965 resultados para Nitrogen tetroxide.


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Piston core M77/2-024-5 was retrieved during the M77/2 cruise of Research Vessel Meteor in December 2008. Total organic carbon concentrations were determined using a Carlo Erba Element Analyzer (NA1500). Prior to analysis carbon bound to carbonate minerals was removed by leaching the sediment with 1 M HCl. Bulk nitrogen isotope ratios were determined using a Carlo Erba Element Analyzer (NA1500) coupled to a DeltaPlusXL isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Major and trace metals were analyzed after microwave-assisted (CEM MARS-5) acid digestion (HCl, HNO3 and HF) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (aluminum, titanium and iron) (Teledyne Leeman Prodigy) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (molybdenum and uranium) (THERMO X-Series 2).


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The lipid and organic nitrogen isotopic (delta15N) compositions of two common deep-water corals (Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) collected from selected locations of the NE Atlantic are compared to the composition of suspended particulate organic matter, in order to determine their principle food source. Initial results suggest that they may feed primarily on zooplankton. This is based on the increased abundances of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and alcohols and the different ratios of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, 22:6/20:5 of the corals when compared to those of the suspended particulate organic matter. There is enrichment in L. pertusa of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and of delta15N relative to M. oculata. It is unclear whether this reflects different feeding strategies or assimilation/storage efficiencies of zooplankton tissue or different metabolism in the two coral species.


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To provide insights into the long-term evolution of aquatic ecosystems without human interference, we here evaluate a decadal- to centennial-scale-resolution diatom record spanning about 12 ka of the Holsteinian interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 11c). Using a partially varved sediment core from the Dethlingen palaeolake (northern Germany), which has previously been studied for palynological and microfacies signals, we document the co-evolution of the aquatic and surrounding terrestrial environment. The diatom record is dominated by the genera Stephanodiscus, Aulacoseira, Ulnaria and Fragilaria. Based on the diatom assemblages and physical sediment properties, the evolution of the Dethlingen palaeolake can be subdivided into three major phases. During the oldest phase (lasting ~1900 varve years), the lake was ~10-15 m deep and characterized by anoxic bottom-water conditions and a high nutrient content. The following ~5600 years exhibited water depths >20 m, maximum diatom and Pediastrum productivity, and a peak in allochtonous nutrient input. During this phase, water-column mixing became more vigorous, resulting in a breakdown of anoxia. The youngest lake phase (~4000-5000 years) was characterized by decreasing water depth, turbulent water conditions and decreased nutrient loading. Based on our palaeolimnological data, we conclude that the evolution of the Dethlingen palaeolake during the Holsteinian interglacial responded closely to (i) changes within the catchment area (as documented by vegetation and sedimentation) related to the transition from closed forests growing on nutrient-rich soils (mesocratic forest phase) to open forests developing on poor soils (oligocratic forest phase), and (ii) short-term climate variability as reflected in centennial-scale climate perturbations.


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Concentrations of organic and mineral nitrogen and phosphorus in waters from different types of bays were determined during summer of 1987. Content of organic nitrogen in surface waters reached 80-97% of total; content of mineral phosphorus was 60-100%. Concentrations of N_org and P_org in deep waters decreased to 70 and 40%, respectively. Distribution of organic matter in the bays was controlled by river run-off.


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We determined the C and N concentrations and isotopic compositions of sediments in the prism sampled during Ocean Drilling Program Legs 170 and 205 offshore Costa Rica, with the goals of evaluating sediment sources and extents of diagenesis and identifying any effects of infiltrating fluids on the sedimentary C and N. The sediments from Leg 170 Site 1040 contain 0.85-1.96 wt% total organic carbon (TOC) with Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB) d13CVPDB from -26.3 per mil to -22.5 per mil, and 832-2221 ppm total nitrogen (TN) with d15Nair from +3.5 per mil to +6.6 per mil. Sediment TN concentrations and d15N values show dramatic downhole increases within the uppermost 130 m of the section and more gradual downhole decreases from 130 meters below seafloor (mbsf) to the base of the décollement at ~370 mbsf. Concentrations and isotopic compositions of TOC are relatively uniform within the entire section, showing some minor perturbation within the décollement zone. In the uppermost 100 m, upsection increases in TN concentrations at constant TOC concentrations produce significant increases in atomic TOC/TN ratios from ~8 to ~18. Carbonate (calcite) contents in the wedge sediments are generally low (<4 wt%), but the d13C and Vienna standard mean ocean water (VSMOW) d18OVSMOW values vary significantly from -26.1 per mil to +4.1 per mil and from +30.0 per mil to +35.3 per mil, respectively. Concentrations and isotopic compositions of TOC and TN for sediments from Leg 205 Sites 1254 and 1255 overlap well with C-N data for sediments from the same depth intervals obtained during Leg 170 at Site 1040.