1000 resultados para Medical equipment.


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Donor cell leukaemia (DCL) is a rare complication of allogenic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). We report the case of a female patient with acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), FAB type M3, who developed acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) type M5 of donor origin 17 years after allogenic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from her HLA-matched sister. Morphology and immunophenotyping showed differences with the initial leukaemia, and short tandem repeat (STR) analysis confirmed donor-type haematopoiesis. Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) showed an 11q23 deletion. Given that the latency period between transplant and development of leukaemia was the longest reported to date, we discuss the mechanisms underlying delayed leukaemia onset.


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INTRODUCTION Cutaneous candidiasis is a disease that affects children as well as adults. The presentation may be localized or systemic, and with multiple etiological agents. The most prevalent infecting species in children differs from that of the adult. OBJECTIVE A case is presented where a congenital cutaneous candidiasis was transmitted to the child during birth. MATERIALS AND METHODS A full term newborn was exposed to a subclinical vaginal candidiasis infection, and 24 hr after birth, developed congenital cutaneous candidiasis. The etiological agent was Candida albicans, and was associated with sepsis and respiratory distress. Blood cultures, cutaneous biopsy of vesicular lesions, blood tests and lumbar puncture were performed. RESULTS Biochemistry and blood count showed a CRP of 5.7 mg/dl, leukocytosis with left shift and mild anemia. After 24 hr, the blood analyses showed an increase in a CRP (7.8 mg/dl) and increased progressively for three days; consequently, a lumbar puncture was performed. Blood culture was positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Cutaneous biopsy confirmed the cutaneous candidiasis. CONCLUSIONS The early diagnosis is essential to prevent complications derived by the Candida albicans in newborns.


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BACKGROUND Functional brain images such as Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) have been widely used to guide the clinicians in the Alzheimer's Disease (AD) diagnosis. However, the subjectivity involved in their evaluation has favoured the development of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Systems. METHODS It is proposed a novel combination of feature extraction techniques to improve the diagnosis of AD. Firstly, Regions of Interest (ROIs) are selected by means of a t-test carried out on 3D Normalised Mean Square Error (NMSE) features restricted to be located within a predefined brain activation mask. In order to address the small sample-size problem, the dimension of the feature space was further reduced by: Large Margin Nearest Neighbours using a rectangular matrix (LMNN-RECT), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Partial Least Squares (PLS) (the two latter also analysed with a LMNN transformation). Regarding the classifiers, kernel Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and LMNN using Euclidean, Mahalanobis and Energy-based metrics were compared. RESULTS Several experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the proposed LMNN-based feature extraction algorithms and its benefits as: i) linear transformation of the PLS or PCA reduced data, ii) feature reduction technique, and iii) classifier (with Euclidean, Mahalanobis or Energy-based methodology). The system was evaluated by means of k-fold cross-validation yielding accuracy, sensitivity and specificity values of 92.78%, 91.07% and 95.12% (for SPECT) and 90.67%, 88% and 93.33% (for PET), respectively, when a NMSE-PLS-LMNN feature extraction method was used in combination with a SVM classifier, thus outperforming recently reported baseline methods. CONCLUSIONS All the proposed methods turned out to be a valid solution for the presented problem. One of the advances is the robustness of the LMNN algorithm that not only provides higher separation rate between the classes but it also makes (in combination with NMSE and PLS) this rate variation more stable. In addition, their generalization ability is another advance since several experiments were performed on two image modalities (SPECT and PET).


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There is strong evidence suggesting the presence of a genetic component in the aetiology of multiple myeloma (MM). However no genetic risk factors have been unequivocally established so far. To further our understanding of the genetic determinants of MM risk, a promising strategy is to collect a large set of patients in a consortium, as successfully done for other cancers. In this article, we review the main findings in the genetic susceptibility and pharmacogenetics of MM and present the strategy of the IMMEnSE (International Multiple Myeloma rESEarch) consortium in contributing to determine the role of genetic variation in pharmacogenetics and in MM risk.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate sensitization to third-stage Anisakis simplex larvae in a randomly selected population in northern Morocco. METHODS We studied sera obtained from clinical analysis laboratories in Tangier and Tetuouan and from fishermen at Tangier port. The age of the study population ranged from 6 to 83 years. ImmunoCAP and immunoblotting techniques were used to determine total and specific immunoglobulin (Ig) E values and the chi2 and Fisher exact tests were applied to analyze relationships between study variables. RESULTS A seroprevalence of 5.1% was found, with a higher percentage of positive sera in the 31-to-43-year age group. Sensitization was not significantly associated with the origin, sex, occupation, or age of the individuals studied. In sera positive by InmunoCAP, immunoblotting studies detected numerous bands of between 7 kDa and >209 kDa, with a predominance of bands in the approximately 20-kDa to 24-kDa range. CONCLUSIONS Although no cases of human anisakiasis have been reported in Morocco to date, part of a randomly selected population in Northern Morocco shows sensitization to A simplex proteins.


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PURPOSE We aimed to ascertain the degree of association between bladder cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS We performed a meta-analysis of observational studies with cases and controls with publication dates up to January 2011. The PubMed electronic database was searched by using the key words "bladder cancer and virus." Twenty-one articles were selected that met the required methodological criteria. We implemented an internal quality control system to verify the selected search method. We analyzed the pooled effect of all the studies and also analyzed the techniques used as follows: 1) studies with DNA-based techniques, among which we found studies with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques and 2) studies with non-PCR-based techniques, and studies with non-DNA-based techniques. RESULTS Taking into account the 21 studies that were included in the meta-analysis, we obtained a heterogeneity chi-squared value of Q(exp)=26.45 (p=0.383). The pooled odds ratio (OR) was 2.13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.54 to 2.95), which points to a significant effect between HPV and bladder cancer. Twenty studies assessed the presence of DNA. The overall effect showed a significant relationship between virus presence and bladder cancer, with a pooled OR of 2.19 (95% CI, 1.40 to 3.43). Of the other six studies, four examined the virus's capsid antigen and two detected antibodies in serum by Western blot. The estimated pooled OR in this group was 2.11 (95% CI, 1.27 to 3.51), which confirmed the relationship between the presence of virus and cancer. CONCLUSIONS The pooled OR value showed a moderate relationship between viral infection and bladder tumors.


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INTRODUCTION The Rasch model is increasingly used in the field of rehabilitation because it improves the accuracy of measurements of patient status and their changes after therapy. OBJECTIVE To determine the long-term effectiveness of a holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation program for Spanish outpatients with acquired brain injury (ABI) using Rasch analysis. METHODS Eighteen patients (ten with long evolution - patients who started the program > 6 months after ABI- and eight with short evolution) and their relatives attended the program for 6 months. Patients' and relatives' answers to the European Brain Injury Questionnaire and the Frontal Systems Behavior Scale at 3 time points (pre-intervention. post-intervention and 12 month follow-up) were transformed into linear measures called logits. RESULTS The linear measures revealed significant improvements with large effects at the follow-up assessment on cognitive and executive functioning, social and emotional self-regulation, apathy and mood. At follow-up, the short evolution group achieved greater improvements in mood and cognitive functioning than the long evolution patients. CONCLUSIONS The program showed long-term effectiveness for most of the variables, and it was more effective for mood and cognitive functioning when patients were treated early. Relatives played a key role in the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program.


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INTRODUCTION Selenium is an essential micronutrient for human health, being a cofactor for enzymes with antioxidant activity that protect the organism from oxidative damage. An inadequate intake of this mineral has been associated with the onset and progression of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary diseases, asthma, and cancer. For this reason, knowledge of the plasma and erythrocyte selenium levels of a population makes a relevant contribution to assessment of its nutritional status. OBJECTIVE The objective of the present study was to determine the nutritional status of selenium and risk of selenium deficiency in a healthy adult population in Spain by examining food and nutrient intake and analyzing biochemical parameters related to selenium metabolism, including plasma and erythrocyte levels and selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GPx) enzymatic activity. MATERIAL AND METHODS We studied 84 healthy adults (31 males and 53 females) from the province of Granada, determining their plasma and erythrocyte selenium concentrations and the association of these levels with the enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and with life style factors. We also gathered data on their food and nutrient intake and the results of biochemical analyses. Correlations were studied among all of these variables. RESULTS The mean plasma selenium concentration was 76.6 ± 17.3 μg/L (87.3 ± 17.4 μg/L in males, 67.3 ± 10.7 μg/L in females), whereas the mean erythrocyte selenium concentration was 104.6 μg/L (107.9 ± 26.1 μg/L in males and 101.7 ± 21.7 μg/L in females). The nutritional status of selenium was defined by the plasma concentration required to reach maximum GPx activity, establishing 90 μg/L as reference value. According to this criterion, 50% of the men and 53% of the women were selenium deficient. CONCLUSIONS Selenium is subjected to multiple regulation mechanisms. Erythrocyte selenium is a good marker of longer term selenium status, while plasma selenium appears to be a marker of short-term nutritional status. The present findings indicate a positive correlation between plasma selenium concentration and the practice of physical activity. Bioavailability studies are required to establish appropriate reference levels of this mineral for the Spanish population.


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INTRODUCTION Vitamin D deficiency produces inadequate bone mineralization, proximal muscle weakness, abnormal gait and increased risk of falls and fractures. Moreover, in epidemiological studies, has been associated with increased risk of cancer, autoimmune diseases, type 1 and 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases and depression. When synthesis through the skin by sun exposure is not possible and the patient can not eat by mouth, as in the advanced stages of various neurological diseases, the supply of vitamin D has to be done by enteral nutrition. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study is to review the role of vitamin D in a common group of neurological conditions that often require artificial nutrition and analyze whether the vitamin D of different enteral nutrition formulas is adequate to meet the needs of this group of patients. RESULTS Numerous studies have shown the association between vitamin D deficiency and increased incidence of dementia, stroke and other neurodegenerative diseases. Interventions aimed to increase levels of vit. D and its effects on functional (falls, pain, quality of life) and cardiovascular goals (cardiovascular death, stroke, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular risk factors) have obtained as highlight data a clear reduction of falls and fractures, while the evidence for the other parameters studied is still limited and inconsistent. The content of calcium and vitamin D of enteral formulas is legislated in our country. The total amount of vitamin D for a daily intake of 1,500-2,000 kcal ranges between 300 and 1,600 IU/d (mean ± SD: 32.9 ± 8.5 mg/100 kcal) in the complete formulas for enteral nutrition most commonly used. 50% of the diets studied, for an intake of 2,000 kcal/d, and 90% for an intake of 1,500 kcal/d, provide less than 600 IU/d of vitamin D. DISCUSSION Some revised recently guidelines published recommendations of daily intake of vitamin D. The document published by the U.S. Institute of Medicine recommended for adults between 19 and 70 years, 600 IU/d and up from 70, proposes 800 IU/d of vitamin D. These amounts are deemed insufficient by other scientific societies to state that to achieve blood levels of 25 (OH) D equal or greater than 30 ng/ml may be required a daily intake of 1,500-2,000 IU and a number two or three times higher if previous deficiency exists. CONCLUSIONS Further controlled studies are needed to ascertain which is the appropriate dose of vitamin D in advanced stages of neurological disease, where sun exposure is difficult and unlikely. We suggest that the vitamin D content should probably be reconsidered in enteral nutrition formulas, which, in light of recent publications appear as clearly insufficient for standard energy intakes (1,500-2,000 kcal).


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The purpose of intravenous fluid therapy (IFT) is to maintain or restore internal equilibrium by administering fluids and/or different electrolyte components. Its correct use and the prevention of complications arising from their misuse depend on the knowledge of the medical team on this subject. We analyzed this issue in different clinical areas of a tertiary hospital. MATERIAL AND METHODS We performed a descriptive cross-sectional pilot study via a questionnaire given to physicians specializing in internal medicine (IM) and digestive system surgery (SDS) who perform clinical practice in hospital units with unit dose drug dispensing system. We designed an anonymous questionnaire with 25 questions relative to knowledge of theory and practices, as well as the opinion of physicians regarding IFT. We evaluated the association between nominal qualitative variables with the Chi-square or Fisher's exact test. The behavior of the quantitative variables was assessed using the t-student test. The analysis of the data was generated using SAS/STAT, Version 9. RESULTS 28 questionnaires were collected from 13 surgeons and 15 digestive interns. Over 40% of specialists considered further education in IFT a necessity , especially regarding its prescription (SDS: 61.54%, IM: 71.43%). No statistically significant differences were found between the specialties in terms of perceived frequency of complications associated with IFT or in the frequency indication with the exception of hypovolemic shock, which is considered to be more prevalent in gastrointestinal surgery (p = 0.046). 90% of professionals prefer an individualized prescription. Statistically significant differences in terms of scores in the area of knowledge, with IM physicians achieving the highest scores (p = 0.014). There were also differences in attitude but they are not significant (p = 0.162). Knowledge of intravenous fluid increases with years of clinical experience (Spearman correlation coefficient = 0.386, p = 0.047). CONCLUSIONS The professionals who prescribe IFT perceive the need to design IFT training programs, together with the production of guides and consensus protocols.


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INTRODUCTION Few studies have evaluated the efficacy and reliability of weight loss-focussed prepared food dishes in obese post-menopausal women. OBJECTIVE To compare the efficacy of a weight loss programme based on a balanced hypocaloric diet using prepared dishes* with that of a similar programme based on standard commercially available foods and with a non-intervened control group. A further aim was to evaluate the subjectivity of participants in the preparation of the diet-adjusted dishes based on usually consumed products. SUBJECTS Obese post-menopausal women aged between 55 and 65 years. DESIGN Controlled longitudinal interventional study. METHOD The sample of 75 female volunteers were divided into three groups of 25 women: a control group, who continued to consume their usual non-dietary adjusted meals (CG), an intervened group, treated with a diet adjusted to their individual requirements and based on standard commercially available food (SG), and another intervened group, treated with a similarly adjusted diet but based on prepared dishes (PG). Data were gathered on anthropometric variables, consumption habits and physical activity levels, and clinical-nutritional controls were conducted at the start and every two weeks to the end of the 8-week study in order to evaluate biochemical changes. RESULTS The weight loss was slightly higher in the prepared-dishes group (PG) than in the standard food diet group (SG), but the difference was not statistically significant, whereas it was considerably higher in both groups than in the non-dietary adjusted control group (CG) and this difference was highly significant (losses of 7.60 kg in PG and 7.01 kg in SG versus 2.10 kg in CG (p < 0.01). However, the PG showed a significantly higher (p < 0.01) loss of fatty mass and abdominal circumference versus the SG women. CONCLUSION More weight was lost by the two groups treated with a diet based on prepared dishes or usual food items in comparison to untreated controls, but the diet based on prepared dishes obtained more reliable and higher quality outcomes, achieving a positive change at fatty compartment level and in the abdominal circumference.


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BACKGROUND The number of copies of the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope, and the minor alleles of the STAT4 rs7574865 and the PTPN22 rs2476601 polymorphisms have all been linked with an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of these genetic variants on disease activity and disability in patients with early arthritis. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS We studied 640 patients with early arthritis (76% women; median age, 52 years), recording disease-related variables every 6 months during a 2-year follow-up. HLA-DRB1 alleles were determined by PCR-SSO, while rs7574865 and rs2476601 were genotyped with the Taqman 5' allelic discrimination assay. Multivariate analysis was performed using generalized estimating equations for repeated measures. After adjusting for confounding variables such as gender, age and ACPA, the TT genotype of rs7574865 in STAT4 was associated with increased disease activity (DAS28) as compared with the GG genotype (β coefficient [95% confidence interval] = 0.42 [0.01-0.83], p = 0.044). Conversely, the presence of the T allele of rs2476601 in PTPN22 was associated with diminished disease activity during follow-up in a dose-dependent manner (CT genotype = -0.27 [-0.56- -0.01], p = 0.042; TT genotype = -0.68 [-1.64- -0.27], p = 0.162). After adjustment for gender, age and disease activity, homozygosity for the T allele of rs7574865 in STAT4 was associated with greater disability as compared with the GG genotype. CONCLUSIONS Our data suggest that patients with early arthritis who are homozygous for the T allele of rs7574865 in STAT4 may develop a more severe form of the disease with increased disease activity and disability.


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BACKGROUND To compare outcomes for patients with recurrent or persistent papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) who had metastatic tumors that were fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) positive or negative, and to determine whether the FDG-PET scan findings changed the outcome of medical and surgical management. METHODS From a prospective thyroid cancer database, we retrospectively identified patients with recurrent or persistent PTC and reviewed data on demographics, initial stage, location and extent of persistent or recurrent disease, clinical management, disease-free survival and outcome. We further identified subsets of patients who had an FDG-PET scan or an FDG-PET/CT scan and whole-body radioactive iodine scans and categorized them by whether they had one or more FDG-PET-avid (PET-positive) lesions or PET-negative lesions. The medical and surgical treatments and outcome of these patients were compared. RESULTS Between 1984 and 2008, 41 of 141 patients who had recurrent or persistent PTC underwent FDG-PET (n = 11) or FDG-PET/CT scans (n = 30); 22 patients (54%) had one or more PET-positive lesion(s), 17 (41%) had PET-negative lesions, and two had indeterminate lesions. Most PET-positive lesions were located in the neck (55%). Patients who had a PET-positive lesion had a significantly higher TNM stage (P = 0.01), higher age (P = 0.03), and higher thyroglobulin (P = 0.024). Only patients who had PET-positive lesions died (5/22 vs. 0/17 for PET-negative lesions; P = 0.04). In two of the seven patients who underwent surgical resection of their PET-positive lesions, loco-regional control was obtained without evidence of residual disease. CONCLUSION Patients with recurrent or persistent PTC and FDG-PET-positive lesions have a worse prognosis. In some patients loco-regional control can be obtained without evidence of residual disease by reoperation if the lesion is localized in the neck or mediastinum.


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Study on the likelihood and prevalence of patients with copd, over a year in a family medicine consultation, during 2012 and first two months of 2013. In a query of a health center about 15oo patients every 6 months probabilistic evolution was studied according to the theory of Laplace. Analyze both the COPD, its symptoms, etiology, clinical consultation and treatment in Family Medicine.


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Some sites of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and focal complications of brucellosis are very difficult to differentiate clinically, radiologically, and even histopathologically. Conventional microbiological methods for the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and complicated brucellosis not only lack adequate sensitivity, they are also time consuming, which could lead to an unfavourable prognosis. The aim of this work was to develop a multiplex real-time PCR assay based on SYBR Green I to simultaneously detect Brucella spp and Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and evaluate the efficacy of the technique with different candidate genes. The IS711, bcsp31 and omp2a genes were used for the identification of Brucella spp and the IS6110, senX3-regX3 and cfp31 genes were targeted for the detection of the M. tuberculosis complex. As a result of the different combinations of primers, nine different reactions were evaluated. A test was defined as positive only when the gene combinations were capable of co-amplifying both pathogens in a single reaction tube and showed distinguishable melting temperatures for each microorganism. According to the melting analysis, only three combinations of amplicons (senX3-regX3+bcsp31, senX3-regX3+IS711 and IS6110+IS711) were visible. Detection limits of senX3-regX3+bcsp31 and senX3-regX3+IS711 were of 2 and 3 genome equivalents for M. tuberculosis complex and Brucella while for IS6110+IS711 they were of 200 and 300 genome equivalents, respectively. The three assays correctly identified all the samples, showing negative results for the control patients. The presence of multicopy elements and GC content were the components most influencing the efficiency of the test; this should be taken into account when designing a multiplex-based SYBR Green I assay. In conclusion, multiplex real time PCR assays based on the targets senX3-regX3+bcsp31 and senX3-regX3+IS711 using SYBR Green I are highly sensitive and reproducible. This may therefore be a practical approach for the rapid differential diagnosis between extrapulmonary tuberculosis and complicated brucellosis.