946 resultados para Monoliyhic gels


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O trabalho apresentado nesta tese focou-se no estudo do amido, nomeadamente na avaliação das características físico-químicas, morfológicas, térmicas e reológicas do amido de seis variedades de milho crioulo, preservadas no estado de Santa Catarina (Brasil), com o intuito de contribuir para a valorização e preservação de variedades locais que são cultivadas em sistemas de produção orgânica, também conhecidas como variedades crioulas. Estas sementes são importantes quer para a preservação da biodiversidade quer para os pequenos produtores que as conservam e as produzem fazendo uso de uma agricultura sustentável e independente comercialmente. Para além da caracterização dos amidos crioulos foram também analisadas as alterações que ocorrem nos processos de gelatinização e retrogradação do amido quando realizados na presença de outros biopolímeros, nomeadamente a quitosana e galactomananas. No Capítulo I é apresentada uma breve revisão do conhecimento científico sobre o amido e sobre a quitosana e galactomananas, os outros biopolímeros utilizados. Igualmente é feita uma sucinta abordagem sobre as principais técnicas analíticas que foram utilizadas: reologia fundamental, calorimetria diferencial de varrimento, microscopia eletrónica de varrimento e espectroscopia de infravermelho médio. No capítulo II apresenta-se o isolamento dos amidos das seis variedades de milho crioulo e a sua caracterização junto com um amido comercial usado como modelo de comparação. Os amidos apresentaram genericamente características físicoquímicas semelhantes e o amido extraído das variedades crioulas MT e MPA 01 apresentaram menor temperatura de gelatinização e maior percentagem de retrogradação, respetivamente. Os efeitos da adição da quitosana e de três galactomananas (goma guar, goma de alfarroba e goma cassia) em sistemas mistos com o amido são analisados nos Capítulos III e IV respetivamente. A adição dos biopolímeros aos amidos resultou no aumento das temperaturas de gelatinização, na alteração da retrogradação do amido pelas galactomananas e na alteração das propriedades viscoeláticas dos géis formados. Os dados de infravermelho esclareceram que nos sistemas com quitosana, o amido formou complexos com o ácido acético usado para dissolver a quitosana e que esta por sua vez formou acetato de quitosana. O comportamento durante a gelatinização do amido comercial quando comparado com o amido do milho crioulo MPA na sua interação com as galactomananas é diferenciado.


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An inherently short vase life is a problematic characteristic of cut flowers and foliage for otherwise attractive native Australian Acacia spp. Reasons underlying the poor postharvest water uptake of cut acacia stems have been elusive. A. holosericea was used to investigate possible bacteria-induced and wound-induced xylem occlusion. The effects of bacterial-and wound-induced xylem blockage on water uptake were investigated by light and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Observations were made on cut stems that stood into either deionised water (DIW; control) or 0.5 mM Cu2+ solution and on stems pulsed with 2.2 mM Cu2+ solution and then stood into DIW. The stem-end region of cut A. holosericea that stood into DIW or Cu2+ solution became covered with bacterial growth after 3 days. Regardless of the bacterial biofilm, the Cu2+ treated stems had improved water relations and vase life. Therefore, the biofilm had little or no effect on cut A. holosericea longevity. Further observations revealed presence of a vessel-occluding substance (gel) originating from axial parenchyma cells in direct physical contact with xylem vessels. The gel exuded into vessel lumens through pit membranes, evidently as a wound-response. Xylem occlusion by gels in A. holosericea may be especially problematic due to an abundance of secretory contact cells relative to xylem elements. Nonetheless, active wound response processes may be the key determinant of short postharvest longevity for this and possibly other cut Acacia spp. Cu2+ treatments, however, disrupted the secretory function of axial parenchyma cells thereby preventing vessel occlusion by the gels.


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Harnessing the power of nuclear reactions has brought huge benefits in terms of nuclear energy, medicine and defence as well as risks including the management of nuclear wastes. One of the main issues for radioactive waste management is liquid radioactive waste (LRW). Different methods have been applied to remediate LRW, thereunder ion exchange and adsorption. Comparative studies have demonstrated that Na2Ti2O3SiO4·2H2O titanosilicate sorption materials are the most promising in terms of Cs+ and Sr2+ retention from LRW. Therefore these TiSi materials became the object of this study. The recently developed in Ukraine sol-gel method of synthesizing these materials was chosen among the other reported approaches since it allows obtaining the TiSi materials in the form of particles with size ≥ 4mm. utilizing inexpensive and bulk stable inorganic precursors and yielded the materials with desirable properties by alteration of the comparatively mild synthesis conditions. The main aim of this study was to investigate the physico-chemical properties of sol-gel synthesized titanosilicates for radionuclide uptake from aqueous solutions. The effect of synthesis conditions on the structural and sorption parameters of TiSi xerogels was planned to determine in order to obtain a highly efficient sorption material. The ability of the obtained TiSis to retain Cs+, Sr2+ and other potentially toxic metal cations from the synthetic and real aqueous solutions was intended to assess. To our expectations, abovementioned studies will illustrate the efficiency and profitability of the chosen synthesis approach, synthesis conditions and the obtained materials. X-ray diffraction, low temperature adsorption/desorption surface area analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used for xerogels characterization. The sorption capability of the synthesized TiSi gels was studied as a function of pH, adsorbent mass, initial concentration of target ion, contact time, temperature, composition and concentration of the background solution. It was found that the applied sol-gel approach yielded materials with a poorly crystalline sodium titanosilicate structure under relatively mild synthesis conditions. The temperature of HTT has the strongest influence on the structure of the materials and consequently was concluded to be the control factor for the preparation of gels with the desired properties. The obtained materials proved to be effective and selective for both Sr2+ and Cs+ decontamination from synthetic and real aqueous solutions like drinking, ground, sea and mine waters, blood plasma and liquid radioactive wastes.


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Neste trabalho é descrita a síntese de novos N-acilaminoácidos e Nacilaminoésteres graxos derivados de ácidos graxos saturados e insaturados como, por exemplo, esteárico e ricinoléico, respectivamente. Após, foi avaliada a capacidade destes compostos para a gelificação de hidrocarbonetos e as propriedades dos géis formados foram estudadas pelas técnicas de Espectroscopia de Infravermelho (IV) e Calorimetria de Varredura Diferencial (DSC). A síntese dos N-acilaminoésteres graxos foi realizada na presença de DCC, DMAP e dos respectivos aminoésteres e ácidos graxos. Os N-acilaminoésteres graxos 11-15a-d foram isolados em rendimentos que variaram de 50-84%, após 12h de reação a temperatura ambiente. Os N-acilaminoácidos graxos 16-20a-d foram obtidos a partir da hidrólise básica de 11-15a-d realizada a temperatura ambiente, em rendimentos que variaram de 34-80%. A seguir foi realizado o estudo de gelificação com todos os compostos sintetizados para verificar a influência das diferentes cadeias graxas e dos grupos laterais dos aminoácidos e aminoésteres na gelificação de tolueno, hexano e gasolina. As análises de DSC e IV mostraram que a estabilidade dos géis dependeu do tipo e do tamanho da cadeia lipofílica e também da natureza dos grupos laterais ligados ao átomo de nitrogênio. Dentre os compostos testados os compostos 17a-b de cadeia satura (C16:0 e C18:0) e 19a (C16:0), derivados da alanina e da fenilalanina, respectivamente, formaram géis em hexano, gasolina e tolueno. Pela primeira vez foram citadas as capacidades de gelificação de hidrocarbonetos pelos Nacilaminoésteres graxos 15a-b de cadeia saturada, derivados da serina, sendo os géis derivados destes compostos os mais estáveis termicamente dentre todos os obtidos.


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New devices were designed to generate a localized mechanical vibration of flexible gels where human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured. The stimulation setups were able to apply relatively large strains (30%~50%) at high temporal frequencies (140~207 Hz) in a localized subcellular region. One of the advantages of this technique was to be less invasive to the innate cellular functions because there was no direct contact between the stimulating probe and the cell body. A mechanical vibration induced by the device in the substrate gel where cells were seeded could mainly cause global calcium responses of the cells. This global response was initiated by the influx of calcium across the stretch-activated channels in the plasma membrane. The subsequent production of inositol triphosphate (IP3) via phospholipase C (PLC) activation triggered the calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to cause a global intracellular calcium fluctuation over the whole cell body. This global calcium response was also shown to depend on actomyosin contractility and F-actin integrity, probably controlling the membrane stretch-activated channels. The localized nature of the stimulation is one of the most important features of these new designs as it allowed the observation of the calcium signaling propagation by ER calcium release. The next step was to focus on the calcium influx, more specifically the TRPM7 channels. As TRPM7 expression may modulate cell adhesion, an adhesion assay was developed and tested on HUVECs seeded on gel substrates with different treatments: normal treatment on gels showed highest attachment rate, followed by the partially treated gels (only 5% of usual fibronectin amount) and untreated gels, with the lowest attachment rate. The trend of the attachment rates correlated to the magnitude of the calcium signaling observed after mechanical stimulation. TRPM7 expression inhibition by siRNA caused an increased attachment rate when compared to both control and non-targeting siRNA-treated cells, but resulted in an actual weaker response in terms of calcium signaling. It suggests that TRPM7 channels are indeed important for the calcium signaling in response to mechanical stimulation. A complementary study was also conducted consisting in the mechanical stimulation of a dissected Drosophila embryo. Although ionomycin treatment showed calcium influx in the tissue, the mechanical stimulation delivered as a vertical vibration did not elicited calcium signaling in response. One possible reason is the dissection procedure causing desensitization of the tissue due to the scrapings and manipulations to open the embryo.


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In recent years marine biotechnology has revealed a crucial role in the future of bioindustry. Among the many marine resources, cyanobacteria have shown great potential in the production of bioactive compounds with diverse applicability. The pharmacological potential of these organisms has been one of the most explored areas in particular its antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer potential. This work was based on the assessment of potential anticancer compound E13010 F 5.4 isolated from marine cyanobacteria strain Synechocystis salina LEGE 06099. Thus the aim of this work was to explore molecular and biochemical mechanisms underlying the bioactivity detected in human cancer cells, specifically in lines RKO colon carcinoma and HT-29. The isolation of the compound was performed from biomass obtained by large-scale culture. To obtain the compound fractionation was carried and confirmation and isolation performed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Cell viability assays were performed based on reduction of 3- (4,5-dimetiltiaziol-2-yl) -2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) to assess the cytotoxic potential of the compound. From the battery of cell lines RKO (colon carcinoma), HT-29 (colorectal adenocarcinoma), MG-63 (osteosarcoma) and T47D (breast carcinoma) the cell lines RKO and HT-29 were selected for elucidation of mechanisms of cytotoxicity. For the elucidation of the mechanisms involved in cytotoxicity the cell lines RKO and HT29 were exposed to the compound. A genomic approach based in the mRNA expression of genes involved in apoptosis and cell cycle by Real-Time PCR and a proteomic approach based on the separation of proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DGE) was performed. For mRNA expression were selected the genes RPL8, HPRT1, VDAC, SHMT2, CCNE, CCNB1, P21CIP, BCL-2 and BAD and for proteomics isoelectric focussing between 3 – 10 and molecular weight of 19 – 117 kDa separated by polyacrylamide gels (2DGE). The MTT results confirmed the reduction of the cell viability. The RT-PCR results for the expression of genes studied were not yet fully elucidative. For the cell line RKO there was a significant reduction in the expression of the gene P21CIP, and a tendency for reduction in the BAD gene expression and for increased expression of gene CCNB1, pointing to an effort for cell proliferation. In HT-29 cell line, there was a tendency for increase in the expression of P21CIP and BAD, which may explain the reduction in cell viability. The 2DGE results indicate proteomic patterns with differentially altered spots in the treated and control cells with both qualitative and quantitative differences, and differences in response between the RKO and HT-29 cell lines.


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La compréhension des interrelations entre la microstructure et les processus électroniques dans les polymères semi-conducteurs est d’une importance primordiale pour leur utilisation dans des hétérostructures volumiques. Dans cette thèse de doctorat, deux systémes diffèrents sont étudiés ; chacun de ces systèmes représente une approche diffèrente pour optimiser les matériaux en termes de leur microstructure et de leur capacité à se mettre en ordre au niveau moléculaire. Dans le premier système, j’ai effectué une analyse complète des principes de fonctionnement d’une cellule photovoltaïque hybride à base des nanocristaux d’oxyde de zinc (ZnO) et du poly (3-hexylthiophène) (P3HT) par absorption photoinduite en régime quasi-stationnaire (PIA) et la spectroscopie PIA en pompage modulé dépendant de la fréquence. L’interface entre le donneur (le polymère P3HT) et l’accepteur (les nanoparticules de ZnO), où la génération de charges se produit, joue un rôle important dans la performance des cellules photovoltaïques hybrides. Pour améliorer le mécanisme de génération de charges du P3H: ZnO, il est indispensable de modifier l’interface entre ses constituants. Nous avons démontré que la modification d’interface moléculaire avec cis-bis (4, 40 - dicarboxy-2, 20bipyridine) ruthénium (II) (N3-dye) et a-Sexithiophen-2 yl-phosphonique (6TP) a améliorée le photocourant et la performance dans les cellules P3HT: ZnO. Le 6TP et le N3 s’attachent à l’interface du ZnO, en augmentant ainsi l’aire effective de la surface donneur :accepteur, ce qui contribue à une séparation de charge accrue. De plus, le 6TP et le N3 réduisent la densité de pièges dans le ZnO, ce qui réduit le taux de recombinaison des paires de charges. Dans la deuxième partie, jai introduit une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyréne à masse molaire ulra-élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide pour piéger et protéger une solution de poly [2-méthoxy, 5- (2´-éthyl-hexoxy) -1,4-phénylènevinylène- PPV] (MEHPPV) pour utilisation dans des dispositifs optoèlectroniques quantiques. Des travaux antérieurs ont montré que MEH-PPV en solution subit une transition de conformation, d’une conformation enroulé à haute température (phase bleue) à une conformation de chaîne étendue à basse température (phase rouge). La conformation de la chaîne étendue de la solution MEH-PPV favorise les caractéristiques nécessaires à l’amélioration des dispositifs optoélectroniques quantiques, mais la solution ne peut pas être incorporées dans le dispositif. J’ai démontré que la caractéristique de la phase rouge du MEH-PPV en solution se maintient dans une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyrène transformé de masse molaire très élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide (gel de MEH-PPV/UHMW PS), par le biais de la spectroscopie de photoluminescence (PL) dépendant de la température (de 290K à 80 K). La phase rouge du gel MEH-PPV/UHMW PS se manifeste par des largeurs de raie étroites et une intensité augmentée de la transition 0-0 de la progression vibronique dans le spectre de PL ainsi qu’un petit décalage de Stokes entre la PL et le spectre d’absorption à basse température. Ces approches démontrent que la manipulation de la microstructure et des propriétés électroniques des polymères semi-conducteurs ont un impact direct sur la performance de dispositifs pour leurs développements technologiques continus.


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Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la première cause de mortalité dans le monde et les anévrismes de l’aorte abdominale (AAAs) font partie de ce lot déplorable. Un anévrisme est la dilatation d’une artère pouvant conduire à la mort. Une rupture d’AAA s’avère fatale près de 80% du temps. Un moyen de traiter les AAAs est l’insertion d’une endoprothèse (SG) dans l’aorte, communément appelée la réparation endovasculaire (EVAR), afin de réduire la pression exercée par le flux sanguin sur la paroi. L’efficacité de ce traitement est compromise par la survenue d’endofuites (flux sanguins entre la prothèse et le sac anévrismal) pouvant conduire à la rupture de l’anévrisme. Ces flux sanguins peuvent survenir à n’importe quel moment après le traitement EVAR. Une surveillance par tomodensitométrie (CT-scan) annuelle est donc requise, augmentant ainsi le coût du suivi post-EVAR et exposant le patient à la radiation ionisante et aux complications des contrastes iodés. L’endotension est le concept de dilatation de l’anévrisme sans la présence d’une endofuite apparente au CT-scan. Après le traitement EVAR, le sang dans le sac anévrismal coagule pour former un thrombus frais, qui deviendra progressivement un thrombus plus fibreux et plus organisé, donnant lieu à un rétrécissement de l’anévrisme. Il y a très peu de données dans la littérature pour étudier ce processus temporel et la relation entre le thrombus frais et l’endotension. L’étalon d’or du suivi post-EVAR, le CT-scan, ne peut pas détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Il y a donc un besoin d’investir dans une technique sécuritaire et moins coûteuse pour le suivi d’AAAs après EVAR. Une méthode récente, l’élastographie dynamique, mesure l’élasticité des tissus en temps réel. Le principe de cette technique repose sur la génération d’ondes de cisaillement et l’étude de leur propagation afin de remonter aux propriétés mécaniques du milieu étudié. Cette thèse vise l’application de l’élastographie dynamique pour la détection des endofuites ainsi que de la caractérisation mécanique des tissus du sac anévrismal après le traitement EVAR. Ce projet dévoile le potentiel de l’élastographie afin de réduire les dangers de la radiation, de l’utilisation d’agent de contraste ainsi que des coûts du post-EVAR des AAAs. L’élastographie dynamique utilisant le « Shear Wave Imaging » (SWI) est prometteuse. Cette modalité pourrait complémenter l’échographie-Doppler (DUS) déjà utilisée pour le suivi d’examen post-EVAR. Le SWI a le potentiel de fournir des informations sur l’organisation fibreuse du thrombus ainsi que sur la détection d’endofuites. Tout d’abord, le premier objectif de cette thèse consistait à tester le SWI sur des AAAs dans des modèles canins pour la détection d’endofuites et la caractérisation du thrombus. Des SGs furent implantées dans un groupe de 18 chiens avec un anévrisme créé au moyen de la veine jugulaire. 4 anévrismes avaient une endofuite de type I, 13 avaient une endofuite de type II et un anévrisme n’avait pas d’endofuite. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été réalisés à l’implantation, puis 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois après le traitement EVAR. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et des coupes macroscopiques ont été produits au sacrifice. Les régions d’endofuites, de thrombus frais et de thrombus organisé furent identifiées et segmentées. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions furent comparées. Celles-ci furent différentes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Également, le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (1) et le DUS (3) ont échoué. Dans la continuité de ces travaux, le deuxième objectif de ce projet fut de caractériser l’évolution du thrombus dans le temps, de même que l’évolution des endofuites après embolisation dans des modèles canins. Dix-huit anévrismes furent créés dans les artères iliaques de neuf modèles canins, suivis d’une endofuite de type I après EVAR. Deux gels embolisants (Chitosan (Chi) ou Chitosan-Sodium-Tetradecyl-Sulfate (Chi-STS)) furent injectés dans le sac anévrismal pour promouvoir la guérison. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été effectués à l’implantation et après 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et un examen histologique ont été réalisés au sacrifice afin d’évaluer la présence, le type et la grosseur de l’endofuite. Les valeurs du module d’élasticité des régions d’intérêts ont été identifiées et segmentées sur les données pathologiques. Les régions d’endofuites et de thrombus frais furent différentes de façon significative comparativement aux autres régions (P < 0.001). Les valeurs d’élasticité du thrombus frais à 1 semaine et à 3 mois indiquent que le SWI peut évaluer la maturation du thrombus, de même que caractériser l’évolution et la dégradation des gels embolisants dans le temps. Le SWI a pu détecter des endofuites où le DUS a échoué (2) et, contrairement au CT-scan, détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Finalement, la dernière étape du projet doctoral consistait à appliquer le SWI dans une phase clinique, avec des patients humains ayant déjà un AAA, pour la détection d’endofuite et la caractérisation de l’élasticité des tissus. 25 patients furent sélectionnés pour participer à l’étude. Une comparaison d’imagerie a été produite entre le SWI, le CT-scan et le DUS. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions (endofuite, thrombus) furent identifiées et segmentées. Celles-ci étaient distinctes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Le SWI a détecté 5 endofuites sur 6 (sensibilité de 83.3%) et a eu 6 faux positifs (spécificité de 76%). Le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (2) ainsi que le DUS (2) ont échoué. Il n’y avait pas de différence statistique notable entre la rigidité du thrombus pour un AAA avec endofuite et un AAA sans endofuite. Aucune corrélation n’a pu être établie de façon significative entre les diamètres des AAAs ainsi que leurs variations et l’élasticité du thrombus. Le SWI a le potentiel de détecter les endofuites et caractériser le thrombus selon leurs propriétés mécaniques. Cette technique pourrait être combinée au suivi des AAAs post-EVAR, complémentant ainsi l’imagerie DUS et réduisant le coût et l’exposition à la radiation ionisante et aux agents de contrastes néphrotoxiques.


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There has been considerable interest in developing shape-changing soft materials for potential applications in drug delivery, microfluidics and biosensing. These shape- changing materials are inspired by the morphological changes exhibited by plants in nature, such as the Venus flytrap. One specific class of shape-change is that from a flat sheet to a folded structure (e.g., a tube). Such “self-folding” materials are usually composed of polymer hydrogels, and these typically fold in response to external stimuli such as pH and temperature. In order to develop these hydrogels for the previously described applications, it is necessary to expand the range of triggers. The focus of this dissertation is the advancement of shape-changing polymer hydrogels that are sensitive to uncommon cues such as specific biomolecules (enzymes), the substrates for such enzymes, or specific multivalent cations. First, we describe a hybrid gel that responds to the presence of low concentrations of a class of enzymes known as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The hybrid gel was created by utilizing photolithographic techniques to combine two or more gels with distinct chemical composition into the same material. Certain portions of the hybrid gel are composed of a biopolymer derivative with crosslinkable groups. The hybrid gel is flat in water; however, in the presence of MMPs, the regions containing the biopolymer are degraded and the flat sheet folds to form a 3D structure. We demonstrate that hydrogels with different patterns can transform into different 3D structures such as tubes, helices and pancakes. Furthermore, this shape change can be made to occur at physiological concentrations of enzymes. Next, we report a gel with two layers that undergoes a shape change in the presence of glucose. The enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) is immobilized in one of the layers. GOx catalyzes the conversion of glucose to gluconic acid. The production of gluconic acid decreases the local pH. The decrease in local pH causes one of the layers to swell. As a result, the flat sheet folds to form a tube. The tube unfolds to form a flat sheet when it is transferred to a solution with no glucose present. Therefore, this biomolecule- triggered shape transformation is reversible, meaning the glucose sensing gel is reusable. Furthermore, this shape change only occurs in the presence of glucose and it does not occur in the presence of other small sugars such as fructose. In our final study, we report the shape change of a gel with two layers in the presence of multivalent ions such as Ca2+ and Sr2+. The gel consists of a passive layer and an active layer. The passive layer is composed of dimethylyacrylamide (DMAA), which does not interact with multivalent ions. The active layer consists of DMAA and the biopolymer alginate. In the presence of Ca2+ ions, the alginate chains crosslink and the active layer shrinks. As a result, the gel converts from a flat sheet to a folded tube. What is particularly unusual is the direction of folding. In most cases, when flat rectangular gels fold, they do so about their short-side. However, our gels typically fold about their long-side. We hypothesize that non-homogeneous swelling determines the folding axis.