988 resultados para Movement sensors
Rapport de recherche présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en sciences économiques.
En tant qu'acteur important de la vie politique québécoise, le mouvement des femmes a réussi à garantir de nouveaux droits pour les femmes et a fortement contribué à améliorer leurs conditions de vie. Cependant, son incapacité à reconnaître et à prendre en compte les expériences particulières des femmes qui vivent de multiple discriminations a été critiquée entre autres par les femmes autochtones, les femmes de couleur, les femmes immigrantes, les lesbiennes et les femmes handicapées. Par exemple, dans les 40 dernières années, un nombre croissant de femmes immigrantes et racisées se sont organisées en parallèle au mouvement pour défendre leurs intérêts spécifiques. Dans ce mémoire, je me penche sur la façon dont le mouvement des femmes québécois a répondu à leurs demandes de reconnaissance et adapté ses pratiques pour inclure les femmes de groupes ethniques et raciaux minoritaires. Bien que la littérature sur l'intersectionalité ait fourni de nombreuses critiques des tentatives des mouvements sociaux d'inclure la diversité, seulement quelques recherches se sont penchées sur la façon dont les organisations tiennent compte, dans leurs pratiques et discours, des identités et intérêts particuliers des groupes qui sont intersectionnellement marginalisés. En me basant sur la littérature sur l'instersectionnalité et les mouvements sociaux, j'analyse un corpus de 24 entretiens effectués auprès d'activistes travaillant dans des associations de femmes au Québec afin d'observer comment elles comprennent et conceptualisent les différences ethniques et raciales et comment cela influence en retour leurs stratégies d'inclusion. Je constate que la façon dont les activistes conceptualisent l'interconnexion des rapports de genre et de race/ethnicité en tant qu'axes d'oppression des femmes a un impact sur les plateformes politiques des organisations, sur les stratégies qu'elles mettent de l'avant pour favoriser l'inclusion et l'intégration des femmes immigrantes et racisées et sur leur capacité à travailler en coalition.
Thesis written in co-mentorship with director: Nelly Huynh; co-directors: Frank Rauch and Jean-Marc Retrouvey; collaborators: Clarice Nishio, Duy-Dat Vu and Nathalie Alos
En Amérique du Nord, les militants et les juristes ont longtemps cru que les avocats progressistes pourraient offrir des avantages tactiques importants aux mouvements sociaux. Cette perspective optimiste a cédé la place pendant les années 1970 à une attitude critique à l'égard des avocats et des litiges. Les chercheurs se sont interrogés sur l’efficacité d’assimiler les revendications politiques à des atteintes aux droits individuels, pour être ensuite présentées devant les tribunaux. Le litige était perçu comme source d’une influence négative qui favorise l’isolement et l’individualisme. De plus, les chercheurs ont remarqué qu’il y avait le potentiel pour les avocats militants – bien qu’ils soient bien intentionnés – d’exercer leur profession d’une manière qui pourrait donner un sentiment d’impuissance aux autres participants du mouvement social. Les premières versions de cette critique vont souvent assimiler la « stratégie juridique » avec le litige présenté devant les tribunaux judiciaires et géré par les avocats. Une réponse inspirante à cette critique a développée au début des années 2000, avec l'émergence d’un modèle de pratique que les chercheurs aux États-Unis ont nommé « law and organizing ». Des études normatives sur ce modèle offrent des arguments nuancés en faveur d’une pratique militante interdisciplinaire, partagée entre les avocats et les organisateurs. Ces études continuent à attribuer les risques d’individualisation et d’impuissance aux avocats et aux litiges. Selon ce modèle, au lieu de diriger la stratégie, les avocats travaillent en collaboration avec les travailleurs sociaux, les organisateurs et les citoyens pour planifier la stratégie du mouvement social, tout en favorisant l'autonomisation et la mobilisation de la collectivité. La présente thèse offre un examen critique de ce modèle, à travers l'une de ses tactiques bien connues: le traitement des problèmes juridiques individuels par les organisations militantes. La thèse examine les hypothèses fondatrices du modèle « law and organizing », en réinterprétant les problèmes d’individualisation et d’impuissance comme étant des enjeux reconnus dans de multiples disciplines, partout où les acteurs font de l’intervention sur une base individuelle afin de provoquer un changement systémique. La thèse soutient qu’un modèle de la pratique engagée du droit qui associe l'individualisation et l'impuissance exclusivement à la profession d'avocat risque de répondre de façon inadéquate aux deux problèmes. La recherche propose un modèle modifié qui met l'accent sur les options juridiques accessibles aux militants, tout en reconnaissant que la mobilisation et l'autonomisation sont des priorités qui sont partagées entre plusieurs disciplines, même si elles peuvent être traitées de façon particulière à l’intérieur de la profession juridique.
In this study Fabrication of Potentiometric sensors for the determination of certain metal ions, presents the synthesis and characterization of seven ionophores, their use in the fabrication of potentiometric sensors and the results and discussion of fourteen sensors developed for the determination of five transition metal ions. As part of the present investigations a total of fourteen potentiometric sensors have been developed and fabricated. A three fold approach has been taken in developing he sensors, PVC plasticized membrane sensor, carbon paste electrode and chemically modified carbon paste electrode. All the sensors are highly useful in the determination of metal ions such as manganese, nickel, copper, mercury and lead. A through analytical study has been carried out with respect to each other developed. Based on these studies, optimum conditions have been developed for the quantitative determinations of the selected metal ions using the sensors. Systematic application studies have also been carried out for all the developed sensors and the results revealed that the presently developed sensors are far superior than most of the sensors reported.
In this communication, we discuss the details of fabricating an off-line fibre optic sensor (FOS) based on evanescent wave absorption for detecting trace amounts of Fe3+ in water. Two types of FOS are developed; one type uses the unclad portion of a multimode silica fibre as the sensing region whereas the other employs the microbent portion of a multimode plastic fibre as the sensing region. Sensing is performed by measuring the absorption of the evanescent wave in a reagent medium surrounding the sensing region. To evaluate the relative merits of the two types of FOS in Fe3+ sensing, a comparative study of the sensors is made, which reveals the superiority of the latter in many respects, such as smaller sensing length, use of a double detection scheme (for detecting both core and cladding modes) and higher sensitivity of cladding mode detection at an intermediate range of concentration along with the added advantage that plastic fibres are inexpensive. A detection limit of 1 ppb is observed in both types of fibre and the range of detection can be as large as 1 ppb–50 ppm. All the measurements are carried out using a LabVIEW set-up.
In this communication, we discuss the details of fabricating an off-line fibre optic sensor (FOS) based on evanescent wave absorption for detecting trace amounts of Fe3+ in water. Two types of FOS are developed; one type uses the unclad portion of a multimode silica fibre as the sensing region whereas the other employs the microbent portion of a multimode plastic fibre as the sensing region. Sensing is performed by measuring the absorption of the evanescent wave in a reagent medium surrounding the sensing region. To evaluate the relative merits of the two types of FOS in Fe3+ sensing, a comparative study of the sensors is made, which reveals the superiority of the latter in many respects, such as smaller sensing length, use of a double detection scheme (for detecting both core and cladding modes) and higher sensitivity of cladding mode detection at an intermediate range of concentration along with the added advantage that plastic fibres are inexpensive. A detection limit of 1 ppb is observed in both types of fibre and the range of detection can be as large as 1 ppb–50 ppm. All the measurements are carried out using a LabVIEW set-up.
In this communication, we discuss the details of fabricating an off-line fibre optic sensor (FOS) based on evanescent wave absorption for detecting trace amounts of Fe3+ in water. Two types of FOS are developed; one type uses the unclad portion of a multimode silica fibre as the sensing region whereas the other employs the microbent portion of a multimode plastic fibre as the sensing region. Sensing is performed by measuring the absorption of the evanescent wave in a reagent medium surrounding the sensing region. To evaluate the relative merits of the two types of FOS in Fe3+ sensing, a comparative study of the sensors is made, which reveals the superiority of the latter in many respects, such as smaller sensing length, use of a double detection scheme (for detecting both core and cladding modes) and higher sensitivity of cladding mode detection at an intermediate range of concentration along with the added advantage that plastic fibres are inexpensive. A detection limit of 1 ppb is observed in both types of fibre and the range of detection can be as large as 1 ppb–50 ppm. All the measurements are carried out using a LabVIEW set-up.
In this communication, we discuss the details of fabricating an off-line fibre optic sensor (FOS) based on evanescent wave absorption for detecting trace amounts of Fe3+ in water. Two types of FOS are developed; one type uses the unclad portion of a multimode silica fibre as the sensing region whereas the other employs the microbent portion of a multimode plastic fibre as the sensing region. Sensing is performed by measuring the absorption of the evanescent wave in a reagent medium surrounding the sensing region. To evaluate the relative merits of the two types of FOS in Fe3+ sensing, a comparative study of the sensors is made, which reveals the superiority of the latter in many respects, such as smaller sensing length, use of a double detection scheme (for detecting both core and cladding modes) and higher sensitivity of cladding mode detection at an intermediate range of concentration along with the added advantage that plastic fibres are inexpensive. A detection limit of 1 ppb is observed in both types of fibre and the range of detection can be as large as 1 ppb–50 ppm. All the measurements are carried out using a LabVIEW set-up.
Metallic glass alloy Metglas 2826 MB based amorphous magnetic thin films were fabricated by the thermal evaporation technique. Transmission electron micrographs and electron diffraction pattern showed the amorphous nature of the films. Composition of the films was analyzed employing x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy techniques. The film was integrated to a long period fibre grating. It was observed that the resonance wavelength of the fibre grating decreased with an increase in the magnetic field. Change in the resonance wavelength was minimal at higher magnetic fields. Field dependent magnetostriction values revealed the potential application of these films in magnetostrictive sensor devices
PVC supported liquid membrane and carbon paste potentiometric sensors incorporating an Mn(III)-porphyrin complex as a neutral host molecule were developed for the determination of paracetamol. The measurements were carried out in solution at pH 5.5. Under such conditions paracetamol exists as a neutral molecule. The mechanism of molecular recognition between the Mn(III)-porphyrin and paracetamol, leading to potentiometric signal generation, is discussed.The sensitivity and selectivity toward paracetamol of carbon paste and polymeric liquid membrane electrodes incorporating an Mn(III)-porphyrin host were compared. The applicability of these sensors to the direct determination of paracetamol was checked by performing a recovery test in human plasma.
The fabrication and analytical applications of two types of potentiometric sensors for the determination of ketoconazole (KET) are described. The sensors are based on the use of KET-molybdophosphoric acid (MPA) ion pair as electroactive material. The fabricated sensors include both polymer membrane and carbon paste electrodes. Both sensors showed a linear, stable and near Nernstian slope of 57.8mV=decade and 55.2mV=decade for PVC membrane and carbon paste sensors respectively over a relatively wide range of KET concentration (1×10-2-5×10-5 and 1×10-2-1×10-6). The sensors showed a fast response time of <30 sec and <45 sec. A useful pH range of 3–6 was obtained for both types of sensors. A detection limit of 2.96 10 5M was obtained for PVC membrane sensor and 6.91 10 6M was obtained for carbon paste sensor. The proposed sensors proved to have a good selectivity for KET with respect to a large number of ions. The proposed sensors were successfully applied for the determination of KET in pharmaceutical formulations. The results obtained are in good agreement with the values obtained by the standard method.
The design and fabrication of fiber based ammonia sensors employing Bromothymol blue and Chitosan as sensing elements are presented in this paper. In the presence of ammonia gas the absorption of Bromothymol blue changes while in the case of Chitosan the refractive index changes which in turn modulates the intensity of light propagating through a fiber.
International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology