995 resultados para Nb-Ta Alloys


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Thin single-crystal lamellae cut from Pb(Zr,Ti)O3–Pb(Fe,Ta)O3 ceramic samples have been integrated into simple coplanar capacitor devices. The influence of applied electric and magnetic fields on ferroelectric domain configurations has been mapped, using piezoresponse force microscopy. The extent to which magnetic fields alter the ferroelectric domains was found to be strongly history dependent: after switching had been induced by applying electric fields, the susceptibility of the domains to change under a magnetic field (the effective magnetoelectric coupling parameter) was large. Such large, magnetic field-induced changes resulted in a remanent domain state very similar to the remanent state induced by an electric field. Subsequent magnetic field reversal induced more modest ferroelectric switching.


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Recently, lead iron tantalate/lead zirconium titanate (PZTFT) was demonstrated to possess large, but unreliable, magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature. Such large coupling would be desirable for device applications but reproducibility would also be critical. To better understand the coupling, the properties of all 3 ferroic order parameters, elastic, electric, and magnetic, believed to be present in the material across a range of temperatures, are investigated. In high temperature elastic data, an anomaly is observed at the orthorhombic mm2 to tetragonal 4mm transition, Tot = 475 K, and a softening trend is observed as the temperature is increased toward 1300 K, where the material is known to become cubic. Thermal degradation makes it impos- sible to measure elastic behavior up to this temperature, however. In the low temperature region, there are elastic anomalies near ≈40 K and in the range 160–245 K. The former is interpreted as being due to a magnetic ordering transition and the latter is interpreted as a hysteretic regime of mixed rhom- bohedral and orthorhombic structures. Electrical and magnetic data collected below room temperature show anomalies at remarkably similar temperature ranges to the elastic data. These observations are used to suggest that the three order parameters in PZTFT are strongly coupled.


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Ultrasonic consolidation process is a rapid manufacturing process used to join thin layers of metal at low temperatures and low energy consumption. In this work, finite element method has been used to simulate the ultrasonic consolidation of Aluminium alloys 6061 (AA-6061) and 3003 (AA-3003). A thermomechanical material model has been developed in the framework of continuum cyclic plasticity theory which takes into account both volume (acoustic softening) and surface (thermal softening due to friction) effects. A friction model based on experimental studies has been developed, which takes into account the dependence of coefficient of friction upon contact pressure, amount of slip, temperature and number of cycles. Using the developed material and friction model ultrasonic consolidation (UC) process has been simulated for various combinations of process parameters involved. Experimental observations are explained on the basis of the results obtained in the present study. The current research provides the opportunity to explain the differences of the behaviour of AA-6061 and AA-3003 during the ultrasonic consolidation process. Finally, trends of the experimentally measured fracture energies of the bonded specimen are compared to the predicted friction work at the weld interface resulted from the simulation at similar process condition. Similarity of the trends indicates the validity of the developed model in its predictive capability of the process. © 2008 Materials Research Society.


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Epitaxial (001)-oriented 0.7Pb(Mg0.33Nb0.67)O3-0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) thin films were deposited by pulsed laser deposition on vicinal SrTiO3 (001) substrates using La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 as bottom electrode. Detailed microstructural investigations of these films were carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Polarization-field hysteresis curves were measured at room temperature. Spontaneous polarization P s , remnant polarization P r and coercive voltage V c were found to be 25 μC/cm2, 15 μC/cm2 and 0.81 V, respectively. Field dependent dielectric constant measurements exhibited butterfly shaped curves, indicating the true ferroelectric nature of these films at room temperature. The dielectric constant and the dielectric loss at 100 kHz were found to be 238 and 0.14, respectively. The local piezoelectric properties of PMN-PT films were investigated by piezoelectric force microscopy and were found to exhibit a local piezoelectric coefficient of 7.8 pm/V.


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Post-weld heat-treatment (PWHT) has been established as one of the cost-effective ways to improve the functional properties, namely shape memory and super-elastic effects (SME and SE), of laser-welded NiTi alloys. However, the functional performance of the laser-welded joint at different working temperatures has not been explored yet. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of different working temperatures on the functional properties of the laser-welded NiTi alloys before and after PWHT by applying cyclic deformation tests. Two laser-welded samples: as-welded and heat-treated sample (after PWHT at 350 oC or 623 K) were tested in this work at room temperature, 50 oC (or 323 K) and 75 oC (or 348 K) respectively. The samples were cyclically loaded and unloaded for 10 cycles up to 4 % strain. The critical stress to induce the martensitic transformation and the residual strain after the cyclic tests were recorded. The results indicate that the heat-treated sample exhibited better functional properties than the as-welded sample at room temperature and 50 oC (or 323 K). However, both the as-welded and heat-treated samples failed in the cyclic tests at 75 oC (or 348 K). These findings are important to determine the feasible working temperature range for the laser-welded NiTi components to exhibit desirable functional properties in engineering applications involving cyclic loading.


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Shape memory NiTi alloys have been used extensively for medical device applications such as orthopedic, dental, vascular and cardiovascular devices on account of their unique shape memory effect (SME) and super-elasticity (SE). Laser welding is found to be the most suitable method used to fabricate NiTi-based medical components. However, the performance of laser-welded NiTi alloys under corrosive environments is not fully understood and a specific focus on understanding the corrosion fatigue behaviour is not evident in the literature. This study reveals a comparison of corrosion fatigue behaviour of laser-welded and bare NiTi alloys using bending rotation fatigue (BRF) test which was integrated with a specifically designed corrosion cell. The testing environment was Hanks’ solution (simulated body fluid) at 37.5oC. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) measurement was carried out to monitor the change of corrosion resistance at different periods during the BRF test. Experiments indicate that the laser-welded NiTi alloy would be more susceptible to the corrosion fatigue attack than the bare NiTi alloy. This finding can serve as a benchmark for the product designers and engineers to determine the factor of safety of NiTi medical devices fabricated using laser welding.


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Despite being the most suitable candidates for solenoid pole pieces in state-of-the-art superconductor- based electromagnets, the intrinsic magnetic properties of heavy rare earth metals and their alloys have gained comparatively little attention. With the potential of integration in micro- and nanoscale devices, thin films of Gd, Dy, Tb, DyGd and DyTb were plasma-sputtered and investigated for their in-plane magnetic properties, with an emphasis on magnetisation vs. temperature profiles. Based on crystal structure analysis of the polycrystalline rare earth films, which consist of a low magnetic moment FCC layer at the seed interface topped with a higher moment HCP layer, an experimental protocol is introduced which allows the direct magnetic analysis of the individual layers. In line with the general trend of heavy lanthanides, the saturation magnetisation was found to drop with increasing unit cell size. In-situ annealed rare earth films exceeded the saturation magnetisation of a high-moment Fe65Co35 reference film in the cryogenic temperature regime, proving their potential for pole piece applications; however as-deposited rare earth films were found completely unsuitable. In agreement with theoretical predictions, sufficiently strained crystal phases of Tb and Dy did not exhibit an incommensurate magnetic order, unlike their single-crystal counterparts which have a helical phase. DyGd and DyTb alloys followed the trends of the elemental rare earth metals in terms of crystal structure and magnetic properties. Inter-rare-earth alloys hence present a desirable blend of saturation magnetisation and operating temperature.


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In an effort to achieve large high-field magnetization and increased Curie temperature, polycrystalline DyRh, (DyRh)95X5 and (DyRh)85X15 (X = Fe, Co, Ni, Gd) thin films have been prepared via ultra-high vacuum DC co-sputtering on SiO2 and Si wafers, using Ta as seed and cap material. A body-centred cubic CsCl-like crystal formation (B2 phase) was achieved for DyRh around the equiatomic equilibrium, known from single crystals. The maximum in-plane spontaneous magnetization at T = 4K in fields of μ0H = 5T of was found to be μ0MS,4K = (1.50 ± 0.09)T with a ferromagnetic transition at TC = (5 ± 1)K and a coercivity of μ0HC,4K[D] = (0.010 ± 0.001)T (at T = 4K) for layers deposited on substrates heated to 350°C. Samples prepared at room temperature exhibited poorer texture, smaller grains and less B2-phase content; this did impact on the Curie temperature which was higher compared to those layers with best crystallisation; however the maximal magnetization stayed unaffected. Ferromagnetic coupling was observed in ternary alloys of DyRhGd and DyRhNi with an increased Curie temperature, larger initial permeability, and
high-field magnetization which was best for (DyRh)85Gd15 with μ0MS,4K[Gd15] = (2.10 ± 0.13)T. DyRhFe and DyRhCo showed antiparallel coupling of the spontaneous magnetic moments.


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Titanium has good biocompatibility and so its alloys are used as implant materials, but they suffer from having poor wear resistance. This research aims to improve the wear resistance and the tensile strength of titanium alloys potentially for implant applications. Titanium alloys Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb were subjected to shotpeening process to study the wear and tensile behavior. An improvement in the wear resistance has been achieved due to surface hardening of these alloys by the process of shotpeening. Surface microhardness of shotpeened Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys has increased by 113 and 58 HV(0.5), respectively. After shotpeening, ultimate tensile strength of Ti–6Al–4V increased from 1000 MPa to 1150 MPa, higher than improvement obtained for heat treated titanium specimens. The results confirm that shotpeening pre-treatment improved tensile and sliding wear behavior of Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys. In addition, shotpeening increased surface roughness.


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Hot compression tests were carried out on 9Cr–Nb–V heat resistant steels in the temperature range of 600–1200 °C and the strain rate range of 10−2–100 s−1 to study their deformation characteristics. The full recrystallization temperature and the carbon-free bainite phase transformation temperature were determined by the slope-change points in the curve of mean flow stress versus the inverse of temperature. The parameters of the constitutive equation for the experimental steels were calculated, including the stress exponent and the activation energy. The lower carbon content in steel would increase the fraction of precipitates by increasing the volume of dynamic strain-induced (DSIT) ferrite during deformation. The ln(εc) versus ln(Z) and the ln(σc) versus ln(Z) plots for both steels have similar trends. The efficiency of power dissipation maps with instability maps merged together show excellent workability from the strain of 0.05 to 0.6. The microstructure of the experimental steels was fully recrystallized upon deformation at low Z value owing to the dynamic recrystallization (DRX), and exhibited a necklace structure under the condition of 1050 °C/0.1 s−1 due to the suppression of the secondary flow of DRX. However, there were barely any DRX grains but elongated pancake grains under the condition of 1000 °C/1 s−1 because of the suppression of the metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX).


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The formation of epitaxial BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers; is studied in terms of the growth mechanism by investigating surface morphologies, crystalline orientations, microstructures, and structures of the interfaces, as well as by determining the dielectric properties. Under specific conditions, the epitaxial BaTiO3 films follow a layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov) mechanism on SrTiO3 (001)-oriented substrates. In view of actual efforts made to grow epitaxial superlattices involving very thin individual layers of BaTiO3 and/or SrTiO3, we have determined that the BaTiO3 films Of up to 6,nm thickness do not show any defects and have a sharp BaTiO3-on-SrTiO3 interface. On the contrary, SrTiO3-on-BaTiO3 interfaces within multilayers are rough, probably due to the different growth mechanisms of the two different materials, or due to a difference in the morphological stability of the growth surfaces caused by different surface energies of BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 and by different mobilities of the Ba and Sr atoms reaching the SrTi3 and BaTiO3 layers, respectively.


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The growth mechanism of epitaxial BaTiO3 films on vicinal Nb-doped SrTiO3 (srTiO(3):Nb) (001) substrate surfaces was studied in terms of surface morphology, crystalline orientation, microstructure, and film/substrate interface. Well-oriented BaTiO3 thin films were grown on SrTiO3 substrates with well-defined terraces by pulsed laser deposition. The regularly terraced TiO2-terminated surfaces of vicinal SrTiO3:Nb (001) substrates were prepared by a definite chemical and thermal treatment. Under our conditions, BaTiO3 seems to grow with a layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov) growth mechanism. In order to investigate the orientation and crystallinity of the BaTiO3 films, x-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission election microscopy were performed. Ferroelectricity of the BaTiO3 films was proved by electrical measurements performed on Pt/BaTiO3/SrTiO3:Nb heterostructures.


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The coupling between magnetization and polarization in a room temperature multiferroic (Pb(Zr,Ti)O3–Pb(Fe,Ta)O3) is explored by monitoring changes in capacitance that occur when a magnetic field is applied in each of three orthogonal directions. Magnetocapacitance effects, consistent with P2M2 coupling, are strongest when fields are applied in the plane of the single crystal sheet investigated.


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Energies and lifetimes are reported for the lowest 375 levels of five Br-like ions, namely SrIV, YV, ZrVI, NbVII, and MoVIII, mostly belonging to the 4s<sup>2</sup>4p<sup>5</sup>, 4s<sup>2</sup>4p<sup>4</sup>4ℓ, 4s4p<sup>6</sup>, 4s<sup>2</sup>4p<sup>4</sup>5ℓ, 4s<sup>2</sup>4p<sup>3</sup>4d<sup>2</sup>, 4s4p<sup>5</sup>4ℓ, and 4s4p<sup>5</sup>5ℓ configurations. Extensive configuration interaction has been included and the general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package (grasp) has been adopted for the calculations. Additionally, radiative rates are listed among these levels for all E1, E2, M1, and M2 transitions. From a comparison with the measurements, the majority of our energy levels are assessed to be accurate to better than 2%, although discrepancies between theory and experiment for a few are up to 6%. An accuracy assessment of the calculated radiative rates (and lifetimes) is more difficult, because no prior results exist for these ions.