998 resultados para Manoel Calças


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de dois tipos de cortes (trapézio e fatia) nas características físicas e físico-químicas do abacaxi Pérola minimamente processado e refrigerado. Frutos com grau de maturação adequado foram selecionados, lavados (200ppm de cloro/2 minutos), processados e armazenados a 4 ± 1ºC. A intervalos de quatro dias, amostras foram coletadas e analisadas em pH, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez, ácido ascórbico, açúcares redutores totais, atividade de água, cor e perda de peso. Ao final dos experimentos, concluiu-se que para o processamento mínimo de abacaxi, o corte indicado foi o tipo fatia com tempo de armazenamento de oito dias.


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Os rios brasileiros possuem grande diversidade de peixes, no entanto, pouco se conhece sobre o potencial nutricional da maioria das espécies. O presente estudo avalia a composição centesimal e o perfil de ácidos graxos do tecido muscular dos peixes: pintado (Pseudoplatystoma coruscans), cachara (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) e dourado (Salminus maxillosus), nativos do Rio Miranda na região do Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense. O peixe dourado mostrou o maior teor de proteína (21,12%), enquanto o pintado o menor teor (17,90%), não havendo diferença significativa entre teores de proteínas dos peixes cachara e pacu (cerca de 18%). O filé de pacu revelou ser o mais calórico, mesmo quando considerada a amostra seca. Nas quatro espécies de peixes, o ácido oléico foi predominante (20,25 a 37,25%), seguido do ácido palmítico (19,96 a 21,37%) e esteárico (7,39 a 9,82%). O somatório dos teores do diferentes ácidos graxos poliinsaturados variou de 5,24 no pacu a 17,33% no pintado, e dos ácidos graxos saturados de 32,91 a 38,89%. As espécies cachara, pintado e dourado mostraram igual proporção de ácidos ω-3 (média 7,80%) e de ácidos ω-6 (média 8,40%), enquanto o pacu mostrou os menores teores (1,13 e 4,11%), respectivamente. Todas as amostras estudadas mostraram os índices ω-6/ω-3 e hipocolesterolêmicos/hipercolesterolêmicos (HH) favoráveis quanto à qualidade nutricional. Apenas o pacu apresentou níveis não recomendados em relação aos índices de Trombogenicidade (IT) e poliinsaturados/saturados (P/S).


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Com o objetivo de incentivar o consumo e o aproveitamento de alimentos oriundos do Cerrado Brasileiro, foram determinados os teores de umidade, lipídios totais, proteínas, carboidratos, cinzas, fibra, minerais e os principais carotenóides da polpa de bocaiúva, Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. A porção comestível do fruto (polpa e amêndoa) representou aproximadamente a metade do peso total do fruto. A polpa apresentou 52,99% de umidade, 8,14% de lipídios totais, 1,5% de proteínas, 22,08% de carboidratos, 1,51% de cinzas e 13,76% de fibra. O valor energético foi estimado em 167,67 kcal.100 g-1 de polpa úmida, o qual mostrou-se superior ao de outros frutos da região Centro-Oeste. Entre os minerais avaliados, a maior concentração foi a do potássio (766,37 ± 18,36 mg.100 g-1), seguida do cálcio (61,96 ± 2,30 mg.100 g-1) e do fósforo (36,70 mg.100 g-1). Relacionando-se os resultados de minerais às IDR de referências dos mesmos, a polpa de bocaiúva pode ser classificada como rica em cobre para crianças, como fonte de zinco e potássio para crianças e como fonte de cobre e potássio para adultos. A polpa mostrou-se rica em β-caroteno (49,0 ± 2,0 µg.g-1 de polpa integral), principal carotenóide identificado no fruto analisado, podendo contribuir com o enriquecimento da dieta regional em programas de suplementação alimentar, como uma fonte natural desse nutriente e dos minerais cobre, potássio e zinco.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de pães de fôrma formulados com diferentes níveis de substituição de farinha de trigo (FT) por farelo de arroz torrado (FAT). Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, um tratamento controle e quatro tratamentos (7,5, 15,0, 22,5 e 30,0% de substituição de FT por FAT) e três repetições. Avaliaram-se a aceitabilidade (aparência, textura e sabor), o volume específico, a composição centesimal e o valor calórico de cada tratamento. Entre os pães formulados com FAT, o tratamento com 7,5% de substituição de FT por FAT obteve o maior volume específico (3,37 cm³.g-1), não diferindo do tratamento controle em relação às notas sensoriais de aparência (7,23), sabor (7,08) e textura (7,52). Em relação à composição centesimal, o tratamento com 7,5% de substituição obteve, quando comparado ao tratamento controle, um acréscimo de 26,02% de fibras totais, 34,85% de fibras insolúveis, 11,26% de fibras solúveis, 52,70% de lipídios, 53,33% de cinzas, 8,21% de umidade e uma redução de 8,36% de carboidratos, 8,85% de proteínas e 3,57% no valor calórico. Pães de fôrma formulados com 7,5% de substituição de FT por FAT podem ser uma alternativa viável de inclusão de um produto fonte de fibras e com menor valor calórico no mercado consumidor.


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Foi estudado o efeito da inclusão de farelo de coco (FC) na ração de coelhos sobre o perfil de ácidos graxos, a relação de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados para saturados (P/S) e a composição centesimal da carne. O experimento utilizou 60 coelhos, cinco níveis de inclusão de FC na ração (0,00; 6,25; 12,50; 18,75; e 25,00%) e doze repetições por tratamento. Os ácidos palmitoléico, esteárico e linolênico foram afetados linearmente pelo nível de FC na ração. A carne dos animais alimentados sem a adição de FC na ração apresentou maiores (p < 0,05) valores de ácido palmítico em relação aos demais níveis de inclusão; maiores (p < 0,05) níveis dos ácidos mirístico e esteárico e menor (p < 0,05) nível de ácido palmitoléico quando comparada à carne proveniente da ração com 25,00% de FC e menor (p < 0,05) nível de ácido linolênico em relação às carnes provenientes das rações contendo 18,75 e 25,00% de FC. A relação P/S na carne não foi afetada (p > 0,05) pelos tratamentos. O aumento do nível de FC na ração não afetou (p > 0,05) a composição centesimal, indicando que a inclusão desse subproduto na ração de coelhos é viável até 25,00%.


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Goiabas (Psidium guajava L.) cultivar Pedro Sato foram utilizadas para extração de pectina. Os frutos separados polpa e polpa com casca foram secos em estufa com circulação de ar. Amostras secas foram caracterizadas física e quimicamente. O planejamento composto central rotacional com quatro pontos axiais e três repetições no ponto central foi utilizado para determinar o rendimento de extração de pectina das farinhas de polpa e de polpa com casca de goiaba. A extração foi realizada em 4 g de farinha para 200 mL de solução de ácido cítrico em diferentes concentrações e em diferentes tempos de extração, a temperatura de 97 ºC. As pectinas obtidas nas melhores condições de extração foram caracterizadas. A extração de pectina com ácido cítrico e precipitação alcoólica forneceu rendimentos acima de 11% para a farinha de polpa e de polpa com casca de goiaba. As melhores condições de extração foram: concentração de ácido cítrico de 5 g.100 g-1 e tempo de extração de 60 minutos. As pectinas obtidas apresentaram-se de baixa esterificação e com teor de ácido galacturônico próximo ao padrão comercial (65%).


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Noni is a fruit that has interested the scientific community due to its medicinal and functional activities. Different products that contain noni are already in the market, but their consumption could be impaired by their distinctive unpleasant aroma and flavor. The aim of this work was to evaluate the noni pulp volatile profile by dynamic headspace and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Thirty seven volatile compounds were detected, mainly alcohols (63.3%), esters (26.9%), cetones (7.4%), and acids (1.2%).


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The objective of this work was to develop a recommendation for the chemical peeling of pequi fruit and characterize the flour obtained from the external mesocarp of "Pequizeiro", pequi tree (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.). The technology applied to obtain the external mesocarp pequi flour included the epicarp removal with NaOH solution. The Response Surface Method was used to optimize the chemical peeling process by applying the Central Composite Rotatable Design, with eleven trials including three replicates at the central point, varying the NaOH aqueous solution concentration and fruit immersion time. The mass loss was evaluated through the analysis of variance and using bi and three dimensional graphs. The chemical characteristics of the external mesocarp pequi flour evaluated were: moisture content, ashes, proteins, lipids, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and some minerals. The best combination for an efficient removal of the fruit peel with the lowest mass loss was reached with 7.05 minutes of immersion in a 5.08 g.L-1 NaOH aqueous solution. This study indicated that the external mesocarp pequi flour is a food source rich in dietary fiber, carbohydrates, ashes, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and copper, but it is poor in lipids, zinc, and iron.


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The effect of gamma irradiation (0, 2, 4, and 6 kGy doses) applied to frozen and packed headed shrimp on the fatty acid profile, cholesterol content, and lipid and color stability was evaluated. Myristic acid was higher in shrimp irradiated with 4 and 6 kGy and palmitic acid was higher in samples irradiated with 2 and 6 kGy compared to non-irradiated samples. Stearic and behenic acids were lower in shrimp irradiated with 6 kGy compared to non-irradiated shrimp. With regard to non-irradiated shrimp, palmitoleic, oleic, and linoleic acids and total monounsaturated fatty acids were higher in shrimp irradiated with 6 kGy. Saturated fatty acid and cholesterol contents in irradiated samples were not different from those in non-irradiated shrimp. Lipid oxidation was higher in samples irradiated with 2, 4, and 6 kGy. Redness and yellowness of cooked shrimp were higher in samples irradiated with 6 kGy than in those in non-irradiated samples. The application of irradiation in doses up to 6 kGy on frozen and packed headed shrimp does not affect negatively the fatty acid profile, cholesterol content, and lipid and color stability.


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The effect of two levels (0.5 and 1%) of hydroalcoholic extract of Achyrocline satureioides on the safety (TBARS values) and quality (pH, water activity, colour, weight loss, and sensorial attributes) of salami was evaluated. The addition of Achyrocline satureioides extract decreased TBARS values significantly during the storage of salami when compared to the control, which was elaborated without Achyrocline satureioides extract. The treatment with 1% of "Marcela" extract showed larger lipid stability than that of the lot with 0.5%, However, it presented a decrease (p < 0.05) in the sensorial acceptance. The two levels of "Marcela" extract did not influence pH, water activity, colour, and weight loss significantly. This study indicates that the hydroalcoholic extract of "Marcela" was effective in decreasing the lipid oxidation and at 0.5% it did not alter the sensorial features; therefore, it may be used in salami to provide safer products for the consumers.


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This study aimed at assessing the stability of passion fruit juice in glass bottles during a 120-day storage period, regarding its volatile compounds profile and sensory properties (aroma and flavor). Samples were obtained from a Brazilian tropical juice industry (Fortaleza, Brazil) and submitted to sensory and chromatographic analyses. The characteristic aroma and flavor of passion fruit were evaluated by a trained panel with a non-structured scale of 9 cm. The headspace volatile compounds were isolated from the product by suction and trapped in Porapak Q, analyzed through high-resolution gas chromatography and identified through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Twelve odoriferous compounds were monitored: ethyl butanoate, ethyl propanoate, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-2-butenol, (E)-3-hexenol, (Z)-3-hexenol, 3-methylbutyl acetate, benzaldehyde, ethyl hexanoate, hexyl acetate, limonene and furfural. The slight variations observed in the volatile profile were not enough to provoke significant changes in the characteristic aroma and flavor of the passion fruit juice.


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Buriti and patawa are two endemic palm trees from the Amazon region. Their pulps are traditionally consumed by the local population, but are underused and lesser known worldwide. Nutritional composition, fatty acid and tocopherol contents of the two palm pulps were determined by modern analytical methods: Gas Chromatography (CG) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), based on the standards of AOCS (AMERICAN..., 2002) and AOAC (ASSOCIATION..., 1997), respectively. Buriti and patawa fruit pulps are highly nutritive, with respectively, high fat content (38.4% and 29.1% of dry matter (DM)), protein content (7.6% and 7.4% of DM) and dietary fibers (46% and 44.7% of DM). Buriti pulp can be considered healthy food due its high content of vitamin E (1169 µg.g-1 DM). Patawa pulp is highly oleaginous and its fatty acid composition is very similar to the ones of healthy oils, such as olive oil.


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The objective of this study was to perform an analysis of the characterization of buriti fruit (Mauritia flexuosa). Each part of the fruit (peel, pulp, and fibrous part) was analyzed and their hygroscopic behavior was evaluated to establish the drying and storage conditions. Adsorption and desorption isotherms were obtained at 25 °C to the monolayer value was estimated, and the application of the Halsey, Handerson, Kuhn, Mizrahi, Oswin, Smith, BET, and GAB models was evaluated to the prediction of the isotherms. The fruit pulp was classified as rich in high quality oil, and like the peel and the fibrous part, it was also considered as rich in dietary fiber. The isotherms of the fruit parts were classified as type II, and their microbiological stability (a w < 0.6) can be maintained at 25 °C if the moisture content is lower than 8.5, 7.3, and 11.0 g H2O.100 g-1 of dry matter (d.m.), respectively. The hygroscopic behavior showed that in order to ensure stability, the fruit parts should be packaged with low water vapor permeability. The monolayer demonstrated that the peel, pulp, and the fibrous part cannot be dried under moisture content lower than 5.9, 5.0, and 6.4 g H2O.100 g-1 d.m., respectively. GAB was the most adequate model to describe their isotherms.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the viability of using microwave-roasted rice bran as an ingredient in high-fiber cereal bars to obtain a product with good acceptability. The influence of the rice flakes, corn flakes, and roasted rice bran levels on the physical and chemical characteristics of the cereal bars was studied. The overall acceptability of three selected formulations was also evaluated. An increase in the roasted rice bran level in the formulation reduced the force of rupture and water activity, resulted in intermediate density, and caused darkening of the bars. The contents of lipid and total dietary fiber were higher in the formulation with the highest rice bran content, which was therefore classified as functional food. The formulation containing 0.34; 0.32; and 0.34 roasted rice bran, rice flakes, and corn flakes, respectively, seemed to be the best outcome. Cereal bars with roasted rice bran levels between 10 and 20% were accepted by consumers.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical, and sensory changes in bran from three rice cultivars according to microwave roasting time. This study analyzed three rice cultivars, BRS Sertaneja (S), BRS Primavera (P), and IRGA 417 (I) determining the color parameters (L*, a*, and b *) at 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 minutes of roasting time. After applying the difference from control test, the rice brans with different characteristics aroma and flavor were selected: S and P roasted for 9 and 15 minutes and IRGA 417 roasted for 9, 12, and 15 minutes. These samples were characterized by Free-Choice Profile descriptive sensory analysis, and their chemical composition was also determined. The longer the roasting process, the higher the roasted flavor intensity and aroma. The IRG 417 cultivar roasted for 12 minutes showed a sweeter flavor and aroma. After roasting, the brans remained rich in protein and lipid and presented higher fiber content and lower reducing sugar and phytic acid content. Microwave roasting for 12 minutes can be a viable option for improving the sensory functional and nutritional characteristics of the rice bran considering its use in food products.