975 resultados para Methylene blue


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Voltage-sensitive ionic currents were identified and characterised in ventricular myocytes of the bivalve mollusc, Mytilus edulis, using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Two outward currents could be distinguished. A potassium A current (I-A) activated at - 30 mV from a holding potential of - 60 mV. This transient current was inactivated by holding the cells at a potential of - 40 mV and was also blocked by applying 4-aminopyridine (3 mM) to the external bath solution. A second current was identified as a delayed rectifier (I-K). This also activated at - 30 mV but exhibited a sustained time course and was still activated at a holding potential of - 40 mV. Both outward currents were reduced in the presence of tetraethylammonium ions (30 mM). A small number of heart cells also showed an inward sodium current (I-Na). This current appeared at potentials more positive than - 50 mV, reached a maximum at - 20 mV, and decreased with further depolarisation. I-Na was inactivated at a holding potential of - 40 mV and was blocked by tetrodotoxin (1 mu M). A second inward current had a sustained time course and was not inactivated by holding the cell at a potential of -40 mV, and was also not abolished by tetrodotoxin. This current peaked at 0 mV, decreasing with further depolarisation. Furthermore, it was enhanced by the addition of barium ions (3 mM) to the bath and was blocked by external cobalt (2 mM) or nifedipine (15 mu M) These findings are consistent with this being an L-type calcium current (I-Ca) The possible physiological roles of these currents in M. edulis heart are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Valve and cardiac activity were simultaneously measured in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) in response to 10 d copper exposure. Valve movements, heart rates and heart-rate variability were obtained non-invasively using a Musselmonitor(R) (valve activity) and a modified version of the Computer-Aided Physiological Monitoring system (CAPMON; cardiac activity). After 2 d exposure of mussels (4 individuals per treatment group) to a range of dissolved copper concentrations (0 to 12.5 mu M as CuCl2) median valve positions (% open) and median heart rates (beats per minute) declined as a function of copper concentration. Heart-rate variability (coefficient of variation for interpulse durations) rose in a concentration-dependent manner. The 48 h EC50 values (concentrations of copper causing 50% change) for valve positions, heart rates and heart-rate variability were 2.1, 0.8, and 0.06 mu M, respectively. Valve activity was weakly correlated with both heart rate (r = 0.48 +/- 0.02) and heart-rate variability (r = 0.32 +/- 0.06) for control individuals (0 mu M Cu2+). This resulted from a number of short enclosure events that did not coincide with a change in cardiac activity. Exposure of mussels to increasing copper concentrations (greater than or equal to 0.8 mu M) progressively reduced the correlation between valve activity and heart rates (r = 0 for individuals dosed with greater than or equal to 6.3 mu M Cu2+), while correlations between valve activity and heart-rate variability were unaffected. The poor correlations resulted from periods of valve flapping that were not mimicked by similar fluctuations in heart rate or heart-rate variability. The data suggest that the copper-induced bradycardia observed in mussels is not a consequence of prolonged valve closure.


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Previous studies have shown that low levels of copper (down to 0.8 muM) induce bradycardia in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and that this is not caused by prolonged Valve closure. The aim of this study was to determine the precise mechanism responsible. To establish if copper was directly affecting heart cell physiology, recordings of contractions from isolated ventricular strips were made using an isometric force transducer, in response to copper concentrations (as CuCl2) ranging between 1 muM and 1 mM. Inhibition of mechanical activity only occurred at 1 mM copper, suggesting that the copper-induced bradycardia observed in whole animals cannot be attributed to direct cardiotoxicity. Effects of copper on the cardiac nerves were subsequently examined. Following removal of visceral ganglia (from where the cardiac nerves originate), exposure to 12.5 muM copper had no effect on the heart rate of whole animals. The effect of copper on the heart rate of mussels could not be abolished by depletion of the monoamine content of the animal using reserpine. However, pre-treatment of the animals with alpha -bungarotoxin considerably reduced the sensitivity of the heart to copper. These results indicated that the influence of copper on the heart of M. edulis might be mediated by a change in the activity of cholinergic nerves to heart. In the final experiments, mussels were injected with either benzoquinonium or D-tubocurarine, prior to copper exposure, in an attempt to selectively block the inhibitory or excitatory cholinoreceptors of the heart. Only benzoquinonium decreased the susceptibility of the heart to copper, suggesting that copper affects the cardiac activity of blue mussels by stimulating inhibitory cholinergic nerves to the heart. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dyes Nile Blue (C I Basic Blue 12) and Thionine (C I 52000) were examined in both ionic and neutral forms in different solvents using NMR and UV-visible spectroscopy to firmly establish the structures of the molecules and to assess the nature and extent of their aggregation H-1 and C-13 NMR assignments and chemical shift data were used together with nuclear Overhauser effect information to propose a self-assembly structure These data were supplemented with variable temperature dilution and diffusion-based experimental results using H-1 NMR spectroscopy thereby enabling extended aggregate structures to be assessed in terms of the relative strength of self-association and the extent to which extended aggregates could form (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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The blue supergiant Sher 25 is surrounded by an asymmetric, hourglass-shaped circumsteller nebula. Its structure and dynamics have been studied previously through high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy, and it appears dynamically similar to the ring structure around SN 1987A. Here, we present long-slit spectroscopy of the circumstellar nebula around Sher 25, and of the background nebula of the host cluster NGC 3603. We perform a detailed nebular abundance analysis to measure the gas-phase abundances of oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, neon and argon. The oxygen abundance in the circumstellar nebula (12 + log O/H = 8.61 +/- 0.13 dex) is similar to that in the background nebula (8.56 +/- 0.07), suggesting that the composition of the host cluster is around solar. However, we confirm that the circumsteller nebula is very rich in nitrogen, with an abundance of 8.91 +/- 0.15, compared to the background value of 7.47 +/- 0.18. A new analysis of the stellar spectrum With the FASTWIND model atmosphere code suggests that the photospheric nitrogen and oxygen abundances in Sher 25 are consistent with the nebular results. While the nitrogen abundances are high, when compared to stellar evolutionary models, they do not unambiguously confirm that the star has undergone convective dredge-up during a previous red supergiant phase. We suggest that the more likely scenario is that the nebula was ejected from the star while it was in the blue supergiant phase. The star's initial mass was around 50 M-circle dot which is rather too high for it to have had a convective envelope stage as a red supergiant. Rotating stellar models that lead to mixing of core-processed material to the stellar surface during core H-burning can quantitatively match the stellar results with the nebula abundances.


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We present the detailed spectral analysis of a sample of M33 B-type supergiant stars, aimed at the determination of their fundamental parameters and chemical composition. The analysis is based on a grid of non-LTE metal line-blanketed model atmospheres including the effects of stellar winds and spherical extension computed with the code FASTWIND. Surface abundance ratios of C, N, and O are used to discuss the chemical evolutionary status of each individual star. The comparison of observed stellar properties with theoretical predictions of massive star evolutionary models shows good agreement within the uncertainties of the analysis. The spatial distribution of the sample allows us to investigate the existence of radial abundance gradients in the disk of M33. The comparison of stellar and H II region O abundances ( based on direct determinations of the electron temperature of the nebulae) shows good agreement. Using a simple linear radial representation, the stellar oxygen abundances result in a gradient of -0.0145 +/- 0.005 dex arcmin(-1) (or -0.06 +/- 0.02 dex kpc(-1)) up to a distance equal to similar to 1.1 times the isophotal radius of the galaxy. A more complex representation cannot be completely discarded by our stellar sample. The stellar Mg and Si abundances follow the trend displayed by O abundances, although with shallower gradients. These differences in gradient slope cannot be explained at this point. The derived abundances of the three alpha-elements yield solar metallicity in the central regions of the disk of M33. A comparison with recent planetary nebula data from Magrini and coworkers indicates that the disk of M33 has not suffered from a significant O enrichment in the last 3 Gyr.


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Half hour exposures using the ESO VLT/FORS1 combination at Paranal in Chile have allowed us to obtain spectra for three B supergiants in the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. The spectra have been analysed using non-LTE techniques and temperatures, gravities, helium content and abundances have been obtained. Overall the metallicity of NGC 6822 is found to lie between that of the LMC and of the SMC, in agreement with previous observations of H II regions and in contrast to the earlier findings of Massey et al. (1995). The analysis of H-alpha yields estimates of the mass-loss rates and wind momenta. These results demonstrate that significantly longer exposures with the same instruments will allow us to perform quantitative spectroscopy of blue supergiants in galaxies far beyond the Local Group.


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We have begun a search for early-type stars towards the galactic centre which are potentially young objects situated within the inner few kiloparsecs of the disk. U and V (or I) band photographic photometry from the UK Schmidt Telescope has been obtained to identify the bluest candidates in nineteen Schmidt fields (centred close to the galactic centre). We have spectroscopically observed these targets for three fields with the FLAIR multi-fibre system to determine their spectral types. In particular; ten early B-type stars have been identified and equivalent width measurements of their Balmer and HeI lines have been used to estimate atmospheric parameters. These early-type objects have magnitudes in the range 11.5 less than or equal to V less than or equal to 16.0, and our best estimates of their distance (given probable highly variable reddening in this direction together with errors in the plate photometry) suggest that some of them originated close to (i.e R-g


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As part of a programme to investigate spatial variations in the Galactic chemical composition, we have been searching for normal B-type stars and A-type supergiants near the Galactic center. During this search we have found eleven peculiar stars, and in some cases performed detailed abundance analyses of them which suggest that they may be at a post-AGB evolutionary stage.


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We present high-resolution spectroscopic observations of LS 4825, a V = 12 B-type star in the Galactic center direction. On the basis of its stellar and interstellar spectra, we infer that it is likely to be a young supergiant at a distance of 21 +/- 5 kpc, and hence lying on the far side of the 'Galaxy. Adopting this hypothesis, a differential abundance analysis shows LS 4825 to have a chemical composition that is consistent with local B-type supergiants. These observations therefore represent the first detailed investigation of a star on the far side of the Galactic center. We trace multiple interstellar components in Ca II K and Na I D spectra, with velocities -206 less than or equal to v(lst) less than or equal to +93 km s(-1). We consider the likely origin of this gas and find that some components appear to trace matter lying close to the Galactic center. We discuss the possible use of such sight lines in furthering our understanding both of the nature of gas around the Galactic center and of the abundance gradient of the Galaxy.


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High resolution optical spectra of four blue supergiants (HD148422 B0.5 Ib; HD178487 B0.5 Ib; HD179407 B1 Ib, HD163522 B1 Ib) which lie within 4.5 kpc of the Galactic centre are presented. Careful differential LTE model atmosphere analyses are used to quantify the differences in photospheric metal abundances between these stars and MK spectral standards in the solar neighborhood. A detailed non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of one star (HD163522) confirms that the LTE differential abundances should be reliable, provided we use a comparison star with similar atmospheric parameters.


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Mild hyperhomocysteinaemia is a major risk factor for vascular disease and neural tube defects (NTDs), conferring an approximately three-fold relative risk for each condition. It has several possible causes: heterozygosity for rare loss of function mutations in the genes for 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) or cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS); dietary insufficiency of vitamin co-factors B6, B12 or folates; or homozygosity for a common 'thermolabile' mutation in the MTHFR gene which has also been associated with vascular disease and NTDs. We quantified the contribution of the thermolabile mutation to the hyperhomocysteinaemic phenotype in a working male population (625 individuals). Serum folate and vitamin B12 concentrations were also measured and their relationship with homocysteine status and MTHFR genotype assessed. The homozygous thermolabile genotype occurred in 48.4, 35.5, and 23.4% of the top 5, 10, and 20% of individuals (respectively) ranked by plasma homocysteine levels, compared with a frequency of 11.5% in the study population as a whole, establishing that the mutation is a major determinant of homocysteine levels at the upper end of the range. Serum folate concentrations also varied with genotype, being lowest in thermolabile homozygotes. The MTHFR thermolabile genotype should be considered when population studies are designed to determine the effective homocysteine-lowering dose of dietary folate supplements, and when prophylactic doses of folate are recommended for individuals.