986 resultados para MIR-206
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo mapear o processo de treinamento compartilhado em ressuscitação cardiopulmonar para técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem da UTI e Semi-Intensiva de Adulto do HU-USP, e aferir os custos diretos das principais atividades do processo. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, retrospectivo, de levantamento documental, nos moldes de estudo de caso. Seus resultados mostraram que o custo direto total do programa de treinamento em ressuscitação cardio-pulmonar foi de R$ 9.081,44. O custo direto com pessoal representou 96,74% e com material 3,26%. No subprocesso planejamento do treinamento, o enfermeiro instrutor-assistencial teve o maior custo direto do pessoal com R$ 5.451,60 (62,04%). Os custos diretos relacionados com o material utilizado foram maiores, também, no subprocesso planejamento do treinamento, R$ 188,80 (63,73%). O custo total por treinando foi de R$ 206,40.
Abdo et Sennes (262-263v) ; Acisclus et Victoria (163-165) ; Adrianus (72v-77) ; Affra (45v) ; Amancius (122-125v) ; Andochius (90v-92v) ; Andreas (186-194v) ; Antoninus (68v-70v, 221v) ; Apollinaris (1bis-1bis v); Audardus (254-259) ; Augustinus (231-232v) ; Bartholomeus (55v-59v) ; Bricius Turonensis (162v-163) ; Caprasius (107-108) ; Caprasius et Fides (218-219v) ; Cassianus (48v) ; Cecilia (168v-174v) ; Christina (12-16v) ; Christoforus (22-24) ; Ciricus et Julita (2v-6, 260v-262) ; Cirillus (2-2v) ; Ciprianus (47v-48v) ; Claudius, Asterius, Neo (54v-55v) ; Clemens (174v-176) ; Cosmas et Damianus (97v-98v) ; Crisantus et Daria (179-182v) ; Crucis exaltatio (83-84) ; Cucufas (24-25) ; Dalmacius Rutenae urbis (131-132v) ; Desiderius Caturcensis (207v-217v) ; Dionisius (105-106v) ; Donatus (263v-265v) ; Eleazarus (38-38v) ; Eptadius (59v-61v) ; Eufemia (84-86) ; Eugenia (78-83) ; Eulalia (195v-199) ; Eustachius (125v-129v) ; Fabius (34v-36v) ; Fausta (52-53v) ; Faustus, Januarius et Marcialis (106v-107) ; Felix (36v-38) ; Felix Nolensis ep. (25-27) ; Filibertus (227v-231) ; Genesius Arelatensis (61v-62v) ; Germanus Autissiodorensis (33-34) ; Gervasius et Protasius (259v-260v) ; Gregorius papa (222-224v) ; Grisogonus (176v-178) ; Jacobus major (20v-21v) ; Jeronimus (100-102) ; Johannis Baptistae decollatio (66v-68v) ; Johannes et Paulus (227-227v) ; Julia (11-12) ; Julianus (64-64v) ; Julianus, auct. Gregorio Turonense (265v-272) ; Julius (178-178v) ; Justa et Rufina (6v-7) ; Justina et Ciprianus (92v-97v) ; Justus et Pastor (44v-45) ; Laurianus (167v-168v) ; Leochadia (195-195v) ; Leodegarius (102-104v) ; Licerius (62v-64) ; Longinus (195) ; Lucia (199-200v) ; Machabei (34-34v) ; Mammes (45v-47v) ; Marcellinus et Petrus (259-259v) ; Marcellus (114) ; Marcellus Cavalonis (219v-220) ; Marcellus Kavilonensis (1v-1bis) ; Marcus (224v-225) ; Marciana (129v-131) ; Marcianus (206-206v) ; Margarita (7-11) ; Mariae assumptio (48v-51) ; Martinus, auct. Sulpicio Severo (133-160v) ; Matheus (86-89) ; Mauricius (89-90v) ; Mauricius, Exuperius, Candidus, Innocentius, Victor cum sociis eorum (272-272v) ; Maurinus (245-247v) ; Maximus (241-244v) ; Medardus (225-227) ; Mennas (160v-162v) ; Michael (98v-100) ; Mimius (39v-40) ; Nazarius et Celsus (27-31v) ; Omnes Sancti (118v-122) ; Pantaleo (31v-32v) ; Petri cathedra (220-221v, 249-250) ; Petrus, ep. Alexandriae (248-249) ; Procopius (39-39v) ; Quintinus (114-118v) ; Regina (70v-72v) ; Reparata (104v-105) ; Romanus (165-167) ; Sabina (64v-66v) ; Salvius (77-78) ; Saturninus et Sisinnius (178v) ; Saturninus Tolosanensis (182v-185v, 232v-239) ; Segolena (16v-20v) ; Servandus et Germanus (108-109) ; Sixtus, Laurentius et Ypolitus (40-44v); Symo et Judas (109-112v) ; Symphorianus (53v-54v) ; Teodota (38v-39) ; Terencianus (239-241) ; Theodardus Narbonensis (250-254) ; Thomas (200v-206) ; Valerianus (206v-207) ; Vamnes (51-52) ; Vincentius et Savina (112v-114). Le f. 220v contient un catalogue ancien de la bibliothèque de Moissac.
Jo. Herculani Pleinfesini historia de antiquitatibus Vallis Galileae (1). - Ex historia Hierosol. (11). - Libertates Delphinatus (22). - Vincelai Bohemi, AEneae Sylvii, Gasparis Sligh etc. epistoloe (86). - Disputationes factae in concilio Basil. de conceptione s. Mariae (102). - Sermones s. Bonifacii (133). - Ordo s. Columbani de vita monachorum (153). - S. Hilarius in psalmos (160). - Sermo Petri Venerabilis de s. Marcello (206). - Rabanus in Jesu Nave (216). - Idem de sacramentis divinis (263). - Sedulii versus et praefatio (283). - Wicbodi quaestiones in octateuchum (287). - Ex cod. 117 S. Crucis in Jerusalem, in quo Liber diurnus (361).
Part I of this series of articles focused on the construction of graphical probabilistic inference procedures, at various levels of detail, for assessing the evidential value of gunshot residue (GSR) particle evidence. The proposed models - in the form of Bayesian networks - address the issues of background presence of GSR particles, analytical performance (i.e., the efficiency of evidence searching and analysis procedures) and contamination. The use and practical implementation of Bayesian networks for case pre-assessment is also discussed. This paper, Part II, concentrates on Bayesian parameter estimation. This topic complements Part I in that it offers means for producing estimates useable for the numerical specification of the proposed probabilistic graphical models. Bayesian estimation procedures are given a primary focus of attention because they allow the scientist to combine (his/her) prior knowledge about the problem of interest with newly acquired experimental data. The present paper also considers further topics such as the sensitivity of the likelihood ratio due to uncertainty in parameters and the study of likelihood ratio values obtained for members of particular populations (e.g., individuals with or without exposure to GSR).
Référence bibliographique : Dacier et Vuaflart, 206
In rodents and nonhuman primates subjected to spinal cord lesion, neutralizing the neurite growth inhibitor Nogo-A has been shown to promote regenerative axonal sprouting and functional recovery. The goal of the present report was to re-examine the data on the recovery of the primate manual dexterity using refined behavioral analyses and further statistical assessments, representing secondary outcome measures from the same manual dexterity test. Thirteen adult monkeys were studied; seven received an anti-Nogo-A antibody whereas a control antibody was infused into the other monkeys. Monkeys were trained to perform the modified Brinkman board task requiring opposition of index finger and thumb to grasp food pellets placed in vertically and horizontally oriented slots. Two parameters were quantified before and following spinal cord injury: (i) the standard 'score' as defined by the number of pellets retrieved within 30 s from the two types of slots; (ii) the newly introduced 'contact time' as defined by the duration of digit contact with the food pellet before successful retrieval. After lesion the hand was severely impaired in all monkeys; this was followed by progressive functional recovery. Remarkably, anti-Nogo-A antibody-treated monkeys recovered faster and significantly better than control antibody-treated monkeys, considering both the score for vertical and horizontal slots (Mann-Whitney test: P = 0.05 and 0.035, respectively) and the contact time (P = 0.008 and 0.005, respectively). Detailed analysis of the lesions excluded the possibility that this conclusion may have been caused by differences in lesion properties between the two groups of monkeys.
MicroRNAs (miRNA) are recognized posttranscriptional gene repressors involved in the control of almost every biological process. Allelic variants in these regions may be an important source of phenotypic diversity and contribute to disease susceptibility. We analyzed the genomic organization of 325 human miRNAs (release 7.1, miRBase) to construct a panel of 768 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering approximately 1 Mb of genomic DNA, including 131 isolated miRNAs (40%) and 194 miRNAs arranged in 48 miRNA clusters, as well as their 5-kb flanking regions. Of these miRNAs, 37% were inside known protein-coding genes, which were significantly associated with biological functions regarding neurological, psychological or nutritional disorders. SNP coverage analysis revealed a lower SNP density in miRNAs compared with the average of the genome, with only 24 SNPs located in the 325 miRNAs studied. Further genotyping of 340 unrelated Spanish individuals showed that more than half of the SNPs in miRNAs were either rare or monomorphic, in agreement with the reported selective constraint on human miRNAs. A comparison of the minor allele frequencies between Spanish and HapMap population samples confirmed the applicability of this SNP panel to the study of complex disorders among the Spanish population, and revealed two miRNA regions, hsa-mir-26a-2 in the CTDSP2 gene and hsa-mir-128-1 in the R3HDM1 gene, showing geographical allelic frequency variation among the four HapMap populations, probably because of differences in natural selection. The designed miRNA SNP panel could help to identify still hidden links between miRNAs and human disease.
Genetic and functional data indicate that variation in the expression of the neurotrophin-3 receptor gene (NTRK3) may have an impact on neuronal plasticity, suggesting a role for NTRK3 in the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders. MicroRNA (miRNA) posttranscriptional gene regulators act by base-pairing to specific sequence sites, usually at the 3'UTR of the target mRNA. Variants at these sites might result in gene expression changes contributing to disease susceptibility. We investigated genetic variation in two different isoforms of NTRK3 as candidate susceptibility factors for anxiety by resequencing their 3'UTRs in patients with panic disorder (PD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and in controls. We have found the C allele of rs28521337, located in a functional target site for miR-485-3p in the truncated isoform of NTRK3, to be significantly associated with the hoarding phenotype of OCD. We have also identified two new rare variants in the 3'UTR of NTRK3, ss102661458 and ss102661460, each present only in one chromosome of a patient with PD. The ss102661458 variant is located in a functional target site for miR-765, and the ss102661460 in functional target sites for two miRNAs, miR-509 and miR-128, the latter being a brain-enriched miRNA involved in neuronal differentiation and synaptic processing. Interestingly, these two variants significantly alter the miRNA-mediated regulation of NTRK3, resulting in recovery of gene expression. These data implicate miRNAs as key posttranscriptional regulators of NTRK3 and provide a framework for allele-specific miRNA regulation of NTRK3 in anxiety disorders.
The aim of this investigation was to examine the interrelation between renal mRNA levels of renin and angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1) in a renin-dependent form of experimental hypertension. Rats were studied 4 weeks after unilateral renal artery clipping. Mean blood pressure and plasma renin activity were significantly higher in the hypertensive rats (n = 10 206 +/- mm Hg and 72.4 +/- 20.9 ng/mL-1/h-1, respectively) than in sham-operated controls (n = 10, 136 +/- 3 mm Hg and 3.3 +/- 0.5 ng/mL-1/h, respectively). Northern blot analysis of polyA+ RNA obtained from the kidneys of renal hypertensive rats showed increased levels of renin mRNA in the clipped kidney, whereas a decrease was observed in the unclipped kidney. Plasma renin activity was directly correlated with renin mRNA expression of the poststenotic kidney (r = .94, P < .01). AT1 mRNA expression was lower in both kidneys of the hypertensive rats. This downregulation was specific for the AT1A subtype since the renal expression of the AT1B subtype remained normal in hypertensive rats. The downregulation of the renal AT1A receptor may be due to high circulating angiotensin II levels. This is supported by the significant inverse correlation (r = .71, P < .01) between plasma renin activity and AT1A mRNA expression measured in the clipped kidney of the hypertensive rats.
Recently, we showed that connexin37 (Cx37) protects against early atherosclerotic lesion development by regulating monocyte adhesion. The expression of this gap junction protein is altered in mouse and human atherosclerotic lesions; it is increased in macrophages newly recruited to the lesions and disappears from the endothelium of advanced plaques. To obtain more insight into the molecular role of Cx37 in advanced atherosclerosis, we used micro-array analysis for gene expression profiling in aortas of ApoE(-/-) and Cx37(-/-)ApoE(-/-) mice before and after 18 weeks of cholesterol-rich diet. Out of >15,000 genes, 106 genes were significantly differentially expressed in young mice before diet (P-value of <0.05, fold change of >0.7 or <-0.7, and intensity value >2.2 times background). Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) revealed differences in genes involved in cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, cellular compromise and nutritional disease. In addition, we identified 100 genes that were significantly perturbed after the cholesterol-rich diet. Similar to the analysis on 10-week-old mice, IPA revealed differences in genes involved in cell-to-cell signaling and interaction as well as to immuno-inflammatory disease. Furthermore, we found important changes in genes involved in vascular calcification and matrix degradation, some of which were confirmed at protein level by (immuno-)histochemistry. In conclusion, we suggest that Cx37 deficiency alters the global differential gene expression profiles in young mice towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype, which are then further influenced in advanced atherosclerosis. The results provide new insights into the significance of Cx37 in plaque calcification.
We present a new technique for audio signal comparison based on tonal subsequence alignment and its application to detect cover versions (i.e., different performances of the same underlying musical piece). Cover song identification is a task whose popularity has increased in the Music Information Retrieval (MIR) community along in the past, as it provides a direct and objective way to evaluate music similarity algorithms.This article first presents a series of experiments carried outwith two state-of-the-art methods for cover song identification.We have studied several components of these (such as chroma resolution and similarity, transposition, beat tracking or Dynamic Time Warping constraints), in order to discover which characteristics would be desirable for a competitive cover song identifier. After analyzing many cross-validated results, the importance of these characteristics is discussed, and the best-performing ones are finally applied to the newly proposed method. Multipleevaluations of this one confirm a large increase in identificationaccuracy when comparing it with alternative state-of-the-artapproaches.
In 2008 three biological agents against TNFalpha will be available. The combination of infliximab with azathioprine is no longer recommended, as hepatosplenic lymphomas with a particularly bad prognosis have been associated with this combined therapy. Regular maintenance therapy with infliximab is as effective in preventing the development of anti-infliximab antibodies as co-administration of this anti-TNFalpha agent with an immunomodulator. The benefit of regular maintenance therapy is probably linked to the presence of residual trough levels of infliximab between perfusions.
During the initial phases of type 1 diabetes, pancreatic islets are invaded by immune cells, exposing β-cells to proinflammatory cytokines. This unfavorable environment results in gene expression modifications leading to loss of β-cell functions. To study the contribution of microRNAs (miRNAs) in this process, we used microarray analysis to search for changes in miRNA expression in prediabetic NOD mice islets. We found that the levels of miR-29a/b/c increased in islets of NOD mice during the phases preceding diabetes manifestation and in isolated mouse and human islets exposed to proinflammatory cytokines. Overexpression of miR-29a/b/c in MIN6 and dissociated islet cells led to impairment in glucose-induced insulin secretion. Defective insulin release was associated with diminished expression of the transcription factor Onecut2, and a consequent rise of granuphilin, an inhibitor of β-cell exocytosis. Overexpression of miR-29a/b/c also promoted apoptosis by decreasing the level of the antiapoptotic protein Mcl1. Indeed, a decoy molecule selectively masking the miR-29 binding site on Mcl1 mRNA protected insulin-secreting cells from apoptosis triggered by miR-29 or cytokines. Taken together, our findings suggest that changes in the level of miR-29 family members contribute to cytokine-mediated β-cell dysfunction occurring during the initial phases of type 1 diabetes.
Cet insha paraît d'origine indienne. On y trouve : - Une lettre du Nizam Shah à Shah Tahmasp (fol. 7 recto) ;- une lettre du Nizam Shah au Shir Shah de Dehli (fol. 19 recto) ; - Une lettre du roi de Perse Shah Tahmasp (fol. 22 verso) ;- un nishan du Nizam Shah adressé à un nommé Roumi Khan (fol. 27 recto) ; - un billet adressé par le vizir Ghiyas ed-Din Mohammed à Khvadjeh Sadr ed-Din Isfahani (fol. 30 recto) ;- une lette vraissemblablement adressée par un Nizam Shah à Djelal Khan Islam Shah (fol.31 verso) ; - Un billet adressé à Shah Kiwam ed-Din Nourbakhshi (ibid) ;Une lettre du Nizam Shah à l'émir Ghiyas ed-Din Mansour Shirazi (fol. 32 verso) ;- un feth nameh de Shah Hosein Nizam Shah (fol. 40 recto) ;Les premières et les dernières pages sont couvertes de notes parmi lesquels on trouve : - Fol. 3 recto : des vers de Sheikh Mohammed Gandjayi Tebrizi, de l'Imam Fakhr ed-Din, De Maulana Shems-i Mouzaffer, de Shah Rokh Houkmet el-Ain, la date de la mort du vizir Ghiyas ed-Din Mohammed Tebrizi, deux kasida de Molla Hosein Kerbalai Tebrizi et de Khvadjeh A Badamiyari.- Fol. 4 recto : des vers de Khvadjeh Mohammed Khoshnam, d'Afdal ed-Din Kermani, la préface du Divan de Zahir ed-Din Faryabi, la date de la mort de Shaeikh Mohammed Shirin Maghrebi.- Fol. 4 verso : des vers de Kemal-i Khodjendi avec la date de sa mort, celle de la mort du kadi Nedjm ed-Din Mohammed el-Uskubi, de Khvadjeh Djemal ed-Din Selman Savedji.- Fol. 5 recto : des vers de Kotb ed-Din Atiki, Mahmoud Shebisteri, Ala ed-Din Semnani, la date de la mort de Sheikh Diye Allah Kouzekznani, du Khvadjeh Ala ed-Din Tebrizi Nakshibendi, un nisham de Navab Abd Allah Khan Uzbek.- Fol. 6 : des vers de l'émir Seyyed Abd Allah Lala, de Saadi, Seyyed Ali Hamadani, de Fakh ed-Din Fath Allah Kazwini, de Fakhri Gourgani, Mantiki, Nedjm ed-Din Kakas Soureti, Moudjir ed-Din Berlakani, Louloui, Nizami Boukhari, un ghazel de Firdoussi, des vers de Rafik ed-Din Loubnani, Rokn ed-Din Imam Zadeh, Zeki Iraki.A la fin du volume on trouve des vers de Djami, de Assar, une notice sur les soufis.