976 resultados para Machado, João da Mata, 1850-1901, biografia


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The thesis investigated how social networks online that allows anonymous postings can be used by teachers and students to promote the meeting between the sexual education and the needs and expectations of young people face a crosscutting theme, remarkably a taboo. It needs teaching strategies more efficient than those traditionally defended. With this experience, found in a short course about sexuality and health, we sought to go beyond the use of social networks for social entertainment, showing they can be an field that favors the process of teaching and learning. The research was based on the convergence of the communication concepts from Paulo Frere and another from Jürgen Habermas, as well as the philosophical concepts of utopia, ideology and dialectic are interrelated not only among themselves, but also inside an education field. Methodologically in this thesis, we adopted the category of qualitative research; the method is a combination of case study with action research. The technique was the use of questionnaires, data collection was in attendance and the types of data were primary. Finally, we present, then, the idea the communication is not in the middle, but in the trusty relationship established between the interlocutors. In this way, we can think when a student has met their need to be able answer his questions about sex with their teacher through an online social network that allows anonymity and through which the student knows who responds is their teacher, but the teacher can not distinguish the identity of his students, this dialogic relationship serves to get claims of the validity that are characterized as potential communicative action


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We seek, through this study, to analyze about social representation that the students of licentiate degree course of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN - have about didactic-pedagogical subjects. We utilize the Social Representations Theory (MOSCOVICI, 2009; 2012; JODELET, 2001) as a theoretical and methodological contribution and as aim, we identify this social representation and understand how it is influenced by the formation of these undergraduates. So we developed the research under the seven undergraduate classroom courses offered by IFRN, namely: Biology, Spanish, Physics, Geography, Computer Science, Mathematics and Chemistry, covering units located both in the capital and in the countryside. While methodological approach we used the Procedure of Multiple Classification (PMC) - (ROAZZI, 1995), whose realization requires a set of words achieved through of Free Technique of Words Association - FTWA - (ABRIC, 1998). For this realization we have a total of one hundred twenty (120) participants, with thirty (30) in FTWA and other stage in the realization of free classification and directed that correspond to the MPR. Achieved the empirical data, we use the analysis of content (BARDIN, 2011; FRANCO, 2007) and multidimensional (ROAZZI, 1995) for the course of his interpretation. Finally, we identify the social representation of didactic and pedagogical subjects centered around the idea that it is through these subjects that can achieve the profile of "good professional" as one who gathers knowledge and attributes required for the full development of teaching involving capabilities it and characteristics that mark the sense of professionalism. Furthermore, we found that the anchoring social representation on the understanding that these disciplines "teach the teacher to be" in the image and its objectification of the "good teacher", ie, one that reaches through the training process and experiences, qualities that make it unique and able to carry full professional. Still see that the actions of the teacher trainer affects the way students perceive, assume and engage in the study of teaching and pedagogical subjects and it reflects significantly the social representation then created


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This study is part of the line of research on Teacher Education, circumscribed to the Graduate Program in Education of Federal University Rio Grande do Norte. In it, we have a qualitative research, whose object returned to the influence of continued education in social representation of inclusive education of Elementary School teachers. The same was done in an Elementary School of Cruzeiro do Sul city (Brasil/Acre) and performed with the participation of 11 teachers. We assume that thinking a continuing education inclusive presupposes reflect on the redefinition and resignification of practices undertaken by the teacher. Therefore, the teacher education is conceived as a continuum in which the teacher will be graduating in forming, shaping their way of being in social situations. We argue that in the context of interactions, we are going to reconstruct social representations that guide actions and attitudes about the objects that have meaning for the group. It was with the aim of identify the influence of these social representations and at the same time submit a proposal for continuing training in structured formative needs teachers who made use of collaborative action research. Since we believe that this can either meet the assumptions of a research and vocational training to enable that researcher and other teachers, collectively, problematizing situations of practice and, at the same time able to intervene in the same it. As procedures for obtaining information and analysis of the data, we performed, respectively, semi-structured interviews (individual and collective); reflective studies sessions and the analysis of content. The path of research revealed two social representations integrated one of inclusive education and another for student with disabilities. We noticed that although the teachers criticize the character sealed and limited of continued education courses that have frequented, reveal social representations of inclusive education and students with disabilities based on theories and concepts originated from such courses. As a result, represent inclusive education as an "education for all" and student with disabilities as someone "abnormal, different, but able to learn something . It is possible to state that from the moment the teachers approched theories about the principles of inclusive education and on the possibilities of student with disabilities took new discourses, and showed signs of change in the social representations before presented. In addition, we evidenced in this production that a proposal for training within the school, fomented by the needs teachers and having as methodology to collaborative action research, provides the (re)construction of collective knowledges and practices, sharing of experiences, hopes, discoveries and concerns and the development of cooperation and attitude for the (re)development of strategies to overcome the difficulties present in everyday teaching


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The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform based on the desinstitucionalization of the assistance, translated to the emphasis on community/territorial treatment and in the social inclusion of the mental suffering, promoted advances in the psychiatric restructuring. In the Rio Grande do Norte (RN), we can enumerate as advances of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform the expansion of the mental health care chain and the implementation of some strategies that, together, aims to further the psychosocial attention of the individual with psych suffering and to reduce the indices of psychiatrics readmissions in the state. In the current Brazilian‟s mental health situation we were interesting in answered the following question: what the impact of the substitutes services‟ extension in the revolving door phenomenon? This search aims to analyze the revolving door phenomenon occurrences based on the news strategies of mental health care in the Rio Grande do Norte. This is a descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach, oriented by the theoretical framework of critical-dialectical approach about the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform and using the thematic oral history as method of information collects. The search was realized on the Hospital João Machado (HJM), estate reference in psychiatric treatment, and the participants was 20 professionals that work on it. The collection of information had started after the approval of the UFRN Research Ethics Committee with the opinion number 216/2011 and CAAE number 0021.0.051.000-11 and was realized using the direct observation and semi-structured interview. The study‟s results were categorized in two categories and five subcategories of analysis. CATEGORY 1) Current situation of the mental health care chain in the RN, with the subcategories: 1.1 Impact of the new services of mental health care in the revolving door phenomenon in the RN; 1.2 Implications of the new services of mental health care in assisting user to the HJM; 1.3 Issues the permeate the mental health care chain in the RN. CATEORY 2) Main causes of the revolving door phenomenon in HJM, with the categories: 2.1 Family problems; 2.2 Lack of assistance after discharge from psychiatric hospital. In summary, we conclude that the extension of the mental health care chain contributed for the reduction of the psychiatrics re-hospitalization‟s indices in RN. However, we realized that territorial services of mental health care are not the only responsible for the revolving door phenomenon. Factors as family problems and the disarticulation of the assistance after the discharge from hospital influence on the perpetuation of hospitalizations and re-hospitalizations in the local scenario. To study the revolving door phenomenon that occur in the psychiatrics‟ assistance considering the news strategies of mental health care allowed us to approach the advances and challenges brought by the RPb and by the desinstitucionatization in the state, indicating the need for further discussions and problem-solving strategies of psychosocial care.


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Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos de ácido giberélico (GA3) (i.a.), nas concentrações de 50 e 100 mg L-1, acrescido do espalhante adesivo Extravon® a 0,05%, em duas aplicações via foliar e do paclobutrazol (PBZ) (i.a.), em doses de 2 e 4 g por planta, aplicado via solo, em uma única aplicação, na antecipação da floração do maracujazeiro-amarelo, em Araguari-MG. O delineamento experimental empregado foi em parcelas subdivididas, com cinco tratamentos (parcelas) e dois tratamentos (subparcelas), com quatro repetições e quatro plantas por parcela. Foram identificados 12 ramos terciários por parcela, com seis ramos expostos à luminosidade predominante pela manhã e seis com luminosidade predominante à tarde. Avaliaram-se os dois lados da espaldeira aos 103 dias após a primeira aplicação dos tratamentos, observando-se o comprimento dos ramos e de entrenós, número de nós e de botões florais. Os reguladores não promoveram respostas significativas para o comprimento dos entrenós e o número de botões florais. Porém, observaram-se indícios de maior número de botões florais com PBZ 2 g. O maior comprimento dos ramos foi obtido com GA3 100 mg L-1, sob luminosidade, pela manhã. Ao se compararem os tratamentos nas duas condições de luminosidade, o PBZ 4 g, independentemente da condição de luminosidade, proporcionou o menor comprimento dos ramos.


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Estudou-se, em areia quartzosa, em Assis (SP), a influência da calagem e de leguminosas para adubação verde sobre o desenvolvimento e micorrização do trigo. Verificou-se o efeito do pousio, do cultivo da soja e dos adubos verdes Crotalaria paulina, Crotalaria juncea e mucuna-preta (Stizolobium aterrimum), e da dosagem de calcário 0, 2 e 4 t/ha sobre os seguintes fatores: massa das raízes e da parte aérea e produtividade de grãos de trigo; teores de fósforo no solo e na folha-bandeira; percentagem de colonização e número de esporos de fungos micorrízicos no solo. A percentagem do sistema radicular do trigo, colonizado por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares aos 21 dias da emergência, e a massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e de grãos foram maiores nos tratamentos com aplicação de calcário e nos cultivados com C. paulina. A colonização do sistema radicular por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares influenciou positivamente o desenvolvimento da parte aérea e a produção de grãos do trigo. O teor de fósforo no solo e a micorrização não correlacionaram com o estado nutricional da planta em relação ao fósforo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da indução do consumo de água com edulcorante, na fase de berçário (10 aos 30 dias de idade), sobre o desempenho de 270 leitões (machos e fêmeas) submetidos ao desmame precoce segregado e os efeitos residuais nas fases de pré-creche (30 aos 45 dias) e de creche (45 aos 62 dias de idade). Três tratamentos com dois sexos e três repetições (fatorial 3 x 2) foram utilizados dos 10 aos 30 dias de idade dos leitões, sendo: T1- água sem edulcorante, T2 - água com edulcorante e T3 - água com e sem edulcorante oferecidos simultaneamente em bebedouros distintos. Foram avaliados o ganho diário de peso, o consumo diário de ração e a conversão alimentar. O consumo diário de água somente foi medido na fase de berçário. A incidência de diarréia foi observada até o 10º dia após o desmame. Aos 22 dias de idade, seis leitões por tratamento foram sacrificados para avaliação da altura das vilosidades e profundidade das criptas da mucosa do duodeno e jejuno. Não foram observadas diferenças para as variáveis estudadas, exceto para o ganho diário de peso e consumo diário de ração nas fases compreendidas entre 30 e 45 dias e 45 e 62 dias e para o ganho diário de peso entre 10 e 62 dias, a favor das fêmeas. O uso de edulcorante na água não influenciou o consumo de água, o desempenho dos leitões e a qualidade da mucosa intestinal.


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The pressure for a new pattern of sustainable development began to require of modern organizations the conciliation between competitiveness and a environmental protection. In this sense, a tool that acts in the implementation of structured strategies is the Environmental Management System (EMS), which focuses on improving environmental performance. This improvement, in turn, can generate to the organizations many benefits , among which, obtaining competitive advantages, susceptible of measurement from different perspectives. One of these is the application of VRIO model, reasoned by the Resource-Based View (RBV), which considers that differences between companies occurs due to differences between its internal resources and capabilities. However, although was been found some studies in the literature that evaluate the competitive potential of certain organizations , such assessments are not performed on specific objects, like the SEM s. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the resources and capabilities (environmental strategies) adopted by the SGA of the Verdegreen Hotel, identifying which of these have the potential to generate competitive advantage. For this, this exploratory-descriptive character study and delineated as field research and case study was used as data collection tools: a literature survey, semi-structured interviews, document research and participant observation. The interpretation of results and consolidation of information were conducted from a qualitative approach, using two techniques of data analysis, namely: content analysis and analysis through VRIO model. The results show that the hotel is quite structured in relation to their EMS, as well as reaching related to improving the management of environmental factors, strengthening the image and gains in competitiveness benefits. On the other hand, the main difficulties for the implementation of the system are related to employees and suppliers. With regard to environmental strategies adopted, of the 25 strategies identified, 10 showed the potential to generate competitive advantage


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The industrial automation is directly linked to the development of information tecnology. Better hardware solutions, as well as improvements in software development methodologies make possible the rapid growth of the productive process control. In this thesis, we propose an architecture that will allow the joining of two technologies in hardware (industrial network) and software field (multiagent systems). The objective of this proposal is to join those technologies in a multiagent architecture to allow control strategies implementations in to field devices. With this, we intend develop an agents architecture to detect and solve problems which may occur in the industrial network environment. Our work ally machine learning with industrial context, become proposed multiagent architecture adaptable to unfamiliar or unexpected production environment. We used neural networks and presented an allocation strategies of these networks in industrial network field devices. With this we intend to improve decision support at plant level and allow operations human intervention independent


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of time since the adoption of the no-till system, in comparison with a native forest area and a conventional tillage area, using the distribution of soil aggregates in a Distroferric Red Nitosol. Treatments were as follows: native forest (NF), conventional tillage (CT), no-till for one year (NT1), no-till for four years (NT4), no-till for five years (NT5), and no-till for 12 years (NT12). Aggregate samples were collected randomly within each treatment at depths of 0-5 and 10-15 cm. After sifting the aggregates in water they were separated into the following aggregate classes > 2 mm; < 2 mm; 2-1 mm, and < 1 mm. The adoption time in the no-till system favored soil aggregation. The mean weighted diameter (MWD) of the soil aggregates and the percentage of aggregates greater than 2 mm increased with adoption time in the no-till system at the 0-5 cm depth. The NF and NT12 treatments had higher MWD values in the 0-5 cm layer. CT had the highest percentage of aggregates smaller than 1 mm.


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Os efeitos do tráfego de máquinas nos atributos do solo de acordo com o tempo de adoção do sistema plantio direto são ainda pouco pesquisados em ambientes tropicais, e muitas dúvidas ainda persistem sobre a variação dinâmica da estrutura do solo e a sua interação com máquinas e equipamentos. Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar o efeito do tempo de adoção do sistema plantio direto, comparativamente com área de mata nativa e de preparo convencional, usando os modelos de compressibilidade do solo. O estudo foi realizado em um Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico, sob mata nativa (MN), preparo convencional (PC), plantio direto com um ano (PD1), plantio direto com quatro anos (PD4), plantio direto com cinco anos (PD5) e plantio direto com 12 anos (PD12). Amostras indeformadas e deformadas foram coletadas em duas profundidades (0-5 e 10-15 cm). O tempo de adoção do sistema plantio direto alterou o comportamento compressivo dos solos em ambas as profundidades, por meio das mudanças na pressão de preconsolidação. A profundidade de 0-5 cm apresentou menor capacidade de suporte de carga do que a profundidade de 10-15 cm. A profundidade de 0-5 cm, em todos os sistemas de manejo, mostrou-se mais susceptível à compactação em relação à profundidade de 10-15 cm. Os sistemas de plantio direto e convencional apresentaram a capacidade de suporte de carga crescente na seguinte ordem: PD5 < PD12 < PD1 < PD4 @ PC, para a profundidade de 0-5 cm e para a profundidade de 10-15 cm: MN @ PD12 < PC @ PD4 < PD5, enquanto o sistema PD1 apresentou comportamento diferenciado.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of crescents phosphorus levels in two hybrids of forage sorghum cultivated on "Zona da Mata" region, State of Alagoas. The treatments were two hybrids of forage sorghum: BRS304 e BRS310, and four phosphorus levels: 0, 25, 50 e 75 kg ha(-1). The statistical design was the complete randomized block with four replications in a split plot scheme. Each experimental plot was constuited for five row of 4.5 m, spaced of 0.70 m. The soil of experimental area received lime to increase basis saturation to 60%. During the sowing, all experimental area received 100 and 120 kg ha(-1) of N and K, respectively. The plants were collected 40, 50, 60 e 70 days after emergence. The mass collected was separaeted in leaves photosynthetic active and remaining of the plant. When the grains were on the "farinaceo duro" stage, the yield was evaluated in 1.4 m(2) on plots center. The phosphoted fertilization increases linearly the sorghum production until 75 kg ha(-1) level of P. The phosphorus provides better grain participation on total dry matter of sorghum plants.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of matter, dry matter content of Brix and two varieties of sugar cane, influenced by the phosphorus cultivated on "Zona da Mata" region, State of Alagoas. The experiment, a factorial 2 x 6, was composed of two varieties of cane; RB867515 and RB92579 and six phosphorus levels: zero, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg ha(-1), with the source of the phosphorus triple superphosphate. Was also used nitrogen and potassium in doses equivalent to 100 and 200 kg ha(-1) and K, respectively. The soil of the experimental area was set to raise the base saturation to 60%. At the beginning of the first rainfall of the rainy season of 2006 was performed with micro fertilization in coverage, in doses equivalent to 6,0; 6,0 and 7,0 kg ha(-1) of Cu, Zn and Mn, respectively. Was The chemical control of weeds. Every month, from August to October 2006, samples were collected in the cane plant. There was initially the number of plants m(2), followed by weighing the material. It was subsequently withdrawn a subsample containing ten plants for weighing. After weighing the material was passed in horsemanship and homogenized, again drew up a sample of approximately 300g, leading them to forced ventilation oven at 65 degrees C, toobtain constant weight. Resulting in the production of natural (MN) and dry matter (DM). In July, we analyzed the levels of Brix% juice in the refractometer Brix. The average values of production of natural (MN), dry matter (DM) and contents of Brix% were subjected to analysis of variance and regression for variables. The accumulation of dry matter and were influenced by fertilization. The contents of Brix% in two varieties did not suffer significant influence of fertilization.