981 resultados para Lorentz Symmetry, CPT Symmetry, Precision experiment, Spin polarized gases


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We present the zero-temperature phase diagram of the one-dimensional t(2g)-orbital Hubbard model, obtained using the density-matrix renormalization group and Lanczos techniques. Emphasis is given to the case of the electron density n=5 corresponding to five electrons per site, while several other cases for electron densities between n=3 and 6 are also studied. At n=5, our results indicate a first-order transition between a paramagnetic (PM) insulator phase, with power-law slowly decaying correlations, and a fully polarized ferromagnetic (FM) state by tuning the Hund's coupling. The results also suggest a transition from the n=5 PM insulator phase to a metallic regime by changing the electron density, either via hole or electron doping. The behavior of the spin, charge, and orbital correlation functions in the FM and PM states are also described in the text and discussed. The robustness of these two states against varying parameters suggests that they may be of relevance in quasi-one-dimensional Co-oxide materials, or even in higher dimensional cobaltite systems as well.


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The ESR spectrum of CuCl2 adsorbed onto a silica gel surface chemically modified with the benzimidazole molecule showed that the surface complex has an octahedral symmetry with tetragonal distortion. The measured ESR parameters were g(parallel to) = 2.287, g(perpendicular to) = 2.062, A(parallel to) = 153 G and superhyperfine splitting A(N) = 15 G. The fit of the theoretical expressions to the experimental data was very reasonable. The effective spin orbit coupling constant for Cu2+ was reduced from its normal free ion value of lambda = -828 cm(-1) by as much as 30%. This reduction of lambda is normal in the solid state and in frozen solution complexes.


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A systematic construction of super W algebras in terms of the WZNW model based on a super Lie algebra is presented. These are shown to be the symmetry structure of the super Toda models, which can be obtained from the WZNW theory by Hamiltonian reduction. A classification, according to the conformal spin defined by an improved energy momentum tensor, is discussed in general terms for all super Lie algebras whose simple roots are fermionic. A detailed discussion employing the Dirac bracket structure and an explicit construction of W algebras for the cases of OSP(1, 2), OSP(2, 2), OSP(3, 2) and D(2, 1\ alpha) are given. The N = 1 and N = 2 superconformal algebras are discussed in the pertinent cases.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We discuss a relativistic free particle with fractional spin in 2+1 dimensions, where the dual spin components satisfy the canonical angular momentum algebra {Sμ, Sν} = εμνγSγ. It is shown that it is a general consequence of these features that the Poincaré invariance is broken down to the Lorentz one, so indicating that it is not possible to keep simultaneously the free nature of the anyon and the translational invariance.


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We obtain constraints on possible anomalous interactions of the top quark with the electroweak vector bosons arising from the precision measurements at the Z pole. In the framework of SU(2)L ⊕ U(1)Y chiral Lagrangians, we examine all effective CP-conserving operators of dimension five which induce fermionic currents involving the top quark. We constrain the magnitudes of these anomalous interactions by evaluating their one-loop contributions to the Z pole physics. Our analysis shows that the operators that contribute to the LEP observables get bounds close to the theoretical expectation for their anomalous couplings. We also show that those which break the SU(2)C custodial symmetry are more strongly bounded. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We assume that the nuclear potential for distances larger than 2.5 fm is given just by the exchanges of one and two pions and, for the latter, we adopt a model based on chiral symmetry and subthreshold pion-nucleon amplitudes, which contains no free parameters. The predictions produced by this model for nucleon-nucleon observables are calculated and shown to agree well with both experiment and those due to phenomenological potentials.


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Er3+:LiYF4 single crystal has been studied by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in the IR-visible-UV (0-44000 cm-1) region from 4.2 K to room temperature. Polarized spectra were recorded in order to assign numerous Stark levels of electronic transitions mentioned but not attributed before in the related literature and to discuss the irreducible representations (irreps) of the 4I15/2 sublevels. A parametric hamiltonian, including free ion (Eν, α, β, γ, Tλ, ζ, Mk and Pi) and crystal field parameters (B2 0, B4 0, B4 4, B6 0 and B6 4) in an approximate D2d symmetry for the rare earth site in this scheelite type structure, was used to simulate 109 energy positions of the Er ion with a r.m.s. standard deviation of 14.6 cm-1. A comparison with previously published results for Nd3+ in the same matrix is done. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The isotherms of adsorption of CuX2 (X=Cl-, Br-, ClO- 4) by silica gel chemically modified with 2-aminothiazole were studied in acetone and EtOH solutions, at 25°C. The 2-aminothiazole molecule, covalently bond to the silica gel surface, adsorbs CuX2 from solvent by forming a surface complex. At low loading, the electronic and E.S.R. spectral parameters indicate that the Cu2+ complexes have a distorted tetragonal symmetry. The d-d eletronic transition spectra show that for ClO- 4 complex, the peak of absorption do not change for any degree of metal loading whilst for Cl- and Br- complexes, the peak maxima shift to higher energy with lower metal loading. © Elsevier Science Ltd.


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We present predictions for the spin structure functions of the proton in the framework of a unitary isobar model for one-pion photo- and electroproduction. Our results are compared with recent experimental data from SLAC. The first moments of the calculated structure functions fullfil the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn and Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rules within an error of typically 5-10%.


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Although the equations of motion for the Neveu-Schwarz (NS) and Ramond (R) sectors of open superstring field theory can be covariantly expressed in terms of one NS and one R string field, picture-changing problems prevent the construction of an action involving these two string fields. However, a consistent action can be constructed by dividing the NS and R states into three string fields which are real, chiral and antichiral. The open superstring field theory action includes a WZW-like term for the real field and holomorphic Chern-Simons-like terms for the chiral and antichiral fields. Different versions of the action can be constructed with either manifest d = 8 Lorentz covariance or manifest TV = 1 d = 4 super-Poincaré covariance. The lack of a manifestly d = 10 Lorentz covariant action is related to the self-dual five-form in the type-IIB R-R sector.


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We consider a field theory with target space being the two dimensional sphere S2 and defined on the space-time S3 × . The Lagrangean is the square of the pull-back of the area form on S2. It is invariant under the conformal group SO(4,2) and the infinite dimensional group of area preserving diffeomorphisms of S2. We construct an infinite number of exact soliton solutions with non-trivial Hopf topological charges. The solutions spin with a frequency which is bounded above by a quantity proportional to the inverse of the radius of S3. The construction of the solutions is made possible by an ansatz which explores the conformal symmetry and a U(1) subgroup of the area preserving diffeomorphism group. © SISSA 2006.


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The crystallization of fluoroindate glasses doped with Gd3+, Mn2+ and Cu2+ heat treated at different temperatures, ranging from the glass transition temperature (Tg) to the crystallization temperature (Tc), are investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and 19F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The EPR spectra indicate that the Cu2+ ions in the glass are located in axially distorted octahedral sites. In the crystallized glass, the g-values agreed with those reported for Ba2ZnF6, which correspond to Cu2+ in a tetragonal compressed F- octahedron and to Cu2+ on interstitial sites with a square-planar F- co-ordination. The EPR spectra of the Mn2+ doped glasses exhibit a sextet structure due to the Mn2+ hyperfine interaction. These spectra suggest a highly ordered environment for the Mn2+ ions (close to octahedral symmetry) in the glass. The EPR spectra of the recrystallized sample exhibit resonances at the same position, suggesting that the Mn2+ ions are located in sites of highly symmetric crystalline field. The increase of the line intensity of the sextet and the decrease of the background line in the thermal treated samples suggest that the Mn2+ ions move to the highly ordered sites which contribute to the sextet structure. The EPR spectra of the Gd3+ doped glasses exhibit the typical U-spectrum of a s-state ion in a low symmetry site in disordered systems. The EPR of the crystallized glasses, in contrast, have shown a strong resonance in g ≈ 2.0, suggesting Gd3+ ions in environment close to cubic symmetry. The 19F NMR spin-lattice relaxation rates were also strongly influenced by the crystallization process that takes over in samples annealed above Tc. For the glass samples (doped or undoped) the 19F magnetization recoveries were found to be adjusted by an exponential function and the spin-lattice relaxation was characterized by a single relaxation time. In contrast, for the samples treated above Tc, the 19F magnetization-recovery becomes non-exponential. A remarkable feature of our results is that the changes in the Cu2+, Mn2+, Gd3+ EPR spectra and NMR relaxation, are always observed for the samples annealed above Tc. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The in-medium influence on π0 photoproduction from spin zero nuclei is carefully studied in the GeV range using a straightforward Monte Carlo analysis. The calculation takes into account the relativistic nuclear recoil for coherent mechanisms (electromagnetic and nuclear amplitudes) plus a time dependent multi-collisional intranuclear cascade approach (MCMC) to describe the transport properties of mesons produced in the surroundings of the nucleon. A detailed analysis of the meson energy spectra for the photoproduction on 12C at 5.5 GeV indicates that both the Coulomb and nuclear coherent events are associated with a small energy transfer to the nucleus (≲ 5 MeV), while the contribution of the nuclear incoherent mechanism is vanishing small within this kinematical range. The angular distributions are dominated by the Primakoff peak at extreme forward angles, with the nuclear incoherent process being the most important contribution above θπ0 ≲ 20. Such consistent Monte Carlo approach provides a suitable method to clean up nuclear backgrounds in some recent high precision experiments, such as the PrimEx experiment at the Jefferson Laboratory Facility.