956 resultados para Metronidazole vaginal gel
The electroassisted encapsulation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes was performed into silica matrices (SWCNT@SiO2). This material was used as the host for the potentiostatic growth of polyaniline (PANI) to yield a hybrid nanocomposite electrode, which was then characterized by both electrochemical and imaging techniques. The electrochemical properties of the SWCNT@SiO2-PANI composite material were tested against inorganic (Fe3+/Fe2+) and organic (dopamine) redox probes. It was observed that the electron transfer constants for the electrochemical reactions increased significantly when a dispersion of either SWCNT or PANI was carried out inside of the SiO2 matrix. However, the best results were obtained when polyaniline was grown through the pores of the SWCNT@SiO2 material. The enhanced reversibility of the redox reactions was ascribed to the synergy between the two electrocatalytic components (SWCNTs and PANI) of the composite material.
In order to test the hypothesis that caesarean birth has negative consequences upon newly mothers’ satisfaction and perceptions, women delivering by caesarean birth (WCB) were compared with women delivering by vaginal birth (WVB). Subjects: 180 newly mothers; 93 WCB and 87 WVB. Instruments: A Socio-Demographic Questionnaire developed for this research, the Childbirth Perceptions Questionnaire and the Mother and Baby Scales. Results: WCB had significantly lower scores in perceptions of baby as alert/responsive and nearly significant lower scores for baby as alert during feeds. WVB showed a significantly higher level of satisfaction with delivery and conduct during labour, as also had significantly lower scores for perceptions of baby as irritable during feeds and for lack of confidence in feeds. After controlling for the kind of anesthesia received in labour, three conclusions must be taken into account: 1) between WCB with regional anaesthesia and WCB with general anaesthesia there is only one significant difference, with the former having higher scores for perception of baby as alert during feeds; 2) between WVB with regional anaesthesia and WVB with no anaesthesia there are only two significant differences, with the former having higher scores for lack of confidence in feeding and having lower scores for global confidence; 3) between WCB with regional anaesthesia and WVB with regional anaesthesia four significant differences emerge, with the former having a lower level of satisfaction with delivery and conduct in labour and having lower scores for perception of baby as alert responsive, and also having higher scores of perception of baby as irritable in feeds and higher scores for lack of confidence in feeding. Data seem compatible with the hypothesis that caesarean birth has some negative consequences upon mothers’ satisfaction and perceptions and, for this reason, psychological surveys should constitute a routine procedure in maternity hospitals, especially when newly mothers pertain to families affected by risks of psychological or social nature.
Fino a pochi anni fa l’economia dei paesi più sviluppati non teneva in nessun conto l’esauribilità delle risorse del pianeta. La crescita dei paesi cosiddetti emergenti ci ha messo di fronte ad un problema enorme: ciò che la terra produce non è più sufficiente per i consumi di tutti. In particolare è aumentato a dismisura il fabbisogno energetico di questi paesi: per soddisfarlo ogni risorsa viene utilizzata senza tenere conto degli effetti inquinanti. Si cominciano già a vederne i primi, di cui il più evidente è il cambiamento climatico, che può portare a veri e propri scompensi ambientali anche nel breve periodo fino a vere e proprie catastrofi (se l’aumento di temperatura supererà i 3°C). Questo problema non è risolvibile istantaneamente ma è fondamentale cominciare a fare qualcosa: un sistema di incentivi che promuova il rinnovabile e adottare nuovi sistemi di sfruttamento dell’energia. In tale ambito sono stati fatti grandi passi, ma bisogna continuare in questo senso. Risulta quindi fondamentale l’utilizzo di energie rinnovabili, che hanno il grande vantaggio di non essere inquinanti ma allo stesso tempo, non essendo programmabili, per poterle sfruttare al meglio e in modo istantaneo necessitano di sistemi di accumulo che permettano all’utente di soddisfare immediatamente la richiesta. Studiamo quindi il comportamento di un sistema di approvvigionamento alimentato da fonte rinnovabile non programmabile per la produzione di idrogeno, che permette un semplice stoccaggio in bombole a una pressione relativamente bassa (10 bar), consentendone l’utilizzo sia come idrogeno purissimo che in un metanatore. In particolare verificheremo il comportamento del sistema di accumulo a gel di piombo; per ottenerne il miglior rendimento, ricercandone la migliore efficienza e le curve di funzionamento. Per ottenere la migliore efficienza del sistema occorre che i componenti vengano progettati, studiati ed utilizzati nelle più performanti condizioni di lavoro.
OBJECTIVES The characterization of differential gene expression in Giardia lamblia WB C6 strain C4 resistant to metronidazole and nitazoxanide using microarray technology and quantitative real-time PCR. METHODS In a previous study, we created and characterized the G. lamblia WB C6 clone C4 resistant to nitazoxanide and metronidazole. In this study, using a microarray-based approach, we have identified open-reading frames (ORFs) that were differentially expressed in C4 when compared with its wild-type WB C6. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we have validated the expression patterns of some of those ORFs, focusing on chaperones such as heat-shock proteins in wild-type and C4 trophozoites. In order to induce an antigenic shift, trophozoites of both strains were subjected to a cycle of en- and excystation. Expression of selected genes and resistance to nitazoxanide and metronidazole were investigated after this cycle. RESULTS Forty of a total of 9115 ORFs were found to be up-regulated and 46 to be down-regulated in C4 when compared with wild-type. After a cycle of en- and excystation, resistance of C4 to nitazoxanide and metronidazole was lost. Resistance formation and en-/excystation were correlated with changes in expression of ORFs encoding for major surface antigens such as the variant surface protein TSA417 or AS7 ('antigenic shift'). Moreover, expression patterns of the cytosolic heat-shock protein HSP70 B2, HSP40, and of the previously identified nitazoxanide-binding proteins nitroreductase and protein disulphide isomerase PDI4 were correlated with resistance and loss of resistance after en-/excystation. C4 trophozoites had a higher thermotolerance level than wild-type trophozoites. After en-/excystation, this tolerance was lost. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that resistance formation in Giardia to nitazoxanide and metronidazole is correlated with altered expression of genes involved in stress response such as heat-shock proteins.
[16. VI. 13.].
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The dictionary on which the present work is based was itself a complete revision of Johann Gottfried Flügel's Vollständiges engl.-deutsches und deutsch-engl. Wörterbuch.
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.