendo cambios químicos, efectos dispersivos y difusivos.3)Desarrollo de códigos computacionales con la finalidad de simular flujos magnetogasdinámicos ideales y reales.4)Aplicación de los nuevos algoritmos y códigos computacionales a la solución del flujo aerotermodinámico alrededor de cuerpos que ingresan en la atmósfera terrestre. 5)Aplicación de los nuevos algoritmos y códigos computacionales a la simulación del comportamiento dinámico no lineal de arcos magnéticos en la corona solar. 6)Desarrollo de nuevos modelos para describir el comportamiento no lineal de arcos magnéticos en la corona solar.Este proyecto presenta como objetivo principal la introducción de mejoras en algoritmos numéricos para simular la propagación e interacción de ondas no lineales en dos medios gaseosos: aquellos que no poseen carga eléctrica libre (flujos gasdinámicos) y aquellos que tienen carga eléctrica libre (flujos magnetogasdinámicos). Al mismo tiempo se desarrollarán códigos computacionales que implementen las mejoras de las técnicas numéricas.Los algoritmos numéricos se aplicarán con la finalidad de incrementar el conocimiento en tópicos de interés en la ingeniería aeroespacial como es el cálculo del flujo de calor y fuerzas aerotermodinámicas que soportan objetos que ingresan a la atmósfera terrestre y en temas de astrofísica como la propagación e interacción de ondas, tanto para la transferencia de energía como para la generación de inestabilidades en arcos magnéticos de la corona solar. Estos dos temas poseen en común las técnicas y algoritmos numéricos con los que serán tratados. Las ecuaciones gasdinámicas y magnetogasdinámicas ideales conforman sistemas hiperbólicos de ecuaciones diferenciales y pueden ser solucionados utilizando "Riemann solvers" junto con el método de volúmenes finitos (Toro 1999; Udrea 1999; LeVeque 1992 y 2005). La inclusión de efectos difusivos genera que los sistemas de ecuaciones resulten hiperbólicos-parabólicos. La contribución parabólica puede ser considerada como términos fuentes y tratada adicionalmente tanto en forma explícita como implícita (Udrea 1999; LeVeque 2005).Para analizar el flujo alrededor de cuerpos que ingresan en la atmósfera se utilizarán las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes químicamente activas, mientras la temperatura no supere los 6000K. Para mayores temperaturas es necesario considerar efectos de ionización (Anderson, 1989). Tanto los efectos difusivos como los cambios químicos serán considerados como términos fuentes en las ecuaciones de Euler. Para tratar la propagación de ondas, transferencia de energía e inestabilidades en arcos magnéticos de la corona solar se utilizarán las ecuaciones de la magnetogasdinámica ideal y real. En este caso será también conveniente implementar términos fuente para el tratamiento de fenómenos de transporte como el flujo de calor y el de radiación. Los códigos utilizarán la técnica de volúmenes finitos, junto con esquemas "Total Variation Disminishing - TVD" sobre mallas estructuradas y no estructuradas.
El objeto de estudio de este proyecto son los sistemas de calentamiento de agua mediante energía solar que funcionan termosifónicamente. En particular se tratará con dos diseños particulares generados por fabricantes de la Provincia de Córdoba y que han solicitado el asesoramiento del Grupo de Energía Solar (GES) para el mejoramiento de la performance térmica de dichos equipos. Se trata de dos sistemas que tienen materiales no tradicionales y se diferencian además por tener una distinta disposición del tanque de almacenamiento: uno es en forma vertical y el otro en forma horizontal. Basados en los resultados de un ensayo bajo norma internacional, donde se detectaron algunas puntos factibles de mejora, se propone en este proyecto el análisis en detalle de los equipos, para lo cual se les debe desarmar completos, para realizar un estudio analítico y experimental de los mismos con el objeto de hacer un planteo teórico-analítico del comportamiento de los mismos, con la implementación de propuestas de mejora y chequeo de los resultados. Se propone entonces como objetivo lograr un mejoramiento de la performance térmica de los citados equipos a partir de un estudio experimental y analítico. Asumiendo esta posibilidad de mejora, se plantea la hipótesis de que es posible representar el funcionamiento de estos equipos mediante modelos físico-matemáticos desarrollados a partir de ecuaciones y correlaciones conocidas y procesos a interpretar mediante resoluciones numéricas y softwares específicos de simulación. De esta manera, se plantea el despieze completo de los equipos para estudiar en detalle su estructura y conexiones internas y a partir de la geometría, dimensiones y propiedades termofísicas de materiales constructivos y fluidos de trabajo, realizar modelos físico-matemáticos que permitan realizar variaciones de propiedades y geometría y así buscar las mejores combinaciones que produzcan equipos más eficientes térmicamente. Los modelos físico-matemáticos serán codificados en lenguajes de alto nivel para poder luego de una validación de los modelos, correr simulaciones en un software de reconocimiento internacional que permite sumar dichos modelos mediante un protocolo de comunicación, haciendo que las poderosas prestaciones del software se puedan aplicar a nuestros modelos. Se complementará el estudio con un análisis exergético para identificar los puntos críticos en que se producen las pérdidas de oportunidad de aprovechar la energía disponible, para así analizar cómo solucionar los problemas en dichos puntos. Los materiales a utilizar serán los propios equipos provistos por los fabricantes, que serán modificados convenientemente para operarlos como prototipos Se espera obtener un conocimiento acabado de los procesos y principios de funcionamiento de los equipos, que permita plantear las mejoras, las cuales se implementarán en los prototipos, realizándose una medición mediante norma igual a la inicial para ver en que magnitud se logran las mejoras esperadas. Se pretende además que las mejoras a implementar, en la etapa de transferencia a las empresas involucradas, redunden no sólo en un beneficio técnico, sino que también los sea desde el punto de vista económico. Para ello se trabajará también sobre los procesos y métodos de fabricación para que los equipos mejorados no sean mas caros que los originales y de ser posible sean aún más económicos, todo esto apuntando a la difusión de la energía solar térmica y poner al alcance de todos estos equipos tan convenientes para la propagación de las energías limpias. El proyecto redundará también en un importante beneficio para el conocimiento de la comunidad científica en general, con el aporte de nuevos resultados en diseños novedosos y con nuevos materiales. Además, la institución se beneficiará con la formación que obtendrán los integrantes del proyecto, muchos de ellos en etapa de realización de sus estudios de posgrado y en una etapa importante de su vida como investigadores. The main goal of this project is the improvement of two thermosyphonic solar water heating systems, made of non conventional materials and with different arrangement of their storage tanks: one is vertical and the other one horizontal. The thermosyphonic systems are provided by manufacturers of the Córdoba Province, who came to the Solar Energy Group (GES) of the National University of Río Cuarto looking for help for the design of their products. In an agreement with these manufacturers, it was proposed this project in order to work analytically and experimentally in order to obtain physical-mathematical models of these two systems, which allow for changes to look by means of simulations the best changes to implement on the equipments for the improvement of their thermal performance. Then, the materials to be used are the proper systems provided by the manufacturers, which will be disarmed to be studied in detail. After the analytical study the proposals of improvement will be implemented in a high level language of programming to perform simulations in the environment of a well-known software for energy simulations (TRNSYS). After the simulations, the best modifications will be physically implemented in the prototypes to perform finally the same normalized test of the beginning and check the magnitude of the implemented improvements. The importance of this project is based on the offer of better systems the companies would make, which would benefit the deployment of the thermal solar energy. Another relevant point is to make the new equipments at the same cost of the previous ones or cheaper, in order to achieve a good deployment of the solar water heating systems; then, the manufacture processes and methods must be studied to obtain not only good technical solutions, but also economical equipments. In addition, this project will contribute to the increasing of the knowledge in the area of thermosyphonic solar systems and the training of postgraduate students.
This study utilised recent developments in forensic aromatic hydrocarbon fingerprint analysis to characterise and identify specific biogenic, pyrogenic and petrogenic contamination. The fingerprinting and data interpretation techniques discussed include the recognition of: The distribution patterns of hydrocarbons (alkylated naphthalene, phenanthrene, dibenzothiophene, fluorene, chrysene and phenol isomers), • Analysis of “source-specific marker” compounds (individual saturated hydrocarbons, including n-alkanes (n-C5 through 0-C40) • Selected benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene isomers (BTEX), • The recalcitrant isoprenoids; pristane and phytane and • The determination of diagnostic ratios of specific petroleum / non-petroleum constituents, and the application of various statistical and numerical analysis tools. An unknown sample from the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for origin characterisation was subjected to analysis by gas chromatography utilising both flame ionisation and mass spectral detection techniques in comparison to known reference materials. The percentage of the individual Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAIIs) and biomarker concentrations in the unknown sample were normalised to the sum of the analytes and the results were compared with the corresponding results with a range of reference materials. In addition, to the determination of conventional diagnostic PAH and biomarker ratios, a number of “source-specific markers” isomeric PAHs within the same alkylation levels were determined, and their relative abundance ratios were computed in order to definitively identify and differentiate the various sources. Statistical logarithmic star plots were generated from both sets of data to give a pictorial representation of the comparison between the unknown sample and reference products. The study successfully characterised the unknown sample as being contaminated with a “coal tar” and clearly demonstrates the future role of compound ratio analysis (CORAT) in the identification of possible source contaminants.
Driven by concerns about rising energy costs, security of supply and climate change a new wave of Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET’s) have been embraced by the Irish consumer. Such systems as solar collectors, heat pumps and biomass boilers have become common due to government backed financial incentives and revisions of the building regulations. However, there is a deficit of knowledge and understanding of how these technologies operate and perform under Ireland’s maritime climate. This AQ-WBL project was designed to address both these needs by developing a Data Acquisition (DAQ) system to monitor the performance of such technologies and a web-based learning environment to disseminate performance characteristics and supplementary information about these systems. A DAQ system consisting of 108 sensors was developed as part of Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology’s (GMIT’s) Centre for the Integration of Sustainable EnergyTechnologies (CiSET) in an effort to benchmark the performance of solar thermal collectors and Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP’s) under Irish maritime climate, research new methods of integrating these systems within the built environment and raise awareness of SET’s. It has operated reliably for over 2 years and has acquired over 25 million data points. Raising awareness of these SET’s is carried out through the dissemination of the performance data through an online learning environment. A learning environment was created to provide different user groups with a basic understanding of a SET’s with the support of performance data, through a novel 5 step learning process and two examples were developed for the solar thermal collectors and the weather station which can be viewed at http://www.kdp 1 .aquaculture.ie/index.aspx. This online learning environment has been demonstrated to and well received by different groups of GMIT’s undergraduate students and plans have been made to develop it further to support education, awareness, research and regional development.
This thesis describes a search for very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission from the starburst galaxy IC 342. The analysis was based on data from the 2003 — 2004 observing season recorded using the Whipple 10-metre imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope located on Mount Hopkins in southern Arizona. IC 342 may be classed as a non-blazar type galaxy and to date only a few such galaxies (M 87, Cen A, M 82 and NGC 253) have been detected as VHE gamma-ray sources. Analysis of approximately 24 hours of good quality IC 342 data, consisting entirely of ON/OFF observations, was carried out using a number of methods (standard Supercuts, optimised Supercuts, scaled optimised Supercuts and the multivariate kernel analysis technique). No evidence for TeV gamma-ray emission from IC 342 was found. The significance was 0.6 a with a nominal rate of 0.04 ± 0.06 gamma rays per minute. The flux upper limit above 600 GeV (at 99.9 % confidence) was determined to be 5.5 x 10-8 m-2 s-1, corresponding to 8 % of the Crab Nebula flux in the same energy range.
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Paul Scherrer Institut del Maig a l’Octubre del 2006 amb l’ajuda i supervisió dels Dr. Konstantins Jefimovs i Dr. Christian David. Focalitzar raigs X tous és una necessitat essencial per al microanàlisis, la microscopia, i fer imatges en moltes Instal·lacions de Radiació Sincrotró. Les Lents Zonals de Fresnel (FZP, de la denominació anglesa “Fresnel Zone Plates”) han demostrat donar uns punts focals amb una resolució espacial destacada i una baixa il·luminació de fons. Tanmateix, la fabricació de FZP és complexa i no totalment reproduïble. A més a més, el temps de vida de les FZP és força curt, ja que estant situades sobre membranes de nitrur de silici molt fines i altament absorbents. Per tant, hem fet esforços per implementar FZP de silici, que s’espera que siguin més resistents. L’element està fet d’una oblia de cristall de silici poc absorbent, i no presenta cap interfase entre materials. Així doncs, aquestes lents són especialment adequades per a aguantar les extremes càrregues de radiació de les fonts de raigs X més brillants. Particularment, això és molt important per a les aplicacions a les pròximes generacions de fonts de raigs X, com els Làsers d’Electrons Lliures (FEL, de la denominació anglesa “Free Electron Laser”). El silici també garanteix que no hi hagi cap banda d’absorció en el rang d’energies de la finestra de l’aigua (200-520 eV), fent aquestes lents ideals per a fer imatges de mostres biològiques. En aquest informe, hi ha una descripció detallada de tots els passos involucrats en la fabricació de les Lents Zonals de Fresnel de silici. En resum, les estructures de FZP es modelen sobre una resina utilitzant litografia per feix d’electrons i llavors el patró es transmet al silici mitjançant un gravat d’ions reactius (RIE, de la denominació anglesa ‘Reactive Ion Etching’) utilitzant una fina (20 nm) màscara de Crintermitja. Les membranes de silici es poden aprimar després de la fabricació de les estructures per a garantir una transmissió suficient fins i tot a baixes energies. Aquest informe també inclou l’anàlisi i la discussió d’alguns experiments preliminars per avaluar el rendiment de les Si FZPs fets a la línia de llum PolLux del Swiss Ligth Source amb l’ajuda dels Dr. Jörg Raabe i Dr. George Tzvetkov.
OBJECTIVE: To describe food habits and dietary intakes of athletic and non-athletic adolescents in Switzerland. SETTING: College, high schools and professional centers in the Swiss canton of Vaud. METHOD: A total of 3,540 subjects aged 9-19 y answered a self-reported anonymous questionnaire to assess lifestyles, physical plus sports activity and food habits. Within this sample, a subgroup of 246 subjects aged 11-15 also participated in an in-depth ancillary study including a 3 day dietary record completed by an interview with a dietician. RESULTS: More boys than girls reported engaging in regular sports activities (P<0.001). Adolescent food habits are quite traditional: up to 15 y, most of the respondents have a breakfast and eat at least two hot meals a day, the percentages decreasing thereafter. Snacking is widespread among adolescents (60-80% in the morning, 80-90% in the afternoon). Food habits among athletic adolescents are healthier and also are perceived as such in a higher proportion. Among athletic adolescents, consumption frequency is higher for dairy products and ready to eat (RTE) cereals, for fruit, fruit juices and salad (P<0.05 at least). Thus the athletic adolescent's food brings more micronutrients than the diet of their non-athletic counterparts. Within the subgroup (ancillary study), mean energy intake corresponds to requirements for age/gender group. CONCLUSIONS: Athletic adolescents display healthier food habits than non-athletic adolescents: this result supports the idea that healthy behavior tends to cluster and suggests that prevention programs among this age group should target simultaneously both sports activity and food habits.