976 resultados para Mill Factory
Aquest treball vol ser una aproximació a l’obra Die schöne Müllerin, D795, un cicle de vint cançons per a veu i piano, que Franz Schubert va compondre l’any 1823. L’obra es basa en un conjunt de poemes que havia escrit poc abans Wilhelm Müller, i que expliquen la història del desengany amorós d’un jove aprenent de moliner. La bella molinera presenta un ventall infinit de colors, emocions, paisatges... Va des de l’alegria més eufòrica fins a la desesperança més fonda, passant per moments d’ironia, de somnis i de sorpreses. Tot això és analitzat en el treball, número per número, tan en l’aspecte literari com en el musical, i en la seva interrelació.
Odontopus brevirostris (Hustache, 1936) feeding on Annona squamosa L., A. cherimola Mill., A. glabra L., and A. muricata L. was observed. The last three host plants are recorded for the first time. The endophitic oviposition occurs in the veins of the ventral surface of the young leaves. The larvae, leaf miners, eat the parenchyma and the adults make small holes in the leaves. The pupation occurs in spherical cocoons protected by a sort of nest (pupation chamber) between the two epidermal layers.
Many species of Apiaceae are found in the Macaronesien Region. Several have been introduccd by human activities, but a number of taxa is endemic to the different archipelagos or even rrstrictcd to a single island. The following enumeration is based mainly on HANSEN & SUNDING ( 1993). In the Arores 28 different taxa of Apiaceae occur; among them four endemic species [AUIMI; hrrrrii WATSON, A. trifoliatum (WATSON) TKEL., Clrtrc~,y~l~~ll~r~~~ cl:oricrm TREL.. SOErich trwrictr GUTIINICK ex SEUB.]. In Madeira the Apiaceae are very diverse and consist ol’ 29 species and subspecies. From the archipelago two monotypic genera, rC/c/trtio. velitru~rr t/ccipicvr.s (SCHRAD. & J. C. WENDL.) Ho~+hl. md kJorli:ia edu[is LOWE and ~hrcc cndcmic species [Oemmrlre diwricore (R. BR.) MABB.. I/nperrr/orio lotvei COSS. and Burrirr~r hre~$~lirrnr LOWE] are described. The Canary Islands have the highest numbcr of plant-species and a high level of endemism. 5-l taxa of Apiaceae are recorded including three endemic genera (Rtrrheopsis A. HANSEX & KUNKEL, Todm-oa PARL. and Tiqyrmm PARL.) and further I5 endemic taxa. The Apiaceae are represented in the Cape Verde Islands by I2 species. Most of the taxa have been introduced by human activities (LOBIN & ZIZKA 1957) like Amvhm grm’eo- 1efr.s L., Apirm grmvolerrs L, Foerricrrhrr urlgore MILL.. Corimrtlru~t~ srrtirvrrrr L. or Petrosilerrm crisprrm (FRILL.) A.W.HILL. These species are cultivated and some of them later became \\esdy. Other species like Ciclosper- UWL /e/~fo/~/l~ll~rrtr (PER%) SPRAGUE (= Apimr leproplr~llrr~rr) are weeds of cultivated grounds or wasted lands. All these species are today widespread in temperate. subtropical or tropical regions all over the world. The only native species are to be found in the endemic genus To~wI~~I~~~ PARL.
In this paper we consider a location and pricing model for a retail firm that wants to enter a spatial market where a competitor firm is already operating as a monopoly with several outlets. The entering firms seeks to determine the optimal uniform mill price and its servers' locations that maximizes profits given the reaction in price of the competitor firm to its entrance. A tabu search procedure is presentedto solve the model together with computational experience.
This paper examines changes in the organization of the Spanish cotton industry from 1720 to 1860 in its core region of Catalonia. As the Spanish cotton industry adopted the most modern technology and experienced the transition to the factory system, cotton spinning and weaving mills became increasingly vertically integrated. Asset specificity more than other factors explained this tendency towards vertical integration. The probability for a firm of being vertically integrated was higher among firms located in districts with high concentration ratios and rose with size and the use of modern machinery. Simultaneously, subcontracting predominated in other phases of production and distribution where transaction costs appears to be less important.
This paper deals whit the dynamics of the Catalan textile labour market (theSpanish region that concentrated most of the industrial and factory activity duringthe 19 Century) and offers hypotheses and results on the impact it had on livingstandards and fertility levels. We observe the formation of an uneven labourmarket in which male supply for labour (excluding women and children) grewmuch faster than the demand. We stress the fact that labour supply is verydependant on institutional factors liked to the transmition of household propertybetween generations. Instead the slow path of growth of adult males demand forlabour is witnessing the limits of this industry to expand and to compete ininternational markets. The strategy of working class families to adapt to scarceopportunities of employment we document here is the diminution of legitimatefertility levels. Fertility control is the direct instrument we think workers have tocontrol their number in a situation that was likely to create labour surpluses in theshort and mid run.
The Department’s 2007 Greenhouse Gas Inventory is a refinement of previous statewide inventories. It is a bottom-up inventory of two sectors – fossil fuel combustion at federally-recognized major sources of air pollution and fossil fuel combustion and ethanol fermentation at dry mill ethanol plants. This is the first bottomup greenhouse gas inventory conducted for Iowa and the first bottom-up greenhouse gas inventory of ethanol plants in the nation that the Department is aware of. In a bottom-up inventory, facility-specific activity data is used to calculate emissions. In a top-down inventory, aggregate activity data is used to calculate emissions. For example, this bottom-up inventory calculates greenhouse gas emissions from the fossil fuel combustion at each individual facility instead of using the total amount of fossil fuel combusted state-wide, which would be a top-down inventory method. The advantage to a bottom-up inventory is that the calculations are more accurate than a top-down inventory. However, because the two methods differ, the results from a bottom-up inventory are not directly comparable to a top-down inventory.
El trabajo comprende un análisis de los desembarques de "ca amar" y "pota" desde 1964 a 1981 así como de los resultados de la pesca exploratoria de setiembre 1979 a abril 1 980. las principales especies de cafalópados que se comercializan en Perú bajo la nominación de calamares ( y calamaretes) pertenecen a la familia Loliginidae y de potas o jibias a la familia Ommastrephidae. El promedi o anual de desembarque de 1964 a 1971 de calamarés y potas fue de 243 y 313 toneladas respectivamente, de 1972 a 1981 continúa el desembarque regular de calamares pero no el de potas . Las mejores capturas de calamares y potas se producen en otoño durante los meses de mayo y junio y también en el verano durante los meses de enero y febrero . Casi la totalidad de desembarques de calamares se efectúan en el Callao, Huacho, Chimbote, Paita y el 78% de potas se desembarcan en el Callao y caletas aledañas. La pesca exploratoria de cefalópodos pelágicos efectuada principalmente a bordo del B/P japonés Rhyusho Maru Nº 25, de diciembre a abril 1980, cubrió todo el litoral peruano hasta las 500 mill as afuera. Se efectuaron 128 estaciones de pesca con el sistema y equipos especificas para la captura de calamares; se obtuvo una extracción de 18 toneladas de potas que correspondió a la especie oceánica Dosidicus gigas, con un promedi o de 140 kg por noche y amplitud entre 4 y 830 kg por noche de operación. Los niveles de la población de D. gigas durante la exploración estuvieron bajos, sin embargo las mejores concentraciones de esta especie se ubicaron en la zona norte a partir de las 30 millas hacia afuera en los meses de febrero y marzo( 246 y 224 kg/noche), observándose regulares focos a 350 millas afuera de Atico (16°10'8) en marzo (202 kg/noche) .
This paper presents a comparison of the changes in the energetic metabolic pattern of China and India, the two most populated countries in the world, with two economies undergoing an important economic transition. The comparison of the changes in the energetic metabolic pattern has the scope to characterize and explain a bifurcation in their evolutionary path in the recent years, using the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach. The analysis shows an impressive transformation of China’s energy metabolism determined by the joining of the WTO in 2001. Since then, China became the largest factory of the world with a generalized capitalization of all sectors ―especially the industrial sector― boosting economic labor productivity as well as total energy consumption. India, on the contrary, lags behind when considering these factors. Looking at changes in the household sector (energy metabolism associated with final consumption) in the case of China, the energetic metabolic rate (EMR) soared in the last decade, also thanks to a reduced growth of population, whereas in India it remained stagnant for the last 40 years. This analysis indicates a big challenge for India for the next decade. In the light of the data analyzed both countries will continue to require strong injections of technical capital requiring a continuous increase in their total energy consumption. When considering the size of these economies it is easy to guess that this may induce a dramatic increase in the price of energy, an event that at the moment will penalize much more the chance of a quick economic development of India.
Paty do Alferes (RJ) é um município com tradição agrícola, sendo a olericultura a sua principal atividade econômica. A região apresenta uma topografia e regime de chuvas que favorecem a erosão. A falta de um manejo adequado do solo e o uso excessivo de agroquímicos favorecem os processos de degradação física e química do solo, acarretando sérios impactos ao ambiente. Com o objetivo de avaliar o acúmulo de metais pesados no solo e em plantas de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), cultivadas sob diferentes sistemas de preparo do solo, foi realizado um trabalho no município de Paty do Alferes (RJ), entre os meses de agosto e dezembro de 1999. Foram instaladas parcelas do tipo Wischmeier (com coletores de enxurrada e sedimentos), com dimensões de 22,0 x 4,0 m, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo com 30 % de declividade. Cada tratamento consistiu de um tipo de sistema de preparo do solo: (a) preparo convencional: aração no sentido morro abaixo e queima dos restos vegetais (PC); (b) preparo em curvas de nível: aração com tração animal em nível com faixas de capim-colonião a cada 7,0 m (PN); (c) cultivo mínimo: apenas abertura de covas para plantio e conservação dos restos vegetais (CM). Foram coletadas amostras de solo e plantas de tomate, sendo analisados os teores de metais pesados nas amostras coletadas, a produtividade das plantas e a fertilidade do solo. A produtividade no cultivo mínimo foi significativamente inferior à de outros manejos, apesar de tal sistema favorecer a maior fertilidade do solo. Esse manejo também proporcionou maior acúmulo de metais pesados no solo, principalmente quando comparado ao plantio convencional. Com relação às plantas, a aplicação foliar de defensivos agrícolas favoreceu o maior acúmulo de metais pesados na parte aérea das plantas, e os teores de Cu e Zn estiveram acima dos limites permitidos para metais pesados em plantas. Os frutos produzidos nos três sistemas de preparo do solo apresentaram concentrações de Pb próximas ao limites permitidos para alimentos frescos.
RESUM L'automatització s'utilitza des de fa molts anys, tot i que va començar a agafar la definició que coneixem actualment al voltant dels anys seixanta i setanta, moment en què es comencen a comercialitzar els primers PLC. A partir d'aquí, el seu creixement ha estat exponencial. En aquest sentit, la tecnologia ha anat avançant i ha augmentat els components que la forma, per això a hores d'ara encara no sabem fins on podrà arribar i què aconseguirà. Per a la indústria tot això ha significat l'automatització de processos que fins ara utilitzaven molt mà d'obra, reduint-la dràsticament. Una de les indústries que més s'ha beneficiat de tots aquests avenços ha estat la de l'automoció, concretament les seves grans línies de producció, automatitzades a uns nivells que fins fa poc temps eren impensables. Aquest projecte forma part d'aquesta indústria, no directament per a la construcció de l'automòbil, sinó indirectament, ja que l'empresa per a la qual s'ha fet l'automatització fabrica peces plàstiques per a automòbils. Concretament, unes peces amb uns injerts metàl•lics conductors que es munten a tots els vehicles i s'utilitzen per accionar els neteja vidres dels cotxes. Aquest fet implica que la fabricació i el disseny de la peça sigui curosament vigilat i controlat per al client final, amb uns controls de qualitat extremadament exigents. El funcionament del procés de fabricació es fa a partir d'unes peces de plàstic produïdes per una injectora que es fan passar per unes estacions automatitzades, cada una de les quals fa una acció concreta per aconseguir el muntatge final.
Introduction: Bioaerosols such as grain dust, via biologically active agents, elicit local inflammation and direct immunological reactions within the human respiratory system. Workplace-dependent exposure to grain dust (GD) may thus induce asthma, chronic bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The aim of this study is to assess the clinical impact of occupational exposure to GD and to determine quantitative biological markers of bioaerosol exposure in grain workers. Methods: This longitudinal study has been conducted from summer 2012, to summer 2013, comprising 6 groups of 30 active workers with different GD exposure patterns (4 groups of grain workers, 2 control groups). After obtaining informed consent, two evaluations at high- and low-exposing seasons take place, during which an occupational history and a detailed medical history are questionnaire-assessed, lung function is evaluated by spirometry, airway inflammation is measured by exhaled nitric oxide (eNO), and specific blood IgG and IgE are titrated. The preliminary results presented hereafter are those of two of the four exposed groups, namely harvesters and mill workers, compared to the control groups, at first assessment (n=100). Results: Mean age is 38.4 [years]; 98% are male. Exposed groups differ from controls (p<0.05) in daily contact with animals (57% vs. 40%) and active smoking (39% vs. 11%). Grain workers have more respiratory (50%), nasal (57%), ocular (45%), dermatologic (36%) and systemic (20%) occupational symptoms than controls (6.4%, 19%, 16%, 6.4%, 1.6% respectively, p<0.05). Lower mean peak-expiratory-flow (PEF) values (96.1 ± 18.9 vs. 108.2 ± 17.4 [% of predicted], p<0.05) and eNO values (13.9 ± 9.6 vs. 20.5 ± 14.7 [ppm], p<0.05) are observed in the exposed groups. Conclusion: Preliminary results show a higher prevalence of clinical symptoms and a lower mean PEF value in the exposed groups. Detailed supplementary analyses are pending.
A produção de biomassa, a manutenção dos resíduos vegetais sobre o solo e sua posterior decomposição são fatores de grande importância no estudo da ciclagem de nutrientes. Este estudo foi desenvolvido na área experimental do CEFET-Uberaba-MG, onde foram avaliados oito tipos de coberturas vegetais: milheto (Pennisetum americanum sin. tiphoydes), braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha), sorgo-forrageiro (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp.), crotalária (Crotalarea juncea), aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb), pousio e área em preparo convencional de solo (testemunha) em área de Cerrado, na região do Triângulo Mineiro. Avaliaram-se a fitomassa seca (FS), a decomposição dos resíduos em bolsas de decomposição, e a liberação de K. Utilizou-se um modelo matemático para descrever a decomposição dos resíduos e a liberação de K, e calcularam-se a constante de decomposição (k) e o tempo de meia-vida (T½). O milheto, o sorgo e a crotalária foram as coberturas que apresentaram maiores produções de matéria seca. O maior acúmulo de K ocorreu em gramíneas e a maior liberação de K ocorreu no milheto, aveia, braquiária e crotalária nos primeiros 42 dias após manejo, nos dois períodos avaliados. A braquiária apresentou o menor T½ vida e a maior taxa de liberação de K.
Currently, sugarcane plays an important global role, particularly with a view to alternative energy sources. Thus, in a sugarcane field of the mill Vale do Paraná S/A Álcool e Açúcar, Rubineia, São Paulo State, managed under two green cane harvest systems (cane trash left on and cane trash removed from the soil), Pearson and spatial correlations between the sugarcane yield (variety RB855035 in the third cut) and soil physical and chemical properties were studied to identify the property best correlated with stalk yield and the best harvest method. For this purpose, two geostatistical grids (121 sampling points on 1.30 ha) were installed on a eutrophic Red Argisol (homogeneous slope of 0.065 m m-1), in 2011, to determine the properties: stalk yield and sugarcane plant population, and soil resistance to penetration, gravimetric moisture, bulk density, and carbon stock, in the layers 0-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m. The data were analyzed by descriptive, linear correlation and geostatistical analysis. In both treatments, the property stand density was best correlated with sugarcane yield (r = 0.725 in the trash mulching treatment - TM and r = 0.769 in the trash removal treatment - TR). However, in relation to the soil properties, bulk density (0-0.20 m) was best correlated (r = 0.305 in TM, r = 0.211 in TR). Similarly, from the spatial point of view, stand density was the property that best explained the sugarcane yield. However, in the TM treatment the density (0.20-0.40 m) was the only soil property spatially correlated with stalk yield. The carbon stock in the soil of the TM was 11.5 % higher than in the TR treatment. Results of the TM treatment were best, also with regard to soil management and conservation.
Variability of soil fertility properties in areas planted to sugarcane in the State of Goias, Brazil
Soil sampling should provide an accurate representation of a given area so that recommendations for amendments of soil acidity, fertilization and soil conservation may be drafted to increase yield and improve the use of inputs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the variability of soil fertility properties of Oxisols in areas planted to sugarcane in the State of Goias, Brazil. Two areas of approximately 8,100 m² each were selected, representing two fields of the Goiasa sugarcane mill in Goiatuba. The sugarcane crop had a row spacing of 1.5 m and subsamples were taken from 49 points in the row and 49 between the row with a Dutch auger at depths of 0.0-0.2 and 0.2-0.4 m, for a total of 196 subsamples for each area. The samples were individually subjected to chemical analyses of soil fertility (pH in CaCl2, potential acidity, organic matter, P, K, Ca and Mg) and particle size analysis. The number of subsamples required to compose a sample within the acceptable ranges of error of 5, 10, 20 and 40 % of each property were computed from the coefficients of variation and the Student t-value for 95 % confidence. The soil properties under analysis exhibited different variabilities: high (P and K), medium (potential acidity, Ca and Mg) and low (pH, organic matter and clay content). Most of the properties analyzed showed an error of less than 20 % for a group of 20 subsamples, except for P and K, which were capable of showing an error greater than 40 % around the mean. The extreme variability in phosphorus, particularly at the depth of 0.2-0.4 m, attributed to banded application of high rates of P fertilizers at planting, places limitations on assessment of its availability due to the high number of subsamples required for a composite sample.