999 resultados para NETTRA-G3-FIFO


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Introduction: A growing interest to preserve teeth into the mouth by patients resulted in the increasing number of endodontic retreatments, and when these happen, many different types of irritants are extruded through the foramen. Objective: This study analyzed in vitro the amount of debris extruded through the foramen using four instrumentation techniques during endodontic retreatment. Material and methods: Forty mesial-buccal roots of first molars were selected, instrumented with anatomical diameter up to size #30 ISO file and then obturated with gutta-percha and grossman sealer by lateral condensation. After, they were separated and randomly allocated into four groups with 10 teeth each for the endodontic retreatment procedure: G1 – conventional technique + solvent, G2 – conventional technique without solvent, G3 – ProTaper retreatment + solvent, G4 – ProTaper retreatment without solvent. In all groups, gutta-percha in the coronal portion was removed by using size 1-3 Gates Glidden drills. All teeth were irrigated with distilled water. The debris extruded through the foramen were collected and weighed by an analytical balance. Results: Group 4 had the lowest average for material extrusion through the foramen followed by groups 2, 3 and 1. When Tukey test for statistical analysis was applied, no significant difference among groups were found (p = 0.5664). Conclusion: We conclude that all instrumentation techniques used in this study produced debris which goes beyond the foramen.


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The present study was aimed at investigating the effect of experimental infection by Trypanosoma vivax in different stages of pregnancy, determining the pathogenesis of reproductive failure, and confirming transplacental transmission. We used 12 pregnant ewes distributed into four experimental groups: G1, was formed by three ewes infected with T. vivax in the first third of pregnancy (30 days); G2 comprised three infected ewes in the final third of pregnancy (100 days); G3 and G4 were composed of three non-infected ewes with the same gestational period, respectively. Each ewe of G1 and G2 was inoculated with 1.25 × 105 tripomastigotes. Clinical examination, determination of parasitemia, serum biochemistry (albumin, total protein, glucose, cholesterol, and urea), packed cell volume (PCV), serum progesterone, and pathological examination were performed. Placenta, amniotic fluid, blood and tissues from the fetuses and stillbirths were submitted to PCR. Two ewes of G1 (Ewe 1 and 3) presented severe infection and died in the 34th and 35th days post-infection (dpi), respectively; but both fetuses were recovered during necropsy. In G2, Ewe 5 aborted two fetuses on the 130th day (30 dpi) of pregnancy; and Ewe 6 aborted one fetus in the 140th day (40 dpi) of gestation. Ewes 2 and 4 delivered two weak lambs that died five days after birth. Factors possibly involved with the reproductive failure included high parasitemia, fever, low PCV, body score, serum glucose, total protein, cholesterol, and progesterone. Hepatitis, pericarditis, and encephalitis were observed in the aborted fetuses. The presence of T. vivax DNA in the placenta, amniotic fluid, blood, and tissues from the fetuses confirms the transplacental transmission of the parasite. Histological lesion in the fetuses and placenta also suggest the involvement of the parasite in the etiopathogenesis of reproductive failure in ewes.


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Abstract Background Hypertension can be generated by a great number of mechanisms including elevated uric acid (UA) that contribute to the anion superoxide production. However, physical exercise is recommended to prevent and/or control high blood pressure (BP). The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between BP and UA and whether this relationship may be mediated by the functional fitness index. Methods All participants (n = 123) performed the following tests: indirect maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), AAHPERD Functional Fitness Battery Test to determine the general fitness functional index (GFFI), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), body mass index (BMI) and blood sample collection to evaluate the total-cholesterol (CHOL), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-c), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c), triglycerides (TG), uric acid (UA), nitrite (NO2) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (T-BARS). After the physical, hemodynamic and metabolic evaluations, all participants were allocated into three groups according to their GFFI: G1 (regular), G2 (good) and G3 (very good). Results Baseline blood pressure was higher in G1 when compared to G3 (+12% and +11%, for SBP and DBP, respectively, p<0.05) and the subjects who had higher values of BP also presented higher values of UA. Although UA was not different among GFFI groups, it presented a significant correlation with GFFI and VO2max. Also, nitrite concentration was elevated in G3 compared to G1 (140±29 μM vs 111± 29 μM, for G3 and G1, respectively, p<0.0001). As far as the lipid profile, participants in G3 presented better values of CHOL and TG when compared to those in G1. Conclusions Taking together the findings that subjects with higher BP had elevated values of UA and lower values of nitrite, it can be suggested that the relationship between blood pressure and the oxidative stress produced by acid uric may be mediated by training status.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O Brasil ocupa o segundo lugar entre os países com maiores taxas de cesariana no mundo. Pouco se sabe a respeito das consequências futuras desse procedimento sobre a saúde materna. Este estudo investigou a influência da técnica anestésico-cirúrgica e da analgesia pós-operatória no aparecimento de dor crônica após três meses da cesariana. MÉTODO: Este estudo prospectivo randomizado foi feito em 443 pacientes submetidas a cesariana (eletiva e urgente), com diferentes doses de bupivacaína 0,5% hiperbárica e opioides na raquianestesia. Os grupos foram: G1- 8 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 2,5 mg sufentanil + 100 mg morfina; G2- 10 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 2,5 mg sulfentanil + 100 mg morfina; G3- 12,5 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 100 mg morfina; G4- 15 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 100 mg morfina; G5- 12,5 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 100 mg morfina (sem anti-inflamatório perioperatório). Dor em repouso e em movimento foram avaliadas no pós-operatório imediato. Contato telefônico foi feito, após três meses do procedimento cirúrgico, para identificação das pacientes com dor crônica. RESULTADOS: A incidência de dor crônica nos grupos foi: G1 = 20%; G2 = 13%; G3 = 7,1%; G4 = 2,2% e G5 = 20,3%. Pacientes que referiram escores de dor mais elevados no período pós-operatório tiveram maior incidência de dor crônica (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de dor crônica diminui com o emprego de doses maiores de anestésicos locais e uso de anti-inflamatórios não hormonais. Escores mais elevados de dor no período pós-operatório tiveram associação com aparecimento de dor crônica após três meses da cesariana.


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This in vitro study compared different ultrasonic vibration modes for intraradicular cast post removal. The crowns of 24 maxillary canines were removed, the roots were embedded in acrylic resin blocks, and the canals were treated endodontically. The post holes were prepared and root canal impressions were taken with self-cured resin acrylic. After casting, the posts were cemented with zinc phosphate cement. The samples were randomly distributed into 3 groups (n=8): G1: no ultrasonic vibration (control); G2: tip of the ultrasonic device positioned perpendicularly to core surface and close to the incisal edge; and G3: tip of the ultrasonic device positioned perpendicularly to core surface at cervical region, close to the line of cementation. An Enac OE-5 ultrasound unit with an ST-09 tip was used. All samples were submitted to the tensile test using an universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests (α=0.05). Mean values of the load to dislodge the posts (MPa) were: G1 = 4.6 (± 1.4) A; G2 = 2.8 (± 0.9) B, and G3= 0.9 (± 0.3) C. Therefore, the ultrasonic vibration applied with the tip of device close to the core's cervical area showed higher ability to reduce the retention of cast post to root canal.


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Complete debridement with smear layer removal are essential measures for achieving a successful outcome of root canal treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of chitosan at different concentrations on the removal of the smear layer and on dentin structure after 3 and 5 min of application. Twelve recently extracted maxillary canine teeth were instrumented using the crown-down technique and irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite. The specimens were distributed according to the time and concentration of the final irrigating solution: G1: 0.1% chitosan for 3 min; G2: 0.2% chitosan for 3 min; G3: 0.37% chitosan for 3 min; G4: 0.1% chitosan for 5 min; G5: 0.2% chitosan for 5 min; G6: 0.37% chitosan for 5 min. All samples were prepared for SEM analysis. G1 exhibited removal of the smear layer, but not the smear plugs. G2 showed visible and open tubules with slight erosion of the peritubular dentin. Cleaning in G3 was similar to that in G2, however, the erosive effect was greater. There was expansion of the diameter of the tubules in G4; and in G5 and G6, there was severe erosion with deterioration of dentin surface. In conclusion, 0.2% chitosan for 3 min appeared to be efficient for removing the smear layer, causing little erosion of dentin.


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INTRODUÇÃO: No Brasil, são raros estudos com crianças surdas usuárias de aparelho auditivo acima de sete anos. OBJETIVO: Investigar o benefício fornecido pela amplificação em crianças surdas de sete a 11 anos usuárias de aparelho auditivo, sob a perspectiva da própria criança e dos adultos com quem ela mais convive, e verificar se o tempo de convívio dos adultos com a criança interfere em suas respostas. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo clínico e experimental. Participaram do estudo 48 sujeitos, divididos em 4 grupos distintos: G1- 12 crianças surdas; G2- 12 adultos com convivência média de 40 horas semanais com a criança surda; G3- 12 adultos com convivência média de 20 horas semanais com a criança surda; G4- 12 adultos com convivência média de 10 horas semanais com a criança surda. Todas as crianças eram usuárias de aparelho bilateralmente e apresentavam perda auditiva de grau severo ou profundo. RESULTDOS: Os resultados indicam um prejuízo nas habilidades auditivas das crianças avaliadas devido às dificuldades enfrentadas por elas para escutar elementos presentes em situações de seu cotidiano. Não houve diferenças nos resultados entre os diferentes grupos conforme o tempo de convivência com a criança. CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se clinicamente a viabilidade da avaliação do benefício proporcionado pelo aparelho auditivo em crianças com base nas informações da família. O aparelho de amplificação sonora individual exerceu influência nas habilidades auditivas das crianças avaliadas, apesar do benefício proporcionado pelo seu uso ser menor do que o esperado.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os ferimentos descolantes de membros inferiores geralmente se caracterizam como lesões graves e apresentam dificuldades na decisão quanto ao tratamento cirúrgico mais adequado a ser instituído, se reposicionamento do retalho avulsionado ao leito da ferida ou ressecção do retalho, seguido de seu adelgaçamento e enxertia de pele. O propósito deste estudo foi desenvolver um modelo experimental de avulsão de retalhos cutâneos em membros inferiores de ratos e observar a viabilidade do retalho após seu reposicionamento ao leito de origem, com a finalidade de melhor estudar as alterações relacionadas ao ferimento e de testar modalidades terapêuticas em retalhos avulsionados. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 90 ratos Wistar machos, subdivididos em 4 grupos experimentais. Foi delineado um modelo de avulsão de retalhos no membro inferior do rato, baseado em 4 pedículos diferentes: pedículo de fluxo proximal (G1), pedículo de fluxo distal (G2), pedículo de fluxo lateral (G3) e pedículo de fluxo medial (G4). RESULTADOS: A comparação entre as médias de área de necrose do retalho desenluvado evidenciou diferença estatística significativa entre os 4 grupos estudados (P < 0,0001). CONCLUSÕES: O grupo com pedículo de fluxo distal (G2) apresentou maior área de necrose em relação à área total do retalho, sendo o mais adequado para testar agentes terapêuticos no retalho avulsionado.


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We conducted a phase I, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate a new 5-valent oral rotavirus vaccine’s safety and immunogenicity profiles. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive 3 orally administered doses of a live-attenuated human-bovine (UK) reassortant rotavirus vaccine, containing five viral antigens (G1, G2, G3, G4 and G9), or a placebo. The frequency and severity of adverse events were assessed. Immunogenicity was evaluated by the titers of anti-rotavirus IgA and the presence of neutralizing antibodies anti-rotavirus. No severe adverse events were observed. There was no difference in the frequency of mild adverse events between experimental and control groups. The proportion of seroconversion was consistently higher in the vaccine group, for all serotypes, after each one of the doses. The 5-valent vaccine has shown a good profile of safety and immunogenicity in this small sample of adult volunteers.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi relacionar a intensidade do exercício físico e as concentrações de cortisol plasmático em cavalos de enduro, uma competição em que somente animais experientes podem competir nas provas mais longas. Foram utilizados 30 equinos Puro Sangue Árabe e mestiços Árabe, machos ou fêmeas participantes de provas de enduro. Foram divididos em três grupos de 10 animais: (G1): percorreram mais de 100km, (G2): percorreram menos de 100km, e (G3): desqualificados por causa metabólica. Foram realizadas dosagens de cortisol plasmático em três momentos diferentes: (t0): dia anterior à competição, (t1): 30 a 60 minutos após o término da prova e, (t2): 90 a 120 minutos após o término da prova. Concluiu-se que o enduro leva ao aumento do cortisol plasmático; animais que percorrem maiores distâncias apresentam menor aumento das concentrações de cortisol; animais desqualificados por causa metabólica, que passam por situações de extremo esforço físico, tendem a valores de cortisol mais elevados e animais menos experientes apresentam valores de cortisol mais elevados mesmo tendo percorrido menores distâncias.


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The aim of this study was to compare the disinfection of dentine using photodynamic therapy with methylene blue in different formulations. Thirty bovine teeth roots were autoclaved and incubated with a suspension of Enterococcus faecalis. The specimen were randomly divided into three groups: G1, the roots were filled with 10 mM methylene blue dissolved in water; G2, the roots were filled with 10 mM methylene blue dissolved in a mixture of glycerol: ethanol: water; G3, roots filled with 100 mM methylene blue dissolved in water. The groups were irradiated with a 660 nm diode laser with an output power of 100 mW for 4 min, energy density of 850 J/cm2 and after this procedure, the sensitizer was removed and microbial samples were collected from within the root canals. The samples were plated on mEnterococcus to count the colony-forming units (CFU/mL). The means were: Group 1=513×103, Group 2=1431×103 and Group 3=2.96×103. The statistical analysis detected higher disinfection achieved by G3 when compared with groups G1 and G2, and no significant difference between the groups G1 and G2 (P>0.05). The increase of the concentration of methylene blue dye achieved higher disinfection in photodynamic therapy.


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Although scientific literature has demonstrated the relevance of oral hygiene with chlorhexidine in preventing ventilation-associated pneumonia, there is a wide variation of concentrations, frequency and techniques when using the antiseptic. The aim of this research was to assessthe best chlorhexidine concentration used to perform oral hygiene to prevent ventilation-associated pneumonia. A systematic review followed by four meta-analysis using chlorhexidine concentration as criterion was carried out. Articles in English, Spanish or Portuguese indexed in the Cochrane, Embase, Lilacs, PubMed/Medline and Ovid electronic databases were selected. The research was carried out from May to June 2011. The primary outcome measure of interest was ventilation-associated pneumonia. Ten primary studies were divided in four groups (Gl-4), based on chlorhexidine concentration criterion. Gl (5 primary studies, chlorhexidine 0.12%) showed homogeneity among studies and the use of chlorhexidine represented a protective factor. G2 (3 primary studies, chlorhexidine 0.20%) showed heterogeneity among studies and chlorhexidine did not represent a protective factor. G3 (2 primary studies, chlorhexidine 2,00%) showed homogeneity among studies and the use of chlorhexidine was significant. G4 (10 primary studies with different chlorhexidine concentrations) showed homogeneity among studies and the common Relative Risk was significant. Statistic analyses showed a protective effect of oral hygiene with chlorhexidine in preventing ventilation-associated pneumonia. However, it was not possible to identity a standard to establish optimal chlorhexidine concentration.


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The present study was aimed at investigating the effect of experimental infection by Trypanosoma vivax in different stages of pregnancy, determining the pathogenesis of reproductive failure, and confirming transplacental transmission. We used 12 pregnant ewes distributed into four experimental groups: G1, was formed by three ewes infected with T. vivax in the first third of pregnancy (30 days); G2 comprised three infected ewes in the final third of pregnancy (100 days); G3 and G4 were composed of three non-infected ewes with the same gestational period, respectively. Each ewe of G1 and G2 was inoculated with 1.25 × 105 tripomastigotes. Clinical examination, determination of parasitemia, serum biochemistry (albumin, total protein, glucose, cholesterol, and urea), packed cell volume (PCV), serum progesterone, and pathological examination were performed. Placenta, amniotic fluid, blood and tissues from the fetuses and stillbirths were submitted to PCR. Two ewes of G1 (Ewe 1 and 3) presented severe infection and died in the 34th and 35th days post-infection (dpi), respectively; but both fetuses were recovered during necropsy. In G2, Ewe 5 aborted two fetuses on the 130th day (30 dpi) of pregnancy; and Ewe 6 aborted one fetus in the 140th day (40 dpi) of gestation. Ewes 2 and 4 delivered two weak lambs that died five days after birth. Factors possibly involved with the reproductive failure included high parasitemia, fever, low PCV, body score, serum glucose, total protein, cholesterol, and progesterone. Hepatitis, pericarditis, and encephalitis were observed in the aborted fetuses. The presence of T. vivax DNA in the placenta, amniotic fluid, blood, and tissues from the fetuses confirms the transplacental transmission of the parasite. Histological lesion in the fetuses and placenta also suggest the involvement of the parasite in the etiopathogenesis of reproductive failure in ewes.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate photodynamic therapy (PDT) by using a hematoporphyrin derivative as a photosensitizer and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as light source in induced mammary tumors of Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats. Twenty SD rats with mammary tumors induced by DMBAwere used. Animals were divided into four groups: control (G1), PDT only (G2), surgical removal of tumor (G3), and submitted to PDT immediately after surgical removal of tumor (G4). Tumors were measured over 6 weeks. Lesions and surgical were LEDs lighted up (200 J/cm2 dose). The light distribution in vivo study used two additional animals without mammary tumors. In the control group, the average growth of tumor diameter was approximately 0.40 cm/week. While for PDT group, a growth of less than 0.15 cm/week was observed, suggesting significant delay in tumor growth. Therefore, only partial irradiation of the tumors occurred with a reduction in development, but without elimination. Animals in G4 had no tumor recurrence during the 12 weeks, after chemical induction, when compared with G3 animals that showed 60 % recurrence rate after 12 weeks of chemical induction. PDT used in the experimental model of mammary tumor as a single therapy was effective in reducing tumor development, so the surgery associated with PDT is a safe and efficient destruction of residual tumor, preventing recurrence of the tumor.


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Introdução: vários fatores estão associados à lesão de isquemia fria (IF) e referfusão quente (RQ) no transplante hepático (TxH), tais como infiltrado de neutrófilos e linfo-plasmocitário, liberação de citoquinas inflamatórias e apoptose. Porém, pouco se conhece sobre o papel da IF/RQ em enxertos esteatóticos. Objetivo: avaliar o papel da lesão de IF/RQ no TxH em humanos comparando enxertos esteatóticos e não esteatóticos. Métodos: entre maio/02 e março/07 foram realizadas 84 biópsias pós reperfusão (2hs após RQ) e 18 pré reperfusão, totalizando-se 84 TxH em 82 pacientes. As biópsias foram agrupadas em 5 grupos, de acordo com o grau de macro e microesteatose: GEL – leve (<30%), GEM – moderada (30-59%), GEG - grave (≥60%), GEA - sem esteatose, GPR-pré-reperfusão. Nas 102 biópsias foram analisadas: porcentagens de macro e microesteatose, graus de exudato de neutrófilos (0-3) e infiltrado linfo-plasmocitário portal (0-3), índices de apoptose (métodos de Túnel e Caspase- 3) e de ICAM-1. As esteatoses macro (n=49) e microvesicular (n=74) foram individualmente analisadas e classificadas em graus leve (G1), moderado (G2) e grave (G3) e ausente (G4). Resultados: o índice de apoptose (TUNEL) foi: GEL=0.262±0.111, GEM=0.278±0.113, GEG=0.244±0.117, GEA=0,275±0.094 e GPR=0.181±0.123, p-0.07. No grupo macroesteatose índice de apoptose (TUNEL) foi: G1=0.284± 0.106, G2+3=0.160±0.109, G4=0,275±0.094, p-0.05; e no grupo microesteatose, G1=0.222±0.123, G2+3=0.293±0.108, G4=0.275±0.094, p-0.049. O GEG expressou o ICAM-1 em 83% dos casos de forma difusa. Não existiu diferença estatística entre os grupos ao analisarmos os índices de apoptose (caspase-3) e ICAM-1. Conclusão: o GEG e o grupo macroesteatose (moderado e grave) apresentaram significante redução no índice de apoptose, enquanto o grupo microesteatose (moderado e grave), significante aumento. E o GEG apresentou expressão de ICAM-1 difusamente, podendo ser estes marcadores envolvidos na lesão de I/R hepática dos enxertos esteatóticos.