941 resultados para Multivariate statistics
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Statistical organizations of the Caribbean countries continue to face serious challenges posed by the increased demand for more relevant, accurate and timely statistical data. Tangible progress has been made in delivering key products in the area of economic statistics. The central banks of the subregion have assisted greatly in this respect. However, even in this branch of statistics there are still several glaring gaps. The situation is even worse in other areas of statistics including social and environmental statistics. Even though all countries of the subregion have committed to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as well as to other internationally agreed development goals serious challenges remain with respect to the compilation of the agreed indicators to assist in assessing progress towards the goals. It is acknowledged that appreciable assistance has been provided by the various donor agencies to develop statistical competence. This assistance has translated into the many gains that have been made. However, the national statistical organizations require much more help if they are to reach the plateau of self reliance in the production of the necessary statistical services. The governments of the subregion have also committed to invest more in statistical development and in promoting a statistics culture in the Caribbean. The training institutions of the subregion have also started to address this urgent need by broadening and deepening their teaching curricula. Funding support is urgently required to develop the appropriate cadre of statistical professionals to deliver the required outputs. However, this training must be continuous and must be sustained over an appropriate period since the current turnover of trained staff is high. This programme of training will need to be intensive for a period of at least five years after which it may be reduced. The modalities of training will also have to be more focused and in addition to formal training at educational institutions there is much room for on-the-job training, group training at the national level and much more south-south capacity building. There is also an urgent need to strengthen cooperation and collaboration among the donor community in the delivery of assistance for statistical development. Several development agencies with very good intentions are currently operating in the Caribbean. There is a danger however, that efforts can be duplicated if agencies do not collaborate adequately. Development agencies therefore need to consult with each other much more and share there development agenda more freely if duplication is to be averted. Moreover, the pooling of resources can surely maximize the benefits to the countries of the subregion.
The unavailability of data to inform policy planning and formulation has been repeatedly cited as the main challenge to economic and social progress in the Caribbean. Furthermore, even in instances when data is produced, broader gaps exist between its production and eventual use for evidence-based policy formulation. Owing to those challenges, this report explores the use of databases of social and gender statistics in the development of policies and programmes in the Caribbean subregion. The report offers a general appraisal of databases against two main considerations: (i) maximizing the use of existing databases in relevant policies and programmes; and (ii) bridging the gaps in data availability of relevant statistical databases and their analyses. The assessment entailed an inventory of social and gender databases maintained by data producers in the region and analysis of the extent to which the databases are used for policy formulation. To that end, a literature search as well as consultations with a number of knowledgeable persons active in the field of statistics and data provision was conducted. Based on the review, a set of recommendations were produced to improve current practices within the region with respect evidence based policy formulation.
The data revolution for sustainable development has triggered interest in the use of big data for official statistics such that theUnited Nations Economic and Social Council considers it to be almost an obligation for statistical organizations to explore big data. Big data has been promoted as a more timely and cheaper alternative to traditional sources of official data, and one that offers great potential for monitoring the sustainable development goals. However, privacy concerns, technology and capacity remain significant obstacles to the use of big data. This study makes a case for incorporating big data in official statitics in the Caribbean by highlight the opportunities that big data provides for the subregion, while suggesting ways to manage the challenges. It serves as a starting point for further discussions on the many facets of big data and provides an initial platform upon which a Caribbean big data strategy could be built.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A Ilha das Onças é uma das numerosas ilhas que se encontram na margem esquerda da Baía do Guajará, sendo conhecida principalmente pela presença da palmeira que produz o açaí como fruto (Euterpe oleracea,) e pela importância que seus canais representam para a navegação regional. Entre os principais canais que compõem a ilha, destaca-se o Canal do Piramanha, que atravessa a Ilha das Onças. A composição e a distribuição da ictiofauna presente na Ilha é pouco conhecida, com base nisso, esse trabalho teve como objetivo descrever as espécies da região, bem como do seu uso pelo ambiente, e a importância que possuem para a população local. Foram feitas entrevistas com os pescadores onde foram obtidas informações básicas sobre a pesca no local. Foram realizadas pescarias trimestrais de acordo com os períodos climáticos com rede de tapagem no igarapé e de emalhe no canal. No momento da despesca foram registrados in situ os dados abióticos (pH, salinidade, temperatura), que não apresentaram diferenças entre os períodos. Foram capturados 1200 indivíduos de 20 famílias de maioria Aspredinidae, Sciaenidae e Pimelodidae, distribuídos em 39 espécies identificadas (27 no canal e 26 no igarapé). As espécies foram em sua maioria constantes (FO>75%), e a diversidade foi similar ao longo do tempo, não havendo espécies dominantes em nenhum período de coleta. A estatística W mostra ambientes perturbados, nos meses mais chuvosos de março e dezembro, onde também foram registrados as maiores abundâncias (CPUEn e CPUEb), indicando a análise pode não ser adequada a ambientes onde há dominância de indivíduos de pequeno porte, fazendo com que o método confunda a existência natural de grande quantidade de indivíduos pequenos com uma troca de dominância. As análises multivariadas mostraram que os ambientes são significativamente diferentes, principalmente pela grande abundância numérica de A. aspredo no canal, e da P. squamosissimus no igarapé, que juntamente com o L. dorsalis, o H. marginatus, o A. aff. ucayalensis formam as principais espécies capturadas na Ilha. No canal houve maioria de espécies estuarinas, que se alimentam principalmente de zoobentos e peixes, e no igarapé, houve dominância de espécies dulcícolas, cujas preferências alimentares mudam ao longo do ano, aparentemente de acordo com o regime de chuvas. De maneira geral as espécies são de pequeno e médio porte (CT < 30 cm), imaturas (maioria em estádio A) e alimentando-se em pelo menos um período do ano. Apesar do ambiente favorável a pesca, 90% dos entrevistados tem no açaí sua principal fonte de renda, sendo a pesca colocada como fonte secundária, baseada nos períodos de safra e entre safra do açaí. A principal arte de pesca é o matapi que tem como alvo o camarão da Amazônia (Macrobachium amazonicum), seguida das malhadeiras e tapagens, cujas espécies alvo são na sua maioria as mesmas capturadas em abundancia nesse estudo. Pelo pequeno porte e baixo valor econômico, a pesca na ilha é realizada principalmente como fonte suplementar de proteínas, visto que a intensa atividade pesqueira e a perturbação causada pelas embarcações diminuem ainda mais esse número.