951 resultados para Nmr Of Proteins
The α- and β-karyopherins (Kaps), also called importins, mediate the nuclear transport of proteins. All α-Kaps contain a central domain composed of eight approximately 40 amino acid, tandemly arranged, armadillo-like (Arm) repeats. The number and order of these repeats have not changed since the common origin of fungi, plants, and mammals. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the various α-Kaps fall into two groups, α1 and α2. Whereas animals encode both types, the yeast genome encodes only an α1-Kap. The β-Kaps are characterized by 14–15 tandemly arranged HEAT motifs. We show that the Arm repeats of α-Kaps and the HEAT motifs of β-Kaps are similar, suggesting that the α-Kaps and β-Kaps (and for that matter, all Arm and HEAT repeat-containing proteins) are members of the same protein superfamily. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that there are at least three major groups of β-Kaps, consistent with their proposed cargo specificities. We present a model in which an α-independent β-Kap progenitor gave rise to the α-dependent β-Kaps and the α-Kaps.
Smokers have a significantly higher risk for developing coronary and cerebrovascular disease than nonsmokers. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are reactive, cross-linking moieties that form from the reaction of reducing sugars and the amino groups of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. AGEs circulate in high concentrations in the plasma of patients with diabetes or renal insufficiency and have been linked to the accelerated vasculopathy seen in patients with these diseases. Because the curing of tobacco takes place under conditions that could lead to the formation of glycation products, we examined whether tobacco and tobacco smoke could generate these reactive species that would increase AGE formation in vivo. Our findings show that reactive glycation products are present in aqueous extracts of tobacco and in tobacco smoke in a form that can rapidly react with proteins to form AGEs. This reaction can be inhibited by aminoguanidine, a known inhibitor of AGE formation. We have named these glycation products “glycotoxins.” Like other known reducing sugars and reactive glycation products, glycotoxins form smoke, react with protein, exhibit a specific fluorescence when cross-linked to proteins, and are mutagenic. Glycotoxins are transferred to the serum proteins of human smokers. AGE-apolipoprotein B and serum AGE levels in cigarette smokers were significantly higher than those in nonsmokers. These results suggest that increased glycotoxin exposure may contribute to the increased incidence of atherosclerosis and high prevalence of cancer in smokers.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are lethal, infectious disorders of the mammalian nervous system. A TSE hallmark is the conversion of the cellular protein PrPC to disease-associated PrPSc (named for scrapie, the first known TSE). PrPC is protease-sensitive, monomeric, detergent soluble, and primarily α-helical; PrPSc is protease-resistant, polymerized, detergent insoluble, and rich in β-sheet. The “protein-only” hypothesis posits that PrPSc is the infectious TSE agent that directly converts host-encoded PrPC to fresh PrPSc, harming neurons and creating new agents of infection. To gain insight on the conformational transitions of PrP, we tested the ability of several protein chaperones, which supervise the conformational transitions of proteins in diverse ways, to affect conversion of PrPC to its protease-resistant state. None affected conversion in the absence of pre-existing PrPSc. In its presence, only two, GroEL and Hsp104 (heat shock protein 104), significantly affected conversion. Both promoted it, but the reaction characteristics of conversions with the two chaperones were distinct. In contrast, chemical chaperones inhibited conversion. Our findings provide new mechanistic insights into nature of PrP conversions, and provide a new set of tools for studying the process underlying TSE pathogenesis.
The atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to continuously follow height changes of individual protein molecules exposed to physiological stimuli. A AFM tip was coated with ROMK1 (a cloned renal epithelial potassium channel known to be highly pH sensitive) and lowered onto atomically flat mica surface until the protein was sandwiched between AFM tip and mica. Because the AFM tip was an integral part of a highly flexible cantilever, any structural alterations of the sandwiched molecule were transmitted to the cantilever. This resulted in a distortion of the cantilever that was monitored by means of a laser beam. With this system it was possible to resolve vertical height changes in the ROMK1 protein of ≥0.2 nm (approximately 5% of the molecule’s height) with a time resolution of ≥1 msec. When bathed in electrolyte solution that contained the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A and 0.1 mM ATP (conditions that activate the native ion channel), we found stochastically occurring height fluctuations in the ROMK1 molecule. These changes in height were pH-dependent, being greatest at pH 7.6, and lowering the pH (either by titration or by the application of CO2) reduced their magnitude. The data show that overall changes in shape of proteins occur stochastically and increase in size and frequency when the proteins are active. This AFM “molecular-sandwich” technique, called MOST, measures structural activity of proteins in real time and could prove useful for studies on the relationship between structure and function of proteins at the molecular level.
The Protein Information Resource, in collaboration with the Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences (MIPS) and the Japan International Protein Information Database (JIPID), produces the most comprehensive and expertly annotated protein sequence database in the public domain, the PIR-International Protein Sequence Database. To provide timely and high quality annotation and promote database interoperability, the PIR-International employs rule-based and classification-driven procedures based on controlled vocabulary and standard nomenclature and includes status tags to distinguish experimentally determined from predicted protein features. The database contains about 200 000 non-redundant protein sequences, which are classified into families and superfamilies and their domains and motifs identified. Entries are extensively cross-referenced to other sequence, classification, genome, structure and activity databases. The PIR web site features search engines that use sequence similarity and database annotation to facilitate the analysis and functional identification of proteins. The PIR-International databases and search tools are accessible on the PIR web site at http://pir.georgetown.edu/ and at the MIPS web site at http://www.mips.biochem.mpg.de. The PIR-International Protein Sequence Database and other files are also available by FTP.
The BioKnowledge Library is a relational database and web site (http://www.proteome.com) composed of protein-specific information collected from the scientific literature. Each Protein Report on the web site summarizes and displays published information about a single protein, including its biochemical function, role in the cell and in the whole organism, localization, mutant phenotype and genetic interactions, regulation, domains and motifs, interactions with other proteins and other relevant data. This report describes four species-specific volumes of the BioKnowledge Library, concerned with the model organisms Saccharomyces cerevisiae (YPD), Schizosaccharomyces pombe (PombePD) and Caenorhabditis elegans (WormPD), and with the fungal pathogen Candida albicans (CalPD™). Protein Reports of each species are unified in format, easily searchable and extensively cross-referenced between species. The relevance of these comprehensively curated resources to analysis of proteins in other species is discussed, and is illustrated by a survey of model organism proteins that have similarity to human proteins involved in disease.
The RESID Database is a comprehensive collection of annotations and structures for protein post-translational modifications including N-terminal, C-terminal and peptide chain cross-link modifications. The RESID Database includes systematic and frequently observed alternate names, Chemical Abstracts Service registry numbers, atomic formulas and weights, enzyme activities, taxonomic range, keywords, literature citations with database cross-references, structural diagrams and molecular models. The NRL-3D Sequence–Structure Database is derived from the three-dimensional structure of proteins deposited with the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank. The NRL-3D Database includes standardized and frequently observed alternate names, sources, keywords, literature citations, experimental conditions and searchable sequences from model coordinates. These databases are freely accessible through the National Cancer Institute–Frederick Advanced Biomedical Computing Center at these web sites: http://www.ncifcrf.gov/RESID, http://www.ncifcrf.gov/ NRL-3D; or at these National Biomedical Research Foundation Protein Information Resource web sites: http://pir.georgetown.edu/pirwww/dbinfo/resid.html, http://pir.georgetown.edu/pirwww/dbinfo/nrl3d.html
SBASE 8.0 is the eighth release of the SBASE library of protein domain sequences that contains 294 898 annotated structural, functional, ligand-binding and topogenic segments of proteins, cross-referenced to most major sequence databases and sequence pattern collections. The entries are clustered into over 2005 statistically validated domain groups (SBASE-A) and 595 non-validated groups (SBASE-B), provided with several WWW-based search and browsing facilities for online use. A domain-search facility was developed, based on non-parametric pattern recognition methods, including artificial neural networks. SBASE 8.0 is freely available by anonymous ‘ftp’ file transfer from ftp.icgeb.trieste.it. Automated searching of SBASE can be carried out with the WWW servers http://www.icgeb.trieste.it/sbase/ and http://sbase.abc.hu/sbase/.
Recent improvements of a hierarchical ab initio or de novo approach for predicting both α and β structures of proteins are described. The united-residue energy function used in this procedure includes multibody interactions from a cumulant expansion of the free energy of polypeptide chains, with their relative weights determined by Z-score optimization. The critical initial stage of the hierarchical procedure involves a search of conformational space by the conformational space annealing (CSA) method, followed by optimization of an all-atom model. The procedure was assessed in a recent blind test of protein structure prediction (CASP4). The resulting lowest-energy structures of the target proteins (ranging in size from 70 to 244 residues) agreed with the experimental structures in many respects. The entire experimental structure of a cyclic α-helical protein of 70 residues was predicted to within 4.3 Å α-carbon (Cα) rms deviation (rmsd) whereas, for other α-helical proteins, fragments of roughly 60 residues were predicted to within 6.0 Å Cα rmsd. Whereas β structures can now be predicted with the new procedure, the success rate for α/β- and β-proteins is lower than that for α-proteins at present. For the β portions of α/β structures, the Cα rmsd's are less than 6.0 Å for contiguous fragments of 30–40 residues; for one target, three fragments (of length 10, 23, and 28 residues, respectively) formed a compact part of the tertiary structure with a Cα rmsd less than 6.0 Å. Overall, these results constitute an important step toward the ab initio prediction of protein structure solely from the amino acid sequence.
Dynamic and structural information has been obtained for an analogue of acetylcholine while bound to the agonist binding site on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAcChoR), using wide-line deuterium solid-state NMR. Analysis of the deuterium lineshape obtained at various temperatures from unoriented nAcChoR membranes labeled with deuterated bromoacetylcholine (BAC) showed that the quaternary ammonium group of the ligand is well constrained within the agonist binding site when compared with the dynamics observed in the crystalline solids. This motional restriction would suggest that a high degree of complementarity exists between the quaternary ammonium group of the ligand and the protein within the agonist binding site. nAcChoR membranes were uniaxially oriented by isopotential centrifugation as determined by phosphorous NMR of the membrane phospholipids. Analysis of the deuterium NMR lineshape of these oriented membranes enriched with the nAcChoR labeled with N+(CD3)3-BAC has enabled us to determine that the angle formed between the quaternary ammonium group of the BAC and the membrane normal is 42° in the desensitized form of the receptor. This measurement allows us to orient in part the bound ligand within the proposed receptor binding site.
Heterocyst differentiation in the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120 requires a functional hetR gene. Increased expression of the hetR gene is seen in developing and mature heterocysts in response to fixed nitrogen limitation. We mapped four likely transcriptional start sites for hetR and identified a specific transcript that is positively autoregulated. By using the copper-responsive petE promoter from Anabaena PCC 7120 to drive hetR expression, we show that ectopic expression of hetR increases heterocyst frequency and induces heterocyst differentiation under fully repressing conditions. Coexpression of a reporter gene shows that expression from the petE promoter is smoothly induced depending on the amount of copper supplied. In the heterocyst pattern mutant PatA, where terminally positioned heterocysts are formed almost exclusively, expression of the petE∷hetR fusion does not result in the formation of intercalary heterocysts. These results suggest that although the intracellular concentration of HetR has to be elevated for the differentiation decision, PatA plays a role as well. This role may be in the form of posttranslational modification of HetR, because PatA is a member of the response regulator family of proteins.
The NUP98 gene encodes precursor proteins that generate two nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, NUP98 and NUP96. By using gene targeting, we have selectively disrupted the murine NUP98 protein, leaving intact the expression and localization of NUP96. We show that NUP98 is essential for mouse gastrulation, a developmental stage that is associated with rapid cell proliferation, but dispensable for basal cell growth. NUP98−/− cells had an intact nuclear envelope with a normal number of embedded nuclear pore complexes. Typically, NUP98-deficient cells contained on average approximately 5-fold more cytoplasmic annulate lamellae than control cells. We found that a set of cytoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP358, NUP214, NUP88, and p62, assembled inefficiently into nuclear pores of NUP98−/− cells. Instead, these nucleoporins were prominently associated with the annulate lamellae. By contrast, a group of nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP153, NUP50, NUP96, and NUP93, had no affinity for annulate lamellae and assembled normally into nuclear pores. Mutant pores were significantly impaired in transport receptor-mediated docking of proteins with a nuclear localization signal or M9 import signal and showed weak nuclear import of such substrates. In contrast, the ability of mutant pores to import ribosomal protein L23a and spliceosome protein U1A appeared intact. These observations show that NUP98 disruption selectively impairs discrete protein import pathways and support the idea that transport of distinct import complexes through the nuclear pore complex is mediated by specific subsets of nucleoporins.
CD1 is an MHC class I-like antigen-presenting molecule consisting of a heavy chain and β2-microglobulin light chain. The in vitro refolding of synthetic MHC class I molecules has always required the presence of ligand. We report here the use of a folding method using an immobilized chaperone fragment, a protein disulphide isomerase, and a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (oxidative refolding chromatography) for the fast and efficient assembly of ligand-free and ligand-associated CD1a and CD1b, starting with material synthesized in Escherichia coli. The results suggest that “empty” MHC class I-like molecules can assemble and remain stable at physiological temperatures in the absence of ligand. The use of oxidative refolding chromatography thus is extended to encompass complex multisubunit proteins and specifically to members of the extensive, functionally diverse and important immunoglobulin supergene family of proteins, including those for which a ligand has yet to be identified.
Insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP), a transmembrane aminopeptidase, is dynamically retained within the endosomal compartment of fibroblasts. The characteristics of this dynamic retention are rapid internalization from the plasma membrane and slow recycling back to the cell surface. These specialized trafficking kinetics result in <15% of IRAP on the cell surface at steady state, compared with 35% of the transferrin receptor, another transmembrane protein that traffics between endosomes and the cell surface. Here we demonstrate that a 29-amino acid region of IRAP's cytoplasmic domain (residues 56–84) is necessary and sufficient to promote trafficking characteristic of IRAP. A di-leucine sequence and a cluster of acidic amino acids within this region are essential elements of the motif that slows IRAP recycling. Rapid internalization requires any two of three distinct motifs: M15,16, DED64–66, and LL76,77. The DED and LL sequences are part of the motif that regulates recycling, demonstrating that this motif is bifunctional. In this study we used horseradish peroxidase quenching of fluorescence to demonstrate that IRAP is dynamically retained within the transferrin receptor-containing general endosomal recycling compartment. Therefore, our data demonstrate that motifs similar to those that determine targeting among distinct membrane compartments can also regulate the rate of transport of proteins from endosomal compartments. We propose a model for dynamic retention in which IRAP is transported from the general endosomal recycling compartment in specialized, slowly budding recycling vesicles that are distinct from those that mediate rapid recycling back to the surface (e.g., transferrin receptor-containing transport vesicles). It is likely that the dynamic retention of IRAP is an example of a general mechanism for regulating the distribution of proteins between the surface and interior of cells.
The accessory protein negative factor (Nef) from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is required for optimal viral infectivity and the progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Nef interacts with the endocytic machinery, resulting in the down-regulation of cluster of differentiation antigen 4 (CD4) and major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) molecules on the surface of infected cells. Mutations in the C-terminal flexible loop of Nef result in a lower rate of internalization by this viral protein. However, no loop-dependent binding of Nef to adaptor protein-2 (AP-2), which is the adaptor protein complex that is required for the internalization of proteins from the plasma membrane, could be demonstrated. In this study we investigated the relevance of different motifs in Nef from SIVmac239 for its internalization, CD4 down-regulation, binding to components of the trafficking machinery, and viral infectivity. Our data suggest that the binding of Nef to the catalytic subunit H of the vacuolar membrane ATPase (V-ATPase) facilitates its internalization. This binding depends on the integrity of the whole flexible loop. Subsequent studies on Nef mutant viruses revealed that the flexible loop is essential for optimal viral infectivity. Therefore, our data demonstrate how Nef contacts the endocytic machinery in the absence of its direct binding to AP-2 and suggest an important role for subunit H of the V-ATPase in viral infectivity.