970 resultados para Neoplasia intra-epitelial vulvar


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Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Patients with primary malignant brain tumor endure several motor and cognitive dysfunctions, demanding the presence of a caregiver even more because the time necessary for their assistance increases considerably. Usually this task is performed by a family relative, whose activities include taking care of the patient’s personal hygiene, escorting them to medical appointments, managing their money and performing their housework. All of this overwhelms the caregiver both physical and psychologically. This bibliographic research intends to analyze the role in which a caregiver plays in the quality of life of those kinds of patients, the complications of such task, the caregivers’ needs and the daily life of those terminal patients. It was used CAPES, PubMed and Google Academic databases for researching articles related to family caregivers who assisted adult patients with primary malignant brain tumor. The study concluded that being a caregiver of patients in such conditions harms one’s quality of life, with consequences such as stress, insomnia, financial problems and lack of social support. Theirs needs include: having someone to talk to about the matter, attending programs for reducing stress and increasing their knowledge about the disease. In advanced phases of the condition, the patient shows great mobility problems, aphasia and regular seizures, which end up overwhelming the caregiver. The level of quality of life found was above other types of cancer’s caregivers. Therefore, they represent a group with special needs, which should be especially handled by health professionals.


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Among the harmful health agents, it is given to the noise, one of the most present in urban and social environments. There are efficient measures to control the noise and the auricular Individual Protection Equipment (IPEa) is the most used. It has been observed the shortage in the comfortable and functional individual auditory protection products, related to durability, face to the efficiency right of the equipment. The main objective of this study was to recognize if there is effectiveness loss toward the used time on the Auditory Equipment, intra-auricular Individual Protection, of foam (3M), model 1110. It has been verified that the equipments suffer efficiency alteration according to the time of use, and the material consuming initiates reliable loss, mainly in audible frequencies going up to 100Hz, and from 16 days for sonorous pressure suffered started in 101dB 20Hz. For sonorous pressure suffered from 107dB to 20Hz, the reliable loss for the usage was of 8 days. The IPEas do not lose effectiveness on important attenuation by the daily use in frequencies from 1KHz until 20KHz. It has been concluded that there is effectiveness loss, according to the daily and frequent use of the IPEa studied.


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The emphasis in this research is to evaluate the spatial distribution of the precipitation using a geostatistics approach. Seasonal time scales records considering DJF, MAM, JJA e SON periods performed the analysis. Procedures to evaluate the variogram selection and to produce kriging maps were performed in a GIS environment (ArcGIS®). The results showed that kriging method was very suitable to detect both large changes in the whole area as those local small and subtle changes. Kriging demonstrated be a powerful statistical interpolation method that might be very useful in regions with great complexity in climatology and geomorphology.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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A histerocele inguinal e uma hérnia pouco frequente, caracterizada pela protrusão do útero pelo canal inguinal, ocasionando sinais clínicos em decorrência de gestação ou alterações uterinas, dentre elas a piometra, tendo como causa primaria o desequilíbrio hormonal levando ao enfraquecimento de tecido conjuntivo, que distende os anéis inguinais. Pode ser causada por um conjunto de fatores tais como obesidade e aumento da pressão intra-abdominal, acompanhada pelo enfraquecimento das estruturas de contorno adjacentes. Foi relatada a ocorrência de histerocele inguinal com piometra em uma cadela da raça Poodle, com nove anos de idade, atendida no Ambulatório de Reprodução de Pequenos Animais do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” Unesp – Botucatu – SP. As alterações clínicas observadas foram presença de secreção vulvar mucopurulenta, hipertermia (40,2°C), vasos episclerais ingurgitados, apatia e anorexia, além da presença de hérnia inguinal esquerda. Ao exame ultrassonográfico da cavidade abdominal e da hérnia, constataram-se áreas lobuladas com regiões anecoicas bem evidentes, características dos achados ultrassonográficos de piometra, tanto no interior da cavidade como no conteúdo herniário. Os achados hematológicos revelaram anemia normocítica e normocrômica, leucocitose grave, neutrofilia e desvio a esquerda; o exame bioquímico do soro revelou alteração das enzimas hepáticas, hiperglobulinemia e hiperproteinemia, condizentes com o quadro de piometra. Diante do quadro clinico, procedeu-se laparotomia de caráter emergencial e verificou-se que ambos os cornos estavam repletos de secreção e que o conteúdo herniario tratava-se do corno uterino esquerdo. O corno distendido foi removido do anel inguinal lentamente e, apos a ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH), foi realizado a redução do anel inguinal esquerdo. Apos a recuperação pós-operatória, restabeleceu-se a saúde do paciente.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Hypoglycemia is a well recognized cause of acute symptomatic seizures. The fact that hypoglycemia can cause peripheral neuropathy is less appreciated. We describe a case of insulinoma associated peripheral neuropathy. A 17 year-old previously healthy man was referred for investigation of refractory epilepsy. A history of recurrent seizures, slowly progressive weakness of his feet and hands, and weight gain was obtained. Physical examination showed signs of a chronic sensory-motor polyneuropathy. He was diagnosed with insulinoma and primary hyperparathyroidism, characterizing multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 syndrome. Cases of insulinoma associated peripheral neuropathy are very rare. The more characteristic clinical picture appears to be distal weakness, worse in the intrinsic hand and feet muscles, and no or mild sensory signs. Peripheral nervous system symptoms may not completely resolve, despite removal of the cause of hyperinsulinism/hypoglycemia and full reversion of central nervous system symptoms. Mechanisms underlying hypoglycemic neuropathy are still poorly understood. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Prosthetic meshes are commonly used to correct abdominal wall defects. However, the inflammatory reaction induced by these devices in the peritoneum is not completely understood. We hypothesized that nitric oxide (NO), produced by nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) may modulate the response induced by mesh implants in the abdominal wall and, consequently, affect the outcome of the surgical procedure. Polypropylene meshes were implanted in the peritoneal side of the abdominal wall in wild-type and NOS2-deficient (NOS2(-/-)) mice. After 15 days tissues around the mesh implant were collected, and inflammatory markers (the cytokine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) and NO) and tissue remodeling (collagen and metalloproteinases (MMP) 2 and 9) were analyzed. The lack of NOS2-derived NO induced a higher incidence of visceral adhesions at the mesh implantation site compared with wild-type mice that underwent the same procedure (P < 0.05). Additionally, higher levels of IL-1 beta were present in the mesh-implanted NOS2(-/-) animals compared with control and wild-type mice. Mesh implantation induced collagen I and III deposition, but in smaller amounts in NOS2(-/-) mice. MMP-9 activity after the surgical procedure was similarly increased in both groups. Conversely, MMP-2 activity was unchanged in mesh-implanted wild-type mice, but was significantly increased in NOS2(-/-) mice (P < 0.01), due to decreased S-nitrosylation of the enzyme in these animals. We conclude that NOS2-derived NO is crucial for an adequate response to and integration of polypropylene mesh implants in the peritoneum. NO deficiency results in a prolonged inflammatory reaction to the mesh implant, and reduced collagen deposition may contribute to an increased incidence of visceral adhesions. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To evaluate the neuroprotection of mild hypothermia, applied in different moments, in temporary focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Methods: Rats was divided into Control (C), Sham (S), Ischemic-control(IC), Pre-ischemic Hypothermia (IH1), Intra-ischemic Hypothermia (IH2), and Post-ischemic Hypothermia (IH3) groups. Morphometry was performed using the KS400 software (Carl Zeiss (R)) in coronal sections stained by Luxol Fast Blue. Ischemic areas and volumes were obtained. Results: Statistically, blue areas showed difference for C vs. IC, IC vs. IH1 and IC vs. IH2 (p=0.0001; p=0.01; p=0.03), and no difference between C vs. S, IC vs. IH3 and IH vs. IH2 (p=0.39; p=0.85; p=0.63). Red areas showed difference between C vs. IC, IC vs. IH1 and IC vs. IH2 (p=0.0001; p=0.009; p=0.03), and no difference between C vs. S, IC vs. IH3 and IH1 vs. IH2 (p=0.48; p=0.27; p=0.68). Average ischemic areas and ischemic volumes showed difference between IC vs. IH1 and IC vs. IH2 (p=0.0001 and p=0.0011), and no difference between IC vs. IH3 and IH1 vs. IH2 (p=0.57; p=0.79). Conclusion: Pre-ischemic and intra-ischemic hypothermia were shown to be similarly neuroprotective, but this was not true for post-ischemic hypothermia.


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Introduction: Computerizd tomography (CT) is the gold standard for the evaluation of intra- (IAF) and total (TAF) abdominal fat; however, the high cost of the procedure and exposure to radiation limit its routine use. Objective: To develop equations that utilize anthropometric measures for the estimate of IAF and TAF in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Methods: The weight, height, BMI, and abdominal (AC), waist (WC), chest (CC), and neck (NC) circumferences of thirty obese women with PCOS were measured, and their IAF and TAF were analyzed by CT. Results: The anthropometric variables AC, CC, and NC were chosen for the TAF linear regression model because they were better correlated with the fat deposited in this region. The model proposed for TAF (predicted) was: 4.63725 + 0.01483 x AC - 0.00117 x NC - 0.00177 x CC (R-2 = 0.78); and the model proposed for IAF was: IAF (predicted) = 1.88541 + 0.01878 x WC + 0.05687 x NC - 0.01529 x CC (R-2 = 0.51). AC was the only independent predictor of TAF (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The equations proposed showed good correlation with the real value measured by CT, and can be used in clinical practice. (Nutr Hosp. 2012;27:1662-1666) DOI:10.3305/nh.2012.27.5.5933