994 resultados para MacLaine, Shirley , 1934-
São relatados quatro casos de micetoma causados por Nocardia brasiliensis, ocorridos no Rio Grande do Sul. É revista a literatura rio-grandense-do-sul.
This paper forms part of a wider project to show the significance of archival material on distinguished economists, in this case Lauchlin Currie (1902-93), who studied and taught at Harvard before entering government service at the US Treasury and Federal Reserve Board as the intellectual leader of Roosevelt’s New Deal, 1934-39, as FDR’s White House economic adviser in peace and war, 1939-45, and as a post-war development economist. It discusses the uses made of the written and oral material available when the author was writing his intellectual biography of Currie (Duke University Press 1990) while Currie was still alive, and the significance of the material that has come to light after Currie’s death.
From the gills of 100 Micropogonia furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) from Atlantic coast of Rio de Janeiro State, were recovered Macrovalvitrema sinaloense Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1955, Pterinotrematoides mexicanum Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1955, Rhamnocercus rhmnocercus Monaco, Wood & Mizelle, 1954 and Encotyllabe spari Yamaguti, 1934. M. furnieri represents a new host record for them and a new geographical dsitribution is referred for M. sinaloense, P. mexicanum and R. rhmnocercus.
The male genitalia of nine species of Sarcophagidae (Diptera) - Goniophyto honsuensis Rohdendorf, 1962, Tricharaea brevicornis (Wiedemann, 1830), Chaetoravinia derelicta (Walker, 1852), Austrohartigia spinigena (Rondani, 1864), Chrysagria duodecimpunctata Townsend, 1935, Boettcheria bisetosa Parker, 1914, Lipoptilocnema lanei Townsend, 1934, L. crispina (Lopes, 1938) and Euboettcheria alvarengai Lopes & Tibana, 1982 - were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the main morphological features are descirbed.
The spread of agrarian credit cooperativism in Spain (1890-1934) was done under a variety of ideological and economic orientations. This article focuses on the construction of a few tools and indicators to explain the characteristics of agricultural credit cooperatives. An analysis of financial operations of rural savings banks is related with socio-political aspects that influenced their development; This analysis helps us to explain the relative success of German credit cooperative models adopted in the context of Spanish agriculture, as happened on European periphery.
BACKGROUND: Identification of a Primary Care Physician (PCP) by older patients is considered as essential for the coordination of care, but the extent to which identified PCPs are general practitioners or specialists is unknown. This study described older patients' experiences with their PCP and tested the hypothesis of differences between patients who identify a specialist as their PCP (SP PCP) and those who turn to a general practitioner (GP PCP). METHODS: In 2012, a cross-sectional postal survey on care was conducted in the 68+ year old population of the canton of Vaud. Data was provided by 2,276 participants in the ongoing Lausanne cohort 65+ (Lc65+), a study of those born between 1934 and 1943, and by 998 persons from an additional sample drawn to include the population outside of Lausanne or born before 1934. RESULTS: Participants expressed favourable perceptions, at rates exceeding 75% for most items. However, only 38% to 51% responded positively for out-of-hours availability, easy access and at home visits, likelihood of prescribing expensive medication if needed, and doctors' awareness of over-the-counter drugs. 12.0% had an SP PCP, in 95.9% specialised in a discipline implying training in internal medicine. Bivariate and multivariate analyses did not result in significant differences between GP and SP PCPs regarding perceptions of accessibility/availability, doctor-patient relationship, information and continuity of care, prevention, spontaneous use of the emergency department or ambulatory care utilisation. CONCLUSIONS: Experiences of old patients were mostly positive despite some lack in reported hearing, memory testing, and colorectal cancer screening. We found no differences between GP and SP PCP groups.
In the present paper, the Peruvian Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) incarocai (Freitas & Ibañez 1970) is proposed as a junior synonym of P. (S.) hilarii Vaz & Pereira, 1934. The validity of the subgenera Procamallanus Baylis, 1923 and Spirocammallanus Olsen, 1952 is discussed. a check list and a key to the species of Procamallanus Baylis, 1923 occuring in Brazil are presented.
Pseudocapillaria (Ichthyicapillaria) maricaensis n. sp. is described from the small intestine of the lizard, Liolaemus lutzae Meterns, 1938, collected in the State of Rio de Janeiro Brazil. The author compares the new species with Capillaria crotaliRudolphi, 1819) Travassos, 1915, Capillaria freitaslenti Araujo & Gandra, 1941, Pseudocapillaria (Pseudocapillaria) amarali (Freitas & Lent, 1934) Moravec, 1952, Pseudocapillaria (Pseudocapillaria) cezarpintoi (Freitas & Lent, 1934)Moravec, 1952 and Pseudocapillaria (Ichthyocapillaria) murinae (travassos, 1914) Moravec, 1952 previously reported from lizards in Brazil. The nematode Thelandros sceleratus Travassos, 1923 and the trematode paradistomum parvissimum (Travassos, 1918) Travassos, 1919 are for the first time reported from this same host.
This study aims at evaluating how minor and serious delinquency relates to cognitive and emotional functioning in high-risk adolescents, taking problematic substance use into account. In 80 high-risk adolescent males (13-19 years), the frequency of minor and serious offences committed over the last year was predicted, in multiple regression analyses, from problematic substance use, intellectual efficiency, trait impulsivity, alexithymia (inability to express feelings in words), and cognitive coping strategies. Both minor and serious delinquency were more frequent in adolescents with more problematic substance use and higher intellectual efficacy. Minor delinquency was further related to a tendency to act out when experiencing negative emotions, and difficulties in focusing energy on instrumental action when under stress; while serious delinquency was predominantly and strongly related to rigid and dichotomous thinking. The results underline the heterogeneous nature of delinquency, minor offences being primarily associated with emotional regulation deficits, while major offences are related with a lack of cognitive flexibility.
The gut mucosal epithelium separates the host from the microbiota, but enteropathogens such as Salmonella Typhimurium (S.Tm) can invade and breach this barrier. Defenses against such acute insults remain incompletely understood. Using a murine model of Salmonella enterocolitis, we analyzed mechanisms limiting pathogen loads in the epithelium during early infection. Although the epithelium-invading S.Tm replicate initially, this intraepithelial replicative niche is restricted by expulsion of infected enterocytes into the lumen. This mechanism is compromised if inflammasome components (NAIP1-6, NLRC4, caspase-1/-11) are deleted, or ablated specifically in the epithelium, resulting in ∼100-fold higher intraepithelial loads and accelerated lymph node colonization. Interestingly, the cytokines downstream of inflammasome activation, interleukin (IL)-1α/β and IL-18, appear dispensable for epithelial restriction of early infection. These data establish the role of an epithelium-intrinsic inflammasome, which drives expulsion of infected cells to restrict the pathogen's intraepithelial proliferation. This may represent a general defense mechanism against mucosal infections.
Phototropism is an adaptive response allowing plants to optimize photosynthetic light capture. This is achieved by asymmetric growth between the shaded and lit sides of the stimulated organ. In grass seedlings, the site of phototropin-mediated light perception is distinct from the site of bending; however, in dicotyledonous plants (e.g., Arabidopsis), spatial aspects of perception remain debatable. We use morphological studies and genetics to show that phototropism can occur in the absence of the root, lower hypocotyl, hypocotyl apex, and cotyledons. Tissue-specific expression of the phototropin1 (phot1) photoreceptor demonstrates that light sensing occurs in the upper hypocotyl and that expression of phot1 in the hypocotyl elongation zone is sufficient to enable a normal phototropic response. Moreover, we show that efficient phototropism occurs when phot1 is expressed from endodermal, cortical, or epidermal cells and that its local activation rapidly leads to a global response throughout the seedling. We propose that spatial aspects in the steps leading from light perception to growth reorientation during phototropism differ between grasses and dicots. These results are important to properly interpret genetic experiments and establish a model connecting light perception to the growth response, including cellular and morphological aspects.
The authors revalidate the genus Mepraia, described in 1940 by Mazza, Gajardo & Jörg. The genus is monotypic and represented by the species M. spinolai (Porter, 1934). Based on the characteres described below the authors considered the separation of the genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832 and the return of the genus Mepraia. Strongly alar polymorphism, the abdomen of female with connexivum like in genus Dipetalogaster Usinger 1939, seven testicular follicles, like in Triatoma, however with a different relation of lenghts; external male genitalia showing a big and foliar process of the conjunctiva, vesica with an arch-shape, struts and endosoma process absent.