997 resultados para Movement expression in artificial agents


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The molecular mechanisms governing sex determination and differentiation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) are not fully understood. To gain more insights into the function of specific genes in these complex processes, the expression of multiple candidates needs to be assessed, preferably on the protein level. Here, we developed a targeted proteomics method based on selected reaction monitoring (SRM) to study the candidate sex-related proteins in zebrafish which were selected based on a global proteomics analysis of adult gonads and representational difference analysis of male and female DNA, as well as on published information on zebrafish and other vertebrates. We employed the developed SRM protocols to acquire time-resolved protein expression profiles during the gonad differentiation period in vas::EGFP transgenic zebrafish. Evidence on protein expression was obtained for the first time for several candidate genes previously studied only on the mRNA level or suggested by bioinformatic predictions. Tuba1b (tubulin alpha 1b), initially included in the study as one of the potential housekeeping proteins, was found to be preferentially expressed in the adult testis with nearly absent expression in the ovary. The revealed changes in protein expression patterns associated with gonad differentiation suggest that several of the examined proteins, especially Ilf2 and Ilf3 (interleukin enhancer-binding factors 2 and 3), Raldh3 (retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type 3), Zgc:195027 (low density lipoprotein-related receptor protein 3) and Sept5a (septin 5a), may play a specific role in the sexual differentiation in zebrafish.


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Background: Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappaB Ligand (RANKL), a member of the TNF superfamily, contributes to the imbalance of bone resorption and immunoregulation in rheumatoid arthritis. In mice, collagen induced arthritis was exacerbated by IL-3 and anti-IgER antibodies, two mediators activating basophils that are known as effector cells of allergy. Interestingly, our unpublished microarray data revealed that IL-3 induces RANKL mRNA in human basophils. Here we further investigate under which conditions human basophils express surface and/or soluble RANKL. Methods: One part of purified human basophils was co-stimulated with IL-3 and either IgE-dependent or IgE-independent stimuli. The other part of purified basophils was first primed with IL-3 and subsequently triggered with IgE-dependent or IgE-independent stimuli. Expression of surface and soluble RANKL were detected by flow cytometry, ELISA and real-time PCR. Results: By flow cytometry we show that IL-3 induces de novo expression of surface RANKL on human basophils in a time and dose dependent manner. Co-stimulation of basophils with IL-3 and an IgE-dependent stimulus reduces IL-3-induced expression of surface RANKL in a dose dependent manner while IgE-independent stimuli have no effect. In contrast, both IgE-dependent and IgE-independent stimuli enhance expression of surface and soluble RANKL in basophils that were first primed with IL-3 and then triggered. Real-time PCR analysis shows that surface hRANKL1 and soluble hRANKL3 are induced by IL-3 and reduced by co-stimulation with IL-3 and an IgE-dependent stimulus and thus confirms our flow cytometry data. Conclusion: RANKL expression in human basophils is not only dependent on IL-3 and IgE-dependent/IgE-independent stimuli but also on the sequence of their addition to cell culture. Based on our data, we suggest that basophils might have previously unidentified functions in bone resorption or immunoregulation via RANKL.


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Background: Approximately 20% of all colorectal cancers are hypothesized to arise from the "serrated pathway" characterized by mutation in BRAF, high-level CpG Island Methylator Phenotype, and microsatellite instability/mismatch repair (MMR)-deficiency. MMR-deficient cancers show frequent losses of Cdx2, a homeodomain transcription factor. Here, we determine the predictive value of Cdx2 expression for MMR-deficiency and investigate changes in expression between primary cancers and matched lymph node metastases. Methods: Immunohistochemistry for Cdx2, Mlh1, Msh2, Msh6, and Pms2 was performed on whole tissue sections from 201 patients with primary colorectal cancer and 59 cases of matched lymph node metastases. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis and Area under the Curve (AUC) were investigated; association of Cdx2 with clinicopathological features and patient survival was carried out. Results: Loss of Cdx2 expression was associated with higher tumor grade (p = 0.0002), advanced pT (p = 0.0166), and perineural invasion (p = 0.0228). Cdx2 loss was an unfavorable prognostic factor in univariate (p = 0.0145) and multivariate [p = 0.0427; HR (95% CI): 0.58 (0.34-0.98)] analysis. The accuracy (AUC) for discriminating MMR-proficient and - deficient cancers was 87% [OR (95% CI): 0.96 (0.95-0.98); p < 0.0001]. Specificity and negative predictive value for MMR-deficiency was 99.1 and 96.3%. One hundred and seventy-four patients had MMR-proficient cancers, of which 60 (34.5%) showed Cdx2 loss. Cdx2 loss in metastases was related to MMR-deficiency (p < 0.0001). There was no difference in expression between primary tumors and matched metastases. Conclusion: Loss of Cdx2 is a sensitive and specific predictor of MMR-deficiency, but is not limited to these tumors, suggesting that events "upstream" of the development of microsatellite instability may impact Cdx2 expression.


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BACKGROUND Programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) receptor triggering by PD ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibits T cell activation. PD-L1 expression was detected in different malignancies and associated with poor prognosis. Therapeutic antibodies inhibiting PD-1/PD-L1 interaction have been developed. MATERIALS AND METHODS A tissue microarray (n=1491) including healthy colon mucosa and clinically annotated colorectal cancer (CRC) specimens was stained with two PD-L1 specific antibody preparations. Surgically excised CRC specimens were enzymatically digested and analysed for cluster of differentiation 8 (CD8) and PD-1 expression. RESULTS Strong PD-L1 expression was observed in 37% of mismatch repair (MMR)-proficient and in 29% of MMR-deficient CRC. In MMR-proficient CRC strong PD-L1 expression correlated with infiltration by CD8(+) lymphocytes (P=0.0001) which did not express PD-1. In univariate analysis, strong PD-L1 expression in MMR-proficient CRC was significantly associated with early T stage, absence of lymph node metastases, lower tumour grade, absence of vascular invasion and significantly improved survival in training (P=0.0001) and validation (P=0.03) sets. A similar trend (P=0.052) was also detectable in multivariate analysis including age, sex, T stage, N stage, tumour grade, vascular invasion, invasive margin and MMR status. Interestingly, programmed death receptor ligand 1 (PDL-1) and interferon (IFN)-γ gene expression, as detected by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in fresh frozen CRC specimens (n=42) were found to be significantly associated (r=0.33, P=0.03). CONCLUSION PD-L1 expression is paradoxically associated with improved survival in MMR-proficient CRC.


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Cancers arising in mucosal tissues account for a disproportionately large fraction of malignancies. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and the neonatal Fc receptor for IgG (FcRn) have an important function in the mucosal immune system that we have now shown extends to the induction of CD8(+) T cell-mediated antitumor immunity. We demonstrate that FcRn within dendritic cells (DCs) was critical for homeostatic activation of mucosal CD8(+) T cells that drove protection against the development of colorectal cancers and lung metastases. FcRn-mediated tumor protection was driven by DCs activation of endogenous tumor-reactive CD8(+) T cells via the cross-presentation of IgG complexed antigens (IgG IC), as well as the induction of cytotoxicity-promoting cytokine secretion, particularly interleukin-12, both of which were independently triggered by the FcRn-IgG IC interaction in murine and human DCs. FcRn thus has a primary role within mucosal tissues in activating local immune responses that are critical for priming efficient anti-tumor immunosurveillance.


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Multidrug resistance protein 4 (MRP4) is a transmembrane transport protein found in many cell types and is involved in substrate-specific transport of endogenous and exogenous substrates. Recently, it has shown to be expressed in prostate cancer cell lines and to be among the most commonly upregulated transcripts in prostate cancer, although a comprehensive expression analysis is lacking so far. We aimed to investigate its expression by immunohistochemistry in a larger cohort of neoplastic and nonneoplastic prostate tissues (n = 441) and to correlate its expression with clinicopathological parameters including PSA-free survival times and molecular correlates of androgen signaling (androgen receptor (AR), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and forkhead box A (FoxA)). MRP4 is widely expressed in benign and neoplastic prostate epithelia, but its expression gradually decreases during tumor progression towards castrate-resistant disease. Concordantly, it correlated with conventional prognosticators of disease progression and-within the group of androgen-dependent tumors-with AR and FoxA expression. Moreover, lower levels of MRP4 expression were associated with shorter PSA relapse-free survival times in the androgen-dependent group. In benign tissues, we found zone-dependent differences of MRP4 expression, with the highest levels in the peripheral and central zones. Although MRP4 is known to be regulated in prostate cancer, this study is the first to demonstrate a gradual downregulation of MRP4 protein during malignant tumor progression and a prognostic value of this loss of expression.


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In the United States, endometrial cancer is the leading cancer of the female reproductive tract. There are 40,100 new cases and 7,470 deaths from endometrial cancer estimated for 2008 (47). The average five year survival rate for endometrial cancer is 84% however, this figure is substantially lower in patients diagnosed with late stage, advanced disease and much higher for patients diagnosed in early stage disease (47). Endometrial cancer (EC) has been associated with several risk factors including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, previously documented occurrence of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), and heightened exposure to estrogen (25). As of yet, there has not been a dependable molecular predictor of endometrial cancer occurrence in women with these predisposing factors. The goal of our lab is to identify genes that are aberrantly expressed in EC and may serve as molecular biomarkers of EC progression. One candidate protein that we are exploring as a biomarker of EC progression is the cell survival protein survivin.


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Squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (SCCHN) is the tenth most common cancer in the world. Unfortunately, the survival of patients with SCCHN has not improved in the last 40 years. Therefore new targets for therapy are needed, and to this end we are studying signaling pathways activated by IL-6 which we have found stimulates cell migration and soft agar growth in SCCHN. Our data show that IL-6 increases TWIST expression in a transcription-independent mechanism in many SCCHN cell lines. Further investigation reveals TWIST can be phosphorylated upon IL-6 treatment. By computation prediction (http://scansite.mit.edu/motifscan_seq.phtml ), we found that TWIST has a putative phosphorylation site for casein kinase 2 (CK2) suggesting that this kinase could serve as a link between IL-6 stimulation and Twist stability. To test this hypothesis, we used a CK2 inhibitor and shRNA to CK2 and found that these interventions inhibited IL-6 stimulation of TWIST stability. In addition, mutation of the putative CK2 phosphorylation site (S18/S20A) in TWIST decreased the amount of phospho-ATP incorporated by TWIST in an in vitro kinase assay, and altered TWIST stability. In Boyd chamber migration assay and wound-healing assay, the CK2 inhibitor, DMAT, was found to decrease the motility of IL-6 stimulated SCCHN cells and over expression of either a wild-type or the hyperphosphorylated mimicking mutant S18/20D –Twist rather than the hypo-phosphorylated mimicking mutant S18/20A-Twist can promote SCCHN cell motility.To our knowledge, this is the first report to identify the importance of IL-6 stimulated CK2 phosphorylation of TWIST in SCCHN. As CK2 inhibitors are currently under phase I clinical trials, our findings indicate that CK2 may be a viable therapeutic target in SCCHN. Therefore, further pre-clinical studies of this inhibitor are underway.