936 resultados para Mixed Type Variables Clustering


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This study examined the utility of self-efficacy as a predictor of social activity and mood control in multiple sclerosis (MS). Seventy-one subjects with MS were recruited from people attending an MS centre or from a mailing list and were examined on two occasions that were two months apart. Clinic patients were more disabled than patients who completed assessments by post, but they were of higher socioeconomic status and were less dysphoric; We attempted to predict self-reported performance of mood control and social activity at two months, from self-efficacy or performance on these tasks at pretest. Demographic variables, disorder status, disability, self-esteem and depression were also allowed to compete for entry into multiple regressions. Substantial stability in mood, performance and disability was observed over the two months. In both mood control and social activity, past performance was the strongest predictor of later performance, but self-efficacy also contributed significantly to the prediction. The disability level entered a prediction of social activity; but no other variables predicted either type of performance. A secondary analysis predicting self-esteem at two months also included self-efficacy for social activity, illustrating the contribution of perceived capability to later assessments of self-worth. The study provided support for self-efficacy as a predictor of later behavioural outcomes and self-esteem in multiple sclerosis. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Background-In the Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes (BARI 2D) trial, an initial strategy of coronary revascularization and optimal medical treatment (REV) compared with an initial optimal medical treatment with the option of subsequent revascularization (MED) did not reduce all-cause mortality or the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and stable ischemic heart disease. In the same population, we tested whether the REV strategy was superior to the MED strategy in preventing worsening and new angina and subsequent coronary revascularizations. Methods and Results-Among the 2364 men and women (mean age, 62.4 years) with type 2 diabetes mellitus, documented coronary artery disease, and myocardial ischemia, 1191 were randomized to the MED and 1173 to the REV strategy preselected in the percutaneous coronary intervention (796) and coronary artery bypass graft (377) strata. Compared with the MED strategy, the REV strategy at the 3-year follow-up had a lower rate of worsening angina (8% versus 13%; P < 0.001), new angina (37% versus 51%; P = 0.001), and subsequent coronary revascularizations (18% versus 33%; P < 0.001) and a higher rate of angina-free status (66% versus 58%; P = 0.003). The coronary artery bypass graft stratum patients were at higher risk than those in the percutaneous coronary intervention stratum, and had the greatest benefits from REV. Conclusions-In these patients, the REV strategy reduced the occurrence of worsening angina, new angina, and subsequent coronary revascularizations more than the MED strategy. The symptomatic benefits were observed particularly for high-risk patients.


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We showed in 1988 that there are two strains of Chlamydia psittaci which infect the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). In order to further investigate the role of these chlamydial strains in pathogenesis, we have attempted to identify genes of koala type I strain chlamydial which are involved in the immunogenic response, Transformation of Escherichia coli with a plasmid containing a 6.3-kb fragment (pKOC-10) of C. psittaci DNA caused the appearance of a specific chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) epitope on the host strain. The smallest DNA fragment capable of inducing the expression of chlamydial LPS was an Xbal fragment, 2.4 kb in size (pKOC-5). DNA sequence analysis of the complete fragment revealed regions of high identity, at the amino acid level, to the gseA genes of C. pneomoniae, C. psittaci 6BC and C. trachomatis, and the kdtA gene of E. coli which code for transferases catalysing the addition of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo) residues to lipid A. Two open reading frames (ORFs) of 1,314 and 501 nucleotides in size, within the 2.4-kb fragment, were evident, and mRNA species corresponding to these ORFs were detected by Northern analysis. Both ORF1 and ORF2 are required for the appearance of chlamydia-specific LPS on the surface of recombinant E. coli.


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A study of spin-orbit mixing and nephelauxetic effects in the electronic spectra of nickel(II)-encapsulating complexes involving mixed nitrogen and sulfur donors is reported. As the number of sulfur donors is systematically varied through the series [Ni(N6-xSx)](2+) (x = 0-6), the spin-forbidden (3)A(2)g --> E-1(g) and (3)A(2g) --> (1)A(1g) transitions undergo a considerable reduction in energy whereas the spin-allowed transitions are relatively unchanged. The [Ni(diAMN(6)sar)](2+) and [Ni(AMN(5)Ssar)](2+) complexes exhibit an unusual band shape for the (3)A(2g) --> T-3(2g) transition which is shown to arise from spin-orbit mixing of the E spin-orbit levels associated with the E-1(g) and T-3(2g) states. A significant differential nephelauxetic effect also arises from the covalency differences between the t(2g) and e(g) orbitals with the result that no single set of Racah B and C interelectron repulsion parameters adequately fit the observed spectra. Using a differential covalency ligand-field model, the spectral transitions are successfully reproduced with three independent variables corresponding to 10Dq and the covalency parameters f(t) and f(e), associated with the t(2g) and e(g) orbitals, respectively. The small decrease in f(t) from unity is largely attributed to central-field covalency effects whereas the dramatic reduction in f(e) with increasing number of sulfur donors is a direct consequence of the increased metal-ligand covalency associated with the sulfur donors. Covalency differences between the t(2g) and e(g) orbitals also result in larger 10Dq values than those obtained simply from the energy of the (3)A(2g) --> T-3(2g) spin-allowed transition.


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The embryonic peripheral nervous system of Drosophila contains two main types of sensory neurons: type I neurons, which innervate external sense organs and chordotonal organs, and type II multidendritic neurons, Here, we analyse the origin of the difference between type I and type II in the case of the neurons that depend on the proneural genes of the achaete-scute complex (ASC), We show that, in Notch(-) embryos, the type I neurons are missing while type nr neurons are produced in excess, indicating that the type I/type II choice relies on Notch-mediated cell communication, In contrast, both type I and type II neurons are absent in numb(-) embryos and after ubiquitous expression of tramtrack, indicating that the activity of numb and the absence of tramtrack are required to produce both external sense organ and multidendritic neural fates, The analysis of string(-) embryos reveals that when the precursors are unable to divide they differentiate mostly into type II neurons, indicating that the type II is the default neuronal fate, We also report a new mutant phenotype where the ASC-dependent neurons are converted into-type II neurons, providing evidence for the existence of one or more genes required for maintaining the alternative (type I) fate, Our results suggest that the same mechanism of type I/type II specification may operate at a late step of the ASC-dependent lineages, when multidendritic neurons arise as siblings of the external sense organ neurons and, at an early step, when other multidendritic neurons precursors arise as siblings of external sense organ precursors.


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Background Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is a clinicopathologic subtype of cutaneous malignant melanoma. ALM is the most common type of melanoma amongst Asians, Africans, and patients with mixed ancestry. In Brazil, ALM comprises 10% of cutaneous melanoma. ALM develops on palmar, plantar, and subungual skin, and its biology is different from that of other cutaneous melanomas, where sunlight is the major known environmental determinant. Alterations and inactivation of the p16INK4 gene that encodes a specific inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase have been related to melanoma genesis and progression. Few studies, however, have addressed p16 expression in ALM. Methods In order to verify and compare p16 protein expression, 32 paraffin-embedded ALM specimens were subjected to a immunohistochemical technique using a monoclonal anti-p16 antibody. The tumors were classified according to thickness (up to 1.0 mm and thicker than 1.0 mm) and the presence of ulceration. Results Twenty-five (78%) ALMs displayed positive p16 protein expression: 21 of the 25 (84%) with a thickness of more than 1.0 mm, and four of the seven (57%) with a thickness of 1.0 mm or less. Thirteen of the 17 (76%) nonulcerated lesions and 12 of the 15 (80%) ulcerated lesions displayed positive p16 protein expression. Conclusion The data obtained suggest that p16 protein expression per se may not represent a marker of retinoblastoma protein (pRb) pathway disturbance in ALM tumorigenesis.