986 resultados para Martell, Christopher R


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Cet article présente une introduction au modèle de la clarification selon Rainer Sachse. Ce modèle s'inspire avant tout des courants psychothérapeutiques centrés sur l'émotion et comprend un certain nombre de notions et de techniques nouvelles et spécifiques. Ainsi, les niveaux de conceptualisation du patient en séance sont présentés et la notion de clarification (Klärung) ou d'explicitation des schémas affectifs discutée. Pour certains patients, notamment avec un trouble de la personnalité, le travail d'explicitation du contenu affectif doit être précédé par un travail sur le niveau relationnel, ce qui est conceptualisé par le modèle de la double régulation de l'action. Ce modèle est brièvement présenté, discuté en lien avec les concepts de la clarification et des implications cliniques abordées. Finalement, nous désirons apporter des éléments de validation empirique du modèle de la clarification selon R. Sachse ; des implications pour la formation des psychothérapeutes-experts sont proposées. This article presents an introduction to the clarification model according to Rainer Sachse. This model is mainly based on emotion-focused psychotherapy approaches and comprises new notions and specific techniques. Thus, we present the conceptualization levels of a patient in session, as well as the notion of clarification (Klärung) of affective schemas. For certain patients, in particular with Personality Disorders, relationship work needs to precede clarification work on affective contents. These dynamics are conceptualized in the dual action regulation model, which is briefly presented and discussed with regard to the notion of clarification ; clinical implications are added. Finally, we would like to present empirical validation studies of the clarification model by R. Sachse and implications for the training of psychotherapists as experts.


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We give a geometric description of the interpolating varieties for the algebra of Fourier transforms of distributions (or Beurling ultradistributions) with compact support on the real line.


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Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) are a cheap and efficient protocol for generating large sets of genetic markers. This technique has become increasingly used during the last decade in various fields of biology, including population genomics, phylogeography, and genome mapping. Here, we present RawGeno, an R library dedicated to the automated scoring of AFLPs (i.e., the coding of electropherogram signals into ready-to-use datasets). Our program includes a complete suite of tools for binning, editing, visualizing, and exporting results obtained from AFLP experiments. RawGeno can either be used with command lines and program analysis routines or through a user-friendly graphical user interface. We describe the whole RawGeno pipeline along with recommendations for (a) setting the analysis of electropherograms in combination with PeakScanner, a program freely distributed by Applied Biosystems; (b) performing quality checks; (c) defining bins and proceeding to scoring; (d) filtering nonoptimal bins; and (e) exporting results in different formats.