982 resultados para New historical novel


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Crohn's disease (CD) is a high morbidity chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown aetiology. Adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) has been recently implicated in the origin and perpetuation of CD. Because bacterial biofilms in the gut mucosa are suspected to play a role in CD and biofilm formation is a feature of certain pathogenic E. coli strains, we compared the biofilmformation capacity of 27 AIEC and 38 non-AIEC strains isolated from the intestinal mucosa. Biofilmformation capacity was then contrasted with the AIEC phenotype, the serotype, the phylotype, andthe presence of virulence genes. Results: Specific biofilm formation (SBF) indices were higher amongst AIEC than non-AIEC strains(P = 0.012). In addition, 65.4% of moderate to strong biofilms producers were AIEC, whereas74.4% of weak biofilm producers were non-AIEC (P = 0.002). These data indicate that AIEC strainswere more efficient biofilm producers than non-AIEC strains. Moreover, adhesion (P = 0.009) andinvasion (P = 0.003) indices correlated positively with higher SBF indices. Additionally, motility(100%, P < 0.001), H1 type flagellin (53.8%, P < 0.001), serogroups O83 (19.2%, P = 0.008) and O22(26.9%, P = 0.001), the presence of virulence genes such as sfa/focDE (38.5%, P = 0.003) and ibeA(26.9%, P = 0.017), and B2 phylotype (80.8%, P < 0.001) were frequent characteristics amongstbiofilm producers.Conclusion: The principal contribution of the present work is the finding that biofilm formationcapacity is a novel, complementary pathogenic feature of the recently described AIEC pathovar. Characterization of AIEC specific genetic determinants, and the regulatory pathways, involved in biofilm formation will likely bring new insights into AIEC pathogenesis


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The sociocultural changes that led to the genesis of Romance languages widened the gap between oral and written patterns, which display different discoursive and linguistic devices. In early documents, discoursive implicatures connecting propositions were not generally codified, so that the reader should furnish the correct interpretation according to his own perception of real facts; which can still be attested in current oral utterances. Once Romance languages had undergone several levelling processes which concluded in the first standardizations, implicatures became explicatures and were syntactically codified by means of univocal new complex conjunctions. As a consequence of the emergence of these new subordination strategies, a freer distribution of the information conveyed by the utterances is allowed. The success of complex structural patterns ran alongside of the genesis of new narrative genres and the generalization of a learned rhetoric. Both facts are a spontaneous effect of new approaches to the act of reading. Ancient texts were written to be read to a wide audience, whereas those printed by the end of the XV th century were conceived to be read quietly, in a low voice, by a private reader. The goal of this paper is twofold, since we will show that: a) The development of new complex conjunctions through the history of Romance languages accommodates to four structural patterns that range from parataxis to hypotaxis. b) This development is a reflex of the well known grammaticalization path from discourse to syntax that implies the codification of discoursive strategies (Givón 2 1979, Sperber and Wilson 1986, Carston 1988, Grice 1989, Bach 1994, Blackemore 2002, among others]


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El treball de tesi s'emmarca dins del camp de la bioinorgànica, disciplina que estudia les propietats estructurals i de reactivitat dels centres actius dels enzims, servint-se de models síntètics de baix pes molecular per tal d'intentar reproduïr la reactivitat presentada per l'enzim i conèixer els mecanismes de reacció a nivell molecular que tenen lloc en els processos biològics.1 Més concretament el treball posa especial èmfasi en els processos d'activació d'oxigen molecular que tenen lloc en les metaloproteïnes de Coure del Tipus 3, com són l'hemocianina i la tirosinasa, ambdues presentant un complex dinuclear de Cu(I)) en el centre actiu de la forma reduïda, capaç d'activar l'O2 cap a espècies de tipus peròxid.2 Un altre camp d'interès ha estat l'estudi dels processos d'activació d'enllaços C-H no activats en hidrocarburs, tant per la seva importàcia a nivell industrial com per comprendre els mecanismes intrínsecs d'aquesta activació a través de metalls de trancisió.3,4 Durant el treball de tesi presentat s'ha desenvolupat la síntesi de nous complexes de Coure(I), Coure(II) y Cu(III) utilitzant lligands macrocíclics de tipus triaza i hexaaza, i s'han estudiat la seves propietats estructurals així com la seva reactivitat. La reacció dels lligands triazacíclics H32m, H2Me33m i H33m amb sals de coure(II) dóna lloc a una reacció de desproporció de Cu(II) per obtenir-se en quantitats equimolars un complex organometàl·lic de Cu(III) i un complex de Cu(I). La caracterizació estructural exhaustiva dels complexes del tipus aryl-Cu(III) evidencia la formació d'un enllaç organometàl·lic entre l'àtom de Cu(III) i el carboni més próxim de l'anell aromàtic del lligand. Aquesta reacció, a més de representar una nova forma de desproporció en la química del Cu, suposa l'activació d'un enllaç C-H aromàtic a temperatura ambient que, mitjançant l'estudi cinètic d'aquesta desproporció per espectroscòpia UV-Vis, dels càlcul de l'efecte cinètic isotòpic utilitzant el lligand deuterat en el C-H de l'anell, juntament amb el recolzament teòrics dels càlculs DFT per a la optimització de geometries d'intermedis de reacció, ens permeten proposar un mecanisme de reacció pel nostre sistema, on l'activació de l'enllaç C-H aromàtic transcorre per la formació d'un enllaç de tipus agòstic C-H ? Cu(II),5 seguit de la desprotonació del C-H aromàtic per acció d'una base i posterior transferència electrònica per obtenir el complex organometàlic de Cu(III) i el complex de de Cu(I). En quant a la reactivitat d'aquests complexes organometàl·lics aryl-Cu(III) s'ha observat que una base en medi aquós causa la inestabilitat d'aquests compostos, evolucionant cap a la inserció d'un àtom d'oxigen sobre la posició activada de l'anell aromàtic, per a donar lloc a un complex dinuclear de Cu(II) amb dos grups fenoxo actuant de pont entre els àtoms metàl·lics. La reacció transcorre per un intermedi colorejat, caracteritzat com el complex ayl-Cu(III) monodesprotonat en una de les seves amines benzíliques, els quals s'observen igualment en la reacció dels correponents complexos de Cu(I) amb oxigen molecular (O2). És en els nostres sistemes en els quals es descriu per primera vegada la participació d'intermedis organometàl·lics Cu(III)-C en processos d'hidroxilació aromàtica, tals com el desenvolupat per l'enzim tirosinasa o per alguns dels seus models químics de síntesi.6,7,8 S'han estudiat les propietats magnètiques dels quatre bis(fenoxo)complexes de Cu(II) descrits, obtenint-se uns acoplaments de tipus antiferromagnètic o ferromagnètic de diversa magnitud, depenent del solapament orbitalari a l'enllaç Cu-O, a través del qual es produeix el superintercanvi. Nous complexos de Cu(I) sintetitzats amb lligands hexaazamacrocíclics han estat estudiats, i posant especial èmfasi a la seva reactivitat respecta a l'activació d'oxigen molecular (O2). S'ha observat una reactivitat diferenciada segons la concentració de complex de Cu(I) utilitzada, de manera que a altes concentracions s'obté un carbonato complex tetranuclear de Cu(II) per fixació de CO2 atmosfèric, mentre que a baixes concentracions s'observa la hidroxilació aromàtica intramolecular d'un dels anells benzílics del lligand, reacció que presumiblement transcorre per atac electrofílic d'un peroxo complex intermedi sobre el sistema ? de l'anell.6 Els resultats obtinguts en aquest treball ens mostren la facilitat per activar enllaços C-H aromàtics per metalls de transició de la primera sèrie (Cu, Ni) quan aquests estan suficientment pròxims a l'enllaç C-H, en unes condicions de reacció molt suaus (1atm., temperatura ambient). Els nous complexos organometàl·lics Aryl-Cu(III) són el producte d'una nova reacció de desproporció de Cu(II), així com un posició aromàtica activada que podria ser el punt de partida per l'estudi de funcionalització selectiva d'aquests grups aromàtics.


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This paper briefly sets the scene for the articles that follow, introducing some key debates that have characterized the recent practice of historical archaeology. The definition of historical archaeology is explored according to parameters of chronology and methodology, drawing a distinction between New World traditions that define the subject as 'post-Columbian' and Old World approaches that establish broader connections with the 'documentary archaeology' of all literate societies. Current issues in European and American historical archaeology are highlighted, including the gradual breakdown of the medieval/post-medieval divide and the call for a global 'modern-world archaeology' to address the 'grand historical narratives' of the period, such as capitalism, economic improvement, and consumerism. The resistance to this global research agenda is explored with reference to archaeologies of diaspora and postcolonialism, which demand local perspectives to explore diversity and meaning. Finally, the innovative use of community archaeology and multi-vocality is introduced, with particular reference to the experimental narratives pursued by American historical archaeologists, in their new role as 'storytellers'.


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This paper briefly sets the scene for the articles that follow, introducing some key debates that have characterized the recent practice of historical archaeology. The definition of historical archaeology is explored according to parameters of chronology and methodology, drawing a distinction between New World traditions that define the subject as 'post-Columbian' and Old World approaches that establish broader connections with the 'documentary archaeology' of all literate societies. Current issues in European and American historical archaeology are highlighted, including the gradual breakdown of the medieval/post-medieval divide and the call for a global 'modern-world archaeology' to address the 'grand historical narratives' of the period, such as capitalism, economic improvement, and consumerism. The resistance to this global research agenda is explored with reference to archaeologies of diaspora and postcolonialism, which demand local perspectives to explore diversity and meaning. Finally, the innovative use of community archaeology and multi-vocality is introduced, with particular reference to the experimental narratives pursued by American historical archaeologists, in their new role as 'storytellers'.


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This major curated exhibition, publication and events builds on Rowlands’ curatorial research. Working in collaboration with co-curators Martin Clark, Artistic Director, Tate St Ives and Michael Bracewell, cultural historian, the exhibition sought to explore new narratives within British art. The innovative curatorial methodology developed from a fiction found in the infamous novel, The Dark Monarch by Sven Berlin, Gallery Press 1962. The research sought specific archival and collection work that allowed thematic strands to emerge that represented influences across generations. The exhibition features two-hundred artworks, from the Tate Collection, archives and other significant British public and private collections. It examines the development of early Modernism, in the UK, as well as the reappearance of esoteric and arcane references in a significant strand of contemporary art practice. Historical works from Samuel Palmer, Graham Sutherland, Henry Moore and Paul Nash are shown alongside contemporary artists including Derek Jarman, Cerith Wyn Evans, Eva Rothschild, Linder and John Russell. The exhibition includes a key work by Damien Hirst ¬ the first time he has been shown at Tate St Ives and a number of contemporary commissions. The Dark Monarch publication extended the discourse of the research critically examining the tension between progressive modernity and romantic knowledge, the book focuses on the way that artworks are encoded with various histories - geological, mythical and magical. Essays examine magic as a counterpoint to modernity’s transparency and rational progress, but also draw out the links modernity has with notions such as fetishism, mana, totem, and the taboo. Often viewed as counter to Modernism, this collection of essays suggest that these products of illusion and delusion in fact belong to modernity. Drawing together 15 different writers commissioned to explore magic as a counterpoint of liberal understanding of modernity, drawing out links that modernity has with notions of fetish, taboo and occult philosophy. Including essays by Marina Warner, Ilsa Colsell, Philip Hoare, Chris Stephens, Jennifer Higgie and Morrissey.


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A species of the hyper-parasitic bacterium Pasteuria was isolated from the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne ardenensis infecting the roots of ash (Fraxinus excelsior). It is morphologically different from some other Pasteuria pathogens of nematodes in that the spores lack a basal ring on the ventral side of the spore and have a unique clumping nature. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that the clumps of spores are not random aggregates but result from the disintegration of the suicide cells of the thalli. Sporulation within each vegetative mycelium was shown to be asynchronous. In addition to the novel morphological features 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed this to be a new species of Pasteuria which we have called P. hartismeri. Spores of P. hartismeri attach to juveniles of root-knot nematodes infecting a wide range of plants such as mint (Meloidogyne hapla), rye grass (unidentified Meloidogyne sp.) and potato (Meloidogyne fallax). (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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From the 1950s up to the early 1990s the All-India data show an ever-declining share of informal credit in the total outstanding debt of rural households. Contemporaneous micro-level studies, using more qualitative research methodologies, provide evidence that questions the strength of this trend, and more recent All-India credit surveys show, first, a levelling, and then a rise, in the share of rural informal credit in 1990/91 and 2000/01, respectively. By reference to findings of a study of village moneylenders in Rajasthan, the paper notes lessons to be drawn. First, informal financial agents have not disappeared from the rural financial landscape in India. Second, formal-sector financial institutions can learn much about rural financial service needs from the financial products and processes of their informal counterparts. Third, a national survey of informal agents, similar to that of the 1921 Census survey of indigenous bankers and moneylenders, would provide valuable pointers towards policy options for the sector. A recent Reserve Bank of India Report on Moneylender Legislation not only explores incentive mechanisms to better ensure fair practice, but also proposes provision for a new category of loan providers that would explicitly link the rural informal and formal financial sectors.


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The EfeUOB system of Escherichia coli is a tripartite, low pH, ferrous iron transporter. It resembles the high-affinity iron transporter (Ftr1p-Fet3p) of yeast in that EfeU is homologous to Ftr1p, an integral-membrane iron-permease. However, EfeUOB lacks an equivalent of the Fet3p component—the multicopper oxidase with three cupredoxin-like domains. EfeO and EfeB are periplasmic but their precise roles are unclear. EfeO consists primarily of a C-terminal peptidase-M75 domain with a conserved ‘HxxE’ motif potentially involved in metal binding. The smaller N-terminal domain (EfeO-N) is predicted to be cupredoxin (Cup) like, suggesting a previously unrecognised similarity between EfeO and Fet3p. Our structural modelling of the E. coli EfeO Cup domain identifies two potential metal-binding sites. Site I is predicted to bind Cu2+ using three conserved residues (C41 and 103, and E66) and M101. Of these, only one (C103) is conserved in classical cupredoxins where it also acts as a Cu ligand. Site II most probably binds Fe3+ and consists of four well conserved surface Glu residues. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the EfeO-Cup domains form a novel Cup family, designated the ‘EfeO-Cup’ family. Structural modelling of two other representative EfeO-Cup domains indicates that different subfamilies employ distinct ligand sets at their proposed metal-binding sites. The ~100 efeO homologues in the bacterial sequence databases are all associated with various iron-transport related genes indicating a common role for EfeO-Cup proteins in iron transport, supporting a new copper-iron connection in biology.


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The important role of platelets in the development of arterial thrombosis and cardiovascular disease is well established. Current treatments for arterial thrombosis include anti-platelet agents such as aspirin, thienopyridines and glycoprotein IIb-IIIa inhibitors. Despite these drugs being effective there remains a substantial unmet clinical demand for more effective therapeutic approaches, which may reflect the existence of alternative underlying regulatory mechanisms to those already targeted. Recent publications have demonstrated a key role for tachykinins in the positive feedback regulation of platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. The pro-thrombotic effects of tachykinins on platelets are mediated through the neurokinin 1 receptor, which may therefore offer a novel therapeutic drug target in the prevention and the treatment of arterial thrombosis.


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Ancient DNA (aDNA) research has long depended on the power of PCR to amplify trace amounts of surviving genetic material from preserved specimens. While PCR permits specific loci to be targeted and amplified, in many ways it can be intrinsically unsuited to damaged and degraded aDNA templates. PCR amplification of aDNA can produce highly-skewed distributions with significant contributions from miscoding lesion damage and non-authentic sequence artefacts. As traditional PCR-based approaches have been unable to fully resolve the molecular nature of aDNA damage over many years, we have developed a novel single primer extension (SPEX)-based approach to generate more accurate sequence information. SPEX targets selected template strands at defined loci and can generate a quantifiable redundancy of coverage; providing new insights into the molecular nature of aDNA damage and fragmentation. SPEX sequence data reveals inherent limitations in both traditional and metagenomic PCR-based approaches to aDNA, which can make current damage analyses and correct genotyping of ancient specimens problematic. In contrast to previous aDNA studies, SPEX provides strong quantitative evidence that C U-type base modifications are the sole cause of authentic endogenous damage-derived miscoding lesions. This new approach could allow ancient specimens to be genotyped with unprecedented accuracy.


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The stable signal peptide (SSP) of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus surface glycoprotein precursor has several unique characteristics. The SSP is unusually long, at 58 amino acids, and contains two hydrophobic domains, and its sequence is highly conserved among both Old and New World arenaviruses. To better understand the functions of the SSP, a panel of point and deletion mutants was created by in vitro mutagenesis to target the highly conserved elements within the SSP. We were also able to confirm critical residues required for separate SSP functions by trans-complementation. Using these approaches, it was possible to resolve functional domains of the SSP. In characterizing our SSP mutants, we discovered that the SSP is involved in several distinct functions within the viral life cycle, beyond translocation of the viral surface glycoprotein precursor into the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. The SSP is required for efficient glycoprotein expression, posttranslational maturation cleavage of GP1 and GP2 by SKI-1/S1P protease, glycoprotein transport to the cell surface plasma membrane, formation of infectious virus particles, and acid pH-dependent glycoprotein-mediated cell fusion.


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The lipid products of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) are involved in many cellular responses such as proliferation, migration, and survival. Disregulation of PI3K-activated pathways is implicated in different diseases including cancer and diabetes. Among the three classes of PI3Ks, class I is the best characterized, whereas class II has received increasing attention only recently and the precise role of these isoforms is unclear. Similarly, the role of phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PtdIns-3-P) as an intracellular second messenger is only just beginning to be appreciated. Here, we show that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) stimulates the production of PtdIns-3-P through activation of a class II PI3K (PI3K-C2β). Both PtdIns-3-P and PI3K-C2β are involved in LPA-mediated cell migration. This study is the first identification of PtdIns-3-P and PI3K-C2β as downstream effectors in LPA signaling and demonstration of an intracellular role for a class II PI3K. Defining this novel PI3K-C2β- PtdIns-3-P signaling pathway may help clarify the process of cell migration and may shed new light on PI3K-mediated intracellular events.


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There is an expanding repertoire of mammalian tachykinins produced by a variety of tachykinin genes, gene splicing events and peptide processing. Novel tachykinin-binding molecules/receptors are proposed, but only, three tachykinin receptors are identified with certainty. The question remains - do more tachykinin receptors exist or is there just the need to reappraise Our understanding of the known receptors? The tachykinin NK1 receptor, the preferred receptor for both substance P and the peripheral SP-like endokinins, exists in several tissue-specific conformations and isoforms and may provide some clues. This review addresses recent advances in this exciting field and raises challenging new concepts. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We have developed a new simple method for transport, storage, and analysis of genetic material from the corals Agaricia agaricites, Dendrogyra cylindrica, Eusmilia ancora, Meandrina meandrites, Montastrea annularis, Porites astreoides, Porites furcata, Porites porites, and Siderastrea siderea at room temperature. All species yielded sufficient DNA from a single FTA(R) card (19 mug-43 ng) for subsequent PCR amplification of both coral and zooxanthellar DNA. The D1 and D2 variable region of the large Subunit rRNA gene (LSUrDNA) was amplified from the DNA of P. furcata and S. siderea by PCR. Electrophoresis yielded two major DNA bands: an 800-base pair (bp) DNA, which represented the coral ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene, and a 600-bp DNA, which represented the zooxanthellar srRNA gene. Extraction of DNA from the bands yielded between 290 mug total DNA (S. siderea coral DNA) and 9 mug total DNA (P. furcata zooxanthellar DNA). The ability to transport and store genetic material from scleractinian corals without resort to laboratory facilities in the field allows for the molecular Study of a far wider range and variety of coral sites than have been studied to date. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.