1000 resultados para Meysenbug, Malwida von, 1816-1903.


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Abstract The spawning activities of cod were described in the Arkona Sea from 2009 to 2012 and were compared with estimates of the period 1992 – 1999. Cod spawned mainly from beginning of June till the middle of July every year. In the same period spawning was observed in the Bornholm Sea. The spawning activities in July were limited by water temperature above the critical limits. Spawning activities in spring which were observed in the 90 ties were of lower importance between 2009 and 2012. Higher proportions of spent cod were observed in the Arkona Sea in August and autumn between 2009 and 2012 compared to the earlier period, indicating immigration of cod from the Bornholm Sea after spawning. The study showed that higher proportion of cod with developing sex products were observed in the Arkona Sea between 2009 and 2012 compared to the 90 ties. Kurzfassung Die Laichaktivitäten der Dorsche in der Arkonasee werden für den Zeitraum 2009 – 2012 dargestellt und im Vergleich mit dem Zeitraum 1992 – 1999 diskutiert. Die Hauptlaichaktivitäten haben im Untersuchungszeitraum von Anfang Juni bis Mitte Juli stattgefunden und lagen damit in ihrem jahreszeitlichen Verlauf innerhalb der Zeitperiode der Laichaktivitäten in der angrenzenden Bornholmsee. In der Arkonasee wurden jeweils im Juli diese Ereignisse durch ansteigende Wassertemperaturenbegrenzt. Die, noch in den 90-er Jahren beobachteten, Laichaktivitäten im Frühjahr haben aktuell an Bedeutung verloren. Im Spätsommer und Herbst war ein, im Vergleich zu den 90-er Jahren, höherer Anteil an abgelaichten Tieren in der Arkonasee zu beobachten, der als Indiz für eine Zuwanderung von abgelaichten Dorschen aus der Bornholmsee gewertet wird. Insgesamt hat der Anteil an Tieren mit sich entwickelnden Geschlechtsprodukten (aktive Laicher) im Untersuchungszeitraum, im Vergleich zu den 90-er Jahren, zugenommen.


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A compilation of all the available information on the main small pelagic fish resources of Mozambican waters is presented. Resource data on distribution areas, reproduction, age, growth and stock size are described. Actual catch and catch per unit of effort of the commercially exploited stocks are also given. Results of the preliminary assessment of the stocks of scad and mackerel and the problems involving the assessment of Kelee shad stock at Maputo Bay are discussed.


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The present study was under taken to provide further and more detailed information on the apparent seasonal and relative abundance of the species, food and feeding habits. Spawning season and size composition. The incidence of parasites, in relation to the month of the year and the fish length, was also examined.