977 resultados para Meyerbeer, Biacomo, 1791-1864.


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通过形态学、解剖学、孢粉学、植物地理学及分子系统学等方面的研究,探讨了中国碎米蕨类及其相关类群的系统关系,并对它们的分类进行了修订。 1.解剖学 对碎米蕨类及相关类群36个种的叶表皮特征进行了研究,结果发现该性状对于划分大的类群具有一定的系统学意义。大多数中国蕨科成员如粉背蕨属、旱蕨属和黑心蕨属等连同裸子蕨科中的泽泻蕨属和金毛裸蕨属在叶表皮性状上比较一致。它们之间的亲缘关系较近,是碎米蕨类成员。金粉蕨属、粉叶蕨属、翠蕨属和铁线蕨属与上述类群不同,其上表皮细胞或上下表皮细胞均明显加长,但气孔器仍同碎米蕨类植物一样,为无规则型、极细胞型或腋下细胞型。在所研究的类群中,只有凤尾蕨属和Anopteris的气孔器为聚合型。 2.孢粉学 在光镜和扫描电镜下对中国蕨科、裸子蕨科和凤尾蕨科等83种 (含变种) 植物的孢子进行了观察。根据孢子的颜色、结构和表面纹饰等可将其分成3种类型:大多数中国蕨科成员如粉背蕨属等和裸子蕨科中的泽泻蕨属和金毛裸蕨属的孢子同属第一种类型,颜色较深,表面纹饰由周壁形成。珠蕨属和凤丫蕨属的孢子属第二种类型,颜色较淡,周壁薄,由外壁和周壁共同形成表面纹饰。金粉蕨属、凤尾蕨属、翠蕨属和粉叶蕨属的孢子为第三种类型,颜色较浅,由外壁形成表面纹饰的基本轮廓,具明显的赤道翼。从孢粉学的角度来看,中国蕨科和裸子蕨科都是不自然的。中国蕨属和薄鳞蕨属的孢子形态同粉背蕨属相似,应并入后者。另外,同属新旧世界的种类其孢子纹饰往往有明显的区别, 可能代表了不同的类群。 3.分子系统学 测定了碎米蕨类及相关类群34种植物的rbcL 和trnL-F序列,并结合GenBank上下载的相关资料进行分析。结果发现中国蕨科和裸子蕨科都不是自然类群。在系统树上,Cheilanthes、隐囊蕨属、粉背蕨属、旱蕨属、黑心蕨属等同裸子蕨科中的泽泻蕨属和金毛裸蕨属等聚在一起,构成碎米蕨群。珠蕨属、凤丫蕨属和Llavea则形成另一分支,不是碎米蕨类成员。金粉蕨属在分支图上与南亚的Actiniopteris形成姐妹群,并与凤尾蕨属、粉叶蕨属和翠蕨属等关系近缘,放入凤尾蕨类应更为合适。 系统分析的结果表明,旧世界分布的类群与美洲的同属植物大都关系疏远,如黑心蕨属、金毛裸蕨属和Cheilanthes等。另外,亚洲分布的中国蕨属、粉背蕨属、碎米蕨属、薄鳞蕨属、隐囊蕨属和拟旱蕨属Mildella的成员聚在一起,它们之间的系统关系因为形成了多歧分支而没有得到很好的解决。但是,薄鳞蕨属、中国蕨属和大理碎米蕨等同粉背蕨属的成员聚在一起,并入后者应更为合理。另外,宜昌旱蕨与碎米蕨属的成员关系近缘,支持将前者转入碎米蕨属。 4.植物地理学 碎米蕨类植物的间断分布非常明显。泽泻蕨和戟叶黑心蕨等在形态特征上与美洲的同属种类有明显的区别,可能代表了不同的类群。大多数亚洲碎米蕨类成员如粉背蕨属、中国蕨属和薄鳞蕨属等以中国西南部的横断山区或喜马拉雅为分布中心,可能与喜马拉雅山的隆起有关。 5.分类处理 综合各方面的研究成果,作者认为国产碎米蕨类包括6个属3个群:黑心蕨属、旱蕨属、粉背蕨属、碎米蕨属、拟泽泻蕨属和拟金毛裸蕨属。《中国植物志》中记载的隐囊蕨属、毛旱蕨和旱蕨类成员因其系统学位置不清,暂时作为独立的群处理。 在野外考察和大量标本(包括模式)考证的基础上,对国产碎米蕨类及其相关类群 (特别是粉背蕨属) 进行了修订, 澄清了一些种的分类问题。发现1新种,对1新变种进行了拉丁文描述,使其名称有效。提出新组合5个,另有6种7变种被首次归并。


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随着现代工业的发展,重金属污染日趋严重。重金属污染引发的环境和健康问题在许多国家都有报道,我国的重金属污染状况也不容乐观。土壤和水体中的重金属污染可以通过食物链进入人体,对人类健康造成很大的危害,如诱发癌症 和畸胎等。 植物修复是一种利用植物对重金属或有机污染物的超富集能力清除或减低污染的环境生物技术。植物修复的生物学机制的研究为这项技术走向实用化奠定了基础。植物修复近期的进展可能来自于可更有效地富集重金属的植物品种的选择、土壤条件的改善等;但长远看来,植物修复技术的巨大进步将取决于新的可更好地抵抗重金属或降解有机毒物的基因的鉴定和克隆,并通过转基因技术创造一批新的植物品种,如可迅速大量富集重金属的高生物量的用作环境净化的植物,以及可排拒重金属吸收的粮食、蔬菜和水果等作物。 本研究针对砷污染的植物修复机制,以超富集砷的凤尾蕨属植物——蜈蚣草为试材取得了如下进展: 1. 以从砷污染地区采集的蜈蚣草(Pteris vittataL.)为植物材料,利用抑制消减杂交(SSH)分离了经砷诱导处理与其对照间表达有差异的cDNA片段,以期得到与砷富集密切相关的基因。其中筛选到的一个cDNA片段与ABC transporter (ATP-binding cassette transporter)有较高的同源性。通过RACE方法对该基因进行了克隆,并进行了初步的结构和功能分析。结果表明所获得的PvABCTl (Accession No. AY496966)为一全长cDNA,长度为2165 bp,其中开读框架为1791 bp,编码597个氨基酸。该基因所编码的蛋白中含有2个ABC transporter特性结构域,1个ATP-binding cassette和2个ATP/GTP结合位点(P-loop),没有明显的跨膜区。 2. 对蜈蚣草在砷胁迫下PvABCT1基因的表达模式进行了研究。转录水平分析表明PvABCT1的表达受砷的诱导。进一步通过PvABCTl-GFP融合基因在洋葱细胞中的表达进行亚细胞定位,结果显示该基因可能定位于细胞质中。 3. 为了研究所克隆的PvABCT1基因的功能,本研究构建了PvABCT1的酵母表达载体,把该基因转入因ACR3基因缺失而对砷敏感的酵母突变株。酵母功能互补实验表明PvABCT1不仅不能与ACR3基因功能互补,反而使酵母对砷的敏感性增加,同时酵母细胞中的砷含量较未转化的酵母细胞增加。即在转入PvABCT1后,酵母细胞吸收了更多的砷。这暗示该基因与蜈蚣草中砷的高吸收有关。 针对食品重金属污染问题,本研究探讨了减低蔬菜对重金属吸收的方法及其 作用机理,取得了如下进展: 1.研究了钙离子和镧离子对镉离子胁迫下生菜种子萌发和植株生长的影响,结果表明在种子萌发时外施4 mM CaCI2或0.04 mg/L La(N03)3均可提高生菜对重金属镉的抗性。 2.通过检测0.5 mM CdCl2胁迫下生菜植株中的镉含量以及外施钙离子或镧离子后相应的镉含量,发现4 mM CaCl2可以增加镉胁迫下生菜植株中镉的积累;而0.04 mg/L La(N03)3可以降低镉胁迫下生菜植株中镉的积累。 3.对生菜中植物络合素合酶基因进行了克隆,通过RT-PCR分析以及植物络合素( phytochelatins,PCs)的检测,探讨了外施钙离子或镧离子对镉胁迫下生菜植株中植物络合素合酶基因在转录水平的表达量、植物络合素含量以及镉的积累三者之间的关系。结果表明:4 mM CaCl2可以提高镉胁迫下生菜植株中植物络合素合酶基因在转录水平的表达以及植物络合素的含量,增加镉的积累;而0.04 mg/L La(N03)3虽然同样可以提高植物络合素合酶基因在转录水平的表达以及植物络合素的含量,却能降低镉胁迫下生菜植株中镉的积累。这暗示外施钙离子可以促进用于重金属污染环境修复的植物对重金属的吸收,而外施镧离子可以用于降低叶菜类蔬菜中重金属镉的积累。


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本发明涉及无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽、基因和变异体及其在制药中的应用,属生物医学技术领域。无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽是一种环状多肽,分子量1791.12道尔顿,等电点 9.84,无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽的全序列为:Thr Ser Arg Cys Tyr Ile Gly Tyr Arg Arg Lys Val Val Cys Ser(TSRCYIGYRRKVVCS),其第4位的半胱氨酸和第14位的半胱氨酸形成分子内二硫键。编码的基因由307个核苷酸组成,其中编码成熟部分的为第 141-186位核苷酸。无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽原始序列中第4个氨基酸发生替代所产生的变异体,人工合成的无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽及其变异体具有强烈的免疫调节活性和肿瘤抑制活性,作为制备免疫调节、肿瘤治疗和化疗药物的应用。本发明还具有序列简单、合成方便等优点。


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Retroposition is widely found to play essential roles in origination of new mammalian and other animal genes. However, the scarcity of retrogenes in plants has led to the assumption that plant genomes rarely evolve new gene duplicates by retroposition, de


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The toxic effects of sulphide are best understood in mammals and are generally similar in aquatic organisms. At the physiological level sulphide has 2 major effects on mammals: 1) local inflammation and irritation of moist membranes including the eye and respiratory tract; and, 2) cardiac arrest due to paralysis of the respiratory centres of the brain. The toxicity of sulphide to plants, macroinvertebrates, freshwater fish and marine fish is discussed in detail. It is concluded that the role of sulphide in mass kills of fish, shrimp and other animals in brackishwater earthen ponds, lakes and sea cages should be determined.


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The present study was carried out to investigate the influence of water temperature on the growth performance and digestive enzyme (pepsin, trypsin and lipase) activities of Chinese longsnout catfish. Triplicate groups of Chinese longsnout catfish (35.6 +/- 0.48 g, mean +/- SE) were reared at different water temperatures (20, 24, 28 and 32 degrees C). The feeding rate (FR), specific growth rate (SGR) and feed efficiency ratio (FER) were significantly affected by water temperatures and regression relationships between water temperature and FI, SGR as well as FER were expressed as FR=-0.016T2+0.91T-10.88 (n=12, R2=0.8752), SGR=-0.026T2+1.39T-17.29 (n=12, R2=0.7599) and FER=-0.013T2+0.70T-8.43 (n=12, R2=0.7272). Based on these, the optimum temperatures for FR, SGR and FER were 27.66, 26.69 and 26.44 degrees C respectively. The specific activities of digestive enzymes at 24 or 28 degrees C were significantly higher than that at 20 or 32 degrees C. In addition, there was a significant linear regression between FR or SGR and specific activities of pepsin and lipase, which indicated that pepsin and lipase played important roles in regulating growth through nutrient digestion in Chinese longsnout catfish.


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Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) are now emerging ubiquitous contaminants due to their wide usage, persistence and toxicities. To investigate the bioaccumulative characteristics of HBCDs, sediments, Winkle (Littorina littorea), crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) were collected from two streams near an E-waste dismantling site in China. and HBCD exposure test was then conducted on Chinese rare minnow. The concentration of HBCDs was 14 ng g(-1) dry weight in sediments, 186. 377 and 1791 ng g(-1) lipid weight in winkle, crucian carp and loach, respectively. gamma-HBCD was found to be the dominant diastereoisomer in the sediments (63% of total HBCDs). However, alpha-HBCD was selectively accumulated in the biotic samples and contributed to 77%, 63% and 63% of total HBCDs in winkle, crucian carp and loach, respectively. Moreover, an enrichment of (-)-enantiomers of alpha- and gamma-HBCD were found in the winkle. The reverse results were observed in the crucian carp and loach. Similar observations of diastereoisomeric and enantiomeric composition were obtained in Chinese rare minnow with those found in the crucian carp and loach. These results indicate that the freshwater species from the streams are contaminated by HBCDs. alpha-HBCD can be selectively accumulated in organisms and the accumulative characteristics are enantioselective among species. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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From the cell cytoskeleton to connective tissues, fibrous networks are ubiquitous in metazoan life as the key promoters of mechanical strength, support and integrity. In recent decades, the application of physics to biological systems has made substantial strides in elucidating the striking mechanical phenomena observed in such networks, explaining strain stiffening, power law rheology and cytoskeletal fluidisation - all key to the biological function of individual cells and tissues. In this review we focus on the current progress in the field, with a primer into the basic physics of individual filaments and the networks they form. This is followed by a discussion of biological networks in the context of a broad spread of recent in vitro and in vivo experiments.


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Six polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized using an enriched library technique in the large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson, 1864), a commercially important marine fish in China. They showed PIC (polymorphism information content) ranging from 0.064 to 0.885 (average of 0.580) and allele numbers ranging from two to 13 (average of 7.5), which were useful for the studies on population genetics and selective breeding of the large yellow croaker.


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Computer simulation experiments were performed to examine the effectiveness of OR- and comparative-reinforcement learning algorithms. In the simulation, human rewards were given as +1 and -1. Two models of human instruction that determine which reward is to be given in every step of a human instruction were used. Results show that human instruction may have a possibility of including both model-A and model-B characteristics, and it can be expected that the comparative-reinforcement learning algorithm is more effective for learning by human instructions.


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The structural and photoluminescence (PL) properties of the InAs quantum dots (QDs) grown on a combined InAlAs and GaAs strained buffer layer have been investigated by AFM and PL measurements. The dependence of the critical thickness for the transition from 2D to 3D on the thickness of GaAs layer is demonstrated directly by RHEED. The effects of the introduced-InAlAs layer on the density and the aspect ratio of QDs have been discussed.