993 resultados para Median nerve area
Most studies of tiller development have not related the physiological and morphological features of each calm to its subsequent fertility. This introduced problems when trying to account for the effects of tillering on yield in crop models. The objective of this study was to detect the most likely early determinants of tiller fertility in sorghum by identifying hierarchies for emergence, fertility and grain number of tillers over a wide range of assimilate availabilities. Emergence, phenology, leaf area development and dry weight partitioning were quantified weekly for individual tillers and main culms of tillering and uniculm plants grown at one of four densities, from two to 16 plants m(-2). For a given plant in any given density, the same tiller hierarchy applied for emergence of tillers, fertility of the emerged tillers and their subsequent grain number. These results were observed over a range of tiller fertility rates (from 7 to 91%), fertile tiller number per plant at maturity (from 0.2 to 4.7), and tiller contribution to grain yield (from 5 to 78%). Tiller emergence was most probably related to assimilate supply and light quality. Development, fertility and contribution to yield of a specific tiller were highly dependent on growing conditions at the time of tiller emergence, particularly via early leaf area development of the tiller, which affected its subsequent leaf area accumulation. Assimilate availability in the main culm at the time of tiller emergence was the most likely early determinant of subsequent tiller fertility in this study. (C) 2002 Annals of Botany Company.
The incidence of surgically confirmed cystic echinococcosis in eastern Libya was estimated to be at least 4.2 cases/100,000, with significantly more female cases than male. The prevalences of infection with Echinococcus granulosus among 1087 sheep, 881 goats, 428 camels and 614 cattle from the same region, determined postmortem in abattoirs, were 20%, 3.4%, 13.6% and 11%, respectively. Infection in the livestock was age-dependent and, generally, the female animals were more often infected than the male. The measurements of rostellar hooks on protoscoleces collected from sheep and cattle were similar but significantly different from the corresponding measurements of parasites of human or camel origin. However, when a portion of the cytochrome c-oxidase subunit I (coxl) gene from each of 30 protoscolex samples from Libya (12 from cattle, three from humans, five from camels and 10 from sheep) was sequenced, the sequences were all found to be identical to that published for the common sheep strain of E. granulosus.
The distributions of the Eph-class receptors EphA4 and EphB 1, and their ligands ephrin-A2, ephrin-B1, and ephrin-B2, were analysed by immunostaining in the mouse inner ear. Complementary patterns of EphA4 and its potential ligand ephrin-A2 were found, with ephrin-A2 in many of the structures lining the cochlear duct and within the cochlear nerve cells, and EphA4 in the deeper structures underlying the cochlear duct and in the cells lining the nerve pathway. EphB1 and its potential ligands ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 showed a segregated layered expression in the lateral wall of the cochlear duct (the external sulcus), which together with EphA4 expressed in the area, form a four-layered structure with an alternating pattern of receptors and ligands in the different layers. This arrangement gives the potential for different bidirectional Eph-mediated interactions between each of the layers. The results suggest that the Eph system in the cochlea may have a role in maintaining cell segregation during phases of cochlear development. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The ABA-deficient wilty pea (Pisum sativum L.) and its wild-type (WT) were grown at two levels of nitrogen supply (0.5 and 5.0 mM) for 5-6 weeks from sowing, to determine whether leaf ABA status altered the leaf growth response to N deprivation. Plants were grown at high relative humidity to prevent wilting of the wilty peas. Irrespective of N supply, expanding wilty leaflets had ca 50% less ABA than WT leaflets but similar ethylene evolution rates. Fully expanded wilty leaflets had lower relative water contents (RWC) and were 10-60% smaller in area (according to the node of measurement) than WT leaflets. However, there were no genotypic differences in plant relative leaf expansion rate (RLER). Growth of both genotypes at 0.5 mM N increased the RWC of fully expanded leaflets, but did not alter ethylene evolution or ABA concentration of expanding leaflets. Plants grown at 0.5 mM N showed a 20-30% reduction in RLER, which was similar in magnitude in both wilty and WT peas. Thus, leaf ABA status did not alter the leaf growth response to N deprivation.
The apparent L-[H-3]glutamate uptake rate (v') was measured in synaptic vesicles isolated from cerebral cortex synaptosomes prepared from autopsied Alzheimer and non-Alzheimer dementia cases, and age-matched controls. The initial synaptosome preparations exhibited similar densities of D-[H-3]aspartate membrane binding sites (B-MAX values) in the three groups. In control brain the temporal cortex D-[H-3]aspartate B-MAX was 132% of that in motor cortex, parallel with the L- [H-3]glutamate v' values (temporal = 139% of motor; NS). Unlike D- [H-3]aspartate B-MAX values, L- [H-3]glutamate v' values were markedly and selectively lower in Alzheimer brain preparations than in controls, particularly in temporal cortex. The difference could not be attributed to differential effects of autopsy interval or age at death. Non-Alzheimer dementia cases resembled controls. The selective loss of vesicular glutamate transport is consistent with a dysfunction in the recycling of transmitter glutamate.
This study investigated the haemodynamic response to the 90-minute application of 85 Hz transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to the T1 and T5 nerve roots. Comparison was made between 20 healthy subjects who had TENS stimulation and a separate group of 20 healthy subjects who rested for 90 minutes. Pulse and blood pressure were measured just prior to the start of TENS stimulation, after 30 minutes of stimulation, and after 90 minutes of stimulation (immediately after stopping TENS) or at completion of the rest time depending on group allocation. The rate pressure product was calculated from the pulse and systolic blood pressure data. Multivariate repeated measures analysis showed a significant group effect for TENS (p = 0.048). Univariate repeated measures analyses showed a significant group by time effect due to TENS on systolic blood pressure over the 90-minute time period (p = 0.028). Separate group repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant decline in heart rate (p = 0.000), systolic blood pressure (p = 0.013) and rate pressure product (p = 0.000) for the TENS group, while the control resting group showed a significant decline in heart rate only (p = 0.04). The application of 85 Hz TENS to the upper thoracic nerve roots causes no adverse haemodynamic effects in healthy subjects.
We show here that nerve growth factor (NGF), the canonical neurotrophic factor, is synthesized and released by breast cancer cells. High levels of NGF transcript and protein were detected in breast cancer cells by reverse transcription-PCR, Western blotting, ELISA assay and immunohistochemistry. Conversely, NGF production could not be detected in normal breast epithelial cells at either the transcriptional or protein level. Confocal analysis indicated the presence of NGF within classical secretion vesicles. Breast cancer cell-produced NGF was biologically active, as demonstrated by its ability to induce the neuronal differentiation of embryonic neural precursor cells. Importantly, the constitutive growth of breast cancer cells was strongly inhibited by either NGF-neutralizing antibodies or K-252a, a pharmacological inhibitor of NGF receptor TrkA, indicating the existence of an NGF autocrine loop. Together, our data demonstrate the physiological relevance of NGF in breast cancer and its potential interest as a marker and therapeutic target.
Foi feito um levantamento da fauna de Hymenoptera parasitóides em um transecto eucalipto/vegetação nativa/eucalipto, em Ipaba, Minas Gerais, no período de março de 1997 a março de 1998, com armadilhas Malaise. Foram coletados indivíduos de nove superfamílias (Ceraphronoidea, Chalcidoidea, Chrysidoidea, Cynipoidea, Evanioidea, Ichneumonoidea, Proctotrupoidea, Platygastroidea e Vespoidea), distribuídos em 26 famílias.
Objetivo: Caracterizar os pacientes submetidos à Revascularização do miocárdio (RM); descrever o perfil clínico dos pacientes submetidos a RM e descrever o fluxo intra e extra hospitalar no perioperatório desses pacientes. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo analítico de dados secundários de 147 prontuários de pacientes submetidos a RM em Hospital de ensino, Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil, no período entre 2004 a 2008. Para a análise dos dados foi realizado o método descritivo. Resultados: A pesquisa apontou como perfil de maior incidência para RM a predominância do sexo masculino, com faixa etária entre 50 e 69, a maioria dos pacientes tinha de uma a duas doenças associadas. Ocorrência de óbito em 11,6%. O fluxo intra-hospitalar apresentou um tempo total de espera entre o CATE (cateterismo cardíaco) e a RM com mediana de 55 dias; Houve suspensão da RM por problemas relacionados à estrutura e administração e ao paciente. O motivo mais freqüente relacionada à estrutura foi a falta de leitos no Centro de Tratamento Intensivo (CTI). Conclusão: Percebeu-se que a análise das variáveis clínicas propostas apontou para resultados compatíveis com o panorama nacional nesta área. Contudo no aspecto da trajetória foi identificada a influência de questões relacionadas à gestão de recursos humanos e de estrutura para o desenvolvimento das atividades hospitalares, tendo como resultado, a dificuldade de atendimento da demanda pela capacidade instalada, assim como a fragmentação de atividades relacionadas ao planejamento assistencial, de registros e da organização dos prontuários. Com o estudo dessas variáveis foi possível a construção de uma ficha para a coleta de dados em RM, de forma que estes oferecem subsídios para a implantação de banco de dados construído pela autora e para a implementação de ações interdisciplinares no serviço de cirurgia cardíaca do local de estudo.
It approaches the growth of the city of Colatina-ES, the county seat that has urban economy and urban population, and territory with most of the rural area. Rural areas, however, contribute little to the city s economy and are largely environmentally degraded, idle and waiting for recovery. The objective is to understand the growth of the city of Colatina, and the factors and consequences of this growth. Land division projects, investments and interventions in urban and rural areas were collected for the analysis. As a median-sized city characterized by central and regional polarity, but outside of the main investments in the state, Colatina seeks to take advantage of its situation of commercial warehouse city and road junction to stay alive in the regional economy. The citys economy is based on trade and services, but seeks to attract investment to the industry and logistics. The expansion of the city since the early formation follows the road system, which creates a dispersed spatiality. The characteristics of the urban growth of Colatina are the result of economic development strategies, interests in the property market and a government that abstains from urban control. These factors lead a sprawl urbanization that presents itself costly and not sustainable for urban and rural areas because it creates segregation, higher infrastructure costs, low-density and monofunctional urban spaces, pollution, and worsening of environmental depletion. The challenges for sustainable growth of the city of Colatina depends on a municipal and regional planning, which qualifies and diversifies its urban areas, avoids unnecessary expansion of the urban perimeter, retrieves its environmental degraded areas and leverages the agricultural activities in a productive and less aggressive way to the environment
Nasolaringoscopia ou laringotraqueoscopia: qual o melhor exame para avaliação da via aérea infantil?
É comum crianças com quadro de desconforto respiratório alto, sendo importante uma avaliação através de endoscopia da via aérea. OBJETIVO: Avaliar qual o melhor exame para via aérea infantil. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 16 crianças do ambulatório de via aérea infantil do Setor de Otorrinolaringologia Pediátrica da UNICAMP, com história de stress respiratório, submetidas à nasolaringoscopia e laringotraqueoscopia de março de 2001 a março de 2004. Dados coletados foram equiparados e comparados. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 16 crianças, sendo a indicação mais comum do exame avaliação de traqueotomia prolongada em 10 pacientes (62%), seguida de avaliação de estenose subglótica em três casos (31,3%). Em 44% dos exames houve falha da NL em mostrar lesões em subglote. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação endoscópica da via aérea infantil em crianças com dificuldade respiratória é essencial para o diagnóstico. Concluímos que todas as crianças com patologia de via aérea superior devem ser submetidas à nasolaringoscopia inicialmente, a qual é um exame barato, de fácil execução e que fornece dados importantes inclusive a respeito da funcionalidade da laringe. No entanto, se houver suspeita de patologia subglótica ou traqueal, ou ainda quando os dados nasolaringoscopia não são condizentes com exame físico, é essencial a realização da laringotraqueoscopia.
O diagnóstico diferencial de perdas auditivas com potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico por via aérea e por via óssea em crianças pequenas tem sido pouco estudado no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Comparar as respostas do potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico por vias aérea e óssea em crianças de até 2 meses de idade sem perdas auditivas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo com coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliadas 12 crianças que passaram na triagem auditiva, por meio do potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico por via aérea e via óssea. A via óssea foi realizada sem mascaramento contralateral. As respostas foram comparadas e analisadas por meio do teste de McNemar e pela análise de variância com medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística no limiar eletrofisiológico por via aérea e via óssea (p>0,05). O tempo de latência por via óssea foi estatisticamente maior do que o tempo de latência por via aérea (p=0,000). CONCLUSÃO: Houve concordância no registro do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico captado por vias aérea e óssea nas intensidades próximas ao limiar auditivo; a latência da onda V registrada por via óssea foi estatisticamente maior que a registrada por via aérea.