957 resultados para Maintenance of therapeutic gains
Coma after cardiac arrest (CA) is an important cause of admission to the ICU. Prognosis of post-CA coma has significantly improved over the past decade, particularly because of aggressive postresuscitation care and the use of therapeutic targeted temperature management (TTM). TTM and sedatives used to maintain controlled cooling might delay neurologic reflexes and reduce the accuracy of clinical examination. In the early ICU phase, patients' good recovery may often be indistinguishable (based on neurologic examination alone) from patients who eventually will have a poor prognosis. Prognostication of post-CA coma, therefore, has evolved toward a multimodal approach that combines neurologic examination with EEG and evoked potentials. Blood biomarkers (eg, neuron-specific enolase [NSE] and soluble 100-β protein) are useful complements for coma prognostication; however, results vary among commercial laboratory assays, and applying one single cutoff level (eg, > 33 μg/L for NSE) for poor prognostication is not recommended. Neuroimaging, mainly diffusion MRI, is emerging as a promising tool for prognostication, but its precise role needs further study before it can be widely used. This multimodal approach might reduce false-positive rates of poor prognosis, thereby providing optimal prognostication of comatose CA survivors. The aim of this review is to summarize studies and the principal tools presently available for outcome prediction and to describe a practical approach to the multimodal prognostication of coma after CA, with a particular focus on neuromonitoring tools. We also propose an algorithm for the optimal use of such multimodal tools during the early ICU phase of post-CA coma.
Previous results have documented a burst of IL-4 mRNA that peaks in draining lymph nodes of susceptible BALB/c mice 16 h after infection with Leishmania major. The importance of this early IL-4 response in subsequent Th2 cell maturation is supported by observations showing that 1) neutralization of IL-4 at the initiation of infection or 2) administration of IL-12, which results in an inhibition of the 16 h IL-4 mRNA burst, inhibits Th2 cell development. However, both treatments are effective in hampering Th2 cell development only if given at a time when IL-4 has been produced for <48 h. At this time after infection, lymph node CD4+ T cells from BALB/c mice no longer respond to IL-12. This IL-12 unresponsiveness is prevented in mice treated with anti-IL-4 Abs at the initiation of infection. Finally, the inhibition of Th2 development in BALB/c mice treated with anti-IL-4 Abs at the onset of infection results from maintenance of IL-12 responsiveness, since it requires IL-12. Together, these results reveal a narrow window of time, between 16 h and <48 h after infection, during which IL-4 produced rapidly in BALB/c mice renders T cells unresponsive to IL-12, allowing their differentiation toward the Th2 phenotype.
The crucial role of the sympathetic nervous system activity in the initiation and maintenance of hypertension was already in mind in the 1920s when surgical options were proposed to severely hypertensive patients. Despite constant evolution of pharmacological treatments, one estimates that 15-30% of hypertensive patients are still not well controlled and present resistant hypertension. The development of a new endovascular catheter used for selective sympathetic renal denervation by radiofrequency offers new perspectives of treatment. Encouraged by the recent results of the first clinical trials in a targeted population, this procedure could be used in some more indications in the future. However, long term morbidity and mortality of this technique are still not known.
Expanded abstract: Iowa Department of Transportation (IA DOT) is finalizing research to streamline field inventory/inspection of culverts by Maintenance and Construction staff while maximizing the use of tablet technologies. The project began in 2011 to develop some new best practices for field staff to assist in the inventory, inspection and maintenance of assets along the roadway. The team has spent the past year working through the complexities of identifying the most appropriate tablet hardware for field data collection. A small scale deployment of tablets occurred in spring of 2013 to collect several safety related assets (culverts, signs, guardrail, and incidents). Data can be collected in disconnected or connected modes and there is an associated desktop environment where data can be viewed and queried after being synced into the master database. The development of a deployment plan and related workflow processes are underway; which will eventually feed information into IA DOTs larger asset management system and make the information available for decision making. The team is also working with the IA DOT Design Office on Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) data processing and the IA DOT Construction office with a new digital As-Built plan process to leverage the complete data life-cycle so information can be developed once and leveraged by the Maintenance staff farther along in the process.
The Iowa Juvenile Court Services Offices are issuing their fourth annual statewide report. The the Iowa Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP). This report would not be possible without the dedication of, and assistance from, all of the above-mentioned people. The eight Chief Juvenile Court Officers would like to take this opportunity to thank their staff for their dedication and their ability to enter accurate information on every youth referred to Juvenile Court Services; the staff at the Iowa Court Information System, without whom this report would not be possible; and CJJP for their maintenance of the Iowa Justice Data Warehouse and their support in preparing this document.
The Iowa Juvenile Court Services Offices are issuing their fourth annual statewide report. The the Iowa Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP). This report would not be possible without the dedication of, and assistance from, all of the above-mentioned people. The eight Chief Juvenile Court Officers would like to take this opportunity to thank their staff for their dedication and their ability to enter accurate information on every youth referred to Juvenile Court Services; the staff at the Iowa Court Information System, without whom this report would not be possible; and CJJP for their maintenance of the Iowa Justice Data Warehouse and their support in preparing this document.
Matrix attachment regions (MARs) are DNA sequences that may be involved in anchoring DNA/chromatin to the nuclear matrix and they have been described in both mammalian and plant species. MARs possess a number of features that facilitate the opening and maintenance of euchromatin. When incorporated into viral or non-viral vectors MARs can increase transgene expression and limit position-effects. They have been used extensively to improve transgene expression and recombinant protein production and promising studies on the potential use of MAR elements for mammalian gene therapy have appeared. These illustrate how MARs may be used to mediate sustained or higher levels of expression of therapeutic genes and/or to reduce the viral vector multiplicity of infection required to achieve consistent expression. More recently, the discovery of potent MAR elements and the development of improved vectors for transgene delivery, notably non-viral episomal vectors, has strengthened interest in their use to mediate expression of therapeutic transgenes. This article will describe the progress made in this field, and it will discuss future directions and issues to be addressed.
Colour polymorphism is common in wild population. One of the main questioning of evolutionary biologists is to understand how different colour variants could have evolved and be maintained in fluctuating environments, a selective process that forces individuals to constantly adapt their strategies in order to survive. This issue is particularly true for traits that are genetically inherited. Natural selection erodes genotypes with lowest fitness (less adapted), reducing in turn global genetic variation within population. In this context, the study of the evolution and maintenance of melanin- based coloration is relevant since inter-individual variation in the deposition of these pigments is common in animal and plant kingdoms and is under strong genetic control. In this thesis, I focus on the specific case of the tawny owl (Strix aluco), a species displaying continuous variation in reddish pheomelanin-based coloration. Interestingly, empirical studies highlighted covariations between melanin-based coloration and important behavioural, physiological and life history traits. Recently, a genetic model pointed out the melanocortin system and their pleiotropic effects as a potential regulator of these covariations. Accordingly, this PhD thesis further investigates colour-specific behavioural, physiological, or life history strategies, while examining the proximate mechanisms underlying these reaction norms. We found that differently coloured tawny owls differently resolve fundamental trade-off between offspring number and quality (Chapter 1), light melanic individuals producing many low- quality offspring and dark, melanic ones producing few high-quality offspring. These reproductive strategies are likely to induce alternative physiological constraints. Indeed, we demonstrated that light melanic individuals produced higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS, Chapter 2), but also expressed higher levels of antioxidant (GSH, Chapters 2 & 3). Interestingly, we showed that light melanic breeding females could modulate their POMC prohormone levels according to the environmental conditions, while dark reddish ones produced constant levels of this prohormone {Chapter 4). Finally, we highlighted colour-specific patterns of prohormone convertase 1 (PCI) gene expression (Chapter 5), an enzyme responsible for POMC prohormone processing to ACTH and a- MSH, for instance. Altogether, these results provide strong evidence of colour-specific strategies, light and melanic tawny owls better coping with stressful and relaxed environments, respectively. Variation in melanin-based coloration is likely to be maintained by the heterogeneity of our study area and strong environmental stochasticity within and between years, these process favouring differently coloured tawny owls at different periods of time. From a proximate point of view, this PhD thesis supports the hypothesis that covariations between phenotypic traits and melanin-based coloration stems from the melanocortin system, especially the fundamental role of POMC gene expression and its processing to melanocortin peptides. - Le polymorphisme de couleur est une variation phénotypique très fréquente dans la nature. En biologie évolutive, une des problématiques clés est donc de comprendre comment différent morphes de couleur peuvent être apparus et maintenus au cours du temps dans des environnements aussi variables que les nôtres, surtout que ces fluctuations forcent ces morphes à s'adapter constamment pour assurer leur survie. Cette thématique est particulièrement réelle lorsque les variations phénotypiques sont héréditaires et donc sous forte influence génétique. La sélection naturelle a en effet le pouvoir d'éroder rapidement la variation génétique en éliminant les génotypes mal adaptés. Dans ce sens, l'étude de l'évolution, et de la maintenance de la coloration mélanique est donc tout à fait pertinente car la variation de coloration entre individus est très répandue à travers les règnes animal et végétal et sous forte influence génétique. Dans cette thèse, je me suis concentré sur le cas spécifique de la chouette hulotte (Strix aluco), une espèce présentant une variation continue dans la déposition de pigments pheomélaniques roux. De précédentes études ont déjà montré que cette variation de coloration était associée avec des variations de traits comportementaux, physiologiques ou d'histoire de vie. Récemment, une étude a souligné l'importance du système des mélanocortines et de leurs effets pléiotropes dans la régulation de ces covariations. En conséquence, cette thèse de doctoral a pour but d'étudier un peu plus les stratégies comportementales, physiologiques ou d'histoire de vie spécifiques à chaque morphe de couleur, tout en examinant un peu plus les mécanismes proximaux potentiellement à la base de ces normes de réactions. Nous constatons tout d'abord que les morphes de couleurs étaient associés à différentes stratégies dans la résolution de compromis telle que la production de beaucoup de jeunes ou des jeunes de qualité (Chapitre 1). Les morphes gris (dit peu mélaniques) ont tendance à produire beaucoup de jeunes mains de moindre qualité, alors que les morphes roux (dit fortement mélaniques) produisent moins de jeunes mais de meilleure qualité. Ces stratégies sont susceptibles alors d'induire certaines contraintes physiologiques. Par exemple, nous montrons que les morphes gris produisent plus de dérivés réactifs de l'oxygène (ROS, Chapitre 2), mais aussi plus d'antioxydants (GSH, Chapitres 2 & 3). Nous montrons ensuite que les femelles grises ont une plus grande capacité à moduler leur niveau de POMC prohormone dans le sang en fonction des conditions environnementales, alors que les femelles rousses gardent un niveau constant (Chapitre 4). Finalement, nous démontrons que les patterns d'expression du gène codant pour la prohormone convertase 1 varient chez des jeunes issus de parents gris ou roux (Chapitre 5). Ceci est particulièrement intéressant car cette enzyme permet de scinder la POMC prohormone en plusieurs peptides importants tels que l'ACTH ou l'a-MSH. En conclusion, ces résultats démontrent qu'il y a bel et bien des stratégies évolutives différentes entre les morphes de couleurs, les chouettes hulottes grises et rousses étant respectivement plus adaptés à des environnements stressants ou favorables. L'hétérogénéité de notre zone d'étude et la stochasticité environnementale qui caractérise ses habitats pourraient donc agir comme une source de sélection temporelle, laquelle favoriserait les différents morphes de couleurs à diverses périodes. D'un point de vue plus proximale maintenant, cette thèse de doctorat soutient l'hypothèse que les covariations observées entre la coloration mélanique et des traits phénotypiques importants sont modulées par les effets pléiotropes du système des mélanocortines, et met en avant le rôle prépondérant que pourrait jouer l'expression du gène POMC et sa post traduction en mélanocortines.
Background Long-term treatment of primary HIV-1 infection (PHI) may allow the immune reconstitution of responses lost during the acute viremic phase and decrease of peripheral reservoirs. This in turn may represent the best setting for the use of therapeutic vaccines in order to lower the viral set-point or control of viral rebound upon ART discontinuation. Methods We investigated a cohort of 16 patients who started ART at PHI, with treatment duration of ≥4 years and persistent aviremia (<50 HIV-1 copies/ml). The cohort was characterized in terms of viral subtype, cell-associated RNA, proviral DNA and HLA genotype. Secretion of IFN-γ, IL-2 and TNF-α by CD8 T-cells was analysed by polychromatic flowcytometry using a panel of 192 HIV-1-derived epitopes. Results This cohort is highly homogenous in terms of viral subtype: 81% clade B. We identified 44 epitope-specific responses: all patients had detectable responses to >1 epitope and the mean number of responding epitopes per patient was 3. The mean frequency of cytokines-secreting CD8 T-cells was 0.32%. CD8 T-cells secreting simultaneously IFN-γ, IL-2 and TNF-α made up for about 40% of the response and cells secreting at least 2 cytokines for about 80%, consistent with a highly polyfunctional CD8 T-cell profile. There was no difference in term of polyfunctionality when HLA restriction, or recognized viral regions and epitopes were considered. Proviral DNA was detectable in all patients but at low levels (mean = 108 copies/1 million PBMCs) while cell-associated mRNA was not detectable in 19% of patients (mean = 11 copies/1 million PBMCs when detectable). Conclusion Patients with sustained virological suppression after initiation of ART at PHI show polyfunctional CD8 T-cell and low levels of proviral DNA with an absence of residual replication in a substantial percentage of patients. The use of therapeutic vaccines in this population may promote low level of rebound viremia or control of viral replication upon ART cessation.
Ectopic or tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) are often induced at sites of chronic inflammation. They typically contain various hematopoietic cell types, high endothelial venules, and follicular dendritic cells; and are organized in lymph node-like structures. Although fibroblastic stromal cells may play a role in TLT induction and persistence, they have remained poorly defined. Herein, we report that TLTs arising during inflammation in mice and humans in a variety of tissues (eg, pancreas, kidney, liver, and salivary gland) contain stromal cell networks consisting of podoplanin(+) T-zone fibroblastic reticular cells (TRCs), distinct from follicular dendritic cells. Similar to lymph nodes, TRCs were present throughout T-cell-rich areas and had dendritic cells associated with them. They expressed lymphotoxin (LT) β receptor (LTβR), produced CCL21, and formed a functional conduit system. In rat insulin promoter-CXCL13-transgenic pancreas, the maintenance of TRC networks and conduits was partially dependent on LTβR and on lymphoid tissue inducer cells expressing LTβR ligands. In conclusion, TRCs and conduits are hallmarks of secondary lymphoid organs and of well-developed TLTs, in both mice and humans, and are likely to act as important scaffold and organizer cells of the T-cell-rich zone.
Researchers should continuously ask how to improve the models we rely on to make financial decisions in terms of the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of roadways. This project presents an alternative tool that will supplement local decision making but maintain a full appreciation of the complexity and sophistication of today’s regional model and local traffic impact study methodologies. This alternative method is tailored to the desires of local agencies, which requested a better, faster, and easier way to evaluate land uses and their impact on future traffic demands at the sub-area or project corridor levels. A particular emphasis was placed on scenario planning for currently undeveloped areas. The scenario planning tool was developed using actual land use and roadway information for the communities of Johnston and West Des Moines, Iowa. Both communities used the output from this process to make regular decisions regarding infrastructure investment, design, and land use planning. The City of Johnston case study included forecasting future traffic for the western portion of the city within a 2,600-acre area, which included 42 intersections. The City of West Des Moines case study included forecasting future traffic for the city’s western growth area covering over 30,000 acres and 331 intersections. Both studies included forecasting a.m. and p.m. peak-hour traffic volumes based upon a variety of different land use scenarios. The tool developed took goegraphic information system (GIS)-based parcel and roadway information, converted the data into a graphical spreadsheet tool, allowed the user to conduct trip generation, distribution, and assignment, and then to automatically convert the data into a Synchro roadway network which allows for capacity analysis and visualization. The operational delay outputs were converted back into a GIS thematic format for contrast and further scenario planning. This project has laid the groundwork for improving both planning and civil transportation decision making at the sub-regional, super-project level.
Mating systems, that is, whether organisms give rise to progeny by selfing, inbreeding or outcrossing, strongly affect important ecological and evolutionary processes. Large variations in mating systems exist in fungi, allowing the study of their origin and consequences. In fungi, sexual incompatibility is determined by molecular recognition mechanisms, controlled by a single mating-type locus in most unifactorial fungi. In Basidiomycete fungi, however, which include rusts, smuts and mushrooms, a system has evolved in which incompatibility is controlled by two unlinked loci. This bifactorial system probably evolved from a unifactorial system. Multiple independent transitions back to a unifactorial system occurred. It is still unclear what force drove evolution and maintenance of these contrasting inheritance patterns that determine mating compatibility. Here, we give an overview of the evolutionary factors that might have driven the evolution of bifactoriality from a unifactorial system and the transitions back to unifactoriality. Bifactoriality most likely evolved for selfing avoidance. Subsequently, multiallelism at mating-type loci evolved through negative frequency-dependent selection by increasing the chance to find a compatible mate. Unifactoriality then evolved back in some species, possibly because either selfing was favoured or for increasing the chance to find a compatible mate in species with few alleles. Owing to the existence of closely related unifactorial and bifactorial species and the increasing knowledge of the genetic systems of the different mechanisms, Basidiomycetes provide an excellent model for studying the different forces that shape breeding systems.
Histological subtyping and grading by malignancy are the cornerstones of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of tumors of the central nervous system. They shall provide clinicians with guidance as to the course of disease to be expected and the choices of treatment to be made. Nonetheless, patients with histologically identical tumors may have very different outcomes, notably in patients with astrocytic and oligodendroglial gliomas of WHO grades II and III. In gliomas of adulthood, 3 molecular markers have undergone extensive studies in recent years: 1p/19q chromosomal codeletion, O(6)-methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation, and mutations of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) 1 and 2. However, the assessment of these molecular markers has so far not been implemented in clinical routine because of the lack of therapeutic implications. In fact, these markers were considered to be prognostic irrespective of whether patients were receiving radiotherapy (RT), chemotherapy, or both (1p/19q, IDH1/2), or of limited value because testing is too complex and no chemotherapy alternative to temozolomide was available (MGMT). In 2012, this situation has changed: long-term follow-up of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 9402 and European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer 26951 trials demonstrated an overall survival benefit from the addition to RT of chemotherapy with procarbazine/CCNU/vincristine confined to patients with anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors with (vs without) 1p/19q codeletion. Furthermore, in elderly glioblastoma patients, the NOA-08 and the Nordic trial of RT alone versus temozolomide alone demonstrated a profound impact of MGMT promoter methylation on outcome by therapy and thus established MGMT as a predictive biomarker in this patient population. These recent results call for the routine implementation of 1p/19q and MGMT testing at least in subpopulations of malignant glioma patients and represent an encouraging step toward the development of personalized therapeutic approaches in neuro-oncology.
The first phase of this research involved an effort to identify the issues relevant to gaining a better understanding of the County Engineering profession. A related objective was to develop strategies to attract responsible, motivated and committed professionals to pursue County Engineering positions. In an era where a large percentage of County Engineers are reaching retirement age, the shrinking employment pool may eventually jeopardize the quality of secondary road systems not only in Iowa, but nationwide. As we move toward the 21st century, in an era of declining resources, it is likely that professional staff members in charge of secondary roads will find themselves working with less flexible budgets for the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. It was important to understand the challenges presented to them, and the degree to which those challenges will demand greater expertise in prioritizing resource allocations for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the 10 million miles of county roads nationwide. Only after understanding what a county engineer is and what this person does will it become feasible for the profession to begin "selling itself", i.e., attracting a new generation of County Engineers. Reaching this objective involved examining the responsibilities, goals, and, sometimes, the frustrations experienced by those persons in charge of secondary road systems in the nine states that agreed to participate in the study. The second phase of this research involved addressing ways to counter the problems associated with the exodus of County Engineers who are reaching retirement age. Many of the questions asked of participants asked them to compare the advantages and disadvantages of public sector work with the private sector. Based on interviews with nearly 50 County Engineers and feedback from 268 who returned surveys for the research, issues relevant to the profession were analyzed and recommendations were made to the profession as it prepares to attract a new generation. It was concluded that both State and Regional Associations for County Engineers, and the National Association of County Engineers are most well-situated to present opportunities for continued professional development. This factor is appealing for those who are interested in competitive advantages as professionals. While salaries in the public sector may not be able to effectively compete with those offered by the private sector, it was concluded that this is only one factor of concern to those who are in the business of "public service". It was concluded, however, that Boards of Supervisors and their equivalents in other states will need to more clearly understand the value of the contributions made by County Engineers. Then the selling points the profession can hope to capitalize on can focus on the strength of state organizations and a strong national organization that act as clearinghouses of information and advocates for the profession, as well as anchors that provide opportunities for staying current on issues and technologies.
The ability to efficiently produce recombinant proteins in a secreted form is highly desirable and cultured mammalian cells such as CHO cells have become the preferred host as they secrete proteins with human-like post-translational modifications. However, attempts to express high levels of particular proteins in CHO cells may consistently result in low yields, even for non-engineered proteins such as immunoglobulins. In this study, we identified the responsible faulty step at the stage of translational arrest, translocation and early processing for such a "difficult-to-express" immunoglobulin, resulting in improper cleavage of the light chain and its precipitation in an insoluble cellular fraction unable to contribute to immunoglobulin assembly. We further show that proper processing and secretion were restored by over-expressing human signal receptor protein SRP14 and other components of the secretion pathway. This allowed the expression of the difficult-to-express protein to high yields, and it also increased the production of an easy-to-express protein. Our results demonstrate that components of the secretory and processing pathways can be limiting, and that engineering of the secretory pathway may be used to improve the secretion efficiency of therapeutic proteins from CHO cells.