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Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a non-invasive imaging technique, which provides information reporting the functional states of tissues. SPECT imaging has been used as a diagnostic tool in several human disorders and can be used in animal models of diseases for physiopathological, genomic and drug discovery studies. However, most of the experimental models used in research involve rodents, which are at least one order of magnitude smaller in linear dimensions than man. Consequently, images of targets obtained with conventional gamma-cameras and collimators have poor spatial resolution and statistical quality. We review the methodological approaches developed in recent years in order to obtain images of small targets with good spatial resolution and sensitivity. Multipinhole, coded mask- and slit-based collimators are presented as alternative approaches to improve image quality. In combination with appropriate decoding algorithms, these collimators permit a significant reduction of the time needed to register the projections used to make 3-D representations of the volumetric distribution of target’s radiotracers. Simultaneously, they can be used to minimize artifacts and blurring arising when single pinhole collimators are used. Representation images are presented, which illustrate the use of these collimators. We also comment on the use of coded masks to attain tomographic resolution with a single projection, as discussed by some investigators since their introduction to obtain near-field images. We conclude this review by showing that the use of appropriate hardware and software tools adapted to conventional gamma-cameras can be of great help in obtaining relevant functional information in experiments using small animals.
Mechanical ventilation has been associated with organ failure in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. The present study examines the effects of tidal volume (V T) on renal function using two V T values (8 and 27 mL/kg) in anesthetized, paralyzed and mechanically ventilated male Wistar rats. Animals were randomized into two groups of 6 rats each: V T8 (V T, 8 mL/kg; 61.50 ± 0.92 breaths/min; positive end-expiratory pressure, 3.0 cmH2O; peak airway pressure (PAW), 11.8 ± 2.0 cmH2O), and V T27 (V T, 27 mL/kg; 33.60 ± 1.56 breaths/min; positive end-expiratory pressure, none, and PAW, 22.7 ± 4.0 cmH2O). Throughout the experiment, mean PAW remained comparable between the two groups (6.33 ± 0.21 vs 6.50 ± 0.22 cmH2O). For rats in the V T27 group, inulin clearance (mL·min-1·body weight-1) decreased acutely after 60 min of mechanical ventilation and even more significantly after 90 min, compared with baseline values (0.60 ± 0.05 and 0.45 ± 0.05 vs 0.95 ± 0.07; P < 0.001), although there were no differences between groups in mean arterial pressure or gasometric variables. In the V T8 group, inulin clearance at 120 min of mechanical ventilation remained unchanged in relation to baseline values (0.72 ± 0.03 vs 0.80 ± 0.05). The V T8 and V T27 groups did not differ in terms of serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (3.97 ± 0.27 vs 4.02 ± 0.45 nmol/mL) or endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression (94.25 ± 2.75 vs 96.25 ± 2.39%). Our results show that glomerular filtration is acutely affected by high tidal volume ventilation but do not provide information about the mechanism.
Water deprivation and hypernatremia are major challenges for water and sodium homeostasis. Cellular integrity requires maintenance of water and sodium concentration within narrow limits. This regulation is obtained through engagement of multiple mechanisms and neural pathways that regulate the volume and composition of the extracellular fluid. The purpose of this short review is to summarize the literature on central neural mechanisms underlying cardiovascular, hormonal and autonomic responses to circulating volume changes, and some of the findings obtained in the last 12 years by our laboratory. We review data on neural pathways that start with afferents in the carotid body that project to medullary relays in the nucleus tractus solitarii and caudal ventrolateral medulla, which in turn project to the median preoptic nucleus in the forebrain. We also review data suggesting that noradrenergic A1 cells in the caudal ventrolateral medulla represent an essential link in neural pathways controlling extracellular fluid volume and renal sodium excretion. Finally, recent data from our laboratory suggest that these structures may also be involved in the beneficial effects of intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline on recovery from hemorrhagic shock.
This study evaluated the dynamic behavior of total and compartmental chest wall volumes [(V CW) = rib cage (V RC) + abdomen (V AB)] as measured breath-by-breath by optoelectronic plethysmography during constant-load exercise in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thirty males (GOLD stages II-III) underwent a cardiopulmonary exercise test to the limit of tolerance (Tlim) at 75% of peak work rate on an electronically braked cycle ergometer. Exercise-induced dynamic hyperinflation was considered to be present when end-expiratory (EE) V CW increased in relation to resting values. There was a noticeable heterogeneity in the patterns of V CW regulation as EEV CW increased non-linearly in 17/30 "hyperinflators" and decreased in 13/30 "non-hyperinflators" (P < 0.05). EEV AB decreased slightly in 8 of the "hyperinflators", thereby reducing and slowing the rate of increase in end-inspiratory (EI) V CW (P < 0.05). In contrast, decreases in EEV CW in the "non-hyperinflators" were due to the combination of stable EEV RC with marked reductions in EEV AB. These patients showed lower EIV CW and end-exercise dyspnea scores but longer Tlim than their counterparts (P < 0.05). Dyspnea increased and Tlim decreased non-linearly with a faster rate of increase in EIV CW regardless of the presence or absence of dynamic hyperinflation (P < 0.001). However, no significant between-group differences were observed in metabolic, pulmonary gas exchange and cardiovascular responses to exercise. Chest wall volumes are continuously regulated during exercise in order to postpone (or even avoid) their migration to higher operating volumes in patients with COPD, a dynamic process that is strongly dependent on the behavior of the abdominal compartment.
Positron-emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) has improved cyst infection (CI) management in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The determinants of kidney and/or liver involvement, however, remain uncertain. In this study, we evaluated clinical and imaging factors associated with CI in kidney (KCI) and liver (LCI) in ADPKD. A retrospective cohort study was performed in hospital-admitted ADPKD patients with suspected CI. Clinical, imaging and surgical data were analyzed. Features of infected cysts were evaluated by PET/CT. Total kidney (TKV) and liver (TLV) volumes were measured by CT-derived multiplanar reconstruction. CI was detected in 18 patients who experienced 24 episodes during an interval of 30 months (LCI in 12, KCI in 10 and concomitant infection in 2). Sensitivities of CT, magnetic resonance imaging and PET/CT were 25.0, 71.4, and 95.0%. Dysuria (P<0.05), positive urine culture (P<0.01), and previous hematuria (P<0.05) were associated with KCI. Weight loss (P<0.01) and increased C-reactive protein levels (P<0.05) were associated with LCI. PET/CT revealed that three or more infected cysts were present in 70% of the episodes. TKV was higher in kidney-affected than in LCI patients (AUC=0.91, P<0.05), with a cut-off of 2502 mL (72.7% sensitivity, 100.0% specificity). TLV was higher in liver-affected than in KCI patients (AUC=0.89, P<0.01) with a cut-off of 2815 mL (80.0% sensitivity, 87.5% specificity). A greater need for invasive procedures was observed in LCI (P<0.01), and the overall mortality was 20.8%. This study supports PET/CT as the most sensitive imaging method for diagnosis of cyst infection, confirms the multifocal nature of most hospital-admitted episodes, and reveals an association of kidney and liver volumes with this complication.
Altered mean platelet volume in patients with polymyositis and its association with disease severity
Polymyositis (PM) is an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation in skeletal muscle. Mean platelet volume (MPV), a marker in the assessment of systemic inflammation, is easily measured by automatic blood count equipment. However, to our knowledge, there are no data in the literature with respect to MPV levels in PM patients. Therefore, in this study we aimed to investigate MPV levels in patients with PM. This study included 92 newly diagnosed PM patients and 100 healthy individuals. MPV levels were found to be significantly lower compared with healthy controls (10.3±1.23 vs 11.5±0.74 fL, P<0.001). Interestingly, MPV was found to be positively correlated with manual muscle test (MMT) score and negatively correlated with erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in patients with PM (r=0.239, P=0.022; r=−0.268, P=0.010, respectively). In addition, MPV was significantly lower in active PM patients compared with inactive PM patients (9.9±1.39 vs 10.6±0.92 fL, P=0.010). MPV was independently associated with PM in multivariate regression analyses, when controlling for hemoglobin and ESR (OR=0.312, P=0.031, 95%CI=0.108 to 0.899). The ROC curve analysis for MPV in estimating PM patients resulted in an area under the curve of 0.800, with sensitivity of 75.0% and specificity of 67.4%. Our results suggest that MPV is inversely correlated with disease activity in patients with PM. MPV might be a useful tool for rapid assessment of disease severity in PM patients.
O efeito das variáveis independentes: soro desmineralizado em pó (0,0; 1,5 e 3,0 %), cultura láctica (1,0; 2,0 e 3,0 %) e temperatura de tratamento da mistura (85; 90 e 95°C) foi estudado nas respostas consistência sensorial e instrumental do iogurte. A metodologia de superfície de resposta foi usada para efetuar tratamentos estatísticos dos experimentos e desenvolver modelos matemáticos da relação entre as variáveis e as respostas. A consistência instrumental e sensorial apresentaram resultados semelhantes e correlacionáveis entre si, r = 0,65 (p < 0,01), ambas foram maiores quando aumentou-se a temperatura da mistura e diminuiu-se o teor de soro desmineralizado em pó.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar algumas alterações de óleos vegetais (girassol, soja e milho), utilizado em sucessivas frituras de produtos pré-fritos congelados (batata palito e produto cárneo empanado (snacks). As frituras dos produtos foram conduzidas em fritadeira doméstica e com as seguintes condições controladas: temperatura de 180°C, relação superfície/volume de 0,3 cm-1 e tempo total de aquecimento de 12 h. Nas amostras dos óleos procederam-se as determinações analíticas: compostos polares totais, dienos conjugados, índice de ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA) e medida da estabilidade oxidativa. Os resultados, em duplicata, obtidos das determinações analíticas foram submetidos às análises de variância, empregando um esquema fatorial, no delineamento inteiramente casual, de modo a determinar a influência dos fatores (produtos, óleos e tempos de fritura) sobre as alterações nos óleos. Os óleos vegetais utilizados nas frituras dos snacks apresentaram menores alterações do que os óleos utilizados para fritura das batatas. Os resultados mostraram que os óleos estudados, apesar das diferenças na composição em ácidos graxos, não apresentaram, em nenhuma análise, valores acima dos limites recomendados em alguns países para o descarte de óleos, independentemente do tipo de produto frito e tempo de aquecimento.
Caracteres morfológicos têm sido utilizados tradicionalmente como assinaturas da identidade e pureza varietal e genética. Esses descritores se constituem em uma base pobre, por ser uma medida indireta da composição genética do material. Uma vez que caracteres moleculares revelam diferenças genéticas mais rapidamente, com maior precisão e sem o obscurecimento causado pelo efeito ambiental, oferecem vantagens significantes em termos de discriminação, confiabilidade, rapidez e custo reduzido. Um método molecular relativamente novo, DNA polimórfico amplificado ao acaso (RAPD), baseado na reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), tem sido adotado por alguns pesquisadores envolvidos no desenvolvimento de métodos de identificação de cultivares principalmente por ser uma técnica simples que não requer nenhuma informação prévia sobre seqüências de nucleotídeos do genoma da espécie, além de ser bastante acessível e de custo relativamente baixo. Mas, infelizmente, a análise de RAPD apresenta sérios problemas, principalmente em relação à reprodutibilidade e caracterização da homologia dos produtos. Se esses problemas podem ser efetivamente resolvidos então a análise de RAPD pode se tornar um método eficiente e aplicável, mas talvez o investimento em tempo e dinheiro seja mais útil no desenvolvimento e adaptação de técnicas mais promissoras. Há um grande volume de publicações sobre a técnica de RAPD na literatura, todas evidenciando o mesmo problema: a variabilidade inerente aos produtos de amplificações com primers decâmeros limita a sua utilização na indústria e em programas de certificação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi discorrer sobre a eficiência da técnica de RAPD na identificação de cultivares, ressaltando as suas vantagens e limitações.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos verificar o efeito do número de sementes e do volume de água utilizada no teste de condutividade elétrica (CE) para avaliar o vigor de três lotes de sementes de Dalbergia nigra (jacarandá-da-bahia) e correlacionar esses resultados com os dados de germinação em laboratório e em viveiro. Os testes de germinação em laboratório e viveiro foram conduzidos com quatro repetições de 25 sementes. O teste de CE foi realizado com 25, 50 e 75 sementes embebidas a 75, 100 e 125ml de água, por diferentes períodos. A porcentagem de germinação e de plântulas normais em laboratório, indicaram o lote III como de qualidade inferior aos lotes I e II. A primeira contagem da germinação e o índice de velocidade de germinação em laboratório e a emergência, índice de velocidade de emergência e porcentagem de plântulas normais em viveiro identificaram o lote II como superior ao lote I e o III como inferior. A CE diminui com o aumento do volume de água e aumentou com o período de embebição. A diferenciação dos lotes foi mais eficiente, quando se utilizou 75ml de água deionizada e amostras de 50 sementes com pelo menos 36 horas de embebição, com valores de CE menores nos lotes I e II do que no lote II. Os coeficientes de correlação simples entre a CE e as demais características avaliadas, em laboratório e viveiro, foram elevados e significativos, evidenciando alta associação entre os mesmos. Assim, pode-se recomendar que o teste de CE seja conduzido a 25ºC, com amostras de 50 sementes embebidas em 75ml de água deionizada, por períodos iguais ou superiores a 36 horas de embebição, para determinar a qualidade fisiológica de lotes de sementes de jacarandá-da-bahia.