991 resultados para Middle-Ages
Upward trends in mortality from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) were recently reported in the United States and Japan. Comprehensive analyses of most recent data for European countries are not available. Age-standardized (world standard) HCC rates per 100,000 (at all ages, at age 20-44, and age 45-59 years) were computed for 23 European countries over the period 1980-2004 using data from the World Health Organization. Joinpoint regression analysis was used to identify significant changes in trends, and annual percent change were computed. Male overall mortality from HCC increased in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and other western countries, while it significantly decreased over recent years in countries such as France and Italy, which had large upward trends until the mid-1990s. In the early 2000s, among countries allowing distinction between HCC and other liver cancers, the highest HCC rates in men were in France (6.8/100,000), Italy (6.7), and Switzerland (5.9), whereas the lowest ones were in Norway (1.0), Ireland (0.8), and Sweden (0.7). In women, a slight increase in overall HCC mortality was observed in Spain and Switzerland, while mortality decreased in several other European countries, particularly since the mid-1990s. In the early 2000s, female HCC mortality rates were highest in Italy (1.9/100,000), Switzerland (1.8), and Spain (1.5) and lowest in Greece, Ireland, and Sweden (0.3). In most countries, trends at age 45-59 years were consistent with overall ones, whereas they were more favorable at age 20-44 years in both sexes. CONCLUSION: HCC mortality remains largely variable across Europe. Favorable trends were observed in several European countries mainly over the last decade, particularly in women and in young adults.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) allow establishing theanatomical evolution and neurochemical profiles of ischemic lesions. However onlylimited MRS studies have been reported to-date in mice due to the challenges ofMRS in small organs. The aim of the current work was to study the neurochemicaland imaging sequelae of ischemic stroke in a mouse model in a horizontal bore14.1 Tesla system.ICR-CD1 mice were subjected to 30 minute transient middle cerebral artery occlusion.The extent of the lesion was determined by MRI. The neurochemical profileconsisting of the concentrations of 22 metabolites was measured longitudinallyfollowing the recovery from ischemia at 3, 8 and 24h in the striatum.Our model produced very reproducible striatal lesions which began to appear onT2-weighted images 8h after ischemia. At 24h, they were well established andtheir size correlated with lesions measured by histology. Profound changes couldbe observed in the neurochemical profiles of the core of the striatal lesions as earlyas 3h post-ischemia, in particular, we observed elevated lactate levels, decreases inthe putative neuronal marker N-acetyl-aspartate and in glutamate, and a transienttwo-fold glutamine increase, likely linked to excitotoxic release of glutamate andconversion to glutamine. With further ischemia evolution, other changes appearedat later time-points, mainly decreases of metabolites, consistent with disruption ofcellular function. It is interesting to note that glutamine tended to return to basallevels at 24h.We conclude that early changes in markers of energy metabolism, glutamate excitotoxicityand neuronal viability can be detected with high precision non-invasively inmice following stroke. Such investigations should lead to a better understanding andinsight into the sequential early changes in the brain parenchyma after ischemia,which could be used e.g. for identifying new targets for neuroprotection.
OBJECTIVE: Body mass index does not discriminate body fat from fat-free mass or determine changes in these parameters with physical activity and aging. Body fat mass index (BFMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI) permit comparisons of subjects with different heights. This study evaluated differences in body mass index, BFMI, and FFMI in physically active and sedentary subjects younger and older than 60 y and determined the association between physical activity, age, and body composition parameters in a healthy white population between ages 18 and 98 y. METHODS: Body fat and fat-free mass were determined in healthy white men (n = 3549) and women (n = 3184), between ages 18 and 98 y, by bioelectrical impedance analysis. BFMI and FFMI (kg/m2) were calculated. Physical activity was defined as at least 3 h/wk of endurance-type activity for at least 2 mo. RESULTS: Physically active as opposed to sedentary subjects were more likely to have a low BFMI (men: odds ratio [OR], 1.4; confidence interval [CI], 0.7-2.5; women: OR 1.9, CI 1.6-2.2) and less likely to have very high BFMI (men: OR, 0.2; CI, 0.1-0.2; women: OR, 0.1; CI, 0.02-0.2), low FFMI (men: OR, 0.5; CI, 0.3-0.9; women: OR, 0.7; CI, 0.6-0.9), or very high FFMI (men: OR, 0.6; CI, 0.4-0.8; women: OR, 0.7; CI, 0.5-1.0). Compared with subjects younger than 60 y, those older than 60 y were more like to have very high BFMI (men: OR, 6.5; CI, 4.5-9.3; women: OR, 14.0; CI, 9.6-20.5), and women 60 y and older were less likely to have a low BFMI (OR, 0.4; CI, 0.2-0.5). CONCLUSIONS: A clear association was found between low physical activity or age and height-normalized body composition parameters (BFMI and FFMI) derived from bioelectrical impedance analysis. Physically active subjects were more likely to have high or very high or low FFMI. Older subjects had higher body weights and BFMI.
Abstract The Northwestern edge of the modern Caribbean Plate, located in central Middle America (S-Guatemala to N-Costa Rica), is characterized by a puzzle of oceanic and continental terranes that belonged originally to the Pacific façade of North America. South of the Motagua Fault Zone, the actual northern strike slip boundary of the Caribbean Plate, three continental slivers (Copán, Chortis s. str. and Patuca) are sandwiched between two complex suture zones that contain HP/LT mafic and ultramafic oceanic rocks: The Motagua Mélanges to the North, extensively studied in the last ten years and the' newly defined Mesquito Composite Oceanic Terrane (MCOT) to the South. No modem geological data were available for the oceanic terrane located in the southern part of the so called continental "Chortis Block". Classically, the southern limit of this block with the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP) was placed at a hypothetical fault line connecting the main E-W fault in the Santa Elena Peninsula (N-Costa Rica) with the Hess Escarpment. However, our study in eastern Nicaragua and northwestern Costa Rica evidences an extensive assemblage of oceanic upper mantle and crustal rocks outcropping between the Chortis/Patuca continental blocks and the CLIP. They comprise collided and accreted exotic terranes of Pacific origin recording a polyphased tectonic history. We distinguish: 1- The MCOT that comprises a Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous puzzle of oceanic crust and arc-derived rocks set in a serpentinite matrix, and 2- The Manzanillo and Nicoya Terranes that are made of Cretaceous plateau-like rocks associated with oceanic sediments older than the CLIP. This study has been focused on the rocks of the MCOT. The MCOT comprises the southern half of the former "Chortis Block" and is defined by 4 comer localities characterized by ultramafic and mafic oceanic rocks of Late Triassic, Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age: 1- The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (NE-Nicaragua), 2- The El Castillo Mélange (Nicaragua/Costa Rica border), 3- DSDP Legs 67 and 84 (Guatemala fore-arc basin), and 4- The Santa Elena Peridiotite (NW-Costa Rica). The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (SSM) is a HP/LT subduction zone mélange set in a serpentinite matrix that contains oceanic crust and arc-related greenschist to blueschist/eclogite facies metamafic and metasedimentary blocks. Middle Jurassic (Bajocian-Bathonian) radiolarites are found in original sedimentary contact with arc-derived greenstones. Late Jurassic black detrital chert possibly formed in a marginal (fore-arc?) basin shortly before subduction. A phengite 40Ar/39Ar -cooling age dates the exhumation of the high pressure rocks as 139 Ma. The El Castillo Mélange (ECM) is composed of serpentinite matrix with OIB metabasalts and Late Triassic (Rhaetian) red and green radiolarite blocks. Recent studies of the DSDP Legs 67/84 show that the Guatemala/Nicaragua fore-arc basin is composed of a pile of ultramafic, mafic (OIB-like) and arc related rocks with ages ranging from Late Triassic to Campanian. Finally, the Santa Elena peridiotites that mark the limit of the MCOT with the Manzanillo/Nicoya Terranes and correspond to an association of ultramafic rocks that comprise peridiotites, dunites and chromites of abyssal and fore-arc origin. The SSM is the result of a collision between a Middle Jurassic island arc and the Patuca Terrane, a fragment of the Western N-American active continental margin. The Siuna Mélange (SSM) and the South Montagna Mélange share common characteristics with the Pacific N-American suture zone (E-Franciscan and Vizcaino mélanges), in particular, the Mesozoic ages of HP/LT metamorphic and the arc-derived blocks. For us, these mélanges imply an originally continuous, but slightly diachronous suture that affected the entire W-American active margin. It may imply the arrival and collision of an exotic intraoceanic arc (Guerrero-Phoenix) related to the origin of the Pacific Plate that initiated as a back arc basin of this arc. The present disposition of the fragments of this suture zone is the result of a northward shift of the active left-lateral strike slip motion between the N-American and the Caribbean Plates. Résumé Le coin nord-ouest de la Plaque Caraïbe moderne se trouve en Amérique Centrale, entre le sud du Guatemala et le nord du Costa Rica. Cette région est composée d'un puzzle de terrains océaniques et continentaux dont les origines se situent sur la façade pacifique de l'Amérique du Nord. Au sud de la faille de Motagua, la limite septentrionale actuelle, décrochante, de la Plaque Caraïbe, se trouvent 3 copeaux continentaux (Copàn, Chortis s. str. et Patuca) coincés entre deux zones de suture complexes à roches mafiques et ultramafiques qui ont subi un métamorphisme de haute pression/basse température (HP/LT). Il s'agit des Mélanges de Motagua au nord, largement étudiés ces dernières années, et du Mesquito Composite Oceanic Terrane (MCOT), récemment défini par nous, au sud. En vue de l'absence de données géologiques modernes concernant les terrains océaniques qui se trouvent dans la partie sud du "Chortis Block" considérée comme continentale, nous avons dédié cette étude à cette région. Classiquement, la limite méridionale entre le "Chortis Block" et la "Caribbean Large Igneous Province" (CLIP) a été associée à une faille hypothétique reliant la faille E-W de Santa Elena (nord du Costa Rica) à l'Escarpement de Hess. Notre étude au Nicaragua oriental et au Costa Rica nord-occidental a révélé l'existence de larges terrains composés d'assemblages de roches mantéliques et océaniques qui se placent entre les blocs continentaux Chortis/Patuca et le CLIP. Ces assemblages révèlent des terrains collisionnés et accrétés d'origine pacifique enregistrant une histoire tectonique polyphasée. Nous distinguons: 1- Le MCOT, un puzzle de roches océaniques d'arc d'âge Triassique supérieur au Crétacée inférieur, 2- Les terrains de Manzanillo et de Nicoya, des morceaux de plateaux océaniques associés à des sédiments océaniques plus âgés que le CLIP. Cette étude se focalisera sur les roches du MCOT. Le MCOT occupe la moitié sud de l'ancien "Chortis Block" et peut se définir par 4 localités de référence qui montrent des roches mafiques et ultramafiques océaniques d'âges compris entre le Trias supérieur et le Crétacée inférieur. 1- Le Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (NE-Nicaragua), 2- Le El Castillo Mélange (Nicaragua/Costa Rica border), 3- Le DSDP Legs 67/84 (Guatemala fore-arc basin) et 4- La Santa Elena Peridiotite (nord-ouest du Costa Rica). Le Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (SSM) est un mélange de subduction HP/BT dans une matrice de serpentinite. On y trouve des éléments de croûte océanique et d'arc insulaire en faciès de schistes verts et schistes bleus. Des radiolarites du Jurassique moyen se trouvent en contact sédimentaire sur des roches vertes d'arc. En revanche, des cherts noirs détritiques datent du Jurassique supérieur et sont probablement issus d'un bassin marginal (fore-arc ?) peu avant leur subduction, car un âge 40Ar/39Ar de refroidissement des phengites date l'exhumation des roches de haute pression à 139 Ma. Le Mélange d'El Castillo (ECM) est constitué d'une matrice serpentinitique et contient des blocs de metabasaltes OIB et des blocs de radiolarites du Trias terminal. Des études récentes ont repris les roches forées lors des DSDP Legs 67 et 84 et montrent que le soubassement du bassin d'avant-arc du Guatemala-Nicaragua est composé de roches ultramafiques et mafiques (OIB et arc), dont les âges isotopiques vont du Trias au Crétacé supérieur. Finalement, les péridiotites de Santa Elena forment la limite sud du MCOT par rapport aux terrains de Manzanillo et Nicoya. Elles contiennent des serpentinites et localement des dunites et chromites à affinité abyssale et de fore-arc. Le SSM témoigne d'une collision entre un arc insulaire d'âge Jurassique moyen et le Patuca Terrane, un fragment de la marge active nord-américaine. Le SSM et le South Motagua Mélange ont des caractéristiques en commun avec les zones de suture de la façade pacifique de l'Amérique du nord (E-Franciscan et Vizcaino mélanges), notamment les âges Mésozoïques du métamorphisme HP/BT et les blocs de roches d'arc. Ce fait nous conduit à penser qu'il s'agit d'une grande zone de suture qui était à l'origine continue sur toute la marge ouest-américaine, mais légèrement diachrone. Cette suture implique l'arrivée et la collision d'un arc intraocéanique exotique (Guerrero-Phoenix) qui est à l'origine de la Plaque Pacifique qui s'ouvrait en back arc par rapport à celui-ci. La disposition actuelle des fragments de cette suture est due à la migration vers le nord du décrochement actif senestre entre la Plaque nord-américaine et la Plaque Caraïbe. K. Flores, 2009 Mesozoic oceanic terranes of southern central America Résumé Grand Public La présente thèse est le résultat de travaux de terrain effectués de 2005 à 2008 au nord-est et au sud du Nicaragua et au nord du Costa Rica, en Amérique Centrale, des analyses pétrologiques et géochimiques en laboratoire ainsi que de la modélisation de l'évolution géodynamique. La région étudiée se situe en bordure nord - ouest de la Plaque Caraïbe moderne. Dans la majorité des publications récentes cette région est représentée comme un vaste bloc continental (le "Bloc Chortis") qui serait limité, (i) au nord, par la faille décrochante de Motagua, la limite actuelle entre la Plaque Nord-Américaine et la Plaque Caraïbe, et (ii) au sud, par une suture hypothétique qui se trouverait aux confins entre le Nicaragua et le Costa Rica. La région du Costa Rica a été considérée presque entièrement comme une partie du Plateau Caraïbe ("Caribbean Large Igneous Province" (CLIP)). L'étude détaillée des affleurements nous a permis de mettre en évidence : - Au nord-est du Nicaragua (Siuna) : Des roches océaniques datées du Jurassique moyen, grâce aux faunes à radiolaires qui ont été extraites des radiolarites rouges. Ces roches ont subi un métamorphisme de haute pression typique des zones de collision. L'étude radio-isotopique Ar/Ar a permis de dater la collision du Crétacé basal (139 Ma). - Au sud du Nicaragua : Des roches océaniques d'âge Trias terminal (200 millions d'années), également datées à l'aide de faunes à radiolaires. Il s'agit actuellement des roches océaniques les plus anciennes connues de l'Amérique Centrale. - L'étude géochimique et les âges des fossiles démontrent que le tiers septentrional du Costa Rica possède un soubassement construit d'au moins deux terrains (Nicoya et Manzanillo), qui ont des caractéristiques de Plateau océanique (Nicoya) et d'arc volcanique du Crétacé moyen (Manzanillo). Ces deux terrains sont plus anciens que le CLIP. En conclusion, nous constatons que la région étudiée est constituée d'un puzzle de 3 blocs continentaux et d'un vaste terrain océanique composite que nous appelons Mesquito Composite Oceanic Terrane (MCOT). En plus, nous définissons les terrains de Nicoya et de Manzanillo comme plus âgés et distincts du CLIP. Le MCOT est caractérisé par la présence de roches du manteau supérieur (les serpentinites) et de la croûte océanique, ainsi que des morceaux d'arcs, d'âge allant du Trias supérieur au Crétacé. Ce terrain est comparable à d'autres zones de suture de la façade pacifique de l'Amérique du nord, notamment en ce qui concerne les âges Mésozoïques, le métamorphisme de haute pression et l'association de roches mantéliques et crustales océaniques. Ce fait nous conduit à penser qu'il s'agit d'une grande zone de suture qui était à l'origine continue sur toute la marge ouest-américaine. Cette suture implique l'arrivée et la collision d'un arc infra-océanique exotique qui serait à l'origine de la Plaque Pacifique qui se serait ouverte en bassin d'arrière arc par rapport à celui-ci. La disposition actuelle des fragments de cette suture est due à la migration vers le nord du décrochement actif senestre entre la Plaque nord-américaine et la Plaque Caraïbe.
In-lake management can be a critical need for water quality improvement for impaired recreation lakes. Biomanipulation practices to achieve the proper balance of predatory fish, zooplankton grazing of algae, and native aquatic vegetation can sometimes restore water clarity of turbid, nutrient enriched lakes. Lakewood leaders have a renovation plan for Lake Colchester, involving several common and three innovative practices. Lakewood is prepared to pay for proven practices, but seeks WIRB grant support to test innovations in collaboration with Iowa DNR biologists, and ISU limnologists, serving as advisors and monitors for the entire project.
OBJECTIVE: To report a rare case of primary meningioma of the middle ear. METHOD: We describe the case of a 55-year-old woman who presented with decreased hearing and fullness in the left ear, with a middle-ear mass. We also review the world literature regarding primary extracranial meningioma of the middle ear and its management. RESULTS: Primary middle-ear meningioma, a rare clinical entity, was diagnosed in this patient based on an initial transmastoid biopsy. Magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium enhancement excluded the presence of an intracranial component. Complete excision of the tumour was achieved using a combined approach tympanoplasty. The patient had an uneventful post-operative course. CONCLUSION: Meningiomas, although rare in the middle ear, need to be included in the differential diagnosis of middle-ear lesions presenting to the otolaryngologist. This case emphasises the management strategy required when dealing with a middle-ear mass.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the pasture (Urochloa brizantha) component age on soil biological properties, in a crop-livestock integrated system. The experiment was carried out in a Brazilian savannah (Cerrado) area with 92 ha, divided into six pens of approximately 15 ha. Each pen represented a different stage of the pasture component: formation, P0; one year, P1; two years, P2; three years, P3; and final with 3.5 years, Pf. Samples were taken in the 0-10 cm soil depth. The soil biological parameters - microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass respiration (C-CO2), metabolic quotient (qCO2), microbial quotient (q mic), and total organic carbon (TOC) - were evaluated and compared among different stages of the pasture, and between an adjacent area under native Cerrado and another area under degraded pasture (PCD). The MBC, q mic and TOC increased and qCO2 reduced under the different pasture stages. Compared to PCD, the pasture stages had higher MBC, q mic and TOC, and lower qCO2. The crop-livestock integrated system improved soil microbiological parameters and immobilized carbon in the soil in comparison to the degraded pasture.
A national information program, focusing on the main recognized risk factors (primary prevention) and on the potential benefits of early detection (secondary prevention) of cutaneous malignant melanoma, was launched in Switzerland in May 1988. The first campaign, based on a pilot study conducted in 1986 in the canton of Basel, was followed by a recall campaign in July 1989. This report describes the organization of this program and presents an assessment of its initial impact. The number of newly diagnosed cases increased more than twofold (+ 116%) in the two months following the launch of the first campaign (May to June 1988). This trend was accompanied by a statistically significant shift of case distribution towards younger ages (< 60 years; p = 0.003), and a non-significant shift was observed towards less advanced lesions (thickness < or = 1.5 mm). The incidence decreased quickly, though in the twelve month period between the two campaigns it remained 21% higher than before the inception of the program. No appreciable effects were detected from the recall campaign and no difference was seen among regions or between sexes.
BACKGROUND: Frailty is an indicator of health status in old age. Its frequency has been described mainly for North America; comparable data from other countries are lacking. Here we report on the prevalence of frailty in 10 European countries included in a population-based survey. METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of 18,227 randomly selected community-dwelling individuals 50 years of age and older, enrolled in the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) in 2004. Complete data for assessing a frailty phenotype (exhaustion, shrinking, weakness, slowness, and low physical activity) were available for 16,584 participants. Prevalences of frailty and prefrailty were estimated for individuals 50-64 years and 65 years of age and older from each country. The latter group was analyzed further after excluding disabled individuals. We estimated country effects in this subset using multivariate logistic regression models, controlling first for age, gender, and then demographics and education. RESULTS: The proportion of frailty (three to five criteria) or prefrailty (one to two criteria) was higher in southern than in northern Europe. International differences in the prevalences of frailty and prefrailty for 65 years and older group persisted after excluding the disabled. Demographic characteristics did not account for international differences; however, education was associated with frailty. Controlling for education, age and gender diminished the effects of residing in Italy and Spain. CONCLUSIONS: A higher prevalence of frailty in southern countries is consistent with previous findings of a north-south gradient for other health indicators in SHARE. Our data suggest that socioeconomic factors like education contribute to these differences in frailty and prefrailty.
The U-Pb ages and the trace element content of zircon U-Pb along with major and trace element whole rock data on gabbroic dikes from the Lanzo lherzolitic massif, N-Italy, have been determined to constrain crustal accretion in ocean-continent transition zones. Three Fe-Ti gabbros were dated from the central and the southern part of the massif providing middle Jurassic ages of 161 +/- 2, 158 +/- 2 and 163 +/- 1 Ma, which argue for magmatic activity over few millions of years. Zircon crystals are characterized by high but variable Th/U ratios, rare earth element patterns enriched in heavy rare earths, pronounced positive Ce and negative Eu-anomalies consistent with crystallization after substantial plagioclase fractionation. The zircon trace element composition coupled with whole rock chemistry was used to reconstruct the crystallization history of the gabbros. A number of gabbros crystallized in situ, and zircon precipitated from trapped, intercumulus liquid, while other gabbros represent residual liquids that were extracted from a cumulus pile and crystallized along syn-magmatic shear zones. We propose a model in which the emplacement mechanism of gabbroic rocks in ocean-continent transition zones evolves from in situ crystallization to stratified crystallization with efficient extraction of residual liquid along syn-magmatic shear zones. Such an evolution of the crystallization history is probably related to the thermal evolution of the underlying mantle lithosphere.
Variations in the stable carbon-isotope ratio of marine and continental sediments can reflect changes in sink and flux modifications of the palaeocarbon cycle. Here we report carbon-isotope compositions of Middle Jurassic marine carbonates from the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain), which represents an ideal region to link the stable carbon-isotope curves directly to ammonite zones and subzones, and thereby for the first time achieve an accurate chronostratigraphic calibration. The five sections studied represent basin and high swell deposits of the Southern Iberian palaeomargin. We find a similar delta C-13 of carbonates between different oceanic areas, suggesting a homogeneous carbon-isotope oceanic reservoir through the Middle Jurassic. The Aalenian-Bajocian transition is a critical period in ammonite evolution; hence the Early Jurassic fauna are replaced by new ammonite families which become dominant throughout the Middle and Late Jurassic. For this reason, we compared the delta C-13 values of carbonates with ammonite diversity and extinction rates at different taxonomical levels in order to explore the possible relationship between the carbon cycle and ammonite evolution. The carbon-isotope values of carbonates are not exactly linearly correlated with the extinction rate and ammonite diversity, but the main faunal turnovers follow minimum delta C-13 values, where extinct taxa are replaced by new ones. Likewise, radiation episodes are associated with increasing delta C-13 values and with transgressive sea-level rise. All these data support the idea that perturbations in the global carbon cycle reflect rapid palaeoenvironmental changes. We made detailed analyses of these faunal turnovers, using them as a proxy to identify major palaeoenvironmental crises in their ecosystems forced by modification in the carbon cycle. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The genetic landscape of the European flora and fauna was shaped by the ebb and flow of populations with the shifting ice during Quaternary climate cycles. While this has been well demonstrated for lowland species, less is known about high altitude taxa. Here we analyze the phylogeography of the leaf beetle Oreina elongata from 20 populations across the Alps and Apennines. Three mitochondrial and one nuclear region were sequenced in 64 individuals. Within an mtDNA phylogeny, three of seven subspecies are monophyletic. The species is chemically defended and aposematic, with green and blue forms showing geographic variation and unexpected within-population polymorphism. These warning colors show pronounced east-west geographical structure in distribution, but the phylogeography suggests repeated origin and loss. Basal clades come from the central Alps. Ancestors of other clades probably survived across northern Italy and the northern Adriatic, before separation of eastern, southern and western populations and rapid spread through the western Alps. After reviewing calibrated gene-specific substitution rates in the literature, we use partitioned Bayesian coalescent analysis to date our phylogeography. The major clades diverged long before the last glacial maximum, suggesting that O. elongata persisted many glacial cycles within or at the edges of the Alps and Apennines. When analyzing additional barcoding pairwise distances, we find strong evidence to consider O. elongata as a species complex rather than a single species.
Near Karnezeika a roughly 140 m thick Upper Cretaceous section consists of interbedded pelagic limestones, cherts and coarse polymict breccias including ophiolites and shallow water limestones. At the base, pink pelagic limestones rest on deeply altered and fractured Lower Jurassic Pantokrator Limestone. This first pelagic facies is dated as middle Turonian, based on planktonic Foraminifera. Over 100 m of coarse ophiolite-carbonate breccias, interpreted as a channel or canyon fill in a pelagic environment, document the erosion of the Late Jurassic nappe edifice along the Cretaceous Pelagonian margin. Above these breccias, we mesured 16 m of principally pink and red pelagic limestones and radiolarian cherts, in which we recovered well-preserved radiolarians discussed here. In this interval, the presence of planktonic Foraminfera allows to state a late Turonian to Coniacian age. More than 40 radiolarian species are described and figured in this work. The radiolarian chronostratigraphy established by 10 different authors in 11 publications was compared for this study and used to establish radiolarian ranges. This exercise shows major discrepancies between authors for the radiolarian ranges of the studied assemblage. Nevertheless, a Turonian age can be stated based on a synthesis of cited radiolarian ranges. This age is consistent with the age based on planktonic foraminifera. In combining the ages of both Radiolaria and planktonic Foraminifera, the studied samples can be restricted to the late Turonian. However, the discrepancies of published radiolarian ranges call for an urgent, major revision of the Late Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology. The integration of planktonic foraminifera with radiolarians may greatly enhance biochronologic resolution in sections where both groups occur.