961 resultados para Localities embracing and accepting diversity (LEAD) program


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Application and development of activities based on in vitro technologies delivering research, industry development and biosecurity activities to sustain and improve the Australian banana industry.


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Commercialisation agreements supporting plantation development, carbon sequestration, climate change of hardwood species in Queensland.


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The aim of this project is to construct a large-scale erosion control education and demonstration facility at Redland Research Station. This will be done in collaboration with the Australian turf industry (as members of the steering committee) and consultant researcher Dr Rob Loch (project partner). The project will employ a part-time industry development officer (IDO) for Turf Australia to increase engagement with the project by the target audience. The project’s main strategy is to extend the research results from HAL funded project Optimising Turf Use to Minimise Soil Erosion on Construction Sites TU08033 so that the maximum return on investment can be derived for the turf levy payers and HAL from that study.


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The main aim of this project is to develop variety management packages to help tailor commercial malt and feed barley production in the Northern GRDC Region to commercial malt and feed barley specifications. Field trials are designed to give information.


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Identifying QTLs linked to malting and protein levels in barley using multispectral image data.


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This project will address gaps in our knowledge of how to manage three key sucking pests of cotton- mirids, stinkbugs and Solenopsis mealybug. While the pest status of mirids and stinkbugs is well established, solenopsis mealybug has only emerged as a pest in Australian cotton in 2008-09, and is belived to be an exotic incursion. The main aim of this project is to provide research outcomes that underpin the successful implementation of Integrated Pest Management in cotton.


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The project will evaluate seed bank depletion of key northern herbicide resistant weeds under different environments, cropping systems, crop agronomies and non-chemical control tactics. The project will also evaluate soil biology and seed bank relationships to explain differences in seed bank persistence.


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This project will develop better understanding of resistance to glyphosate, paraquat and Group I herbicides to better inform weed management. The project will develop a range of tools for farm advisors to improve their confidence in decision making with respect to reducing the risk of glyphosate, Group I and paraquat resistance. These will include risk assessments, case studies and scenario exploring tools. The project will discuss with commercial providers the potential for new herbicide registrations. The project will establish farm advisor learning groups to work on the application of the research in local areas where resistance is already a major problem and to improve adoption of research outcomes from this and other projects.


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Producing management packages for new northern barley varieties. Evaluating silage barley varieties.


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This project will provide information, germplasm, selection techniques and strategies for breeders to develop high-yielding stay-green wheat cultivars for Australian growers via a "three pronged" research strategy.


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This is a sub-project of the Australian Wheat and Barley Molecular Marker Program funded by GRDC and led by Drs Diane Mather and Ken Chalmers of University of Adelaide. In this sub-project we will supply phenotypic data on resistance to two species of root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus) on several populations of wheat doubled haploids. We will also supply existing genotypic data on one doubled haploid population. We will also test one population of doubled haploids (CPI133872/Janz) a second time for resistance to P. thornei and P. neglectus and supply this information to University of Adelaide for the development of molecular markers for use by wheat breeders in selecting for resistance to root-lesion nematodes.


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Management of Tobacco streak virus in sunflower and pulse crops.


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Epidemiology and management of tobacco streak virus in sunflower and pulse crops.


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Enhanced On-farm Monitoring and Mitigation of Pesticide and Nutrient Transport.


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A case study was undertaken to determine the economic impact of a change in management class as detailed in the A, B, C and D management class framework. This document focuses on the implications of changing from D to C, C to B and B to A class management in the Burdekin River irrigation area (BRIA) and if the change is worthwhile from an economic perspective. This report provides a guide to the economic impact that may be expected when undertaking a particular change in farming practices and will ultimately lead to more informed decisions being made by key industry stakeholders. It is recognised that these management classes have certain limitations and in many cases the grouping of practices may not be reflective of the real situation. The economic case study is based on the A, B, C and D management class framework for water quality improvement developed in 2007/2008 for the Burdekin natural resource management region. The framework for the Burdekin is currently being updated to clarify some issues and incorporate new knowledge since the earlier version of the framework. However, this updated version is not yet complete and so the Paddock to Reef project has used the most current available version of the framework for the modelling and economics. As part of the project specification, sugarcane crop production data for the BRIA was provided by the APSIM model. The information obtained from the APSIM crop modelling programme included sugarcane yields and legume grain yield (legume grain yield only applies to A class management practice). Because of the complexity involved in the economic calculations, a combination of the FEAT, PiRisk and a custom made spreadsheet was used for the economic analysis. Figures calculated in the FEAT program were transferred to the custom made spreadsheet to develop a discounted cash flow analysis. The marginal cash flow differences for each farming system were simulated over a 5-year and 10-year planning horizon to determine the net present value of changing across different management practices. PiRisk was used to test uncertain parameters in the economic analysis and the potential risk associated with a change in value.